created: 20140716084658099 modified: 20150228143618000 tags: Messages navigator-message title: WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki caption: tm-import-tiddlers The `tm-import-tiddlers` message inserts a list of tiddlers into the pending import tiddler [[$:/Import]]. It also applies any active ''upgrader'' modules to each tiddler as it arrives (see the UpgradeMechanism for more details). |!Name |!Description | |param |JSON text of the array of tiddlers to be imported | |autoOpenOnImport |<<.from-version "5.1.23">> Optional value "no" or "yes" that can override tv-auto-open-on-import | |importTitle|<<.from-version "5.1.23">> optional tiddler title to use for import process instead of ~$:/Import | The import tiddlers message is usually generated with the DropzoneWidget or the BrowseWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget. ! Configuration Variables * <<.vlink tv-auto-open-on-import>>