/*\ title: testcheckbox-widget.js type: application/javascript tags: [[$:/tags/test-spec]] Tests the checkbox widget thoroughly. \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; describe("Checkbox widget", function() { var widget = require("$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js"); function createWidgetNode(parseTreeNode,wiki) { return new widget.widget(parseTreeNode,{ wiki: wiki, document: $tw.fakeDocument }); } function parseText(text,wiki,options) { var parser = wiki.parseText("text/vnd.tiddlywiki",text,options); return parser ? {type: "widget", children: parser.tree} : undefined; } function renderWidgetNode(widgetNode) { $tw.fakeDocument.setSequenceNumber(0); var wrapper = $tw.fakeDocument.createElement("div"); widgetNode.render(wrapper,null); return wrapper; } // Find a particular type of node from inside the widget tree // Less brittle than wrapper.children[0].children[0] if the parse // tree ever changes in the future function findNodeOfType(targetType, currentNode) { if(currentNode.parseTreeNode && currentNode.parseTreeNode.type === targetType) { return currentNode; } else if(currentNode.children && currentNode.children.length) { var child, result, i; for (i = 0; i < currentNode.children.length; i++) { child = currentNode.children[i]; result = findNodeOfType(targetType, child); if(result) return result; } } return undefined; } /* * Test data for checkbox widget tests */ var fieldModeTests = [ { testName: "field mode checked", tiddlers: [{title: "TiddlerOne", text: "Jolly Old World", expand: "yes"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='TiddlerOne' field='expand' checked='yes' />", startsOutChecked: true, expectedChange: { "TiddlerOne": { expand: undefined } } }, { testName: "field mode unchecked", tiddlers: [{title: "TiddlerOne", text: "Jolly Old World", expand: "no"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='TiddlerOne' field='expand' unchecked='no' />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "TiddlerOne": { expand: undefined } } }, { testName: "field mode toggle", tiddlers: [{title: "TiddlerOne", text: "Jolly Old World", expand: "no"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='TiddlerOne' field='expand' checked='yes' unchecked='no' />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "TiddlerOne": { expand: "yes" } } }, { testName: "field mode indeterminate -> true", tiddlers: [{title: "TiddlerOne", text: "Jolly Old World", expand: "some other value"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='TiddlerOne' field='expand' indeterminate='yes' checked='yes' unchecked='no' />", startsOutChecked: undefined, expectedChange: { "TiddlerOne": { expand: "yes" } } }, // true -> indeterminate cannot happen in field mode { testName: "field mode not indeterminate", tiddlers: [{title: "TiddlerOne", text: "Jolly Old World", expand: "some other value"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='TiddlerOne' field='expand' indeterminate='' checked='yes' unchecked='no' />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "TiddlerOne": { expand: "yes" } } }, ]; var indexModeTests = fieldModeTests.map(data => { var newData = {...data}; var newName = data.testName.replace('field mode', 'index mode'); var newTiddlers = data.tiddlers.map(tiddler => { return {title: tiddler.title, type: "application/x-tiddler-dictionary", text: `one: a\nexpand: ${tiddler.expand}\ntwo: b`} }); var newWidgetText = data.widgetText.replace("field='expand'", "index='expand'"); var newChange = {}; for (var key of Object.keys(data.expectedChange)) { var oldChange = data.expectedChange[key]; if (oldChange.expand) { newChange[key] = { text: `one: a\nexpand: ${oldChange.expand}\ntwo: b` } } else { // In index tiddlers, the "expand" field gets completely removed, not turned into "expand: (undefined)" newChange[key] = { text: `one: a\ntwo: b` } } } newData.testName = newName; newData.tiddlers = newTiddlers; newData.widgetText = newWidgetText; newData.expectedChange = newChange; return newData; }); var listModeTestsForDateFields = [ { testName: "list mode created date field", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", created: "201304152222", modified: "202301022222"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='Colors' listField='created' checked='green' />", startsOutChecked: false, finalValue: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { created: new Date("2013-04-15T22:22:00Z")}} // created field should *not* be touched by a listField checkbox }, { testName: "list mode modified date field", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", created: "201304152222", modified: "202301022222"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='Colors' listField='modified' checked='green' />", startsOutChecked: false, finalValue: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { modified: new Date("2023-01-02T22:22:00Z")}} // modified field should *not* be touched by a listField checkbox }, ] var listModeTests = [ { testName: "list mode add", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "orange yellow"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='Colors' listField='colors' checked='green' />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow green" } } }, { testName: "list mode remove", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "green orange yellow"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='Colors' listField='colors' checked='green' />", startsOutChecked: true, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow" } } }, { testName: "list mode remove inverted", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "red orange yellow"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='Colors' listField='colors' unchecked='red' />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow" } } }, { testName: "list mode remove in middle position", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "orange green yellow"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='Colors' listField='colors' checked='green' />", startsOutChecked: true, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow" } } }, { testName: "list mode remove in middle position inverted", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "orange red yellow"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='Colors' listField='colors' unchecked='red' />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow" } } }, { testName: "list mode remove in final position", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "orange yellow green"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='Colors' listField='colors' checked='green' />", startsOutChecked: true, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow" } } }, { testName: "list mode remove in final position inverted", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "orange yellow red"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='Colors' listField='colors' unchecked='red' />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow" } } }, { testName: "list mode toggle", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "red orange yellow"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='Colors' listField='colors' unchecked='red' checked='green' />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "green orange yellow" } } }, { testName: "list mode toggle in middle position", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "orange