created: 20130211143136000 creator: tobibeer modified: 20140415164021461 modifier: andrewstern tags: Formatting title: Suppressing Formatting type: text/x-tiddlywiki !Summary TiddlyWiki markup rules can be suppressed for any given section of text by enclosing it in three ''double'' quotes or wrapping it using the {{{}}} markup... * when you just don't want that text to be TiddlyWiki markup * when you want to prevent WikiWords * when you copy & paste from other sources !Markup {{{ » neither is this italicised or a """//WikiWord//""" » nor is this __underlined__ }}} » neither is this italicised or a """//WikiWord//""" » nor is this __underlined__ In addition, you can suppress auto-linking for WikiWords, use the tilde prefix {{{~}}}: {{{ ~WikiWord }}} ~WikiWord !!Also see *[[Comment Formatting]] *[[Code Formatting]]