mirror of https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 synced 2025-03-23 03:46:55 +00:00

Merge branch 'master' into confetti-plugin

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Ruston 2023-07-20 08:45:33 +01:00
commit d419161686
168 changed files with 2278 additions and 430 deletions

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Default to the current version number for building the plugin library
if [ -z "$TW5_BUILD_VERSION" ]; then
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ node $TW5_BUILD_TIDDLYWIKI \
# /empty.html Empty
# /empty.hta For Internet Explorer
./editions/empty \
--verbose \
--output $TW5_BUILD_OUTPUT \
--build empty \

View File

@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@ $tw.Wiki = function(options) {
shadowTiddlerTitles = null,
getShadowTiddlerTitles = function() {
if(!shadowTiddlerTitles) {
shadowTiddlerTitles = Object.keys(shadowTiddlers);
shadowTiddlerTitles = Object.keys(shadowTiddlers).sort(function(a,b) {return a.localeCompare(b);});
return shadowTiddlerTitles;
@ -2080,7 +2080,11 @@ $tw.loadPluginFolder = function(filepath,excludeRegExp) {
console.log("Warning: missing plugin.info file in " + filepath);
return null;
var pluginInfo = $tw.utils.parseJSONSafe(fs.readFileSync(infoPath,"utf8"));
var pluginInfo = $tw.utils.parseJSONSafe(fs.readFileSync(infoPath,"utf8"),function() {return null;});
if(!pluginInfo) {
console.log("warning: invalid JSON in plugin.info file at " + infoPath);
pluginInfo = {};
// Read the plugin files
var pluginFiles = $tw.loadTiddlersFromPath(filepath,excludeRegExp);
// Save the plugin tiddlers into the plugin info
@ -2197,7 +2201,11 @@ $tw.loadWikiTiddlers = function(wikiPath,options) {
// Bail if we don't have a wiki info file
if(fs.existsSync(wikiInfoPath)) {
wikiInfo = $tw.utils.parseJSONSafe(fs.readFileSync(wikiInfoPath,"utf8"));
wikiInfo = $tw.utils.parseJSONSafe(fs.readFileSync(wikiInfoPath,"utf8"),function() {return null;});
if(!wikiInfo) {
console.log("warning: invalid JSON in tiddlywiki.info file at " + wikiInfoPath);
wikiInfo = {};
} else {
return null;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: $:/Acknowledgements
TiddlyWiki incorporates code from these fine OpenSource projects:
* [[The Stanford Javascript Crypto Library|http://bitwiseshiftleft.github.io/sjcl/]]
* [[The Jasmine JavaScript Test Framework|http://pivotal.github.io/jasmine/]]
* [[The Jasmine JavaScript Test Framework|https://jasmine.github.io/]]
* [[Normalize.css by Nicolas Gallagher|http://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/]]
And media from these projects:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title: $:/core/images/network-activity
tags: $:/tags/Image
<svg width="22pt" height="22pt" class="tc-image-network-activity tc-image-button" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><g class={{{ [{$:/state/http-requests}match[0]then[]else[tc-network-activity-background]] }}}>
<$list filter="[{$:/state/http-requests}match[0]]" variable="ignore">
<path d="M64.043 45.153a4.002 4.002 0 0 1 4.367 2.21l.084.188 30.403 73.4a4 4 0 0 1-7.307 3.25l-.084-.188-3.103-7.49-8.898 8.899a3.985 3.985 0 0 1-2.624 1.166l-.205.005a3.987 3.987 0 0 1-2.828-1.171l-9.849-9.848-9.847 9.848a3.985 3.985 0 0 1-2.624 1.166l-.204.005a3.987 3.987 0 0 1-2.829-1.171l-8.899-8.9-3.102 7.491a4 4 0 1 1-7.391-3.062l30.403-73.4a4.001 4.001 0 0 1 4.495-2.39l.042-.008Zm13.636 56.74-8.023 8.024 7.02 7.019 8.023-8.022-7.02-7.02Zm-27.353.008-7.019 7.019 8.016 8.016 7.019-7.02-8.016-8.015Zm13.68-13.68-8.023 8.023 8.016 8.016 8.023-8.023-8.016-8.016Zm-8.971-8.971-4.687 11.315 8.001-8.001-3.314-3.314Zm17.933.009-3.305 3.305 7.979 7.979-4.674-11.284ZM64 57.607l-5.666 13.68c. 5.261 5.262 5.262-5.262c.128-.127.261-.244.4-.35L64 57.607Zm0-34.69a8 8 0 1 1 0 16 8 8 0 0 1 0-16Z"/>
<$list filter="[{$:/state/http-requests}!match[0]]" variable="ignore">
<path d="M109.395.952a4.002 4.002 0 0 1 3.787 2.708C117.529 11.62 120 20.753 120 30.462c0 15.186-6.044 28.96-15.858 39.047a4 4 0 1 1-6.47-4.626l-.12-.094C106.466 56.074 112 43.914 112 30.462c0-8.492-2.205-16.469-6.074-23.39l.054-.036a4 4 0 0 1 3.415-6.084Zm-90.762 0a4 4 0 0 1 3.072 6.562l.093.06A47.786 47.786 0 0 0 16 30.463c0 13.315 5.42 25.363 14.176 34.058l-.01.007a4 4 0 1 1-6.312 4.863l-.063.05C14.017 59.359 8 45.613 8 30.462c0-9.77 2.502-18.956 6.9-26.952A4.002 4.002 0 0 1 18.634.952Z"/><path d="M64.043 44.698a4.002 4.002 0 0 1 4.367 2.21l.084.188 30.403 73.4a4 4 0 0 1-7.307 3.25l-.084-.188-3.103-7.49-8.898 8.9a3.985 3.985 0 0 1-2.624 1.166l-.205.005a3.987 3.987 0 0 1-2.828-1.172l-9.849-9.848-9.847 9.848a3.985 3.985 0 0 1-2.624 1.167l-.204.005a3.987 3.987 0 0 1-2.829-1.172l-8.899-8.899-3.102 7.49a4 4 0 0 1-7.391-3.061l30.403-73.4a4.001 4.001 0 0 1 4.495-2.39l.042-.009ZM77.68 101.44l-8.023 8.023 7.02 7.019 8.023-8.022-7.02-7.02Zm-27.353.007-7.019 7.019 8.016 8.016 7.019-7.019-8.016-8.016Zm13.68-13.68-8.023 8.023 8.016 8.016 8.023-8.023-8.016-8.016Zm-8.971-8.971L50.348 90.11l8.001-8.001-3.314-3.314Zm17.933.009-3.305 3.305 7.979 7.979-4.674-11.284ZM64 57.152l-5.666 13.68c. 5.261 5.261 5.262-5.261c.128-.128.261-.244.4-.351L64 57.152ZM38.503 1.058a4 4 0 0 1 2.7 6.952l.17-.175C35.582 13.625 32 21.625 32 30.462c0 8.838 3.582 16.838 9.374 22.629a4 4 0 0 1-5.659 5.658l-.01.01C28.473 51.52 24 41.526 24 30.485 24 19.567 28.374 9.67 35.466 2.453a3.995 3.995 0 0 1 3.037-1.395ZM89.369.952c1.14 0 2.17.478 2.899 1.244l.005-.006C99.518 9.43 104 19.434 104 30.485c0 10.826-4.3 20.648-11.287 27.85a4 4 0 1 1-6.054-5.213l-.032-.032C92.418 47.299 96 39.299 96 30.462c0-8.73-3.496-16.643-9.164-22.416A4 4 0 0 1 89.368.952Zm-39.282 11.14a4 4 0 0 1 2.59 7.048l.01.009A15.95 15.95 0 0 0 48 30.462a15.95 15.95 0 0 0 4.687 11.315l-.01.01a4 4 0 1 1-5.82 5.47l.173.177A23.925 23.925 0 0 1 40 30.462a23.925 23.925 0 0 1 7.03-16.97l.01.01a3.991 3.991 0 0 1 3.047-1.41Zm27.895.07a3.99 3.99 0 0 1 2.984 1.336l.006-.005A23.925 23.925 0 0 1 88 30.463a23.92 23.92 0 0 1-6.707 16.642l-.3.305a4 4 0 1 1-5.679-5.632v-.002A15.95 15.95 0 0 0 80 30.462a15.95 15.95 0 0 0-4.685-11.312 4.012 4.012 0 0 1-1.333-2.987 4 4 0 0 1 4-4ZM64 22.463a8 8 0 1 1 0 16 8 8 0 0 1 0-16Z"/>

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
title: $:/core/images/new-journal-button
tags: $:/tags/Image
<$parameters size="22pt" day=<<now "DD">>>
<svg width=<<size>> height=<<size>> class="tc-image-new-journal-button tc-image-button" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><g fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M102.545 112.818v11.818c0 1.306 1.086 2.364 2.425 2.364h6.06c1.34 0 2.425-1.058 2.425-2.364v-11.818h12.12c1.34 0 2.425-1.058 2.425-2.363v-5.91c0-1.305-1.085-2.363-2.424-2.363h-12.121V90.364c0-1.306-1.086-2.364-2.425-2.364h-6.06c-1.34 0-2.425 1.058-2.425 2.364v11.818h-12.12c-1.34 0-2.425 1.058-2.425 2.363v5.91c0 1.305 1.085 2.363 2.424 2.363h12.121zM60.016 4.965c-4.781-2.76-10.897-1.118-13.656 3.66L5.553 79.305A9.993 9.993 0 009.21 92.963l51.04 29.468c4.78 2.76 10.897 1.118 13.655-3.66l40.808-70.681a9.993 9.993 0 00-3.658-13.656L60.016 4.965zm-3.567 27.963a6 6 0 106-10.393 6 6 0 00-6 10.393zm31.697 17.928a6 6 0 106-10.392 6 6 0 00-6 10.392z"/><text class="tc-fill-background" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="47.172" font-weight="bold" transform="rotate(30 25.742 95.82)"><tspan x="42" y="77.485" text-anchor="middle"><$text text=<<day>>/></tspan></text></g></svg>
<$parameters size="22pt" day=<<now "DD">>><svg width=<<size>> height=<<size>> class="tc-image-new-journal-button tc-image-button" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><g fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M102.545 112.818v11.818c0 1.306 1.086 2.364 2.425 2.364h6.06c1.34 0 2.425-1.058 2.425-2.364v-11.818h12.12c1.34 0 2.425-1.058 2.425-2.363v-5.91c0-1.305-1.085-2.363-2.424-2.363h-12.121V90.364c0-1.306-1.086-2.364-2.425-2.364h-6.06c-1.34 0-2.425 1.058-2.425 2.364v11.818h-12.12c-1.34 0-2.425 1.058-2.425 2.363v5.91c0 1.305 1.085 2.363 2.424 2.363h12.121zM60.016 4.965c-4.781-2.76-10.897-1.118-13.656 3.66L5.553 79.305A9.993 9.993 0 009.21 92.963l51.04 29.468c4.78 2.76 10.897 1.118 13.655-3.66l40.808-70.681a9.993 9.993 0 00-3.658-13.656L60.016 4.965zm-3.567 27.963a6 6 0 106-10.393 6 6 0 00-6 10.393zm31.697 17.928a6 6 0 106-10.392 6 6 0 00-6 10.392z"/><text class="tc-fill-background" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="47.172" font-weight="bold" transform="rotate(30 25.742 95.82)"><tspan x="42" y="77.485" text-anchor="middle"><$text text=<<day>>/></tspan></text></g></svg></$parameters>

View File

@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ More/Caption: more
More/Hint: More actions
NewHere/Caption: new here
NewHere/Hint: Create a new tiddler tagged with this one
NetworkActivity/Caption: network activity
NetworkActivity/Hint: Cancel all network activity
NewJournal/Caption: new journal
NewJournal/Hint: Create a new journal tiddler
NewJournalHere/Caption: new journal here