red yellow"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='Colors' listField='colors' unchecked='red' checked='green' />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange green yellow" } } }, { testName: "list mode remove in final position", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "orange yellow red"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='Colors' listField='colors' unchecked='red' checked='green' />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow green" } } }, { testName: "list mode neither checked nor unchecked specified: field value remains unchanged", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "orange yellow red"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='Colors' listField='colors' />", startsOutChecked: true, finalValue: true, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow red" } } }, { testName: "list mode neither checked nor unchecked specified, but actions specified to change field value", tiddlers: [{title: "ExampleTiddler", someField: "yes"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='ExampleTiddler' $field='someField' $filter='yes'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='ExampleTiddler' $field='someField' $filter='-yes'/>\n" + "<$checkbox tiddler='ExampleTiddler' listField='someField' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: true, expectedChange: { "ExampleTiddler": { someField: "" } } }, { testName: "list mode neither checked nor unchecked specified, means field value is treated as empty=false, nonempty=true", tiddlers: [{title: "ExampleTiddler", someField: "yes"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='ExampleTiddler' $field='someField' $filter='yes -no'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='ExampleTiddler' $field='someField' $filter='-yes no'/>\n" + "<$checkbox tiddler='ExampleTiddler' listField='someField' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: true, finalValue: true, // "no" is considered true when neither `checked` nor `unchecked` is specified expectedChange: { "ExampleTiddler": { someField: "no" } } }, { testName: "list mode indeterminate -> true", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "orange"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='Colors' listField='colors' indeterminate='yes' unchecked='red' checked='green' />", startsOutChecked: undefined, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange green" } } }, // true -> indeterminate cannot happen in list mode { testName: "list mode not indeterminate", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "orange"}], widgetText: "<$checkbox tiddler='Colors' listField='colors' unchecked='red' checked='green' />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange green" } } }, ]; // https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/6871 var listModeTestsWithListField = ( listModeTests .filter(data => data.widgetText.includes("listField='colors'")) .map(data => { var newData = { ...data, tiddlers: data.tiddlers.map(tiddler => ({...tiddler, list: tiddler.colors, colors: undefined})), widgetText: data.widgetText.replace("listField='colors'", "listField='list'"), expectedChange: { "Colors": { list: data.expectedChange.Colors.colors.split(' ') } }, } return newData; }) ); var listModeTestsWithTagsField = ( listModeTests .filter(data => data.widgetText.includes("listField='colors'")) .map(data => { var newData = { ...data, tiddlers: data.tiddlers.map(tiddler => ({...tiddler, tags: tiddler.colors, colors: undefined})), widgetText: data.widgetText.replace("listField='colors'", "listField='tags'"), expectedChange: { "Colors": { tags: data.expectedChange.Colors.colors.split(' ') } }, } return newData; }) ); var indexListModeTests = listModeTests.map(data => { var newData = {...data}; var newName = data.testName.replace('list mode', 'index list mode'); var newTiddlers = data.tiddlers.map(tiddler => { if (tiddler.hasOwnProperty('colors')) { return {title: tiddler.title, type: "application/x-tiddler-dictionary", text: `one: a\ncolors: ${tiddler.colors}\ntwo: b`} } else if (tiddler.hasOwnProperty('someField')) { return {title: tiddler.title, type: "application/x-tiddler-dictionary", text: `one: a\nsomeField: ${tiddler.someField}\ntwo: b`} } }); var newWidgetText = data.widgetText.replace("listField='colors'", "listIndex='colors'").replace(/\$field/g, '$index').replace("listField='someField'", "listIndex='someField'"); var newChange = {}; for (var key of Object.keys(data.expectedChange)) { var oldChange = data.expectedChange[key]; if (oldChange.colors) { newChange[key] = { text: `one: a\ncolors: ${oldChange.colors}\ntwo: b` } } else if (oldChange.someField !== undefined) { newChange[key] = { text: `one: a\nsomeField: ${oldChange.someField}\ntwo: b` } } else { // In index tiddlers, fields with value undefined get completely removed newChange[key] = { text: `one: a\ntwo: b` } } } newData.testName = newName; newData.tiddlers = newTiddlers; newData.widgetText = newWidgetText; newData.expectedChange = newChange; return newData; }); var filterModeTests = [ { testName: "filter mode false -> true", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "red orange yellow"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-red green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='red -green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' checked='green' unchecked='red' default='green' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow green" } } }, { testName: "filter mode true -> false", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "green orange yellow"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-red green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='red -green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' checked='green' unchecked='red' default='green' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: true, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow red" } } }, { testName: "filter mode no default false -> true", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "red orange yellow"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-red green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='red -green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' checked='green' unchecked='red' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow green" } } }, { testName: "filter mode no default true -> false", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "green orange yellow"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-red green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='red -green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' checked='green' unchecked='red' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: true, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow red" } } }, { testName: "filter mode only checked specified false -> true", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "red orange yellow"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-red green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='red -green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' checked='green' default='green' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow green" } } }, { testName: "filter mode only checked specified true -> false", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "green orange