/*\ title: $:/core/modules/widgets/view.js type: application/javascript module-type: widget View widget \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; var Widget = require("$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js").widget; var ViewWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) { this.initialise(parseTreeNode,options); }; /* Inherit from the base widget class */ ViewWidget.prototype = new Widget(); /* Render this widget into the DOM */ ViewWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) { this.parentDomNode = parent; this.computeAttributes(); this.execute(); if(this.text) { var textNode = this.document.createTextNode(this.text); parent.insertBefore(textNode,nextSibling); this.domNodes.push(textNode); } else { this.makeChildWidgets(); this.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling); } }; /* Compute the internal state of the widget */ ViewWidget.prototype.execute = function() { // Get parameters from our attributes this.viewTitle = this.getAttribute("tiddler",this.getVariable("currentTiddler")); this.viewSubtiddler = this.getAttribute("subtiddler"); this.viewField = this.getAttribute("field","text"); this.viewIndex = this.getAttribute("index"); this.viewFormat = this.getAttribute("format","text"); this.viewTemplate = this.getAttribute("template",""); this.viewMode = this.getAttribute("mode","block"); switch(this.viewFormat) { case "htmlwikified": this.text = this.getValueAsHtmlWikified(this.viewMode); break; case "plainwikified": this.text = this.getValueAsPlainWikified(this.viewMode); break; case "htmlencodedplainwikified": this.text = this.getValueAsHtmlEncodedPlainWikified(this.viewMode); break; case "htmlencoded": this.text = this.getValueAsHtmlEncoded(); break; case "htmltextencoded": this.text = this.getValueAsHtmlTextEncoded(); break; case "urlencoded": this.text = this.getValueAsUrlEncoded(); break; case "doubleurlencoded": this.text = this.getValueAsDoubleUrlEncoded(); break; case "date": this.text = this.getValueAsDate(this.viewTemplate); break; case "relativedate": this.text = this.getValueAsRelativeDate(); break; case "stripcomments": this.text = this.getValueAsStrippedComments(); break; case "jsencoded": this.text = this.getValueAsJsEncoded(); break; default: // "text" this.text = this.getValueAsText(); break; } }; /* The various formatter functions are baked into this widget for the moment. Eventually they will be replaced by macro functions */ /* Retrieve the value of the widget. Options are: asString: Optionally return the value as a string */ ViewWidget.prototype.getValue = function(options) { options = options || {}; var value = options.asString ? "" : undefined; if(this.viewIndex) { value = this.wiki.extractTiddlerDataItem(this.viewTitle,this.viewIndex); } else { var tiddler; if(this.viewSubtiddler) { tiddler = this.wiki.getSubTiddler(this.viewTitle,this.viewSubtiddler); } else { tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.viewTitle); } if(tiddler) { if(this.viewField === "text" && !this.viewSubtiddler) { // Calling getTiddlerText() triggers lazy loading of skinny tiddlers value = this.wiki.getTiddlerText(this.viewTitle); } else { if($tw.utils.hop(tiddler.fields,this.viewField)) { if(options.asString) { value = tiddler.getFieldString(this.viewField); } else { value = tiddler.fields[this.viewField]; } } } } else { if(this.viewField === "title") { value = this.viewTitle; } } } return value; }; ViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsText = function() { return this.getValue({asString: true}); }; ViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsHtmlWikified = function(mode) { return this.wiki.renderText("text/html","text/vnd.tiddlywiki",this.getValueAsText(),{ parseAsInline: mode !== "block", parentWidget: this }); }; ViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsPlainWikified = function(mode) { return this.wiki.renderText("text/plain","text/vnd.tiddlywiki",this.getValueAsText(),{ parseAsInline: mode !== "block", parentWidget: this }); }; ViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsHtmlEncodedPlainWikified = function(mode) { return $tw.utils.htmlEncode(this.wiki.renderText("text/plain","text/vnd.tiddlywiki",this.getValueAsText(),{ parseAsInline: mode !== "block", parentWidget: this })); }; ViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsHtmlEncoded = function() { return $tw.utils.htmlEncode(this.getValueAsText()); }; ViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsHtmlTextEncoded = function() { return $tw.utils.htmlTextEncode(this.getValueAsText()); }; ViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsUrlEncoded = function() { return $tw.utils.encodeURIComponentExtended(this.getValueAsText()); }; ViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsDoubleUrlEncoded = function() { return $tw.utils.encodeURIComponentExtended($tw.utils.encodeURIComponentExtended(this.getValueAsText())); }; ViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsDate = function(format) { format = format || "YYYY MM DD 0hh:0mm"; var value = $tw.utils.parseDate(this.getValue()); if(value && $tw.utils.isDate(value) && value.toString() !== "Invalid Date") { return $tw.utils.formatDateString(value,format); } else { return ""; } }; ViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsRelativeDate = function(format) { var value = $tw.utils.parseDate(this.getValue()); if(value && $tw.utils.isDate(value) && value.toString() !== "Invalid Date") { return $tw.utils.getRelativeDate((new Date()) - (new Date(value))).description; } else { return ""; } }; ViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsStrippedComments = function() { var lines = this.getValueAsText().split("\n"), out = []; for(var line=0; line<lines.length; line++) { var text = lines[line]; if(!/^\s*\/\/#/.test(text)) { out.push(text); } } return out.join("\n"); }; ViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsJsEncoded = function() { return $tw.utils.stringify(this.getValueAsText()); }; /* Selectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering */ ViewWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) { var changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes(); if(changedAttributes.tiddler || changedAttributes.field || changedAttributes.index || changedAttributes.template || changedAttributes.format || changedTiddlers[this.viewTitle]) { this.refreshSelf(); return true; } else { return false; } }; exports.view = ViewWidget; })();