* fr-FR translation for new buttons:
- OpenControlPanel
- TestCaseImport
- Excise/DefaultTitle
* fr-FR translations for SocialCard-related strings
* fr-FR translations for stability badges and testcase accent colors
* fr-FR translations for function and procedure definition snippets
* fr-FR translation for compound tiddlers type
* fr-FR description of the `stability` core field
* fr-FR translations for testcase-related description strings
* fr-FR translations for testcase-related palette descriptions
* fr-FR translation for emergency download button caption
* Replace operand with parameters in fr-FR description of isfilteroperator
* fr-FR description of the `class` core field
* fr-FR update of a --command example
* better fr-FR description for main types
* Clearer fr-FR description of the `server` command
* Complete the fr-FR translation for the --savewikifolder description
* fr-FR translated strings for the Gitea saver
* fr-FR translation for the _is_skinny description
* fr-FR translation for the Network Error alert
* fr-FR translation for Menu Bar colors
* fr-FR translation for the hint of the add button in EditTemplate
* fr-FR translation for the default focus field hint
* fr-FR translation for throttle.refresh field description
* fr-FR translation for Icon: None in TagManager
* fr-FR translation for Plugins "Also requires:"
* Add NewJournalTags.tid in fr-FR directory
* fr-FR translations for plugin related strings
* fr-FR translation for Sidebar visibility toggle hint
* fr-FR translation for the sidebar search hint
* fr-FR translation for two Palette Editor hints
* fr-FR translation of additional error strings
* Better consistancy in fr-FR translations for Buttons.multids
* Fixes to fr-FR translation of Control Panel strings
* Updates to fr-FR strings in EditTemplate.multids
* fixes to fr-FR strings in Fields.multids
* added fr-FR translation of TypedTiddlers in Filters.multids
* fix fr-FR string in GettingStarted.tid
* fix fr-FR string in Import.multids
* fixes to fr-FR strings in Misc.multids
* add fr-FR translated strings in Search.multids
* fixes to fr-FR strings in Sidebars.multids
* fixes in fr-FR translated strings of the Theme Tweaks settings
* fixes fr-FR translated strings of TiddlerInfo
* fixes and additions to fr-FR translations of ModuleTypes.multids strings
* add missing fr-FR translation in PaletteColours.multids
* fixes and additions to the fr-FR-translated Help for commands
* fixes to the fr-FR-translated strings in the Download Modal
* add an fr-FR translation to the Macro Definition snippet