title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/twitter/usage/tweet tags: $:/tags/TwitterUsage caption: Tweet !! Embedding Tweets |!Attribute |!Values |!Default |!Notes | |''type'' |"tweet" |none |"tweet" | |''tweetID'' |ID of the tweet to render |none | | |''conversation'' |"none", "all" |"all" |Tweets in response to another Tweet will display a compact version of the previous Tweet by default. Use "none" to hide the parent Tweet in the conversation | |''cards'' |"hidden", "visible"|visible |Hide photos, videos, and link previews powered by Twitter Cards | |''width'' |Positive integer |"auto", derived from container size |Set the maximum width of the embedded Tweet | |''align'' |"left", "right", "center" |none |Float the embedded Tweet to the left or right so that text wraps around it, or align center so it floats in the middle of a paragraph | |''theme'' |"dark", "light" |"light" |Toggle the default color scheme of the embedded Tweet | |''linkColor'' |Hexadecimal color |"#2b7bb9" |Adjust the color of links, including hashtags and @mentions, inside the widget | |''lang'' |An ISO 639-1 language code |en |The language in which to render a widget, if supported | |''dnt'' |true, false |false |Enable Do Not Track for this widget | |''related'' |Any comma-separated list of valid Twitter screen names |none |A list of Twitter screen names to be suggested for following after a Tweet or Tweet action is posted | |''via'' |Any valid Twitter screen name |none |A Twitter user mentioned in the default Tweet text as via @user where appropriate | < """>>