/*\ title: $:/core/modules/editor/engines/framed.js type: application/javascript module-type: library Text editor engine based on a simple input or textarea within an iframe. This is done so that the selection is preserved even when clicking away from the textarea \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true,browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; var HEIGHT_VALUE_TITLE = "$:/config/TextEditor/EditorHeight/Height"; function FramedEngine(options) { // Save our options options = options || {}; this.widget = options.widget; this.value = options.value; this.parentNode = options.parentNode; this.nextSibling = options.nextSibling; // Create our hidden dummy text area for reading styles this.dummyTextArea = this.widget.document.createElement("textarea"); if(this.widget.editClass) { this.dummyTextArea.className = this.widget.editClass; } this.dummyTextArea.setAttribute("hidden","true"); this.parentNode.insertBefore(this.dummyTextArea,this.nextSibling); this.widget.domNodes.push(this.dummyTextArea); // Create the iframe this.iframeNode = this.widget.document.createElement("iframe"); this.parentNode.insertBefore(this.iframeNode,this.nextSibling); this.iframeDoc = this.iframeNode.contentWindow.document; // (Firefox requires us to put some empty content in the iframe) this.iframeDoc.open(); this.iframeDoc.write(""); this.iframeDoc.close(); // Style the iframe this.iframeNode.className = this.dummyTextArea.className; this.iframeNode.style.border = "none"; this.iframeNode.style.padding = "0"; this.iframeNode.style.resize = "none"; this.iframeDoc.body.style.margin = "0"; this.iframeDoc.body.style.padding = "0"; this.widget.domNodes.push(this.iframeNode); // Construct the textarea or input node var tag = this.widget.editTag; if($tw.config.htmlUnsafeElements.indexOf(tag) !== -1) { tag = "input"; } this.domNode = this.iframeDoc.createElement(tag); // Set the text if(this.widget.editTag === "textarea") { this.domNode.appendChild(this.iframeDoc.createTextNode(this.value)); } else { this.domNode.value = this.value; } // Set the attributes if(this.widget.editType) { this.domNode.setAttribute("type",this.widget.editType); } if(this.widget.editPlaceholder) { this.domNode.setAttribute("placeholder",this.widget.editPlaceholder); } if(this.widget.editSize) { this.domNode.setAttribute("size",this.widget.editSize); } if(this.widget.editRows) { this.domNode.setAttribute("rows",this.widget.editRows); } if(this.widget.editTabIndex) { this.iframeNode.setAttribute("tabindex",this.widget.editTabIndex); } // Copy the styles from the dummy textarea this.copyStyles(); // Add event listeners $tw.utils.addEventListeners(this.domNode,[ {name: "click",handlerObject: this,handlerMethod: "handleClickEvent"}, {name: "input",handlerObject: this,handlerMethod: "handleInputEvent"}, {name: "keydown",handlerObject: this.widget,handlerMethod: "handleKeydownEvent"} ]); // Insert the element into the DOM this.iframeDoc.body.appendChild(this.domNode); } /* Copy styles from the dummy text area to the textarea in the iframe */ FramedEngine.prototype.copyStyles = function() { // Copy all styles $tw.utils.copyStyles(this.dummyTextArea,this.domNode); // Override the ones that should not be set the same as the dummy textarea this.domNode.style.display = "block"; this.domNode.style.width = "100%"; this.domNode.style.margin = "0"; // In Chrome setting -webkit-text-fill-color overrides the placeholder text colour this.domNode.style["-webkit-text-fill-color"] = "currentcolor"; }; /* Set the text of the engine if it doesn't currently have focus */ FramedEngine.prototype.setText = function(text,type) { if(!this.domNode.isTiddlyWikiFakeDom) { if(this.domNode.ownerDocument.activeElement !== this.domNode) { this.domNode.value = text; } // Fix the height if needed this.fixHeight(); } }; /* Get the text of the engine */ FramedEngine.prototype.getText = function() { return this.domNode.value; }; /* Fix the height of textarea to fit content */ FramedEngine.prototype.fixHeight = function() { // Make sure styles are updated this.copyStyles(); // Adjust height if(this.widget.editTag === "textarea") { if(this.widget.editAutoHeight) { if(this.domNode && !this.domNode.isTiddlyWikiFakeDom) { var newHeight = $tw.utils.resizeTextAreaToFit(this.domNode,this.widget.editMinHeight); this.iframeNode.style.height = (newHeight + 14) + "px"; // +14 for the border on the textarea } } else { var fixedHeight = parseInt(this.widget.wiki.getTiddlerText(HEIGHT_VALUE_TITLE,"400px"),10); fixedHeight = Math.max(fixedHeight,20); this.domNode.style.height = fixedHeight + "px"; this.iframeNode.style.height = (fixedHeight + 14) + "px"; } } }; /* Focus the engine node */ FramedEngine.prototype.focus = function() { if(this.domNode.focus && this.domNode.select) { this.domNode.focus(); this.domNode.select(); } }; /* Handle a click */ FramedEngine.prototype.handleClickEvent = function(event) { this.fixHeight(); return true; }; /* Handle a dom "input" event which occurs when the text has changed */ FramedEngine.prototype.handleInputEvent = function(event) { this.widget.saveChanges(this.getText()); this.fixHeight(); return true; }; /* Create a blank structure representing a text operation */ FramedEngine.prototype.createTextOperation = function() { var operation = { text: this.domNode.value, selStart: this.domNode.selectionStart, selEnd: this.domNode.selectionEnd, cutStart: null, cutEnd: null, replacement: null, newSelStart: null, newSelEnd: null }; operation.selection = operation.text.substring(operation.selStart,operation.selEnd); return operation; }; /* Execute a text operation */ FramedEngine.prototype.executeTextOperation = function(operation) { // Perform the required changes to the text area and the underlying tiddler var newText = operation.text; if(operation.replacement !== null) { newText = operation.text.substring(0,operation.cutStart) + operation.replacement + operation.text.substring(operation.cutEnd); // Attempt to use a execCommand to modify the value of the control if(this.iframeDoc.queryCommandSupported("insertText") && this.iframeDoc.queryCommandSupported("delete") && !$tw.browser.isFirefox) { this.domNode.focus(); this.domNode.setSelectionRange(operation.cutStart,operation.cutEnd); if(operation.replacement === "") { this.iframeDoc.execCommand("delete",false,""); } else { this.iframeDoc.execCommand("insertText",false,operation.replacement); } } else { this.domNode.value = newText; } this.domNode.focus(); this.domNode.setSelectionRange(operation.newSelStart,operation.newSelEnd); } this.domNode.focus(); return newText; }; exports.FramedEngine = FramedEngine; })();