/*\ title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/jasmine/startup.js type: application/javascript module-type: startup The main module of the Jasmine test plugin for TiddlyWiki5 \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: true */ "use strict"; var jasmine = require("./jasmine-plugin.js"); exports.name = "jasmine"; if($tw.browser) { exports.startup = jasmine.runTests; exports.before = ["render"]; exports.after = ["story"]; } else { // However, if we're on node.js, the tests are explciitly run with the // --test command. This didn't used to be the case, so if they're // not, we'll issue a small notice to cue users in to the change // BTW, this notice probably won't be needed forever. It was installed // Sept 2022. If it's been four years, this notice can probably come out. exports.startup = function() { if(!jasmine.testsWereRun()) { process.stdout.write("Jasmine: no \"--test\" command given, so skipping tests\n"); } } // We make this check after the commands are run. exports.after = ["commands"]; } })();