yellow"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-red green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='red -green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' checked='green' default='green' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: true, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow red" } } }, { testName: "filter mode only checked specified no default false -> true", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "red orange yellow"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-red green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='red -green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' checked='green' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow green" } } }, { testName: "filter mode only checked specified no default true -> false", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "green orange yellow"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-red green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='red -green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' checked='green' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: true, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow red" } } }, { testName: "filter mode only unchecked specified false -> true", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "red orange yellow"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-red green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='red -green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' unchecked='red' default='green' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow green" } } }, { testName: "filter mode only unchecked specified true -> false", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "green orange yellow"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-red green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='red -green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' unchecked='red' default='green' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: true, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow red" } } }, { testName: "filter mode only unchecked specified no default false -> true", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "red orange yellow"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-red green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='red -green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' unchecked='red' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow green" } } }, { testName: "filter mode only unchecked specified no default true -> false", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "green orange yellow"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-red green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='red -green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' unchecked='red' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: true, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow red" } } }, { testName: "filter mode neither checked nor unchecked specified false -> true", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' default='green' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "green" } } }, { testName: "filter mode neither checked nor unchecked specified true -> false", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "green"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' default='green' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: true, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "" } } }, { testName: "filter mode neither checked nor unchecked no default specified false -> true", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: ""}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "green" } } }, { testName: "filter mode neither checked nor unchecked no default specified true -> false", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "green"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: true, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "" } } }, { testName: "filter mode indeterminate -> true", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "orange yellow"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' indeterminate='yes' checked='green' unchecked='red' default='green' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: undefined, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow green" } } }, { testName: "filter mode true -> indeterminate", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "green orange yellow"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' indeterminate='yes' checked='green' unchecked='red' default='green' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: true, finalValue: undefined, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow" } } }, { testName: "filter mode not indeterminate -> true", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "orange yellow"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' checked='green' unchecked='red' default='green' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow green" } } }, { testName: "filter mode true -> not indeterminate", tiddlers: [{title: "Colors", colors: "green orange yellow"}], widgetText: "\\define checkActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='green'/>\n" + "\\define uncheckActions() <$action-listops $tiddler='Colors' $field='colors' $subfilter='-green'/>\n" + "<$checkbox filter='[list[Colors!!colors]]' checked='green' unchecked='red' default='green' checkactions=<<checkActions>> uncheckactions=<<uncheckActions>> />", startsOutChecked: true, finalValue: false, expectedChange: { "Colors": { colors: "orange yellow" } } }, ]; var checkboxTestData = fieldModeTests.concat( indexModeTests, listModeTests, listModeTestsForDateFields, listModeTestsWithListField, listModeTestsWithTagsField, indexListModeTests, filterModeTests, ); /* * Checkbox widget tests using the test data above */ for (var data of checkboxTestData) { it('checkbox widget test: ' + data.testName, function() { // Setup var wiki = new $tw.Wiki(); wiki.addTiddlers(data.tiddlers); var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(data.widgetText,wiki),wiki); var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode); // Check initial state var widget = findNodeOfType('checkbox', widgetNode); // Verify that the widget is or is not checked as expected expect(widget.getValue()).toBe(data.startsOutChecked); // Fake an event that toggles the checkbox // fakedom elmenets don't have a "checked" property. so we fake it because // Checkbox.prototype.handleChangeEvent looks at the "checked" DOM property widget.inputDomNode.checked = !!widget.inputDomNode.attributes.checked; // Now simulate checking the box widget.inputDomNode.checked = !widget.inputDomNode.checked; widget.handleChangeEvent(null); // Check state again: in most tests, checkbox should be inverse of what it was var finalValue = data.hasOwnProperty('finalValue') ? data.finalValue : !data.startsOutChecked; expect(widget.getValue()).toBe(finalValue); // Check that tiddler(s) has/have gone through expected change(s) for (var key of Object.keys(data.expectedChange)) { var tiddler = wiki.getTiddler(key); var change = data.expectedChange[key]; for (var fieldName of Object.keys(change)) { var expectedValue = change[fieldName]; var fieldValue = tiddler.fields[fieldName]; expect(fieldValue).toEqual(expectedValue); } } }) } }); })();