/*\ title: test-widget.js type: application/javascript tags: [[$:/tags/test-spec]] Tests the wikitext rendering pipeline end-to-end. We also need tests that individually test parsers, rendertreenodes etc., but this gets us started. \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; describe("Widget module", function() { var widget = require("$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js"); function createWidgetNode(parseTreeNode,wiki) { return new widget.widget(parseTreeNode,{ wiki: wiki, document: $tw.fakeDocument }); } function parseText(text,wiki,options) { var parser = wiki.parseText("text/vnd.tiddlywiki",text,options); return parser ? {type: "widget", children: parser.tree} : undefined; } function renderWidgetNode(widgetNode) { $tw.fakeDocument.setSequenceNumber(0); var wrapper = $tw.fakeDocument.createElement("div"); widgetNode.render(wrapper,null); // console.log(require("util").inspect(wrapper,{depth: 8})); return wrapper; } function refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,changes) { var changedTiddlers = {}; if(changes) { $tw.utils.each(changes,function(title) { changedTiddlers[title] = true; }); } widgetNode.refresh(changedTiddlers,wrapper,null); // console.log(require("util").inspect(wrapper,{depth: 8})); } it("should deal with text nodes and HTML elements", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Test parse tree var parseTreeNode = {type: "widget", children: [ {type: "text", text: "A text node"}, {type: "element", tag: "div", attributes: { "class": {type: "string", value: "myClass"}, "title": {type: "string", value: "myTitle"} }, children: [ {type: "text", text: " and the content of a DIV"}, {type: "element", tag: "div", children: [ {type: "text", text: " and an inner DIV"}, ]}, {type: "text", text: " and back in the outer DIV"} ]} ]}; // Construct the widget node var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseTreeNode,wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("A text node
My Jolly Old World is Jolly
"); }); it("should render the view widget", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Add a tiddler wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "TiddlerOne", text: "Jolly Old World"} ]); // Construct the widget node var text = "<$view tiddler='TiddlerOne'/>"; var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("Jolly Old World
"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); // Change the transcluded tiddler wiki.addTiddler({title: "TiddlerOne", text: "World-wide Jelly"}); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerOne"]); // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("World-wide Jelly
"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); }); it("should deal with the set widget", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Add some tiddlers wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "TiddlerOne", text: "Jolly Old World"}, {title: "TiddlerTwo", text: "<$transclude tiddler={{TiddlerThree}}/>"}, {title: "TiddlerThree", text: "TiddlerOne"}, {title: "TiddlerFour", text: "TiddlerTwo"} ]); // Construct the widget node var text = "My <$set name='currentTiddler' value={{TiddlerFour}}><$transclude tiddler={{!!title}}/>$set> is Jolly" var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("My Jolly Old World is Jolly
"); // Change the transcluded tiddler wiki.addTiddler({title: "TiddlerFour", text: "TiddlerOne"}); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerFour"]); // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("My Jolly Old World is Jolly
"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(4); }); it("should deal with attributes specified as macro invocations", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Construct the widget node var text = "\\define myMacro(one:\"paramOne\",two,three:\"paramTwo\")\nMy something $one$, $two$ or other $three$\n\\end\nTiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerThreeTiddlerTwo
"); // Add another tiddler wiki.addTiddler({title: "TiddlerFive", text: "Jalapeno Peppers"}); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerFive"]); // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("TiddlerFiveTiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerThreeTiddlerTwo
"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(6); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[3].sequenceNumber).toBe(4); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[4].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); // Remove a tiddler wiki.deleteTiddler("TiddlerThree"); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerThree"]); // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("TiddlerFiveTiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerTwo
"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(6); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[3].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); // Add it back a tiddler wiki.addTiddler({title: "TiddlerThree", text: "Something"}); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerThree"]); // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("TiddlerFiveTiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerThreeTiddlerTwo
"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(6); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[3].sequenceNumber).toBe(7); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[4].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); }); it("should deal with the list widget followed by other widgets", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Add some tiddlers wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "TiddlerOne", text: "Jolly Old World"}, {title: "TiddlerTwo", text: "Worldly Old Jelly"}, {title: "TiddlerThree", text: "Golly Gosh"}, {title: "TiddlerFour", text: "Lemon Squash"} ]); // Construct the widget node var text = "<$list><$view field='title'/>$list>Something"; var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("TiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerThreeTiddlerTwoSomething
"); // Check the next siblings of each of the list elements var listWidget = widgetNode.children[0].children[0]; // Add another tiddler wiki.addTiddler({title: "TiddlerFive", text: "Jalapeno Peppers"}); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerFive"]); // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("TiddlerFiveTiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerThreeTiddlerTwoSomething
"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(7); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[3].sequenceNumber).toBe(4); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[4].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); // Remove a tiddler wiki.deleteTiddler("TiddlerThree"); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerThree"]); // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("TiddlerFiveTiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerTwoSomething
"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(7); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[3].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); // Add it back a tiddler wiki.addTiddler({title: "TiddlerThree", text: "Something"}); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerThree"]); // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("TiddlerFiveTiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerThreeTiddlerTwoSomething
"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(7); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[3].sequenceNumber).toBe(8); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[4].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); // Add another a tiddler to the end of the list wiki.addTiddler({title: "YetAnotherTiddler", text: "Something"}); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["YetAnotherTiddler"]); // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("TiddlerFiveTiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerThreeTiddlerTwoYetAnotherTiddlerSomething
"); // Test the sequence numbers in the DOM expect(wrapper.sequenceNumber).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[0].sequenceNumber).toBe(7); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[1].sequenceNumber).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[2].sequenceNumber).toBe(3); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[3].sequenceNumber).toBe(8); expect(wrapper.children[0].children[4].sequenceNumber).toBe(5); }); it("should deal with the list widget and external templates", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Add some tiddlers wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "$:/myTemplate", text: "(<$view field='title'/>)"}, {title: "TiddlerOne", text: "Jolly Old World"}, {title: "TiddlerTwo", text: "Worldly Old Jelly"}, {title: "TiddlerThree", text: "Golly Gosh"}, {title: "TiddlerFour", text: "Lemon Squash"} ]); // Construct the widget node var text = "<$list template='$:/myTemplate'>$list>"; var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); //console.log(require("util").inspect(widgetNode,{depth:8,colors:true})); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("(TiddlerFour)(TiddlerOne)(TiddlerThree)(TiddlerTwo)
"); }); it("should deal with the list widget and empty lists", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Construct the widget node var text = "<$list emptyMessage='nothing'><$view field='title'/>$list>"; var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("nothing
"); }); it("should refresh lists that become empty", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Add some tiddlers wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "TiddlerOne", text: "Jolly Old World"}, {title: "TiddlerTwo", text: "Worldly Old Jelly"}, {title: "TiddlerThree", text: "Golly Gosh"}, {title: "TiddlerFour", text: "Lemon Squash"} ]); // Construct the widget node var text = "<$list emptyMessage='nothing'><$view field='title'/>$list>"; var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("TiddlerFourTiddlerOneTiddlerThreeTiddlerTwo
"); // Get rid of the tiddlers wiki.deleteTiddler("TiddlerOne"); wiki.deleteTiddler("TiddlerTwo"); wiki.deleteTiddler("TiddlerThree"); wiki.deleteTiddler("TiddlerFour"); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["TiddlerOne","TiddlerTwo","TiddlerThree","TiddlerFour"]); // Test the refreshing expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("nothing
"); }); /**This test confirms that imported set variables properly refresh * if they use transclusion for their value. This relates to PR #4108. */ it("should refresh imported <$set> widgets", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Add some tiddlers wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "Raw", text: "Initial value"}, {title: "Macro", text: "<$set name='test' value={{Raw}}>\n\ndummy text$set>"}, {title: "Caller", text: text} ]); var text = "\\import Macro\n<Initial value
"); wiki.addTiddler({title: "Raw", text: "New value"}); // Refresh refreshWidgetNode(widgetNode,wrapper,["Raw"]); expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("New value
"); }); it("should can mix setWidgets and macros when importing", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); // Add some tiddlers wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "A", text: "\\define A() Aval"}, {title: "B", text: "<$set name='B' value='Bval'>\n\ndummy text$set>"}, {title: "C", text: "\\define C() Cval"} ]); var text = "\\import A B C\n<> <> <Aval Bval Cval
"); }); it("can have more than one macroDef variable imported", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "ABC", text: "<$set name=A value=A>\n\n<$set name=B value=B>\n\n<$set name=C value=C>\n\ndummy text$set>$set>$set>"}, {title: "D", text: "\\define D() D"}]); // A and B shouldn't chew up C just cause it's a macroDef var text = "\\import ABC D\n<> <> <A B C D
"); }); it("import doesn't hold onto dead variables", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "ABC", text: "\\define A() A\n\\define B() B\n<$set name=C value=C>\n\n$set>"}, {title: "DE", text: "\\define D() D\n\\define E() E"}]); var text = "\\import ABC DE\ncontent"; var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); var childNode = widgetNode; while (childNode.children.length > 0) { childNode = childNode.children[0]; } // First make sure A and B imported expect(childNode.getVariable("A")).toBe("A"); expect(childNode.getVariable("B")).toBe("B"); expect(childNode.getVariable("C")).toBe("C"); expect(childNode.getVariable("D")).toBe("D"); expect(childNode.getVariable("E")).toBe("E"); // Then change A and remove B wiki.addTiddler({title: "ABC", text: "\\define A() A2\n<$set name=C value=C2>\n\n$set>"}); wiki.addTiddler({title: "DE", text: "\\define D() D2"}); widgetNode.refresh({"ABC": {modified: true}, "DE": {modified: true}}); var childNode = widgetNode; while (childNode.children.length > 0) { childNode = childNode.children[0]; } // Make sure \import recognized changes and deletions expect(childNode.getVariable("A")).toBe("A2"); expect(childNode.getVariable("B")).toBe(undefined); expect(childNode.getVariable("C")).toBe("C2"); expect(childNode.getVariable("D")).toBe("D2"); expect(childNode.getVariable("E")).toBe(undefined); }); /** Special case. <$importvariables> has different handling if * it doesn't end up importing any variables. Make sure it * doesn't forget its childrenNodes. */ it("should work when import widget imports nothing", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); var text = "\\import [prefix[XXX]]\nDon't forget me."; var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki),wiki); // Render the widget node to the DOM var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); // Test the rendering expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("Don't forget me.
"); }); /** This test reproduces issue #4504. * * The importvariable widget was creating redundant copies into * itself of variables in widgets higher up in the tree. Normally, * this caused no errors, but it would mess up qualify-macros. * They would find multiple instances of the same transclusion * variable if a transclusion occured higher up in the widget tree * than an importvariables AND that importvariables was importing * at least ONE variable. */ it("adding imported variables doesn't change qualifyers", function() { var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); function wikiparse(text) { var tree = parseText(text,wiki); var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(tree,wiki); var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); return wrapper.innerHTML; }; wiki.addTiddlers([ {title: "body", text: "\\import A\n<