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ description: Saves a wiki to a new wiki folder
<<.from-version "5.1.20">> Saves the current wiki as a wiki folder, including tiddlers, plugins and configuration:
--savewikifolder <wikifolderpath> [<filter>]
--savewikifolder <wikifolderpath> [<filter>] [ [<name>=<value>] ]*
* The target wiki folder must be empty or non-existent
@ -12,8 +12,23 @@ description: Saves a wiki to a new wiki folder
* Plugins from the official plugin library are replaced with references to those plugins in the `tiddlywiki.info` file
* Custom plugins are unpacked into their own folder
The following options are supported:
* ''filter'': a filter expression that defines the tiddlers to include in the output.
* ''explodePlugins'': defaults to "yes"
** ''yes'' will "explode" plugins into separate tiddler files and save them to the plugin directory within the wiki folder
** ''no'' will suppress exploding plugins into their constituent tiddler files. It will save the plugin as a single JSON tiddler in the tiddlers folder
Note that both ''explodePlugins'' options will produce wiki folders that build the same exact same original wiki. The difference lies in how plugins are represented in the wiki folder.
A common usage is to convert a TiddlyWiki HTML file into a wiki folder:
tiddlywiki --load ./mywiki.html --savewikifolder ./mywikifolder
Save the plugin to the tiddlers directory of the target wiki folder:
tiddlywiki --load ./mywiki.html --savewikifolder ./mywikifolder explodePlugins=no

View File

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ Encryption/RepeatPassword: Repeat password
Encryption/PasswordNoMatch: Passwords do not match
Encryption/SetPassword: Set password
Error/Caption: Error
Error/DeserializeOperator/MissingOperand: Filter Error: Missing operand for 'deserialize' operator
Error/DeserializeOperator/UnknownDeserializer: Filter Error: Unknown deserializer provided as operand for the 'deserialize' operator
Error/Filter: Filter error
Error/FilterSyntax: Syntax error in filter expression
Error/FilterRunPrefix: Filter Error: Unknown prefix for filter run

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
title: $:/SiteTitle
My ~TiddlyWiki
My TiddlyWiki

View File

@ -5,7 +5,14 @@ module-type: command
Command to save the current wiki as a wiki folder
--savewikifolder <wikifolderpath> [<filter>]
--savewikifolder <wikifolderpath> [ [<name>=<value>] ]*
The following options are supported:
* ''filter'': a filter expression defining the tiddlers to be included in the output
* ''explodePlugins'': set to "no" to suppress exploding plugins into their constituent shadow tiddlers (defaults to "yes")
Supports backward compatibility with --savewikifolder <wikifolderpath> [<filter>] [ [<name>=<value>] ]*
@ -35,14 +42,28 @@ Command.prototype.execute = function() {
if(this.params.length < 1) {
return "Missing wiki folder path";
var wikifoldermaker = new WikiFolderMaker(this.params[0],this.params[1],this.commander);
var regFilter = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+=/g, // dynamic parameters
options = {};
if (regFilter.test(this.params[1])) {
namedParames = this.commander.extractNamedParameters(this.params.slice(1));
tiddlerFilter = namedParames.filter || "[all[tiddlers]]";
} else {
namedParames = this.commander.extractNamedParameters(this.params.slice(2));
tiddlerFilter = this.params[1];
tiddlerFilter = tiddlerFilter || "[all[tiddlers]]";
options.explodePlugins = namedParames.explodePlugins || "yes";
var wikifoldermaker = new WikiFolderMaker(this.params[0],tiddlerFilter,this.commander,options);
return wikifoldermaker.save();
function WikiFolderMaker(wikiFolderPath,wikiFilter,commander) {
function WikiFolderMaker(wikiFolderPath,wikiFilter,commander,options) {
this.wikiFolderPath = wikiFolderPath;
this.wikiFilter = wikiFilter || "[all[tiddlers]]";
this.wikiFilter = wikiFilter;
this.commander = commander;
this.explodePlugins = options.explodePlugins;
this.wiki = commander.wiki;
this.savedPaths = []; // So that we can detect filename clashes
@ -93,10 +114,13 @@ WikiFolderMaker.prototype.save = function() {
self.log("Adding built-in plugin: " + libraryDetails.name);
newWikiInfo[libraryDetails.type] = newWikiInfo[libraryDetails.type] || [];
} else {
} else if(self.explodePlugins !== "no") {
// A custom plugin
self.log("Processing custom plugin: " + title);
} else if(self.explodePlugins === "no") {
self.log("Processing custom plugin to tiddlders folder: " + title);
self.saveTiddler("tiddlers", tiddler);
} else {
// Ordinary tiddler

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
title: $:/core/modules/filterrunprefixes/then.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: filterrunprefix
Replace results of previous runs unless empty
/*jslint node: true, browser: true */
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";
Export our filter prefix function
exports.then = function(operationSubFunction) {
return function(results,source,widget) {
if(results.length !== 0) {
// Only run if previous run(s) produced results
var thisRunResult = operationSubFunction(source,widget);
if(thisRunResult.length !== 0) {
// Replace results only if this run actually produces a result

View File

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ Adds tiddler filtering methods to the $tw.Wiki object.
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";
var widgetClass = require("$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js").widget;
/* Maximum permitted filter recursion depth */
@ -269,7 +271,7 @@ exports.compileFilter = function(filterString) {
operand.value = self.getTextReference(operand.text,"",currTiddlerTitle);
} else if(operand.variable) {
var varTree = $tw.utils.parseFilterVariable(operand.text);
operand.value = widget.evaluateVariable(varTree.name,{params: varTree.params, source: source})[0] || "";
operand.value = widgetClass.evaluateVariable(widget,varTree.name,{params: varTree.params, source: source})[0] || "";
} else {
operand.value = operand.text;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
title: $:/core/modules/filters/deserialize.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: filteroperator
Filter operator for deserializing string data into JSON representing tiddlers
/*jslint node: true, browser: true */
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";
exports["deserialize"] = function(source,operator,options) {
var results = [],
if(operator.operand) {
// Get the deserializer identified by the operand
deserializer = $tw.Wiki.tiddlerDeserializerModules[operator.operand];
if(deserializer) {
source(function(tiddler,title) {
var tiddlers;
try {
tiddlers = deserializer(title);
} catch(e) {
// Return an empty array if we could not extract any tiddlers
tiddlers = [];
} else {
return [$tw.language.getString("Error/DeserializeOperator/UnknownDeserializer")];
} else {
return [$tw.language.getString("Error/DeserializeOperator/MissingOperand")];
return results;

View File

@ -17,9 +17,13 @@ Export our filter function
exports.function = function(source,operator,options) {
var functionName = operator.operands[0],
variableInfo = options.widget && options.widget.getVariableInfo && options.widget.getVariableInfo(functionName);
params = [];
$tw.utils.each(operator.operands.slice(1),function(param) {
params.push({value: param});
var variableInfo = options.widget && options.widget.getVariableInfo && options.widget.getVariableInfo(functionName,{params: params, source: source});
if(variableInfo && variableInfo.srcVariable && variableInfo.srcVariable.isFunctionDefinition) {
return options.widget.evaluateVariable(functionName,{params: operator.operands.slice(1), source: source});
return variableInfo.resultList ? variableInfo.resultList : [variableInfo.text];
// Return the input list if the function wasn't found
var results = [];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
title: $:/core/modules/filters/substitute.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: filteroperator
Filter operator for substituting variables and embedded filter expressions with their corresponding values
/*jslint node: true, browser: true */
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";
Export our filter function
exports.substitute = function(source,operator,options) {
var results = [],
operands = [];
name: (index + 1).toString(),
value: operand
source(function(tiddler,title) {
if(title) {
return results;

View File

@ -22,9 +22,13 @@ Export our filter function
exports["[unknown]"] = function(source,operator,options) {
// Check for a user defined filter operator
if(operator.operator.indexOf(".") !== -1) {
var variableInfo = options.widget && options.widget.getVariableInfo && options.widget.getVariableInfo(operator.operator);
if(variableInfo && variableInfo.srcVariable && variableInfo.srcVariable.isFunctionDefinition) {
var list = options.widget.evaluateVariable(operator.operator,{params: operator.operands, source: source});
var params = [];
$tw.utils.each(operator.operands,function(param) {
params.push({value: param});
var variableInfo = options.widget && options.widget.getVariableInfo && options.widget.getVariableInfo(operator.operator,{params: params, source: source});
if(variableInfo && variableInfo.srcVariable) {
var list = variableInfo.resultList ? variableInfo.resultList : [variableInfo.text];
if(operator.prefix === "!") {
var results = [];
source(function(tiddler,title) {

View File

@ -305,10 +305,11 @@ exports.parseAttribute = function(source,pos) {
start: pos
// Define our regexps
var reAttributeName = /([^\/\s>"'=]+)/g,
reUnquotedAttribute = /([^\/\s<>"'=]+)/g,
var reAttributeName = /([^\/\s>"'`=]+)/g,
reUnquotedAttribute = /([^\/\s<>"'`=]+)/g,
reFilteredValue = /\{\{\{([\S\s]+?)\}\}\}/g,
reIndirectValue = /\{\{([^\}]+)\}\}/g;
reIndirectValue = /\{\{([^\}]+)\}\}/g,
reSubstitutedValue = /(?:```([\s\S]*?)```|`([^`]|[\S\s]*?)`)/g;
// Skip whitespace
pos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);
// Get the attribute name
@ -361,8 +362,15 @@ exports.parseAttribute = function(source,pos) {
node.type = "macro";
node.value = macroInvocation;
} else {
node.type = "string";
node.value = "true";
var substitutedValue = $tw.utils.parseTokenRegExp(source,pos,reSubstitutedValue);
if(substitutedValue) {
pos = substitutedValue.end;
node.type = "substituted";
node.rawValue = substitutedValue.match[1] || substitutedValue.match[2];
} else {
node.type = "string";
node.value = "true";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
title: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/wikilinkprefix.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: wikirule
Wiki text inline rule for suppressed wiki links. For example:
/*jslint node: true, browser: true */
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";
exports.name = "wikilinkprefix";
exports.types = {inline: true};
exports.init = function(parser) {
this.parser = parser;
// Regexp to match
this.matchRegExp = new RegExp($tw.config.textPrimitives.unWikiLink + $tw.config.textPrimitives.wikiLink,"mg");
Parse the most recent match
exports.parse = function() {
// Get the details of the match
var linkText = this.match[0];
// Move past the wikilink
this.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;
// Return the link without unwikilink character as plain text
return [{type: "text", text: linkText.substr(1)}];

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ Startup logic concerned with managing plugins
// Export name and synchronous status
exports.name = "plugins";
exports.after = ["load-modules"];
exports.before = ["startup"];
exports.synchronous = true;
var TITLE_REQUIRE_RELOAD_DUE_TO_PLUGIN_CHANGE = "$:/status/RequireReloadDueToPluginChange";

View File

@ -20,6 +20,39 @@ exports.before = ["story"];
exports.synchronous = true;
exports.startup = function() {
// Install the HTTP client event handler
$tw.httpClient = new $tw.utils.HttpClient();
var getPropertiesWithPrefix = function(properties,prefix) {
var result = Object.create(null);
$tw.utils.each(properties,function(value,name) {
if(name.indexOf(prefix) === 0) {
result[name.substring(prefix.length)] = properties[name];
return result;
$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tm-http-request",function(event) {
var params = event.paramObject || {};
wiki: event.widget.wiki,
url: params.url,
method: params.method,
body: params.body,
binary: params.binary,
oncompletion: params.oncompletion,
onprogress: params.onprogress,
bindStatus: params["bind-status"],
bindProgress: params["bind-progress"],
variables: getPropertiesWithPrefix(params,"var-"),
headers: getPropertiesWithPrefix(params,"header-"),
passwordHeaders: getPropertiesWithPrefix(params,"password-header-"),
queryStrings: getPropertiesWithPrefix(params,"query-"),
passwordQueryStrings: getPropertiesWithPrefix(params,"password-query-")
$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tm-http-cancel-all-requests",function(event) {
// Install the modal message mechanism
$tw.modal = new $tw.utils.Modal($tw.wiki);
$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tm-modal",function(event) {

