/*\ title: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/html.js type: application/javascript module-type: wikirule Wiki rule for HTML elements and widgets. For example: {{{ <$slider target="MyTiddler"> This is a widget invocation }}} \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; exports.name = "html"; exports.types = {inline: true, block: true}; exports.init = function(parser) { this.parser = parser; // Regexp to match if(this.is.block) { this.matchRegExp = /<([A-Za-z\$]+)(\s*[^>]*?)(\/)?>(\r?\n)/mg; } else { this.matchRegExp = /<([A-Za-z\$]+)(\s*[^>]*?)(?:(\/>)|(?:>(\r?\n)?))/mg; } }; /* Parse the most recent match */ exports.parse = function() { // Get all the details of the match in case this parser is called recursively var tagName = this.match[1], attributeString = this.match[2], isSelfClosing = !!this.match[3], hasLineBreak = !!this.match[4]; // Move past the tag name and parameters this.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex; var reAttr = /\s*([A-Za-z\-_]+)(?:\s*=\s*(?:("[^"]*")|('[^']*')|(\{\{[^\}]*\}\})|([^"'\s]+)))?/mg; // Process the attributes var attrMatch = reAttr.exec(attributeString), attributes = {}; while(attrMatch) { var name = attrMatch[1], value; if(attrMatch[2]) { // Double quoted value = {type: "string", value: attrMatch[2].substring(1,attrMatch[2].length-1)}; } else if(attrMatch[3]) { // Single quoted value = {type: "string", value: attrMatch[3].substring(1,attrMatch[3].length-1)}; } else if(attrMatch[4]) { // Double curly brace quoted value = {type: "indirect", textReference: attrMatch[4].substr(2,attrMatch[4].length-4)}; } else if(attrMatch[5]) { // Unquoted value = {type: "string", value: attrMatch[5]}; } else { // Valueless value = {type: "string", value: "true"}; // TODO: We should have a way of indicating we want an attribute without a value } attributes[name] = value; attrMatch = reAttr.exec(attributeString); } // Process the end tag if(!isSelfClosing && $tw.config.htmlVoidElements.indexOf(tagName) === -1) { var reEndString = "()", reEnd = new RegExp(reEndString,"mg"), content; if(hasLineBreak) { content = this.parser.parseBlocks(reEndString); } else { content = this.parser.parseInlineRun(reEnd); } reEnd.lastIndex = this.parser.pos; var endMatch = reEnd.exec(this.parser.source); if(endMatch && endMatch.index === this.parser.pos) { this.parser.pos = endMatch.index + endMatch[0].length; } } else { content = []; } var element = { type: "element", tag: tagName, isBlock: this.is.block || hasLineBreak, attributes: attributes, children: content }; return [element]; }; })();