chapter.of: TiddlyWiki Core Application created: 20140715184132652 modified: 20140717181151719 sub.num: 3 tags: doc title: Extended Persistence The microkernel only contains a bare store and some deserializers to load tiddlers from JSON files or from the DOM of the current HTML file. The core plug-in adds some more deserializers and a new mechanism for persisting and synchronising tiddlers. This mechanism is provided as a global module in [[$:/core/modules/syncer.js]]. The saver module has three responsibilities: # Save the whole wiki. # Provide the ability to download single tiddlers as files. # Synchronise the local wiki store with a remote wiki store, i.e. running in Node.js The syncer module is connected mainly to two other modules. For one it registers to changes at the wiki store ([[Event Mechanism]]) and if any changes occur they are synced to the remote store. Then it provides a function ``saveWiki(options)``. This function can be used by other modules. For example the [[RootWidget|RootWidget and Rendering Startup]] uses this function to save the whole wiki or start downloading single tiddlers. The syncer itself does not provide a concrete implementation of saving, downloading or syncing the tiddlers. Instead it loads modules of type ``saver`` and ``syncadaptor`` and manages the saving/syncing process. <$list filter="[!has[draft.of]has[chapter.of]chapter.of[Extended Persistence]tag[doc]sort[sub.num]]"> !! <$view field="title"/> {{!!text}} </$list>