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: $:/core/modules/utils/dom/http.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: utils
Browser HTTP support
HTTP support
@ -13,12 +13,220 @@ Browser HTTP support
"use strict";
A quick and dirty HTTP function; to be refactored later. Options are:
Manage tm-http-request events. Options include:
wiki: Reference to the wiki to be used for state tiddler tracking
stateTrackerTitle: Title of tiddler to be used for state tiddler tracking
function HttpClient(options) {
options = options || {};
this.nextId = 1;
this.wiki = options.wiki || $tw.wiki;
this.stateTrackerTitle = options.stateTrackerTitle || "$:/state/http-requests";
this.requests = []; // Array of {id: string,request: HttpClientRequest}
Return the index into this.requests[] corresponding to a given ID. Returns null if not found
HttpClient.prototype.getRequestIndex = function(targetId) {
var targetIndex = null;
$tw.utils.each(this.requests,function(requestInfo,index) {
if(requestInfo.id === targetId) {
targetIndex = index;
return targetIndex;
Update the state tiddler that is tracking the outstanding requests
HttpClient.prototype.updateRequestTracker = function() {
this.wiki.addTiddler({title: this.stateTrackerTitle, text: "" + this.requests.length});
HttpClient.prototype.initiateHttpRequest = function(options) {
var self = this,
id = this.nextId,
request = new HttpClientRequest(options);
this.nextId += 1;
this.requests.push({id: id, request: request});
request.send(function(err) {
var targetIndex = self.getRequestIndex(id);
if(targetIndex !== null) {
return id;
HttpClient.prototype.cancelAllHttpRequests = function() {
var self = this;
if(this.requests.length > 0) {
for(var t=this.requests.length - 1; t--; t>=0) {
var requestInfo = this.requests[t];
this.requests = [];
HttpClient.prototype.cancelHttpRequest = function(targetId) {
var targetIndex = this.getRequestIndex(targetId);
if(targetIndex !== null) {
Initiate an HTTP request. Options:
wiki: wiki to be used for executing action strings
url: URL for request
method: method eg GET, POST
body: text of request body
binary: set to "yes" to force binary processing of response payload
oncompletion: action string to be invoked on completion
onprogress: action string to be invoked on progress updates
bindStatus: optional title of tiddler to which status ("pending", "complete", "error") should be written
bindProgress: optional title of tiddler to which the progress of the request (0 to 100) should be bound
variables: hashmap of variable name to string value passed to action strings
headers: hashmap of header name to header value to be sent with the request
passwordHeaders: hashmap of header name to password store name to be sent with the request
queryStrings: hashmap of query string parameter name to parameter value to be sent with the request
passwordQueryStrings: hashmap of query string parameter name to password store name to be sent with the request
function HttpClientRequest(options) {
var self = this;
console.log("Initiating an HTTP request",options)
this.wiki = options.wiki;
this.completionActions = options.oncompletion;
this.progressActions = options.onprogress;
this.bindStatus = options["bindStatus"];
this.bindProgress = options["bindProgress"];
this.method = options.method || "GET";
this.body = options.body || "";
this.binary = options.binary || "";
this.variables = options.variables;
var url = options.url;
$tw.utils.each(options.queryStrings,function(value,name) {
url = $tw.utils.setQueryStringParameter(url,name,value);
$tw.utils.each(options.passwordQueryStrings,function(value,name) {
url = $tw.utils.setQueryStringParameter(url,name,$tw.utils.getPassword(value) || "");
this.url = url;
this.requestHeaders = {};
$tw.utils.each(options.headers,function(value,name) {
self.requestHeaders[name] = value;
$tw.utils.each(options.passwordHeaders,function(value,name) {
self.requestHeaders[name] = $tw.utils.getPassword(value) || "";
HttpClientRequest.prototype.send = function(callback) {
var self = this,
setBinding = function(title,text) {
if(title) {
self.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler({title: title, text: text}));
if(this.url) {
// Set the request tracker tiddler
var requestTrackerTitle = this.wiki.generateNewTitle("$:/temp/HttpRequest");
title: requestTrackerTitle,
tags: "$:/tags/HttpRequest",
text: JSON.stringify({
url: this.url,
type: this.method,
status: "inprogress",
headers: this.requestHeaders,
data: this.body
this.xhr = $tw.utils.httpRequest({
url: this.url,
type: this.method,
headers: this.requestHeaders,
data: this.body,
returnProp: this.binary === "" ? "responseText" : "response",
responseType: this.binary === "" ? "text" : "arraybuffer",
callback: function(err,data,xhr) {
var hasSucceeded = xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300,
completionCode = hasSucceeded ? "complete" : "error",
headers = {};
$tw.utils.each(xhr.getAllResponseHeaders().split("\r\n"),function(line) {
var pos = line.indexOf(":");
if(pos !== -1) {
headers[line.substr(0,pos)] = line.substr(pos + 1).trim();
var resultVariables = {
status: xhr.status.toString(),
statusText: xhr.statusText,
error: (err || "").toString(),
data: (data || "").toString(),
headers: JSON.stringify(headers)
/* Convert data from binary to base64 */
if (xhr.responseType === "arraybuffer") {
var binary = "",
bytes = new Uint8Array(data),
len = bytes.byteLength;
for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {
binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);
resultVariables.data = window.btoa(binary);
self.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(self.wiki.getTiddler(requestTrackerTitle),{
status: completionCode,
self.wiki.invokeActionString(self.completionActions,undefined,$tw.utils.extend({},self.variables,resultVariables),{parentWidget: $tw.rootWidget});
callback(hasSucceeded ? null : xhr.statusText);
// console.log("Back!",err,data,xhr);
progress: function(lengthComputable,loaded,total) {
if(lengthComputable) {
setBinding(self.bindProgress,"" + Math.floor((loaded/total) * 100))
lengthComputable: lengthComputable ? "yes" : "no",
loaded: loaded,
total: total
},{parentWidget: $tw.rootWidget});
HttpClientRequest.prototype.cancel = function() {
if(this.xhr) {
exports.HttpClient = HttpClient;
Make an HTTP request. Options are:
url: URL to retrieve
headers: hashmap of headers to send
type: GET, PUT, POST etc
callback: function invoked with (err,data,xhr)
progress: optional function invoked with (lengthComputable,loaded,total)
returnProp: string name of the property to return as first argument of callback
responseType: "text" or "arraybuffer"
exports.httpRequest = function(options) {
var type = options.type || "GET",
@ -71,6 +279,7 @@ exports.httpRequest = function(options) {
request.responseType = options.responseType || "text";
// Set up the state change handler
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(this.readyState === 4) {
@ -83,8 +292,16 @@ exports.httpRequest = function(options) {
options.callback($tw.language.getString("Error/XMLHttpRequest") + ": " + this.status,null,this);
// Handle progress
if(options.progress) {
request.onprogress = function(event) {
console.log("Progress event",event)
// Make the request
// Headers
if(headers) {
$tw.utils.each(headers,function(header,headerTitle,object) {
@ -96,6 +313,7 @@ exports.httpRequest = function(options) {
if(!hasHeader("X-Requested-With") && !isSimpleRequest(type,headers)) {
// Send data
try {
} catch(e) {
@ -104,4 +322,19 @@ exports.httpRequest = function(options) {
return request;
exports.setQueryStringParameter = function(url,paramName,paramValue) {
var URL = $tw.browser ? window.URL : require("url").URL,
try {
newUrl = new URL(url);
} catch(e) {
if(newUrl && paramName) {
newUrl.searchParams.set(paramName,paramValue || "");
return newUrl.toString();
} else {
return url;

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ ImportVariablesWidget.prototype.execute = function(tiddlerList) {
this.tiddlerList = tiddlerList || this.wiki.filterTiddlers(this.filter,this);
// Accumulate the <$set> widgets from each tiddler
$tw.utils.each(this.tiddlerList,function(title) {
var parser = widgetPointer.wiki.parseTiddler(title,{parseAsInline:true});
var parser = widgetPointer.wiki.parseTiddler(title,{parseAsInline:true, configTrimWhiteSpace:true});
if(parser) {
var parseTreeNode = parser.tree[0];
while(parseTreeNode && ["setvariable","set","parameters"].indexOf(parseTreeNode.type) !== -1) {

View File

@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ SelectWidget.prototype.execute = function() {
this.selectDefault = this.getAttribute("default");
this.selectMultiple = this.getAttribute("multiple", false);
this.selectSize = this.getAttribute("size");
this.selectTabindex = this.getAttribute("tabindex");
this.selectTooltip = this.getAttribute("tooltip");
this.selectFocus = this.getAttribute("focus");
// Make the child widgets
@ -162,6 +163,9 @@ SelectWidget.prototype.execute = function() {
if(this.selectSize) {
if(this.selectTabindex) {
if(this.selectTooltip) {

View File

@ -41,16 +41,17 @@ TranscludeWidget.prototype.execute = function() {
// Get the parse tree nodes that we are transcluding
// Get the target text and parse tree nodes that we are transcluding
var target = this.getTransclusionTarget(),
parseTreeNodes = target.parseTreeNodes;
this.sourceText = target.text;
this.parserType = target.type;
this.parseAsInline = target.parseAsInline;
// Process the transclusion according to the output type
switch(this.transcludeOutput || "text/html") {
case "text/html":
// No further processing required
// Return the parse tree nodes
parseTreeNodes = target.parseTreeNodes;
case "text/raw":
// Just return the raw text
@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ TranscludeWidget.prototype.collectSlotFillParameters = function() {
Get transcluded parse tree nodes as an object {parser:,text:,type:}
Get transcluded parse tree nodes as an object {text:,type:,parseTreeNodes:,parseAsInline:}
TranscludeWidget.prototype.getTransclusionTarget = function() {
var self = this;
@ -177,24 +178,8 @@ TranscludeWidget.prototype.getTransclusionTarget = function() {
var variableInfo = this.getVariableInfo(this.transcludeVariable,{params: this.getOrderedTransclusionParameters()}),
srcVariable = variableInfo && variableInfo.srcVariable;
if(variableInfo.text) {
if(srcVariable.isFunctionDefinition) {
// Function to return parameters by name or position
var fnGetParam = function(name,index) {
// Parameter names starting with dollar must be escaped to double dollars
if(name.charAt(0) === "$") {
name = "$" + name;
// Look for the parameter by name
if(self.hasAttribute(name)) {
return self.getAttribute(name);
// Look for the parameter by index
} else if(self.hasAttribute(index + "")) {
return self.getAttribute(index + "");
} else {
return undefined;
result = this.evaluateVariable(this.transcludeVariable,{params: fnGetParam})[0] || "";
if(srcVariable && srcVariable.isFunctionDefinition) {
var result = (variableInfo.resultList ? variableInfo.resultList[0] : variableInfo.text) || "";
parser = {
tree: [{
type: "text",
@ -223,7 +208,7 @@ TranscludeWidget.prototype.getTransclusionTarget = function() {
if(variableInfo.isCacheable && srcVariable[cacheKey]) {
parser = srcVariable[cacheKey];
} else {
parser = this.wiki.parseText(this.transcludeType,variableInfo.text || "",{parseAsInline: parseAsInline, configTrimWhiteSpace: srcVariable.configTrimWhiteSpace});
parser = this.wiki.parseText(this.transcludeType,variableInfo.text || "",{parseAsInline: parseAsInline, configTrimWhiteSpace: srcVariable && srcVariable.configTrimWhiteSpace});
if(variableInfo.isCacheable) {
srcVariable[cacheKey] = parser;
@ -231,7 +216,7 @@ TranscludeWidget.prototype.getTransclusionTarget = function() {
if(parser) {
// Add parameters widget for procedures and custom widgets
if(srcVariable.isProcedureDefinition || srcVariable.isWidgetDefinition) {
if(srcVariable && (srcVariable.isProcedureDefinition || srcVariable.isWidgetDefinition)) {
parser = {
tree: [
@ -250,7 +235,7 @@ TranscludeWidget.prototype.getTransclusionTarget = function() {
} else {
} else if(srcVariable && (srcVariable.isMacroDefinition || !srcVariable.isFunctionDefinition)) {
// For macros and ordinary variables, wrap the parse tree in a vars widget assigning the parameters to variables named "__paramname__"
parser = {
tree: [
@ -286,7 +271,6 @@ TranscludeWidget.prototype.getTransclusionTarget = function() {
// Return the parse tree
if(parser) {
return {
parser: parser,
parseTreeNodes: parser.tree,
parseAsInline: parseAsInline,
text: parser.source,
@ -295,7 +279,6 @@ TranscludeWidget.prototype.getTransclusionTarget = function() {
} else {
// If there's no parse tree then return the missing slot value
return {
parser: null,
parseTreeNodes: (this.slotFillParseTrees["ts-missing"] || []),
parseAsInline: parseAsInline,
text: null,

