:: This script allows you to serve different TiddlyWiki editions. :: :: It respects a TW_SERVE_EDITION_PATH environment variable. :: If this variable is set it will be used. A command line parameter will overwrite it. :: :: Ensure your server tiddlywiki.info configuration contains :: these plugins, otherwise saving is not possible: :: - "tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb" :: - "tiddlywiki/filesystem" @echo off echo. :: Help Wanted!! :: If you know how to improve -help and -version handling let us know if "%1" == "--help" call :help if "%1" == "-h" call :help if "%1" == "--version" call :version if "%1" == "-v" call :version if "%1" == "help" ( call :help ) else ( call :main %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 ) exit 0 :version echo TiddlyWiki serve.cmd script version 0.0.2" echo. exit 0 goto:eof :help echo Serve TiddlyWiki over HTTP echo. echo Optional parameters echo - %%1 .. edition directory .. full or relative path to edition directory echo - %%2 .. username .. for signing edits - can be empty like this: '""' echo - %%3 .. password .. can be empty like this: '""' echo - %%4 .. IP address or HOST .. defaults to localhost echo - %%5 .. PORT .. defaults to 8080 echo. echo Example 1 .\serve .\edition\tw5.com-server username echo Example 2 .\serve .\edition\tw5.com-server '""' '""' localhost 9090 echo .. Example 2 defines: empty username, empty password echo. echo Help information echo -v, --version .. shows the script version echo -h, --help, help .. shows this help information echo. exit 0 goto:eof :main if [%1] NEQ [] ( :: if there is a editions parameter .. use it. set TW_SERVE_EDITION_PATH=%1 ) else ( if [%TW_SERVE_EDITION_PATH%] == [] ( echo Please provide an edition path as your first parameter or echo define a valid TW_SERVE_EDITION_PATH environment variable. echo. echo Using default edition path 'editions\tw5.com-server' because no environment variable is set echo. set TW_SERVE_EDITION_PATH= editions\tw5.com-server ) ) :: The editions path must exist! if not exist %TW_SERVE_EDITION_PATH%\nul ( echo The Path: "%TW_SERVE_EDITION_PATH%" does not exist exit 1 ) if [%5] == [] ( echo Using default port 8080 set PORT=8080 ) else ( echo Using port %5 set PORT=%5 ) echo Using edition: %TW_SERVE_EDITION_PATH% echo. node .\tiddlywiki.js ^ %TW_SERVE_EDITION_PATH% ^ --verbose ^ --server %PORT% $:/core/save/all text/plain text/html %2 %3 %4^ || exit 1 goto:eof