caption: View Template tags: $:/tags/dynannotateExamples title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/dynannotate/examples/viewtemplate \define show-example(example) <$codeblock code=<<__example__>>/> //''Displays as:''// $example$ \end
!! Using Dynannotate in the view template This example shows how to override the core view template with a custom template that includes dynannotate. It is disabled by default but can be enabled by clicking the corresponding button below. The example transcludes the [[Searching in TiddlyWiki|$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/dynannotate/searching-in-tiddlywiki]] tiddler for illustration purposes, but the chosen view template is applied to all open tiddlers. Once enabled, this example demonstrates several features of Dynannotate: * Highlight text within tiddler bodies -- any text entered in the sidebar search input will be highlighted (in all tiddlers) * Create annotations (on any tiddler) by selecting text and then clicking //Create annotation// in the resulting dropdown (Clicking the buttons below either puts the custom body view template [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/dynannotate/examples/viewtemplate/text]] in front of the default in the [[View Template Body Cascade|]] or removes it from the cascade).
<$button> <$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/dynannotate" tags="$:/tags/ViewTemplateBodyFilter" text="[[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/dynannotate/examples/viewtemplate/text]]" list-before="$:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/default"/> Click here to use the custom view template <$button> <$action-deletetiddler $tiddler="$:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/dynannotate"/> Click here to revert to the core view template

!! Using Dynannotate to highlight text on a per-tiddler basis Using state tiddlers containing the text which is to be highlighted, Dynannotate highlights can be applied on a per-tiddler basis when used in the body view template. This can also be combined with the [[GenesisWidget]] to insert the Dynannotate widget into the DOM only when such a highlight is configured. This example uses a transcluded tiddler, but Dynannotate could be added to the view template (to show highlights in all parts of a tiddler) or to the body view template (to show highlights only in the tiddler body) in the same way. Note how in this example, Dynannotate only affects the transcluded content.
<Highlight "tiddler" <$button set="$:/state/dynannotate/examples/viewtemplate" setTo="created">Highlight "created" <$button set="$:/state/dynannotate/examples/viewtemplate" setTo="">Clear highlights

<$let dynannotateText={{$:/state/dynannotate/examples/viewtemplate}}> <$genesis $type={{{ [!is[blank]then[$dynannotate]] }}} search=<> searchDisplay="overlay" searchClass="tc-dynannotation-search-overlay-animated" searchCaseSensitive="no">

!! `$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/TiddlerFields`: <$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/TiddlerFields" mode="block" />
""">> When used in the view template, the state tiddler title could be derived from the current tiddler, e.g. `<$let dynannotateText={{{ [addprefix[$:/state/dynannotate/]get[text]] }}}>`, to configure highlights for each tiddler separately.