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Widget base class
"use strict";
/* Maximum permitted depth of the widget tree for recursion detection */
Create a widget object for a parse tree node
@ -112,14 +112,18 @@ Get the prevailing value of a context variable
name: name of variable
options: see below
Options include
params: array of {name:, value:} for each parameter
defaultValue: default value if the variable is not defined
source: optional source iterator for evaluating function invocations
allowSelfAssigned: if true, includes the current widget in the context chain instead of just the parent
Returns an object with the following fields:
params: array of {name:,value:} of parameters passed to wikitext variables
params: array of {name:,value:} or {value:} of parameters to be applied
text: text of variable, with parameters properly substituted
resultList: result of variable evaluation as an array
srcVariable: reference to the object defining the variable
Widget.prototype.getVariableInfo = function(name,options) {
options = options || {};
@ -135,7 +139,8 @@ Widget.prototype.getVariableInfo = function(name,options) {
if(variable) {
var originalValue = variable.value,
value = originalValue,
params = [];
params = [],
resultList = [value];
// Only substitute parameter and variable references if this variable was defined with the \define pragma
if(variable.isMacroDefinition) {
params = self.resolveVariableParameters(variable.params,actualParams);
@ -144,10 +149,28 @@ Widget.prototype.getVariableInfo = function(name,options) {
value = $tw.utils.replaceString(value,new RegExp("\\$" + $tw.utils.escapeRegExp(param.name) + "\\$","mg"),param.value);
value = self.substituteVariableReferences(value,options);
resultList = [value];
} else if(variable.isFunctionDefinition) {
// Function evaluations
params = self.resolveVariableParameters(variable.params,actualParams);
var variables = Object.create(null);
// Apply default parameter values
$tw.utils.each(variable.params,function(param,index) {
if(param["default"]) {
variables[param.name] = param["default"];
// Parameters are an array of {value:} or {name:, value:} pairs
$tw.utils.each(params,function(param) {
variables[param.name] = param.value;
resultList = this.wiki.filterTiddlers(value,this.makeFakeWidgetWithVariables(variables),options.source);
value = resultList[0] || "";
return {
text: value,
params: params,
resultList: resultList,
srcVariable: variable,
isCacheable: originalValue === value
@ -159,7 +182,7 @@ Widget.prototype.getVariableInfo = function(name,options) {
return {
text: text,
srcVariable: {}
resultList: [text]
@ -317,62 +340,11 @@ Widget.prototype.makeFakeWidgetWithVariables = function(variables) {
makeFakeWidgetWithVariables: self.makeFakeWidgetWithVariables,
evaluateVariable: self.evaluateVariable,
resolveVariableParameters: self.resolveVariableParameters,
wiki: self.wiki
Evaluate a variable and associated actual parameters and return the resulting array.
The way that the variable is evaluated depends upon its type:
* Functions are evaluated as parameterised filter strings
* Macros are returned as plain text with substitution of parameters
* Procedures and widgets are returned as plain text
Options are:
params - the actual parameters may be one of:
* an array of values that may be an anonymous string value, or a {name:, value:} pair
* a hashmap of {name: value} pairs
* a function invoked with parameters (name,index) that returns a parameter value by name or position
source - iterator for source tiddlers
Widget.prototype.evaluateVariable = function(name,options) {
options = options || {};
var params = options.params || [];
// Get the details of the variable (includes processing text substitution for macros
var variableInfo = this.getVariableInfo(name,{params: params,defaultValue: ""});
// Process function parameters
var variables = Object.create(null);
if(variableInfo.srcVariable && variableInfo.srcVariable.isFunctionDefinition) {
// Apply default parameter values
$tw.utils.each(variableInfo.srcVariable.params,function(param,index) {
if(param["default"]) {
variables[param.name] = param["default"];
if($tw.utils.isArray(params)) {
// Parameters are an array of values or {name:, value:} pairs
$tw.utils.each(this.resolveVariableParameters(variableInfo.srcVariable.params,params),function(param) {
variables[param.name] = param.value;
} else if(typeof params === "function") {
// Parameters are passed via a function
$tw.utils.each(variableInfo.srcVariable.params,function(param,index) {
variables[param.name] = params(param.name,index) || param["default"] || "";
} else {
// Parameters are a hashmap
$tw.utils.each(params,function(value,name) {
variables[name] = value;
return this.wiki.filterTiddlers(variableInfo.text,this.makeFakeWidgetWithVariables(variables),options.source);
} else {
return [variableInfo.text];
Compute the current values of the attributes of the widget. Returns a hashmap of the names of the attributes that have changed.
Options include:
@ -406,13 +378,9 @@ Widget.prototype.computeAttribute = function(attribute) {
value = this.wiki.getTextReference(attribute.textReference,"",this.getVariable("currentTiddler")) || "";
} else if(attribute.type === "macro") {
var variableInfo = this.getVariableInfo(attribute.value.name,{params: attribute.value.params});
if(variableInfo.srcVariable && variableInfo.srcVariable.isFunctionDefinition) {
// It is a function definition. Go through each of the defined parameters, and make a variable with the value of the corresponding provided parameter
var paramArray = this.resolveVariableParameters(variableInfo.srcVariable.params,attribute.value.params);
value = this.evaluateVariable(attribute.value.name,{params: paramArray})[0] || "";
} else {
value = variableInfo.text;
value = variableInfo.text;
} else if(attribute.type === "substituted") {
value = this.wiki.getSubstitutedText(attribute.rawValue,this) || "";
} else { // String attribute
value = attribute.value;
@ -751,23 +719,46 @@ Widget.prototype.findFirstDomNode = function() {
Remove any DOM nodes created by this widget or its children
Entry into destroy procedure
Widget.prototype.destroyChildren = function() {
$tw.utils.each(this.children,function(childWidget) {
Legacy entry into destroy procedure
Widget.prototype.removeChildDomNodes = function() {
// If this widget has directly created DOM nodes, delete them and exit. This assumes that any child widgets are contained within the created DOM nodes, which would normally be the case
Default destroy
Widget.prototype.destroy = function() {
// call children to remove their resources
// remove our resources
this.children = [];
Remove any DOM nodes created by this widget
Widget.prototype.removeLocalDomNodes = function() {
// If this widget has directly created DOM nodes, delete them and exit.
if(this.domNodes.length > 0) {
$tw.utils.each(this.domNodes,function(domNode) {
if(domNode.parentNode) {
this.domNodes = [];
} else {
// Otherwise, ask the child widgets to delete their DOM nodes
$tw.utils.each(this.children,function(childWidget) {
Invoke the action widgets that are descendents of the current widget.
@ -829,6 +820,20 @@ Widget.prototype.allowActionPropagation = function() {
return true;
Evaluate a variable with parameters. This is a static convenience method that attempts to evaluate a variable as a function, returning an array of strings
Widget.evaluateVariable = function(widget,name,options) {
var result;
if(widget.getVariableInfo) {
var variableInfo = widget.getVariableInfo(name,options);
result = variableInfo.resultList || [variableInfo.text];
} else {
result = [widget.getVariable(name)];
return result;
exports.widget = Widget;

View File

@ -1063,6 +1063,34 @@ exports.getTextReferenceParserInfo = function(title,field,index,options) {
return parserInfo;
Parse a block of text of a specified MIME type
text: text on which to perform substitutions
options: see below
Options include:
substitutions: an optional array of substitutions
exports.getSubstitutedText = function(text,widget,options) {
options = options || {};
text = text || "";
var self = this,
substitutions = options.substitutions || [],
// Evaluate embedded filters and substitute with first result
output = text.replace(/\$\{([\S\s]+?)\}\$/g, function(match,filter) {
return self.filterTiddlers(filter,widget)[0] || "";
// Process any substitutions provided in options
$tw.utils.each(substitutions,function(substitute) {
output = $tw.utils.replaceString(output,new RegExp("\\$" + $tw.utils.escapeRegExp(substitute.name) + "\\$","mg"),substitute.value);
// Substitute any variable references with their values
return output.replace(/\$\(([^\)\$]+)\)\$/g, function(match,varname) {
return widget.getVariable(varname,{defaultValue: ""})
Make a widget tree for a parse tree
parser: parser object
@ -1415,6 +1443,14 @@ exports.checkTiddlerText = function(title,targetText,options) {
return text === targetText;
Execute an action string without an associated context widget
exports.invokeActionString = function(actions,event,variables,options) {
var widget = this.makeWidget(null,{parentWidget: options.parentWidget});
Read an array of browser File objects, invoking callback(tiddlerFieldsArray) once they're all read

View File

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ modal-footer-background: #f5f5f5
modal-footer-border: #dddddd
modal-header-border: #eeeeee
muted-foreground: #bbb
network-activity-foreground: #448844
notification-background: #ffffdd
notification-border: #999999
page-background: #f4f4f4

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ tags: $:/tags/Exporter
description: {{$:/language/Exporters/StaticRiver}}
extension: .html
\define tv-config-static() yes
\define tv-wikilink-template() #$uri_encoded$
\define tv-config-toolbar-icons() no
\define tv-config-toolbar-text() no

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: $:/core/templates/server/static.tiddler.html
\whitespace trim
\define tv-config-static() yes
\define tv-wikilink-template() $uri_encoded$
\import [subfilter{$:/core/config/GlobalImportFilter}]

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: $:/core/templates/static.template.html
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki-html
\define tv-config-static() yes
\define tv-wikilink-template() static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
\define tv-config-toolbar-icons() no
\define tv-config-toolbar-text() no

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: $:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html
\define tv-wikilink-template() $uri_doubleencoded$.html
\define tv-config-static() yes
\define tv-config-toolbar-icons() no
\define tv-config-toolbar-text() no
\define tv-config-toolbar-class() tc-btn-invisible

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
code-body: yes
title: $:/core/ui/AlertTemplate
\whitespace trim

View File

@ -2,18 +2,6 @@ title: $:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings
tags: $:/tags/ControlPanel
caption: {{$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/Caption}}
\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/
<<lingo Hint>>
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings]]">
<div style="border-top:1px solid #eee;">
!! <$link><$transclude field="caption"/></$link>
<div class="tc-control-panel">
<$macrocall $name="tabs" tabsList="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/ControlPanel/SettingsTab]!has[draft.of]]" default="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/TiddlyWiki" explicitState="$:/state/tab--697582678"/>

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: $:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/TiddlyWiki
tags: $:/tags/ControlPanel/SettingsTab
caption: TiddlyWiki
\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
code-body: yes
title: $:/core/ui/EditTemplate
\define delete-edittemplate-state-tiddlers()

