jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var _numTiddlers; var module_tiddlers = [{title: "tvalue1", tags: ["twtesthello"], fields: {xyz:"bar"}}, {title: "tvalue2", tags: []}, {title: "tvalue3", tags: ["twtesthello", "goodbye"], fields: {xyz: "bar"}}, {title: "tvalue4", tags: ["what"], fields:{xyz:"bar"}}, {title: "tvalue5", tags: [], fields:{xyz:"barz"}} ]; module("TiddlyWiki.js", { setup: function() { for(var i = 0; i < module_tiddlers.length; i++) { var tid = module_tiddlers[i]; store.saveTiddler(tid.title, tid.title, tid.text, null, null, tid.tags, tid.fields); } _numTiddlers = store.getTiddlers().length; }, teardown: function() { _numTiddlers = false; for(var i = 0; i < module_tiddlers.length; i++) { var tid = module_tiddlers[i]; store.removeTiddler(tid.title); } } }); test("saveTiddler() fields", function() { var store = new TiddlyWiki(); var title = "tiddler"; var text = "text"; var fields = {a:"aa", b:"bb"}; config.defaultCustomFields = {}; var tiddler = store.saveTiddler(title, title, text, null, null, null, fields); tiddler.clearChangeCount(); actual = tiddler.fields; expected = {a:"aa", b:"bb"}; same(actual,expected,'fields should be unchanged when defaultCustomFields empty'); config.defaultCustomFields = {dcf1:"d1", dcf2:"d2"}; tiddler = store.saveTiddler(title, title, text, null, null, null, fields); tiddler.clearChangeCount(); actual = tiddler.fields; expected = {a:"aa", b:"bb", dcf1:"d1", dcf2:"d2"}; same(actual,expected,'fields should be merged with defaultCustomFields'); config.defaultCustomFields = {a:"xx", b:"yy", dcf1:"d1", dcf2:"d2"}; tiddler = store.saveTiddler(title, title, text, null, null, null, fields); tiddler.clearChangeCount(); actual = tiddler.fields; expected = {a:"aa", b:"bb", dcf1:"d1", dcf2:"d2"}; same(actual,expected,'defaultCustomFields should not overwrite fields'); }); test("Slices: calcAllSlices()", function() { var store = new TiddlyWiki(); var actual = typeof store.calcAllSlices(); var expected = "object"; same(actual,expected,'should return an object when not passed any arguments'); actual = typeof store.calcAllSlices(""); expected = "object"; same(actual,expected,'should return an object when passed an empty string'); actual = typeof store.calcAllSlices("MissingTiddler"); expected = "object"; same(actual,expected,'should return an object when pointed to a non-existing tiddler'); var title = "tiddler"; var text = "foo: bar"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { "foo": "bar" }; same(actual,expected,'should return an existing slice (colon notation) as a label/value pair'); title = "tiddler"; text = "foo: bar\nlorem: ipsum"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { foo: "bar", lorem: "ipsum" }; same(actual,expected,'should return existing slices (colon notation) as label/value pairs'); title = "tiddler"; text = "|foo|bar|"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { foo: "bar" }; same(actual,expected,'should return an existing slice (table notation) as a label/value pair'); title = "tiddler"; text = "|foo|bar|\n|lorem|ipsum|"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { foo: "bar", lorem: "ipsum" }; same(actual,expected,'should return existing slices (table notation) as label/value pairs'); title = "tiddler"; text = "|''foo''|bar|"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { foo: "bar" }; same(actual,expected,'should strip bold markup from slice labels'); title = "tiddler"; text = "|//foo//|bar|"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { foo: "bar" }; same(actual,expected,'should strip italic markup from slice labels'); title = "tiddler"; text = "|foo|''bar''|"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { foo: "''bar''" }; same(actual,expected,'should not strip markup from slice values'); title = "tiddler"; text = "|~FooBar|baz|"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { FooBar: "baz" }; same(actual,expected,'should ignore the escaping character for WikiWords in slice labels'); title = "tiddler"; text = "|~foo|bar|"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { