created: 20140518150234142 modified: 20140624094134118 tags: releasenote title: Release 5.0.13-beta type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki released: 201406240941 caption: 5.0.13-beta //[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|]]// !! Accessibility Improvements This release includes a number of features designed to improve the experience of TiddlyWiki with a screen reader. Particular thanks to [[@domasofan|]] for his feedback * [[Added|]] label and title for show/hide sidebar buttons * [[Added|]] label and title for advanced search link * [[Added|]] label and title for close buttons in "Open" sidebar tab * [[Added|]] ''aria-label'' support to the LinkWidget * [[Switched|]] to H1 tags for the page title and H2 tags for tiddler titles * [[Added|]] label and title for tiddler and page toolbar buttons !! Usability Improvements * [[Added|]] support for global [[Macros in WikiText]] via the new ImportVariablesWidget * [[Added|]] new SelectWidget * [[Improved|]] behaviour of `text/html` tiddlers so that they are displayed within an HTML iframe element * [[Added|]] group headings to the content type dropdown in edit mode * [[Improved|]] advanced navigation settings in [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use radio buttons * [[Improved|]] (and [[here|]]) behaviour of PermaLinks so that now [ext[]] just opens the single specified tiddler * [[Added|]] support for triple-quoted multi-line attributes with [[macros|Macros in WikiText]], [[widgets|Widgets in WikiText]] and [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]] * [[Added|]] TableOfContents tab for edition !! Hackability Improvements * [[Restored|]] ''escape'' as a shortcut to abandon edits * [[Added|]] support for ExternalImages that are referenced by URI and not stored in the TiddlyWiki HTML file * [[Added|]] new SetFieldCommand * [[Added|]] new SaveTiddlersCommand * [[Added|]] support for system tag [[$:/tags/RawMarkup]] * [[Added|]] editor type mappings to control panel advanced tab * [[Refactored|]] CodeMirror ( plugin for simpler configuration * [[Added|]] support for [[Environment Variables on Node.js]] * [[Extended|]] ServerCommand to allow a path prefix * [[Extended|]] [[FilterOperator: listed]] to use any list field !! Bug Fixes * Fixed [[here|]] and [[here|]] the problem with state tiddlers being inadvertently saved * [[Fixed|]] bug with TextWidget not refreshing correctly * [[Fixed|]] problem with vertical tabs in Safari * [[Fixed|]] issue with images in Markdown !! Contributors [[@Jermolene|]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki: * [[@BramChen|]] * [[@buggyj|]] * [[@csugden|]] * [[@danielo515|]] * [[@IreneKnapp|]] * [[@jayfresh|]] * [[@mwfogleman|]] * [[@xcazin|]]