View File

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ color:$(foregroundColor)$;
\define tag-body-inner(colour,fallbackTarget,colourA,colourB,icon,tagField:"tags")
\whitespace trim
<$vars foregroundColor=<<contrastcolour target:"""$colour$""" fallbackTarget:"""$fallbackTarget$""" colourA:"""$colourA$""" colourB:"""$colourB$""">> backgroundColor="""$colour$""">
<span style=<<tag-styles>> class="tc-tag-label tc-tag-list-item tc-small-gap-right">
<$transclude tiddler="""$icon$"""/><$view field="title" format="text" />
<span style=<<tag-styles>> class="tc-tag-label tc-tag-list-item tc-small-gap-right" data-tag-title=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$transclude tiddler="""$icon$"""/><$view field="title" format="text"/>
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible tc-remove-tag-button" style=<<tag-styles>>><$action-listops $tiddler=<<saveTiddler>> $field=<<__tagField__>> $subfilter="-[{!!title}]"/>{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button>

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ title: $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/link-dropdown
\define external-link()
\whitespace trim
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" style="width: auto; display: inline-block; background-colour: inherit;" actions=<<add-link-actions>>>
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini" style="width: auto; display: inline-block; background-colour: inherit;" actions=<<add-link-actions>>>
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ title: $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/link-dropdown
<$reveal tag="span" state=<<storeTitle>> type="nomatch" text="">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" style="width: auto; display: inline-block; background-colour: inherit;">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini" style="width: auto; display: inline-block; background-colour: inherit;">
<<cancel-search-actions>><$set name="cssEscapedTitle" value={{{ [<storyTiddler>escapecss[]] }}}><$action-sendmessage $message="tm-focus-selector" $param=<<get-focus-selector>>/></$set>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
title: $:/core/ui/ImportPreviews/Text
tags: $:/tags/ImportPreview
caption: {{$:/language/Import/Listing/Preview/Text}}
code-body: yes
<$transclude tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> subtiddler=<<payloadTiddler>> mode="block"/>

View File

@ -3,15 +3,14 @@ tags: $:/tags/MoreSideBar
caption: {{$:/language/SideBar/Tags/Caption}}
\whitespace trim
<$let tv-config-toolbar-icons="yes" tv-config-toolbar-text="yes" tv-config-toolbar-class="">
<div class="tc-tiny-v-gap-bottom">
<$list filter={{$:/core/Filters/AllTags!!filter}}>
<div class="tc-tiny-v-gap-bottom">
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/TagTemplate"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/TagTemplate"/>
<hr class="tc-untagged-separator">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
title: $:/core/ui/Buttons/network-activity
tags: $:/tags/PageControls
caption: {{$:/core/images/network-activity}} {{$:/language/Buttons/NetworkActivity/Caption}}
description: {{$:/language/Buttons/NetworkActivity/Hint}}
\whitespace trim
<$button message="tm-http-cancel-all-requests" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/NetworkActivity/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/NetworkActivity/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>match[yes]]">
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-text>match[yes]]">
<span class="tc-btn-text">
<$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/NetworkActivity/Caption}}/>

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
title: $:/core/ui/PageStylesheet
code-body: yes
\import [subfilter{$:/core/config/GlobalImportFilter}]
\whitespace trim

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ title: $:/core/ui/PageTemplate
name: {{$:/language/PageTemplate/Name}}
description: {{$:/language/PageTemplate/Description}}
icon: $:/core/images/layout-button
code-body: yes
\whitespace trim
\import [subfilter{$:/core/config/GlobalImportFilter}]

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
title: $:/core/ui/RootTemplate
code-body: yes
<$transclude tiddler={{{ [{$:/layout}has[text]] ~[[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]] }}} mode="inline"/>

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
title: $:/core/ui/StoryTiddlerTemplate
code-body: yes
<$transclude tiddler={{{ [<currentTiddler>] :cascade[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/StoryTiddlerTemplateFilter]!is[draft]get[text]] :and[has[title]else[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]] }}} />

View File

@ -2,22 +2,29 @@ title: $:/core/ui/TagPickerTagTemplate
\whitespace trim
<$button class=<<button-classes>> tag="a" tooltip={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Tags/Add/Button/Hint}}>
<$list filter="[<saveTiddler>minlength[1]]">
<$action-listops $tiddler=<<saveTiddler>> $field=<<tagField>> $subfilter="[<tag>]"/>
<$set name="currentTiddlerCSSEscaped" value={{{ [<saveTiddler>escapecss[]] }}}>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-focus-selector" $param=<<get-tagpicker-focus-selector>> preventScroll="true"/>
<$list filter="[<refreshTitle>minlength[1]]">
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<refreshTitle>> text="yes"/>
<$set name="backgroundColor" value={{{ [<currentTiddler>] :cascade[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerColourFilter]!is[draft]get[text]] }}}>
<$wikify name="foregroundColor" text="""<$macrocall $name="contrastcolour" target=<<backgroundColor>> fallbackTarget=<<fallbackTarget>> colourA=<<colourA>> colourB=<<colourB>>/>""">
<span class="tc-tag-label tc-btn-invisible" style=<<tag-pill-styles>>>
{{||$:/core/ui/TiddlerIcon}}<$view field="title" format="text"/>
<$list filter="[<saveTiddler>minlength[1]]">
<$action-listops $tiddler=<<saveTiddler>> $field=<<tagField>> $subfilter="[<tag>]"/>
<$set name="currentTiddlerCSSEscaped" value={{{ [<saveTiddler>escapecss[]] }}}>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-focus-selector" $param=<<get-tagpicker-focus-selector>> preventScroll="true"/>
<$list filter="[<refreshTitle>minlength[1]]">
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<refreshTitle>> text="yes"/>
<$set name="backgroundColor"
value={{{ [<currentTiddler>] :cascade[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerColourFilter]!is[draft]get[text]] }}}
<$wikify name="foregroundColor"
text="""<$macrocall $name="contrastcolour" target=<<backgroundColor>> fallbackTarget=<<fallbackTarget>> colourA=<<colourA>> colourB=<<colourB>>/>"""
<span class="tc-tag-label tc-btn-invisible"
{{||$:/core/ui/TiddlerIcon}}<$view field="title" format="text"/>

View File

@ -3,16 +3,23 @@ title: $:/core/ui/TagTemplate
\whitespace trim
<span class="tc-tag-list-item" data-tag-title=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$set name="transclusion" value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$macrocall $name="tag-pill-body" tag=<<currentTiddler>> icon={{{ [<currentTiddler>] :cascade[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerIconFilter]!is[draft]get[text]] }}} colour={{{ [<currentTiddler>] :cascade[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerColourFilter]!is[draft]get[text]] }}} palette={{$:/palette}} element-tag="""$button""" element-attributes="""popup=<<qualify "$:/state/popup/tag">> dragFilter='[all[current]tagging[]]' tag='span'"""/>
<$reveal state=<<qualify "$:/state/popup/tag">> type="popup" position="below" animate="yes" class="tc-drop-down">
<$set name="tv-show-missing-links" value="yes">
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate"/>
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TagDropdown]!has[draft.of]]" variable="listItem">
<$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>>/>
<$macrocall $name="list-tagged-draggable" tag=<<currentTiddler>>/>
<$macrocall $name="tag-pill-body"
icon={{{ [<currentTiddler>] :cascade[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerIconFilter]!is[draft]get[text]] }}}
colour={{{ [<currentTiddler>] :cascade[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerColourFilter]!is[draft]get[text]] }}}
element-attributes="""popup=<<qualify "$:/state/popup/tag">> dragFilter="[all[current]tagging[]]" tag='span'"""
<$reveal state=<<qualify "$:/state/popup/tag">> type="popup" position="below" animate="yes" class="tc-drop-down">
<$set name="tv-show-missing-links" value="yes">
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate"/>
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TagDropdown]!has[draft.of]]" variable="listItem">
<$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>>/>
<$macrocall $name="list-tagged-draggable" tag=<<currentTiddler>>/>

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
title: $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate
code-body: yes
\whitespace trim
\define folded-state()

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
title: $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body/default
code-body: yes

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: $:/config/OfficialPluginLibrary
tags: $:/tags/PluginLibrary
url: https://tiddlywiki.com/library/v5.2.8/index.html
url: https://tiddlywiki.com/library/v5.3.1/index.html
caption: {{$:/language/OfficialPluginLibrary}}

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ core/ui/Buttons/language: hide
core/ui/Buttons/tag-manager: hide
core/ui/Buttons/manager: hide
core/ui/Buttons/more-page-actions: hide
core/ui/Buttons/network-activity: hide
core/ui/Buttons/new-journal: hide
core/ui/Buttons/new-image: hide
core/ui/Buttons/palette: hide

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ title: $:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/
tags: $:/tags/ViewTemplateBodyFilter
stylesheet: [tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]then[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body/rendered-plain-text]]
system: [prefix[$:/boot/]] [prefix[$:/config/]] [prefix[$:/core/macros]] [prefix[$:/core/save/]] [prefix[$:/core/templates/]] [prefix[$:/core/ui/]split[/]count[]compare:number:eq[4]] [prefix[$:/info/]] [prefix[$:/language/]] [prefix[$:/languages/]] [prefix[$:/snippets/]] [prefix[$:/state/]] [prefix[$:/status/]] [prefix[$:/info/]] [prefix[$:/temp/]] +[!is[image]limit[1]then[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body/code]]
core-ui-tags: [tag[$:/tags/PageTemplate]] [tag[$:/tags/EditTemplate]] [tag[$:/tags/ViewTemplate]] [tag[$:/tags/KeyboardShortcut]] [tag[$:/tags/ImportPreview]] [tag[$:/tags/EditPreview]][tag[$:/tags/EditorToolbar]] [tag[$:/tags/Actions]] :then[[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body/code]]
system: [prefix[$:/boot/]] [prefix[$:/config/]] [prefix[$:/core/macros]] [prefix[$:/core/save/]] [prefix[$:/core/templates/]] [prefix[$:/info/]] [prefix[$:/language/]] [prefix[$:/languages/]] [prefix[$:/snippets/]] [prefix[$:/state/]] [prefix[$:/status/]] [prefix[$:/info/]] [prefix[$:/temp/]] +[!is[image]limit[1]then[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body/code]]
code-body: [field:code-body[yes]then[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body/code]]
import: [field:plugin-type[import]then[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body/import]]
plugin: [has[plugin-type]then[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body/plugin]]

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
title: $:/config/WikiParserRules/Inline/wikilink

View File

@ -9,26 +9,50 @@ color:$(foregroundColor)$;
<!-- This has no whitespace trim to avoid modifying $actions$. Closing tags omitted for brevity. -->
\define tag-pill-inner(tag,icon,colour,fallbackTarget,colourA,colourB,element-tag,element-attributes,actions)
\whitespace trim
foregroundColor=<<contrastcolour target:"""$colour$""" fallbackTarget:"""$fallbackTarget$""" colourA:"""$colourA$""" colourB:"""$colourB$""">>
class="tc-tag-label tc-btn-invisible"
>$actions$<$transclude tiddler="""$icon$"""/><$view tiddler=<<__tag__>> field="title" format="text" /></$element-tag$>
<$transclude tiddler=<<__icon__>>/>
<$view tiddler=<<__tag__>> field="title" format="text" />
\define tag-pill-body(tag,icon,colour,palette,element-tag,element-attributes,actions)
<$macrocall $name="tag-pill-inner" tag=<<__tag__>> icon="""$icon$""" colour="""$colour$""" fallbackTarget={{$palette$##tag-background}} colourA={{$palette$##foreground}} colourB={{$palette$##background}} element-tag="""$element-tag$""" element-attributes="""$element-attributes$""" actions="""$actions$"""/>
\whitespace trim
<$macrocall $name="tag-pill-inner"
\define tag-pill(tag,element-tag:"span",element-attributes:"",actions:"")
\whitespace trim
<span class="tc-tag-list-item" data-tag-title=<<__tag__>>>
<$let currentTiddler=<<__tag__>>>
<$macrocall $name="tag-pill-body" tag=<<__tag__>> icon={{{ [<currentTiddler>] :cascade[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerIconFilter]!is[draft]get[text]] }}} colour={{{ [<currentTiddler>] :cascade[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerColourFilter]!is[draft]get[text]] }}} palette={{$:/palette}} element-tag="""$element-tag$""" element-attributes="""$element-attributes$""" actions="""$actions$"""/>
<$let currentTiddler=<<__tag__>>>
<$macrocall $name="tag-pill-body"
icon={{{ [<currentTiddler>] :cascade[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerIconFilter]!is[draft]get[text]] }}}
colour={{{ [<currentTiddler>] :cascade[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerColourFilter]!is[draft]get[text]] }}}