foo: "bar" }; same(actual,expected,'should ignore the escaping character for non-WikiWords in slice labels'); title = "tiddler"; text = "|foo|~BarBaz|"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { foo: "~BarBaz" }; same(actual,expected,'should not ignore the escaping character for WikiWords in slice values'); title = "tiddler"; text = "|foo|~bar|"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { foo: "~bar" }; same(actual,expected,'should not ignore the escaping character for non-WikiWords in slice values'); title = "tiddler"; text = "|foo bar|baz|"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = {}; same(actual,expected,'should ignore slices whose label contains spaces'); title = "tiddler"; text = "|foo|bar baz|"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { foo: "bar baz" }; same(actual,expected,'should not ignore slices whose value contains spaces'); title = "tiddler"; text = "|foo:|bar|"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { foo: "bar" }; same(actual,expected,'should strip trailing colons from slice labels (table notation)'); title = "tiddler"; text = "''~FooBar:'' baz"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { FooBar: "baz" }; same(actual,expected,'should strip bold markup from slice labels (colon notation)'); title = "tiddler"; text = "//~FooBar:// baz"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { FooBar: "baz" }; same(actual,expected,'should strip italic markup from slice labels (colon notation)'); title = "tiddler"; text = "|''~FooBar:''|baz|"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { FooBar: "baz" }; same(actual,expected,'should strip bold markup from slice labels (table notation)'); title = "tiddler"; text = "|//~FooBar://|baz|"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { FooBar: "baz" }; same(actual,expected,'should strip italic markup from slice labels (table notation)'); title = "tiddler"; text = "foo: bar: baz"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { foo: "bar: baz" }; same(actual,expected,'should ignore colons in slice values (colon notation)'); title = "tiddler"; text = "foo.bar: baz"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { "foo.bar": "baz" }; same(actual,expected,'should allow dots in slice labels'); title = "tiddler"; text = "foo: bar|baz"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { "foo": "bar|baz" }; same(actual,expected,'should allow pipes in slice values (colon notation)'); title = "tiddler"; text = "|foo|bar|baz|"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { "foo": "bar|baz" }; // same(actual,expected,'should allow pipes in slice values (table notation)'); title = "tiddler"; text = "foo: lorem [[bar|baz]] ipsum"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { foo: "lorem [[bar|baz]] ipsum" }; same(actual,expected,'should retrieve slices containing PrettyLinks (colon notation)'); title = "tiddler"; text = "foo: lorem [img[qux|bar.baz]] ipsum"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { foo: "lorem [img[qux|bar.baz]] ipsum" }; same(actual,expected,'should retrieve slices containing image markup (colon notation)'); /* // FAILURE // ticket #522 (http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/522) title = "tiddler"; text = "//{{{\nfoo: bar;\n//}}}"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = {}; same(actual,expected,'should disregard apparent slices within code sections'); */ title = "tiddler"; text = "{\n\tfoo: 'bar'\n}\n"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = {}; same(actual,expected,'should disregard slices within JSON structures'); }); test("Slices: getTiddlerSlice()", function() { var store = new TiddlyWiki(); var actual = store.getTiddlerSlice(); var expected = undefined; same(actual,expected,'should return undefined when not passed any arguments'); actual = store.getTiddlerSlice("tiddler", "foo"); expected = undefined; same(actual,expected,'should return undefined when pointed to non-existing tiddler'); title = "tiddler"; text = "foo