/*\ title: $:/core/modules/widgets/checkbox.js type: application/javascript module-type: widget Checkbox widget \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; var Widget = require("$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js").widget; var CheckboxWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) { this.initialise(parseTreeNode,options); }; /* Inherit from the base widget class */ CheckboxWidget.prototype = new Widget(); /* Render this widget into the DOM */ CheckboxWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) { // Save the parent dom node this.parentDomNode = parent; // Compute our attributes this.computeAttributes(); // Execute our logic this.execute(); // Create our elements this.labelDomNode = this.document.createElement("label"); this.labelDomNode.setAttribute("class","tc-checkbox " + this.checkboxClass); this.inputDomNode = this.document.createElement("input"); this.inputDomNode.setAttribute("type","checkbox"); if(this.getValue()) { this.inputDomNode.setAttribute("checked","true"); $tw.utils.addClass(this.labelDomNode,"tc-checkbox-checked"); } if(this.isDisabled === "yes") { this.inputDomNode.setAttribute("disabled",true); } this.labelDomNode.appendChild(this.inputDomNode); this.spanDomNode = this.document.createElement("span"); this.labelDomNode.appendChild(this.spanDomNode); // Add a click event handler $tw.utils.addEventListeners(this.inputDomNode,[ {name: "change", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: "handleChangeEvent"} ]); // Insert the label into the DOM and render any children parent.insertBefore(this.labelDomNode,nextSibling); this.renderChildren(this.spanDomNode,null); this.domNodes.push(this.labelDomNode); }; CheckboxWidget.prototype.getValue = function() { var tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.checkboxTitle); if(tiddler || this.checkboxFilter) { if(this.checkboxTag) { if(this.checkboxInvertTag) { return !tiddler.hasTag(this.checkboxTag); } else { return tiddler.hasTag(this.checkboxTag); } } if(this.checkboxField || this.checkboxIndex) { // Same logic applies to fields and indexes var value; if(this.checkboxField) { if($tw.utils.hop(tiddler.fields,this.checkboxField)) { value = tiddler.fields[this.checkboxField] || ""; } else { value = this.checkboxDefault || ""; } } else { value = this.wiki.extractTiddlerDataItem(tiddler,this.checkboxIndex,this.checkboxDefault || ""); } if(value === this.checkboxChecked) { return true; } if(value === this.checkboxUnchecked) { return false; } // Neither value found: were both specified? if(this.checkboxChecked && !this.checkboxUnchecked) { return false; // Absence of checked value } if(this.checkboxUnchecked && !this.checkboxChecked) { return true; // Absence of unchecked value } } if(this.checkboxListField || this.checkboxListIndex || this.checkboxFilter) { // Same logic applies to lists and filters var list; if(this.checkboxListField) { if($tw.utils.hop(tiddler.fields,this.checkboxListField)) { list = tiddler.getFieldList(this.checkboxListField); } else { list = $tw.utils.parseStringArray(this.checkboxDefault || "") || []; } } else if (this.checkboxListIndex) { list = $tw.utils.parseStringArray(this.wiki.extractTiddlerDataItem(tiddler,this.checkboxListIndex,this.checkboxDefault || "")) || []; } else { list = this.wiki.filterTiddlers(this.checkboxFilter,this) || []; } if(list.indexOf(this.checkboxChecked) !== -1) { return true; } if(list.indexOf(this.checkboxUnchecked) !== -1) { return false; } // Neither one present if(this.checkboxChecked && !this.checkboxUnchecked) { return false; // Absence of checked value } if(this.checkboxUnchecked && !this.checkboxChecked) { return true; // Absence of unchecked value } if(this.checkboxChecked && this.checkboxUnchecked) { return false; // Both specified but neither found: default to false } // Neither specified, so empty list is false, non-empty is true return !!list.length; } } else { if(this.checkboxTag) { return false; } if(this.checkboxField) { if(this.checkboxDefault === this.checkboxChecked) { return true; } if(this.checkboxDefault === this.checkboxUnchecked) { return false; } } } return false; }; CheckboxWidget.prototype.handleChangeEvent = function(event) { var checked = this.inputDomNode.checked, tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.checkboxTitle), fallbackFields = {text: ""}, newFields = {title: this.checkboxTitle}, hasChanged = false, tagCheck = false, hasTag = tiddler && tiddler.hasTag(this.checkboxTag), value = checked ? this.checkboxChecked : this.checkboxUnchecked, notValue = checked ? this.checkboxUnchecked : this.checkboxChecked; if(this.checkboxTag && this.checkboxInvertTag === "yes") { tagCheck = hasTag === checked; } else { tagCheck = hasTag !== checked; } // Set the tag if specified if(this.checkboxTag && (!tiddler || tagCheck)) { newFields.tags = tiddler ? (tiddler.fields.tags || []).slice(0) : []; var pos = newFields.tags.indexOf(this.checkboxTag); if(pos !