/*\ title: js/WikiStore.js \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true */ "use strict"; var Tiddler = require("./Tiddler.js").Tiddler, utils = require("./Utils.js"), util = require("util"); /* Creates a new WikiStore object Available options are: shadowStore: An existing WikiStore to use for shadow tiddler storage. Pass null to prevent a default shadow store from being created */ var WikiStore = function WikiStore(options) { options = options || {}; this.tiddlers = {}; this.textProcessors = {}; this.tiddlerSerializers = {}; this.tiddlerDeserializers = {}; this.sandbox = options.sandbox; this.shadows = options.shadowStore !== undefined ? options.shadowStore : new WikiStore({ shadowStore: null }); }; WikiStore.prototype.registerTextProcessor = function(type,processor) { this.textProcessors[type] = processor; }; WikiStore.prototype.registerTiddlerSerializer = function(extension,mimeType,serializer) { this.tiddlerSerializers[extension] = serializer; this.tiddlerSerializers[mimeType] = serializer; }; WikiStore.prototype.registerTiddlerDeserializer = function(extension,mimeType,deserializer) { this.tiddlerDeserializers[extension] = deserializer; this.tiddlerDeserializers[mimeType] = deserializer; }; WikiStore.prototype.getTiddler = function(title) { var t = this.tiddlers[title]; if(t instanceof Tiddler) { return t; } else if(this.shadows) { return this.shadows.getTiddler(title); } else { return null; } }; WikiStore.prototype.getTiddlerText = function(title) { var t = this.getTiddler(title); return t instanceof Tiddler ? t.fields.text : null; }; WikiStore.prototype.deleteTiddler = function(title) { delete this.tiddlers[title]; }; WikiStore.prototype.tiddlerExists = function(title) { var exists = this.tiddlers[title] instanceof Tiddler; if(exists) { return true; } else if (this.shadows) { return this.shadows.tiddlerExists(title); } return ; }; WikiStore.prototype.addTiddler = function(tiddler) { this.tiddlers[tiddler.fields.title] = tiddler; }; WikiStore.prototype.forEachTiddler = function(/* [sortField,[excludeTag,]]callback */) { var a = 0, sortField = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[a++] : null, excludeTag = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[a++] : null, callback = arguments[a++], t,tiddlers = [],tiddler; if(sortField) { for(t in this.tiddlers) { tiddlers.push(this.tiddlers[t]); } tiddlers.sort(function (a,b) { var aa = a.fields[sortField] || 0, bb = b.fields[sortField] || 0; if(aa < bb) { return -1; } else { if(aa > bb) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } }); for(t=0; t" + utils.htmlEncode(tiddler.fields[field]) + ""; break; case "wikified": return this.renderTiddler("text/html",tiddler.fields.title); break; case "date": template = template || "DD MMM YYYY"; return utils.htmlEncode(utils.formatDateString(tiddler.fields[field],template)); break; } } return ""; }; WikiStore.prototype.classesForLink = function(target) { return this.tiddlerExists(target) ? "class=\"linkResolves\"" : ""; }; WikiStore.prototype.listTiddlers = function(type,template,emptyMessage) { return "Listing!"; }; /* argOptions: {defaultName:"type"}, handler: function(macroNode,args,title) { var type = args.getValueByName("type","all"), template = args.getValueByName("template",null), templateType = "text/x-tiddlywiki", templateText = "<>", emptyMessage = args.getValueByName("emptyMessage",null); // Get the template to use template = template ? this.store.getTiddler(template) : null; if(template) { templateType = template.fields.type; templateText = template.fields.text; } // Get the handler and the tiddlers var handler = WikiTextRenderer.macros.list.types[type]; handler = handler || WikiTextRenderer.macros.list.types.all; var tiddlers = handler.call(this); // Render them as a list var ul = {type: "ul", children: []}; for(var t=0; t 0) { macroNode.output.push(ul); this.executeMacros(macroNode.output,title); } else if (emptyMessage) { macroNode.output.push({type: "text", value: emptyMessage}); } }, types: { all: function() { return this.store.getTitles("title","excludeLists"); }, missing: function() { return this.store.getMissingTitles(); }, orphans: function() { return this.store.getOrphanTitles(); }, shadowed: function() { return this.store.getShadowTitles(); }, touched: function() { // Server syncing isn't implemented yet return []; }, filter: function() { // Filters aren't implemented yet return []; } } }, */ WikiStore.prototype.parseText = function(type,text) { var processor = this.textProcessors[type]; if(!processor) { processor = this.textProcessors["text/x-tiddlywiki"]; } if(processor) { return processor.parse(text); } else { return null; } }; WikiStore.prototype.parseTiddler = function(title) { var tiddler = this.getTiddler(title); if(tiddler) { return this.parseText(tiddler.fields.type,tiddler.fields.text); } else { return null; } }; /* Render a tiddler to a particular MIME type. Optionally render it with a different tiddler as the context. This option is used to render a tiddler through a template as store.renderTiddler("text/html",tiddler,template) */ WikiStore.prototype.renderTiddler = function(type,title,asTitle) { var parser = this.parseTiddler(title), asTitleExists = asTitle ? this.tiddlerExists(asTitle) : true; if(parser && asTitleExists) { return parser.render(type,parser.children,this,asTitle ? asTitle : title); } else { return null; } }; WikiStore.prototype.compileTiddler = function(type,title,asTitle) { var parser = this.parseTiddler(title), asTitleExists = asTitle ? this.tiddlerExists(asTitle) : true; if(parser && asTitleExists) { return parser.compile(type,parser.children,this,asTitle ? asTitle : title); } else { return null; } }; WikiStore.prototype.installMacros = function() { this.macros = { echo: { params: { text: {byPos: 0, type: "text", optional: false} }, code: { "text/html": this.sandbox.parse("return '

' + utils.htmlEncode(params.text) + '

';"), "text/plain": this.sandbox.parse("return params.text;") } }, view: { params: { field: {byPos: 0, type: "text", optional: false}, format: {byPos: 1, type: "text", optional: true}, template: {byPos: 2, type: "text", optional: true} }, code: { "text/html": this.sandbox.parse("return '' + store.getFormattedTiddlerField(tiddler.fields.title,params.field,params.format,params.template) + '';"), "text/plain": this.sandbox.parse("return store.getFormattedTiddlerField(tiddler.fields.title,params.field,params.format,params.template);") } }, list: { params: { type: {byName: "default", type: "text", optional: false}, template: {byName: true, type: "tiddler", optional: true}, emptyMessage: {byName: true, type: "text", optional: true} }, code: { "text/html": this.sandbox.parse("return '' + store.listTiddlers(params.type,params.template,params.emptyMessage) + '';"), "text/plain": this.sandbox.parse("return store.listTiddlers(params.type,params.template,params.emptyMessage);") } } }; }; exports.WikiStore = WikiStore; })();