bar\nbaz"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.getTiddlerSlice(title, "foo"); expected = undefined; same(actual,expected,'should return undefined when pointed to non-existing slice'); title = "tiddler"; text = "foo: bar"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.getTiddlerSlice(title, "foo"); expected = "bar"; same(actual,expected,'should return slice value when given slice label (colon notation)'); title = "tiddler"; text = "|foo|bar|"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.getTiddlerSlice(title, "foo"); expected = "bar"; same(actual,expected,'should return slice value when given slice label (table notation)'); /* // FAILURE // ticket #370 (http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/370) title = "tiddler"; text = "|!foo|bar|"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { foo: "bar" }; same(actual,expected,'should strip heading markup from slice labels (table notation)'); // FAILURE // ticket #370 (http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/370) title = "tiddler"; text = "[[foo]]: bar"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { "foo": "bar" }; same(actual,expected,'should strip double brackets (PrettyLinks) from slice labels'); // FAILURE // ticket #370 (http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/370) title = "tiddler"; text = "[foo]: bar"; store.saveTiddler(title, title, text); actual = store.calcAllSlices(title); expected = { "[foo]": "bar" }; same(actual,expected,'should allow brackets in slice labels'); */ }); test("getTaggedTiddlers", function() { var tiddlers = store.getTaggedTiddlers("twtesthello"); strictEqual(tiddlers.length, 2, 'No message'); }); test("getValueTiddlers", function() { var tiddlers = store.getValueTiddlers("xyz", "bar"); var tiddlers2 = store.getValueTiddlers("tags", "twtesthello"); strictEqual(tiddlers.length, 3, 'No message'); }); test("filterTiddlers", function() { var tiddlers = store.filterTiddlers("[tag[twtesthello]]"); var tiddlers2 = store.filterTiddlers("[xyz[bar]]"); var tiddlers3 = store.filterTiddlers("[tag[twtesthello]][limit[1]]"); var tiddlers4 = store.filterTiddlers("[xyz[bar]][limit[2]]"); strictEqual(tiddlers.length, 2, 'No message'); strictEqual(tiddlers2.length, 3, 'No message'); strictEqual(tiddlers3.length, 1, 'No message'); strictEqual(tiddlers4.length, 2, 'No message'); }); test("reverseLookup (custom fields)", function() { var lookupField = "server.bag"; var lookupValue = "foo"; var sortField = "modified"; var tiddlers = store.reverseLookup(lookupField,lookupValue,true,sortField); var tiddlers2 = store.reverseLookup(lookupField,lookupValue,false,sortField); strictEqual(tiddlers.length, 1); strictEqual(tiddlers[0].title, "testTiddler3"); strictEqual(tiddlers2.length, _numTiddlers - 1, "returns all the tiddlers minus the one with this field match"); }); test("reverseLookup (tags)", function() { var lookupField = "tags"; var lookupValue = "testTag"; var sortField = "title"; var tiddlers = store.reverseLookup(lookupField,lookupValue,true,sortField); var tiddlers2 = store.reverseLookup(lookupField,lookupValue,false,sortField); strictEqual(tiddlers.length, 3); strictEqual(tiddlers[0].title, "testTiddler1"); strictEqual(tiddlers[1].title, "testTiddler2"); strictEqual(tiddlers[2].title, "testTiddler3"); strictEqual(tiddlers2.length, _numTiddlers - 3, "returns all the tiddlers minus the three tiddler with this tag"); }); test("reverseLookup (links)", function() { var lookupField = "links"; var lookupValue = "testTiddler2"; var sortField = "title"; var tiddlers = store.reverseLookup(lookupField,lookupValue,true,sortField); var tiddlers2 = store.reverseLookup(lookupField,lookupValue,false,sortField); strictEqual(tiddlers.length, 1); strictEqual(tiddlers[0].title, "testTiddler3"); strictEqual(tiddlers2.length, _numTiddlers - 1, "returns all the tiddlers minus the one tiddler with this link"); }); test("reverseLookup (attribute)", function() { var lookupField = "creator"; var lookupValue = "martin"; var sortField = "title"; var tiddlers = store.reverseLookup(lookupField,lookupValue,true,sortField); var