title: $:/language/Help/fetch description: Fetch tiddlers from wiki by URL Fetch one or more files over HTTP/HTTPS, and import the tiddlers matching a filter, optionally transforming the incoming titles. ``` --fetch file --fetch files ``` With the "file" variant only a single file is fetched and the first parameter is the URL of the file to read. With the "files" variant, multiple files are fetched and the first parameter is a filter yielding a list of URLs of the files to read. For example, given a set of tiddlers tagged "remote-server" that have a field "url" the filter `[tag[remote-server]get[url]]` will retrieve all the available URLs. The `` parameter specifies a filter determining which tiddlers are imported. It defaults to `[all[tiddlers]]` if not provided. The `` parameter specifies an optional filter that transforms the titles of the imported tiddlers. For example, `[addprefix[$:/myimports/]]` would add the prefix `$:/myimports/` to each title. Preceding the `--fetch` command with `--verbose` will output progress information during the import. Note that TiddlyWiki will not fetch an older version of an already loaded plugin. The following example retrieves all the non-system tiddlers from http://tiddlywiki.com and saves them to a JSON file: ``` tiddlywiki --verbose --fetch file "http://tiddlywiki.com/" "[!is[system]]" "" --rendertiddler "$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile" output.json text/plain "" exportFilter "[!is[system]]" ```