View File

@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ tags: $:/tags/Macro
\define toc-body(tag,sort:"",itemClassFilter,exclude,path)
\whitespace trim
<ol class="tc-toc">
<$list filter="""[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag<__tag__>!has[draft.of]$sort$] -[<__tag__>] -[enlist<__exclude__>]""">
<$list filter="""[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag<__tag__>!has[draft.of]$sort$] -[<__tag__>] -[subfilter<__exclude__>]""">
<$let item=<<currentTiddler>> path={{{ [<__path__>addsuffix[/]addsuffix<__tag__>] }}}>
<$set name="excluded" filter="""[enlist<__exclude__>] [<__tag__>]""">
<$set name="excluded" filter="[subfilter<__exclude__>] [<__tag__>]">
<$set name="toc-item-class" filter=<<__itemClassFilter__>> emptyValue="toc-item-selected" value="toc-item">
<li class=<<toc-item-class>>>
<$list filter="[all[current]toc-link[no]]" emptyMessage="<$link to={{{ [<currentTiddler>get[target]else<currentTiddler>] }}}><<toc-caption>></$link>">
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ tags: $:/tags/Macro
\define toc(tag,sort:"",itemClassFilter:"")
<$macrocall $name="toc-body" tag=<<__tag__>> sort=<<__sort__>> itemClassFilter=<<__itemClassFilter__>> />
\define toc(tag,sort:"",itemClassFilter:"", exclude)
<$macrocall $name="toc-body" tag=<<__tag__>> sort=<<__sort__>> itemClassFilter=<<__itemClassFilter__>> exclude=<<__exclude__>>/>
\define toc-linked-expandable-body(tag,sort:"",itemClassFilter,exclude,path)
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ tags: $:/tags/Macro
<li class=<<toc-item-class>>>
<$reveal type="nomatch" stateTitle=<<toc-state>> text="open">
<$button setTitle=<<toc-state>> setTo="open" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-popup-keep">
<$transclude tiddler=<<toc-closed-icon>> />
<$transclude tiddler=<<toc-closed-icon>> />
@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ tags: $:/tags/Macro
\define toc-expandable(tag,sort:"",itemClassFilter:"",exclude,path)
\whitespace trim
<$let tag=<<__tag__>> sort=<<__sort__>> itemClassFilter=<<__itemClassFilter__>> path={{{ [<__path__>addsuffix[/]addsuffix<__tag__>] }}}>
<$set name="excluded" filter="""[enlist<__exclude__>] [<__tag__>]""">
<$set name="excluded" filter="[subfilter<__exclude__>] [<__tag__>]">
<ol class="tc-toc toc-expandable">
<$list filter="""[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag<__tag__>!has[draft.of]$sort$] -[<__tag__>] -[enlist<__exclude__>]""">
<$list filter="""[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag<__tag__>!has[draft.of]$sort$] -[<__tag__>] -[subfilter<__exclude__>]""">
<$list filter="[all[current]toc-link[no]]" emptyMessage=<<toc-expandable-empty-message>> >
<$macrocall $name="toc-unlinked-expandable-body" tag=<<__tag__>> sort=<<__sort__>> itemClassFilter="""itemClassFilter""" exclude=<<excluded>> path=<<path>> />
@ -174,9 +174,9 @@ tags: $:/tags/Macro
\define toc-selective-expandable(tag,sort:"",itemClassFilter,exclude,path)
\whitespace trim
<$let tag=<<__tag__>> sort=<<__sort__>> itemClassFilter=<<__itemClassFilter__>> path={{{ [<__path__>addsuffix[/]addsuffix<__tag__>] }}}>
<$set name="excluded" filter="[enlist<__exclude__>] [<__tag__>]">
<$set name="excluded" filter="[subfilter<__exclude__>] [<__tag__>]">
<ol class="tc-toc toc-selective-expandable">
<$list filter="""[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag<__tag__>!has[draft.of]$sort$] -[<__tag__>] -[enlist<__exclude__>]""">
<$list filter="""[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag<__tag__>!has[draft.of]$sort$] -[<__tag__>] -[subfilter<__exclude__>]""">
<$list filter="[all[current]toc-link[no]]" variable="ignore" emptyMessage=<<toc-selective-expandable-empty-message>> >
<$macrocall $name="toc-unlinked-selective-expandable-body" tag=<<__tag__>> sort=<<__sort__>> itemClassFilter=<<__itemClassFilter__>> exclude=<<excluded>> path=<<path>>/>
@ -186,13 +186,13 @@ tags: $:/tags/Macro
\define toc-tabbed-external-nav(tag,sort:"",selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler",unselectedText,missingText,template:"")
\define toc-tabbed-external-nav(tag,sort:"",selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler",unselectedText,missingText,template:"",exclude)
\whitespace trim
<$tiddler tiddler={{{ [<__selectedTiddler__>get[text]] }}}>
<div class="tc-tabbed-table-of-contents">
<$linkcatcher to=<<__selectedTiddler__>>>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<$macrocall $name="toc-selective-expandable" tag=<<__tag__>> sort=<<__sort__>> itemClassFilter="[all[current]] -[<__selectedTiddler__>get[text]]"/>
<$macrocall $name="toc-selective-expandable" tag=<<__tag__>> sort=<<__sort__>> itemClassFilter="[all[current]] -[<__selectedTiddler__>get[text]]" exclude=<<__exclude__>>/>
<div class="tc-tabbed-table-of-contents-content">
@ -210,9 +210,9 @@ tags: $:/tags/Macro
\define toc-tabbed-internal-nav(tag,sort:"",selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler",unselectedText,missingText,template:"")
\define toc-tabbed-internal-nav(tag,sort:"",selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler",unselectedText,missingText,template:"",exclude)
\whitespace trim
<$linkcatcher to=<<__selectedTiddler__>>>
<$macrocall $name="toc-tabbed-external-nav" tag=<<__tag__>> sort=<<__sort__>> selectedTiddler=<<__selectedTiddler__>> unselectedText=<<__unselectedText__>> missingText=<<__missingText__>> template=<<__template__>>/>
<$macrocall $name="toc-tabbed-external-nav" tag=<<__tag__>> sort=<<__sort__>> selectedTiddler=<<__selectedTiddler__>> unselectedText=<<__unselectedText__>> missingText=<<__missingText__>> template=<<__template__>> exclude=<<__exclude__>> />

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
title: $:/tags/PageControls
list: [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/home]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/close-all]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/fold-all]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/unfold-all]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/permaview]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-tiddler]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-journal]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-image]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/import]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/export-page]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/control-panel]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/advanced-search]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/manager]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/tag-manager]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/language]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/palette]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/theme]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/layout]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/storyview]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/encryption]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/timestamp]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/full-screen]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/print]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/save-wiki]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/refresh]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/more-page-actions]]
list: [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/home]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/close-all]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/fold-all]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/unfold-all]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/permaview]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-tiddler]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-journal]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-image]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/import]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/export-page]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/control-panel]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/advanced-search]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/manager]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/tag-manager]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/language]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/palette]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/theme]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/layout]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/storyview]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/encryption]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/timestamp]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/full-screen]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/print]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/save-wiki]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/refresh]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/network-activity]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/more-page-actions]]

View File

@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
title: $:/tags/ViewTemplateBodyFilter
list: $:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/hide-body $:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/code-body $:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/stylesheet $:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/system $:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/import $:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/plugin $:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/default
list: $:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/hide-body $:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/code-body $:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/stylesheet $:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/core-ui-advanced-search $:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/core-ui-tags $:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/system $:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/import $:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/plugin $:/config/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/default

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"file": "../../../tw5.com/tiddlers/images/New Release Banner.png",
"fields": {
"type": "image/jpg",
"type": "image/jpeg",
"title": "New Release Banner",
"tags": "picture"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
created: 20230601123245916
modified: 20230601125015463
title: Widget `destroy` method examples
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
!! When using a v-dom library
Virtual DOM libraries manages its internal state and apply state to DOM periodically, this is so called [["controlled" component|https://react.dev/learn/sharing-state-between-components#controlled-and-uncontrolled-components]]. When Tiddlywiki remove a DOM element controlled by a v-dom library, it may throws error.
So when creating a plugin providing v-dom library binding, you need to tell v-dom library (for example, React.js) the DOM element is removed. We will use `destroy` method for this.
render() {
// ...other render related code
if (this.root === undefined || this.containerElement === undefined) {
// initialize the v-dom library
this.root = ReactDom.createRoot(document.createElement('div'));
destroy() {
// end the lifecycle of v-dom library
this.root && this.root.unmount();
The `destroy` method will be called by parent widget. If you widget don't have any child widget, you can just write your own tear down logic. If it may have some child widget, don't forget to call original `destroy` method in the `Widget` class to destroy children widgets.
this.root && this.root.unmount();
/** if you are using ESNext

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ modified: 20141013085608911
tags: Mechanisms
title: TestingMechanism
TiddlyWiki5 incorporates the Jasmine JavaScript testing framework (see http://pivotal.github.io/jasmine/). It allows the same tests to be run both in the browser and under Node.js.
TiddlyWiki5 incorporates the Jasmine JavaScript testing framework (see https://jasmine.github.io/). It allows the same tests to be run both in the browser and under Node.js.
! TiddlyWiki5 Testing Components

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
title: WidgetModules
created: 20131101130700000
modified: 20230601130631884
tags: dev moduletypes
created: 201311011307
modified: 201311011307
title: WidgetModules
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
! Introduction
@ -78,4 +79,10 @@ The individual methods defined by the widget object are documented in the source
!! Widget `refreshChildren` method
!! Widget `findNextSiblingDomNode` method
!! Widget `findFirstDomNode` method
!! Widget `destroy` method
<<.from-version "5.3.0">> Gets called when any parent widget is unmounted from the widget tree.
[[Examples|Widget `destroy` method examples]]
!! Widget `removeChildDomNodes` method

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
title: $:/config/WikiParserRules/Inline/wikilink

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
created: 20150117152612000
modified: 20230325101137075
tags: $:/tags/Stylesheet
title: $:/editions/tw5.com/doc-styles
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
a.doc-from-version.tc-tiddlylink {
display: inline-block;
border-radius: 1em;
background: <<colour muted-foreground>>;
color: <<colour background>>;
fill: <<colour background>>;
padding: 0 0.4em;
font-size: 0.7em;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 1.5;
vertical-align: text-bottom;
a.doc-deprecated-version.tc-tiddlylink {
display: inline-block;
border-radius: 1em;
background: red;
color: <<colour background>>;
fill: <<colour background>>;
padding: 0 0.4em;
font-size: 0.7em;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 1.5;
vertical-align: text-bottom;
.doc-deprecated-version svg,
.doc-from-version svg {
width: 1em;
height: 1em;
vertical-align: text-bottom;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
code-body: yes
created: 20161008085627406
modified: 20221007122259593
tags: $:/tags/Macro
title: $:/editions/tw5.com/version-macros
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
\define .from-version(version)
<$link to={{{ [<__version__>addprefix[Release ]] }}} class="doc-from-version">{{$:/core/images/warning}} New in: <$text text=<<__version__>>/></$link>
\define .deprecated-since(version, superseded:"TODO-Link")
<$link to="Deprecated - What does it mean" class="doc-deprecated-version tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/warning}} Deprecated since: <$text text=<<__version__>>/></$link> (see <$link to=<<__superseded__>>><$text text=<<__superseded__>>/></$link>)