tiddlers2 = store.reverseLookup(lookupField,lookupValue,false,sortField); strictEqual(tiddlers.length, 1); strictEqual(tiddlers[0].title, "testTiddler3"); strictEqual(tiddlers2.length, _numTiddlers - 1, "returns all the tiddlers minus the one tiddler created by martin"); }); var _loadFromDiv, storeArea; module("TiddlyWiki.js - importTiddlyWiki", { setup: function() { _loadFromDiv = TiddlyWiki.prototype.loadFromDiv; TiddlyWiki.prototype.loadFromDiv = function(area) { storeArea = area; }; }, teardown: function() { TiddlyWiki.prototype.loadFromDiv = _loadFromDiv; storeArea = null; } }); test("importTiddlyWiki empty store", function() { var html = ['<html><head></head><body>', '<!--POST-SHADOWAREA-->', '<div id="storeArea">', '</div>', '<!--POST-STOREAREA-->', '</body></html>'].join("\n"); store.importTiddlyWiki(html); strictEqual($(storeArea).attr("id"), "storeArea", "make sure a storeArea was found"); }); test("importTiddlyWiki empty store (post body start)", function() { var html = ['<html><head></head><body>', '<!--POST-SHADOWAREA-->', '<div id="storeArea">', '</div>', ,'<!--POST-BODY-START-->','</body></html>'].join("\n"); store.importTiddlyWiki(html); strictEqual($(storeArea).attr("id"), "storeArea", "make sure a storeArea was found"); }); test("importTiddlyWiki empty store (minified test)", function() { var html = ['<html><head></head><body>', '<!--POST-SHADOWAREA-->', '<div id="storeArea">', '</div>', ,'<!--POST-BODY-START-->','</body></html>'].join(""); // join without newlines store.importTiddlyWiki(html); strictEqual($(storeArea).attr("id"), "storeArea", "make sure a storeArea was found"); }); test("importTiddlyWiki empty store (minified test)", function() { var html = ['<html><head></head><body>', '<!--POST-SHADOWAREA-->', '<div id="storeArea"><div class="tiddler">hello</div>', '</div>', ,'<!--POST-BODY-START-->','</body></html>'].join(""); // join without newlines store.importTiddlyWiki(html); strictEqual($(storeArea).attr("id"), "storeArea", "make sure a storeArea was found"); strictEqual($(".tiddler", storeArea).length, 1, "there is one element with class tiddler within the element"); }); test("importTiddlyWiki empty store (no comments)", function() { var html = ['<html><head></head><body>','<div id="storeArea"><div class="tiddler">hello</div></div>', '</body></html>'].join(""); // join without newlines store.importTiddlyWiki(html); strictEqual($(storeArea).attr("id"), "storeArea", "make sure a storeArea was found"); strictEqual($(".tiddler", storeArea).length, 1, "there is one element with class tiddler within the element"); }); test("importTiddlyWiki empty store (upper case tags)", function() { var html = ['<HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY>','<DIV ID="storeArea"><DIV class="tiddler">hello</DIV></DIV>', '</BODY></HTML>'].join("\n"); // join with newlines store.importTiddlyWiki(html); strictEqual($(storeArea).attr("id"), "storeArea", "make sure a storeArea was found"); strictEqual($(".tiddler", storeArea).length, 1, "there is one element with class tiddler within the element"); }); test("importTiddlyWiki empty store (storeArea in single quotes)", function() { var html = ["<HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY>","<DIV ID='storeArea'>",'<DIV class="tiddler">hello</DIV></DIV>', '</BODY></HTML>'].join("\n"); // join with newlines store.importTiddlyWiki(html); strictEqual($(storeArea).attr("id"), "storeArea", "make sure a storeArea was found"); strictEqual($(".tiddler", storeArea).length, 1, "there is one element with class tiddler within the element"); }); test("importTiddlyWiki empty store (storeArea with no quotes)", function() { var html = ["<HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY>","<DIV id=storeArea>",'<DIV class="tiddler">hello</DIV></DIV>', '</BODY></HTML>'].join("\n"); // join with newlines store.importTiddlyWiki(html); strictEqual($(storeArea).attr("id"), "storeArea", "make sure a storeArea was found"); strictEqual($(".tiddler", storeArea).length, 1, "there is one element with class tiddler within the element"); }); });