/*\ title: test-parsetextreference.js type: application/javascript tags: [[$:/tags/test-spec]] Tests for source attribute in parser returned from wiki.parseTextReference \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; describe("Wiki.parseTextReference tests", function() { // Create a wiki var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); wiki.addTiddler({ title: "TiddlerOne", text: "The quick brown fox in $:/TiddlerTwo", tags: ["one"], authors: "Joe Bloggs", modifier: "JoeBloggs", modified: "201304152222"}); wiki.addTiddler({ title: "$:/TiddlerTwo", tags: ["two"], authors: "[[John Doe]]", modifier: "John", modified: "201304152211"}); wiki.addTiddler({ title: "Tiddler Three", text: '{"oct":31,"nov":30,"dec":31}', tags: ["one","two"], type: "application/json", modifier: "John", modified: "201304162202"}); wiki.addTiddler({ title: "TiddlerFour", text: "The quick brown fox in $:/TiddlerTwo", tags: ["one"], type: "text/vnd.tiddlywiki", authors: "Joe Bloggs", modifier: "JoeBloggs", modified: "201304152222"}); // Add a plugin containing some shadow tiddlers var shadowTiddlers = { tiddlers: { "$:/TiddlerFive": { title: "$:/TiddlerFive", text: "Everything in federation", tags: ["two"] }, "TiddlerSix": { title: "TiddlerSix", text: "Missing inaction from TiddlerOne", filter: "[[one]] [[a a]] [subfilter{hasList!!list}]", tags: [] }, "TiddlerSeventh": { title: "TiddlerSeventh", text: "", list: "TiddlerOne [[Tiddler Three]] [[a fourth tiddler]] MissingTiddler", tags: ["one"] }, "Tiddler8": { title: "Tiddler8", text: "Tidd", tags: ["one"], "test-field": "JoeBloggs" } } }; wiki.addTiddler({ title: "$:/ShadowPlugin", text: JSON.stringify(shadowTiddlers), "plugin-type": "plugin", type: "application/json"}); wiki.addTiddler({ title: "TiddlerNine", text: "this is plain text", type: "text/plain" }); // Define a parsing shortcut for souce attribute of parser returned by wiki.parseTextReference var parseAndGetSource = function(title,field,index,subTiddler) { var parser = wiki.parseTextReference(title,field,index,{subTiddler: subTiddler}); return parser ? parser.source : null; }; it("should parse text references and return correct source attribute", function(){ // Existing tiddler with a text field, no field argument specified expect(parseAndGetSource("TiddlerOne")).toEqual("The quick brown fox in $:/TiddlerTwo"); // Existing tiddler with a text field, field argument specified as text expect(parseAndGetSource("TiddlerOne","text")).toEqual("The quick brown fox in $:/TiddlerTwo"); // Existing tiddler with no text field expect(parseAndGetSource("$:/TiddlerTwo")).toEqual(""); // Existing tiddler, field argument specified as authors expect(parseAndGetSource("TiddlerOne","authors")).toEqual("Joe Bloggs"); // Non-existent tiddler, no field argument expect(parseAndGetSource("MissingTiddler")).toEqual(null); // Non-existent tiddler, field argument expect(parseAndGetSource("MissingTiddler","missing-field")).toEqual(null); // Non-existent tiddler, index specified expect(parseAndGetSource("MissingTiddler",null,"missing-index")).toEqual(null); // Existing tiddler with non existent field expect(parseAndGetSource("TiddlerOne","missing-field")).toEqual(null); // Data tiddler with index specified expect(parseAndGetSource("Tiddler Three",null,"oct")).toEqual("31"); // Existing tiddler with a text field, type set to vnd.tiddlywiki expect(parseAndGetSource("TiddlerFour")).toEqual("The quick brown fox in $:/TiddlerTwo"); // Existing subtiddler of a plugin expect(parseAndGetSource("$:/ShadowPlugin","text",null,"Tiddler8")).toEqual("Tidd"); // Non-existent subtiddler of a plugin expect(parseAndGetSource("$:/ShadowPlugin","text",null,"MyMissingTiddler")).toEqual(null); // Plain text tiddler expect(parseAndGetSource("TiddlerNine")).toEqual(undefined); }); }); })();