title: $:/language/codemirror/ homeUrl: http://codemirror.net addOnUrl: http://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html#addons configUrl: http://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html#config controlPanel/hint: These settings let you customise the behaviour of [[CodeMirror|$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror]]. controlPanel/usage: Usage information editorFont/hint: Editor font family editorFont/info: Set the font family for the ~CodeMirror text-editor controlPanel/keyboard: Keyboard shortcuts keyMap/hint: ~CodeMirror keymap keyMap/info: ~The Keyboard KeyMap used within the ~CodeMirror text-editor lineNumbers/hint: Enable line numbers lineNumbers/info: Whether to show line numbers to the left of the editor. lineWrapping/hint: Enable line wrapping lineWrapping/info: Whether CodeMirror should scroll or wrap for long lines. Defaults to `false` (scroll). showCursorWhenSelecting/hint: Show cursor, when selecting showCursorWhenSelecting/info: Whether the cursor should be drawn when a selection is active. styleActiveLine/hint: Highlight active line styleActiveLine/info: Whether or not to highlight the active text-editor line theme/hint: Select a theme theme/info: Choose between ~CodeMirror themes