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
TiddlyWiki incorpora código de los siguientes proyectos OpenSource:
* [[The Stanford Javascript Crypto Library|http://bitwiseshiftleft.github.io/sjcl/]]
* [[The Jasmine JavaScript Test Framework|http://pivotal.github.io/jasmine/]]
* [[The Jasmine JavaScript Test Framework|https://jasmine.github.io/]]
* [[Normalize.css by Nicolas Gallagher|http://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/]]
...y materiales de estos otros proyectos:

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
TiddlyWiki intègre du code provenant de ces excellents projets OpenSource<<dp>>
* [[The Stanford Javascript Crypto Library|http://bitwiseshiftleft.github.io/sjcl/]]
* [[The Jasmine JavaScript Test Framework|http://pivotal.github.io/jasmine/]]
* [[The Jasmine JavaScript Test Framework|https://jasmine.github.io/]]
* [[Normalize.css by Nicolas Gallagher|http://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/]]
Et des contenus provenenant de ces sources<<dp>>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
caption: 5.3.1
created: 20230701133439630
modified: 20230701133439630
tags: ReleaseNotes
title: Release 5.3.1
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.3.0...master]]//
! Overview of v5.3.1
! Plugin Improvements
! Translation improvement
Improvements to the following translations:
* Chinese
* Polish
! Usability Improvements
! Widget Improvements
! Filter improvements
! Hackability Improvements
! Bug Fixes
! Node.js Improvements
! Performance Improvements
! Acknowledgements
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
<<.contributors """

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: $:/config/LocalPluginLibrary
tags: $:/tags/PluginLibrary
caption: {{$:/language/OfficialPluginLibrary}} (Prerelease Local)
A locally installed version of the official ~TiddlyWiki plugin library at tiddlywiki.com for testing and debugging. //Requires a local web server to share the library//

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: $:/config/OfficialPluginLibrary
tags: $:/tags/PluginLibrary
url: https://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/library/v5.2.8/index.html
url: https://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/library/v5.3.1/index.html
caption: {{$:/language/OfficialPluginLibrary}} (Prerelease)
The prerelease version of the official ~TiddlyWiki plugin library at tiddlywiki.com. Plugins, themes and language packs are maintained by the core team.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
title: $:/config/WikiParserRules/Inline/wikilink

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title: dezerializer test data case 6
type: application/json
{"created":"20230601125557184","text":"Before you start storing important information in ~TiddlyWiki it is vital to make sure that you can reliably save changes. See https://tiddlywiki.com/#GettingStarted for details\n\n","title":"GettingStarted","modified":"20230601125601619"},
{"created":"20230601125507054","text":"Welcome to \"TiddlyWiki\".\n\nThis is a test tiddler.","tags":"","title":"Hello There \"Welcome\"","modified":"20230601125551144"},
{"title":"TiddlyWiki","created":"20130822170700000","modified":"20170127221451610","tags":"Concepts","type":"text/vnd.tiddlywiki","text":"~TiddlyWiki is a rich, interactive tool for manipulating complex data with structure that doesn't easily fit into conventional tools like spreadsheets or wordprocessors.\n\n~TiddlyWiki is designed to fit around your brain, helping you deal with the things that won't fit."}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
title: Filters/substitute
description: Test substitute operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki-multiple
tags: [[$:/tags/wiki-test-spec]]
title: substitute filter data 1
tags: Hello There [[Welcome to TiddlyWiki]] GettingStarted
title: substitute filter data 2
The output of the filter `[[substitute filter data 1]tags[]]` is ${[[substitute filter data 1]tags[]]}$.
title: substitute filter data 3
Welcome to $(projectname)$ $1$ $2$ $3$. Tiddlers starting with `substitute`: ${[prefix[substitute]format:titlelist[]join[ ]]}$.
title: Output
\whitespace trim
<$let projectname="TiddlyWiki">
(<$text text={{{ [[]substitute[]] }}}/>)
(<$text text={{{ [[Hello There, welcome to $TiddlyWiki$]substitute[]] }}}/>)
(<$text text={{{ [[Welcome to $(projectname)$]substitute[]] }}}/>)
(<$text text={{{ [[Welcome to $(projectname)$ $1$]substitute[today]] }}}/>)
(<$text text={{{ [[This is not a valid embedded filter ${ hello )$]substitute[]] }}}/>)
(<$text text={{{ [{substitute filter data 2}substitute[]] }}}/>)
(<$text text={{{ [{substitute filter data 3}substitute[every],[day]] }}}/>)
title: ExpectedResult
(Hello There, welcome to $TiddlyWiki$)
(Welcome to TiddlyWiki)
(Welcome to TiddlyWiki today)
(This is not a valid embedded filter ${ hello )$)
(The output of the filter `[[substitute filter data 1]tags[]]` is Hello.)
(Welcome to TiddlyWiki every day $3$. Tiddlers starting with `substitute`: [[substitute filter data 1]] [[substitute filter data 2]] [[substitute filter data 3]].)</p>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
title: ImportVariables/WithSetWidgets
description: Import variables defined with a set widget
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki-multiple
tags: [[$:/tags/wiki-test-spec]]
title: Output
\whitespace trim
\import Definitions
<$text text=<<one>>/>,
<$text text=<<two>>/>
title: Definitions
\whitespace trim
<$set name="one" value="elephant">
<$set name="two" value="giraffe">
title: ExpectedResult

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
title: ImportVariables/WithSetWidgets2
description: Import variables defined with a set widget without whitespace pragma
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki-multiple
tags: [[$:/tags/wiki-test-spec]]
title: Output
\whitespace trim
\import Definitions
<$text text=<<one>>/>,
<$text text=<<two>>/>
title: Definitions
<$set name="one" value="elephant">
<$set name="two" value="giraffe">
title: ExpectedResult

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
title: ImportVariables/WithSetWidgetsAndMacros
description: Import variables defined with a set widget without whitespace pragma
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki-multiple
tags: [[$:/tags/wiki-test-spec]]
title: Output
\whitespace trim
\import Definitions
<$text text=<<name>>/>,
<$text text=<<address>>/>,
<$text text=<<one>>/>,
<$text text=<<two>>/>
title: Definitions
\define name() Bugs Bunny
\procedure address()
Bunny Hill
<$set name="one" value="elephant">
<$set name="two" value="giraffe">
title: ExpectedResult
<p>Bugs Bunny,Bunny Hill,elephant,giraffe</p>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
title: Widgets/SubstitutedAttributes
description: Attributes specified as string that should have substitution performed.
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki-multiple
tags: [[$:/tags/wiki-test-spec]]
title: Output
\whitespace trim
<$set name="var with spaces" value="spaces">
<$let project="TiddlyWiki" disabled="true" var-with-dashes="dashes">
<div class=`$(project)$
${ [[Hello]addsuffix[There]] }$` attrib=`myvalue` otherattrib=`$(1)$` blankattrib=`` quoted="here" disabled=```$(disabled)$``` dashes=`$(var-with-dashes)$` spaces=`$(var with spaces)$`>
title: ExpectedResult
<p><div attrib="myvalue" blankattrib="" class="TiddlyWiki
HelloThere" dashes="dashes" disabled="true" otherattrib="" quoted="here" spaces="spaces"></div></p>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
title: test-deserialize-operator.js
type: application/javascript
tags: [[$:/tags/test-spec]]
Tests deserialize[] filter operator with various core deserializers
/* jslint node: true, browser: true */
/* eslint-env node, browser, jasmine */
/* eslint no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: ["error", "smart-tabs"]*/
/* global $tw, require */
"use strict";
describe("deserialize operator tests", function() {
it("should support the deserialize[] operator", function() {
//Unknown deserializer as operand
expect($tw.wiki.filterTiddlers("[{dezerializer test data case 4}deserialize[unknown/deserializer]]")).toEqual([$tw.language.getString("Error/DeserializeOperator/UnknownDeserializer")]);
//Missing operand
expect($tw.wiki.filterTiddlers("[{dezerializer test data case 4}deserialize[]]")).toEqual([$tw.language.getString("Error/DeserializeOperator/MissingOperand")]);
//Deserialize TiddlyWiki file
expect($tw.wiki.filterTiddlers("[{dezerializer test data case 4}deserialize[text/html]]")).toEqual(['[{"type":"text/vnd.tiddlywiki","text":"Abacus","title":"Hello \\"There\\""},{"title":"Hello \\"There\\"","text":"Calculator"}]']);
expect($tw.wiki.filterTiddlers("[{dezerializer test data case 5}deserialize[text/html]]")).toEqual(['[{"type":"text/vnd.tiddlywiki","text":"Abacus","title":"Hello \\"There\\""},{"title":"Hello \\"There\\"","text":"Calculator"},{"title":"Hello \\"There\\"","text":"Protractor"}]']);
// Deserialize JSON payload containing tiddlers
expect($tw.wiki.filterTiddlers("[{dezerializer test data case 6}deserialize[application/json]]")).toEqual( [ `[{"created":"20230601125557184","text":"Before you start storing important information in ~TiddlyWiki it is vital to make sure that you can reliably save changes. See https://tiddlywiki.com/#GettingStarted for details\\n\\n","title":"GettingStarted","modified":"20230601125601619"},{"created":"20230601125507054","text":"Welcome to \\"TiddlyWiki\\".\\n\\nThis is a test tiddler.","tags":"","title":"Hello There \\"Welcome\\"","modified":"20230601125551144"},{"title":"TiddlyWiki","created":"20130822170700000","modified":"20170127221451610","tags":"Concepts","type":"text/vnd.tiddlywiki","text":"~TiddlyWiki is a rich, interactive tool for manipulating complex data with structure that doesn't easily fit into conventional tools like spreadsheets or wordprocessors.\\n\\n~TiddlyWiki is designed to fit around your brain, helping you deal with the things that won't fit."}]` ]);
expect($tw.wiki.filterTiddlers("[{dezerializer test data case 6}deserialize[application/json]jsonindexes[]] :map[{dezerializer test data case 6}jsonget<currentTiddler>,[title]]")).toEqual([ 'GettingStarted', 'Hello There "Welcome"', 'TiddlyWiki' ]);
//Deserialize TiddlyWiki file with an mismatched deserializer
expect($tw.wiki.filterTiddlers("[{dezerializer test data case 5}deserialize[application/json]]")).toEqual([jasmine.stringMatching('JSON error')]);