== -1) { newFields.tags.splice(pos,1); } if(this.checkboxInvertTag === "yes" && !checked) { newFields.tags.push(this.checkboxTag); } else if(this.checkboxInvertTag !== "yes" && checked) { newFields.tags.push(this.checkboxTag); } hasChanged = true; } // Set the field if specified if(this.checkboxField) { if(!tiddler || tiddler.fields[this.checkboxField] !== value) { newFields[this.checkboxField] = value; hasChanged = true; } } // Set the index if specified if(this.checkboxIndex) { var indexValue = this.wiki.extractTiddlerDataItem(this.checkboxTitle,this.checkboxIndex); if(!tiddler || indexValue !== value) { hasChanged = true; } } // Set the list field (or index) if specified if(this.checkboxListField || this.checkboxListIndex) { var listContents, oldPos, newPos; if(this.checkboxListField) { listContents = tiddler.getFieldList(this.checkboxListField); } else { listContents = $tw.utils.parseStringArray(this.wiki.extractTiddlerDataItem(this.checkboxTitle,this.checkboxListIndex) || "") || []; } oldPos = notValue ? listContents.indexOf(notValue) : -1; newPos = value ? listContents.indexOf(value) : -1; if(oldPos === -1 && newPos !== -1) { // old value absent, new value present: no change needed } else if(oldPos === -1) { // neither one was present if(value) { listContents.push(value); hasChanged = true; } else { // value unspecified? then leave list unchanged } } else if(newPos === -1) { // old value present, new value absent if(value) { listContents[oldPos] = value; hasChanged = true; } else { listContents.splice(oldPos, 1) hasChanged = true; } } else { // both were present: just remove the old one, leave new alone listContents.splice(oldPos, 1) hasChanged = true; } if(this.checkboxListField) { newFields[this.checkboxListField] = $tw.utils.stringifyList(listContents); } // The listIndex case will be handled in the if(hasChanged) block below } if(hasChanged) { if(this.checkboxIndex) { this.wiki.setText(this.checkboxTitle,"",this.checkboxIndex,value); } else if(this.checkboxListIndex) { var listIndexValue = (listContents && listContents.length) ? $tw.utils.stringifyList(listContents) : undefined; this.wiki.setText(this.checkboxTitle,"",this.checkboxListIndex,listIndexValue); } else { this.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(this.wiki.getCreationFields(),fallbackFields,tiddler,newFields,this.wiki.getModificationFields())); } } // Trigger actions if(this.checkboxActions) { this.invokeActionString(this.checkboxActions,this,event); } if(this.checkboxCheckActions && checked) { this.invokeActionString(this.checkboxCheckActions,this,event); } if(this.checkboxUncheckActions && !checked) { this.invokeActionString(this.checkboxUncheckActions,this,event); } }; /* Compute the internal state of the widget */ CheckboxWidget.prototype.execute = function() { // Get the parameters from the attributes this.checkboxActions = this.getAttribute("actions"); this.checkboxCheckActions = this.getAttribute("checkactions"); this.checkboxUncheckActions = this.getAttribute("uncheckactions"); this.checkboxTitle = this.getAttribute("tiddler",this.getVariable("currentTiddler")); this.checkboxTag = this.getAttribute("tag"); this.checkboxField = this.getAttribute("field"); this.checkboxIndex = this.getAttribute("index"); this.checkboxListField = this.getAttribute("listField"); this.checkboxListIndex = this.getAttribute("listIndex"); this.checkboxFilter = this.getAttribute("filter"); this.checkboxChecked = this.getAttribute("checked"); this.checkboxUnchecked = this.getAttribute("unchecked"); this.checkboxDefault = this.getAttribute("default"); this.checkboxClass = this.getAttribute("class",""); this.checkboxInvertTag = this.getAttribute("invertTag",""); this.isDisabled = this.getAttribute("disabled","no"); // Make the child widgets this.makeChildWidgets(); }; /* Selectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering */ CheckboxWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) { var changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes(); if(changedAttributes.tiddler || changedAttributes.tag || changedAttributes.invertTag || changedAttributes.field || changedAttributes.index || changedAttributes.listField || changedAttributes.filter || changedAttributes.checked || changedAttributes.unchecked || changedAttributes["default"] || changedAttributes["class"] || changedAttributes.disabled) { this.refreshSelf(); return true; } else { var refreshed = false; if(changedTiddlers[this.checkboxTitle]) { var isChecked = this.getValue(); this.inputDomNode.checked = isChecked; refreshed = true; if(isChecked) { $tw.utils.addClass(this.labelDomNode,"tc-checkbox-checked"); } else { $tw.utils.removeClass(this.labelDomNode,"tc-checkbox-checked"); } } return this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers) || refreshed; } }; exports.checkbox = CheckboxWidget; })();