#!/bin/bash # Build tiddlywiki.org assets. # Default to the version of TiddlyWiki installed in this repo if [ -z "$TWORG_BUILD_TIDDLYWIKI" ]; then TWORG_BUILD_TIDDLYWIKI=./tiddlywiki.js fi echo "Using TWORG_BUILD_TIDDLYWIKI as [$TWORG_BUILD_TIDDLYWIKI]" # Set up the build details if [ -z "$TWORG_BUILD_DETAILS" ]; then TWORG_BUILD_DETAILS="$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)-$(git rev-parse HEAD) from $(git remote get-url origin)" fi echo "Using TWORG_BUILD_DETAILS as [$TWORG_BUILD_DETAILS]" if [ -z "$TWORG_BUILD_COMMIT" ]; then TWORG_BUILD_COMMIT="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" fi echo "Using TWORG_BUILD_COMMIT as [$TWORG_BUILD_COMMIT]" # Set up the build output directory if [ -z "$TWORG_BUILD_OUTPUT" ]; then TWORG_BUILD_OUTPUT=$(mktemp -d) fi mkdir -p $TWORG_BUILD_OUTPUT if [ ! -d "$TWORG_BUILD_OUTPUT" ]; then echo 'A valid TWORG_BUILD_OUTPUT environment variable must be set' exit 1 fi echo "Using TWORG_BUILD_OUTPUT as [$TWORG_BUILD_OUTPUT]" # Pull existing GitHub pages content git clone --depth=1 --branch=main "https://github.com/TiddlyWiki/tiddlywiki.org-gh-pages.git" $TWORG_BUILD_OUTPUT # Make the CNAME file that GitHub Pages requires echo "tiddlywiki.org" > $TWORG_BUILD_OUTPUT/CNAME # Delete any existing static content mkdir -p $TWORG_BUILD_OUTPUT/static rm $TWORG_BUILD_OUTPUT/static/* # Put the build details into a .tid file so that it can be included in each build (deleted at the end of this script) echo -e -n "title: $:/build\ncommit: $TWORG_BUILD_COMMIT\n\n$TWORG_BUILD_DETAILS\n" > $TWORG_BUILD_OUTPUT/build.tid ###################################################### # # tiddlywiki.org distribution # ###################################################### # /index.html Main site # /favicon.ico Favicon for main site # /static.html Static rendering of default tiddlers # /alltiddlers.html Static rendering of all tiddlers # /static/* Static single tiddlers # /static/static.css Static stylesheet # /static/favicon.ico Favicon for static pages node $TWORG_BUILD_TIDDLYWIKI \ editions/tw.org \ --verbose \ --version \ --load $TWORG_BUILD_OUTPUT/build.tid \ --output $TWORG_BUILD_OUTPUT \ --build favicon static index \ || exit 1 # Delete the temporary build tiddler rm $TWORG_BUILD_OUTPUT/build.tid || exit 1 # Push output back to GitHub # Exit script immediately if any command fails set -e pushd $TWORG_BUILD_OUTPUT git config --global user.email "actions@github.com" git config --global user.name "GitHub Actions" git add -A . git commit --message "GitHub build: $GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER of $TW5_BUILD_BRANCH ($(date +'%F %T %Z'))" git remote add deploy "https://$GH_TOKEN@github.com/TiddlyWiki/tiddlywiki.org-gh-pages.git" &>/dev/null git push deploy master &>/dev/null popd