View File

@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ Tests the filtering mechanism.
"TiddlerSix": {
title: "TiddlerSix",
text: "Missing inaction from TiddlerOne",
text: "Missing inaction from [[TiddlerOne]]",
filter: "[[one]] [[a a]] [subfilter{hasList!!list}]",
tags: []
"TiddlerSeventh": {
title: "TiddlerSeventh",
text: "",
list: "TiddlerOne [[Tiddler Three]] [[a fourth tiddler]] MissingTiddler",
list: "[[TiddlerOne]] [[Tiddler Three]] [[a fourth tiddler]] [[MissingTiddler]]",
tags: ["one"]
"Tiddler8": {
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ Tests the filtering mechanism.
modified: "201304152211"
title: "Tiddler Three",
text: "The speed of sound in light\n\nThere is no TiddlerZero but TiddlerSix",
text: "The speed of sound in light\n\nThere is no [[TiddlerZero]] but [[TiddlerSix]]",
tags: ["one","two"],
cost: "56",
value: "80",
@ -252,9 +252,9 @@ Tests the filtering mechanism.
it("should handle the lookup operator", function() {
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("Six Seventh 8 +[lookup[Tiddler]]").join(",")).toBe("Missing inaction from TiddlerOne,,Tidd");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("Six Seventh 8 +[lookup:8[Tiddler]]").join(",")).toBe("Missing inaction from TiddlerOne,8,Tidd");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("Six Seventh 8 +[lookup:8[Tiddler],[text]]").join(",")).toBe("Missing inaction from TiddlerOne,8,Tidd");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("Six Seventh 8 +[lookup[Tiddler]]").join(",")).toBe("Missing inaction from [[TiddlerOne]],,Tidd");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("Six Seventh 8 +[lookup:8[Tiddler]]").join(",")).toBe("Missing inaction from [[TiddlerOne]],8,Tidd");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("Six Seventh 8 +[lookup:8[Tiddler],[text]]").join(",")).toBe("Missing inaction from [[TiddlerOne]],8,Tidd");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("Six Seventh 8 +[lookup[Tiddler],[tags]]").join(",")).toBe(",one,one");
@ -397,8 +397,8 @@ Tests the filtering mechanism.
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[two]]").join(",")).toBe("$:/TiddlerFive,$:/TiddlerTwo,Tiddler Three");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[two]]").join(",")).toBe("$:/TiddlerTwo,Tiddler Three,$:/TiddlerFive");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[all[shadows+tiddlers]]").join(",")).toBe("$:/TiddlerFive,TiddlerSix,TiddlerSeventh,Tiddler8,$:/ShadowPlugin,$:/TiddlerTwo,a fourth tiddler,filter regexp test,has filter,hasList,one,Tiddler Three,TiddlerOne");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[all[tiddlers+shadows]]").join(",")).toBe("$:/ShadowPlugin,$:/TiddlerTwo,a fourth tiddler,filter regexp test,has filter,hasList,one,Tiddler Three,TiddlerOne,$:/TiddlerFive,TiddlerSix,TiddlerSeventh,Tiddler8");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[all[shadows+tiddlers]]").join(",")).toBe("$:/TiddlerFive,Tiddler8,TiddlerSeventh,TiddlerSix,$:/ShadowPlugin,$:/TiddlerTwo,a fourth tiddler,filter regexp test,has filter,hasList,one,Tiddler Three,TiddlerOne");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[all[tiddlers+shadows]]").join(",")).toBe("$:/ShadowPlugin,$:/TiddlerTwo,a fourth tiddler,filter regexp test,has filter,hasList,one,Tiddler Three,TiddlerOne,$:/TiddlerFive,Tiddler8,TiddlerSeventh,TiddlerSix");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[all[tiddlers]tag[two]]").join(",")).toBe("$:/TiddlerTwo,Tiddler Three");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[all[orphans+tiddlers+tags]]").join(",")).toBe("$:/ShadowPlugin,$:/TiddlerTwo,a fourth tiddler,filter regexp test,has filter,hasList,Tiddler Three,TiddlerOne,two,one");
@ -420,10 +420,10 @@ Tests the filtering mechanism.
it("should handle the tagging operator", function() {
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[[one]tagging[]sort[title]]").join(",")).toBe("Tiddler Three,Tiddler8,TiddlerOne,TiddlerSeventh");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[[one]tagging[]]").join(",")).toBe("Tiddler Three,TiddlerOne,TiddlerSeventh,Tiddler8");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[[one]tagging[]]").join(",")).toBe("Tiddler Three,TiddlerOne,Tiddler8,TiddlerSeventh");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[[two]tagging[]sort[title]]").join(",")).toBe("$:/TiddlerFive,$:/TiddlerTwo,Tiddler Three");
var fakeWidget = {wiki: wiki, getVariable: function(name) {return name === "currentTiddler" ? "one": undefined;}};
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[all[current]tagging[]]",fakeWidget).join(",")).toBe("Tiddler Three,TiddlerOne,TiddlerSeventh,Tiddler8");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[all[current]tagging[]]",fakeWidget).join(",")).toBe("Tiddler Three,TiddlerOne,Tiddler8,TiddlerSeventh");
it("should handle the untagged operator", function() {
@ -990,10 +990,10 @@ Tests the filtering mechanism.
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[!sortsub:number<sort1>]",anchorWidget).join(",")).toBe("filter regexp test,a fourth tiddler,$:/ShadowPlugin,$:/TiddlerTwo,Tiddler Three,has filter,TiddlerOne,hasList,one");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[sortsub:string<sort1>]",anchorWidget).join(",")).toBe("has filter,TiddlerOne,$:/TiddlerTwo,Tiddler Three,$:/ShadowPlugin,a fourth tiddler,filter regexp test,one,hasList");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[!sortsub:string<sort1>]",anchorWidget).join(",")).toBe("hasList,one,filter regexp test,a fourth tiddler,$:/ShadowPlugin,$:/TiddlerTwo,Tiddler Three,has filter,TiddlerOne");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[sortsub:number<sort2>]",anchorWidget).join(",")).toBe("one,TiddlerOne,hasList,has filter,a fourth tiddler,Tiddler Three,$:/TiddlerTwo,filter regexp test,$:/ShadowPlugin");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[!sortsub:number<sort2>]",anchorWidget).join(",")).toBe("$:/ShadowPlugin,filter regexp test,$:/TiddlerTwo,Tiddler Three,a fourth tiddler,has filter,hasList,TiddlerOne,one");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[sortsub:string<sort2>]",anchorWidget).join(",")).toBe("one,TiddlerOne,hasList,has filter,$:/ShadowPlugin,a fourth tiddler,Tiddler Three,$:/TiddlerTwo,filter regexp test");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[!sortsub:string<sort2>]",anchorWidget).join(",")).toBe("filter regexp test,$:/TiddlerTwo,Tiddler Three,a fourth tiddler,$:/ShadowPlugin,has filter,hasList,TiddlerOne,one");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[sortsub:number<sort2>]",anchorWidget).join(",")).toBe("one,TiddlerOne,hasList,has filter,a fourth tiddler,$:/TiddlerTwo,Tiddler Three,filter regexp test,$:/ShadowPlugin");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[!sortsub:number<sort2>]",anchorWidget).join(",")).toBe("$:/ShadowPlugin,filter regexp test,Tiddler Three,$:/TiddlerTwo,a fourth tiddler,has filter,hasList,TiddlerOne,one");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[sortsub:string<sort2>]",anchorWidget).join(",")).toBe("one,TiddlerOne,hasList,has filter,$:/ShadowPlugin,a fourth tiddler,$:/TiddlerTwo,Tiddler Three,filter regexp test");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[!sortsub:string<sort2>]",anchorWidget).join(",")).toBe("filter regexp test,Tiddler Three,$:/TiddlerTwo,a fourth tiddler,$:/ShadowPlugin,has filter,hasList,TiddlerOne,one");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[[TiddlerOne]] [[$:/TiddlerTwo]] [[Tiddler Three]] [[a fourth tiddler]] +[!sortsub:number<sort3>]",anchorWidget).join(",")).toBe("$:/TiddlerTwo,Tiddler Three,TiddlerOne,a fourth tiddler");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("a1 a10 a2 a3 b10 b3 b1 c9 c11 c1 +[sortsub:alphanumeric<sort4>]",anchorWidget).join(",")).toBe("a1,a2,a3,a10,b1,b3,b10,c1,c9,c11");
// #7155. The order of the output is the same as the input when an undefined variable is used in the subfitler
@ -1066,7 +1066,11 @@ Tests the filtering mechanism.
it("should handle the deserializers operator", function() {
var expectedDeserializers = ["application/javascript","application/json","application/x-tiddler","application/x-tiddler-html-div","application/x-tiddlers","text/css","text/html","text/plain"];
if($tw.browser) {
it("should handle the charcode operator", function() {

View File

@ -161,6 +161,16 @@ describe("HTML tag new parser tests", function() {
expect($tw.utils.parseAttribute(" attrib1>",0)).toEqual(
{ type : 'string', value : 'true', start : 0, name : 'attrib1', end : 8 }
expect($tw.utils.parseAttribute("p=`blah` ",1)).toEqual(null);
expect($tw.utils.parseAttribute("p=`blah` ",0)).toEqual(
{ start: 0, name: 'p', type: 'substituted', rawValue: 'blah', end: 8 }
expect($tw.utils.parseAttribute("p=```blah``` ",0)).toEqual(
{ start: 0, name: 'p', type: 'substituted', rawValue: 'blah', end: 12 }
expect($tw.utils.parseAttribute("p=`Hello \"There\"`",0)).toEqual(
{ start: 0, name: 'p', type: 'substituted', rawValue: 'Hello "There"', end: 17 }
it("should parse HTML tags", function() {

View File

@ -434,6 +434,15 @@ describe("'reduce' and 'intersection' filter prefix tests", function() {
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[tag[shopping]] :map[get[title]addprefix[-]addprefix<length>addprefix[of]addprefix<index>]").join(",")).toBe("0of4-Brownies,1of4-Chick Peas,2of4-Milk,3of4-Rice Pudding");
it("should handle the :then prefix", function() {
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[[one]] :then[[two]]").join(",")).toBe("two");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[[one]] :then[tag[shopping]]").join(",")).toBe("Brownies,Chick Peas,Milk,Rice Pudding");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[[one]] [[two]] [[three]] :then[[four]]").join(",")).toBe("four");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[[one]] :then[tag[nonexistent]]").join(",")).toBe("one");
expect(wiki.filterTiddlers("[[notatiddler]is[tiddler]] :then[[two]]").length).toBe(0);
it("should handle macro parameters for filter run prefixes",function() {
var widget = require("$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js");
var rootWidget = new widget.widget({ type:"widget", children:[ {type:"widget", children:[]} ] },

View File

@ -45,16 +45,6 @@ describe("WikiText tests", function() {
it("should support attributes specified as macro invocations", function() {
expect(wiki.renderTiddler("text/html","TiddlerFour")).toBe("<p><a class=\"tc-tiddlylink tc-tiddlylink-missing\" href=\"#This%20is%20my%20%27%27amazingly%27%27%20groovy%20macro%21\">This is a link</a></p>");
it("should identify wikiwords to automatically link", function() {
expect(wiki.renderText("text/html","text/vnd-tiddlywiki","No wikilinks here").indexOf("<a") !== -1).toBe(false);
expect(wiki.renderText("text/html","text/vnd-tiddlywiki","One WikiLink here").indexOf("<a") !== -1).toBe(true);
expect(wiki.renderText("text/html","text/vnd-tiddlywiki","No Wiki-Link here").indexOf("<a") !== -1).toBe(false);
expect(wiki.renderText("text/html","text/vnd-tiddlywiki","No Wiki×Link here").indexOf("<a") !== -1).toBe(false);
expect(wiki.renderText("text/html","text/vnd-tiddlywiki","No Wiki÷Link here").indexOf("<a") !== -1).toBe(false);
expect(wiki.renderText("text/html","text/vnd-tiddlywiki","No xWikiLink here").indexOf("<a") !== -1).toBe(false);
expect(wiki.renderText("text/html","text/vnd-tiddlywiki","No -WikiLink here").indexOf("<a") !== -1).toBe(false);
expect(wiki.renderText("text/html","text/vnd-tiddlywiki","No _WikiLink here").indexOf("<a") !== -1).toBe(false);
it("handles style wikitext notation", function() {
expect(wiki.renderText("text/html","text/vnd-tiddlywiki","@@.myclass\n!header\n@@")).toBe("<h1 class=\"myclass\">header</h1>");
expect(wiki.renderText("text/html","text/vnd-tiddlywiki","@@.myclass\n<div>\n\nContent</div>\n@@")).toBe("<div class=\"myclass\"><p>Content</p></div>");

View File

@ -9,9 +9,13 @@ tags: Concepts
<$button actions=<<actions>>>$text$</$button>
ShadowTiddlers are tiddlers that are loaded from within [[Plugins]]. Unlike ordinary tiddlers, they don't appear in most lists.
ShadowTiddlers are tiddlers that are loaded from [[Plugins]] at the wiki startup. Unlike ordinary tiddlers, they don't appear in most lists.
ShadowTiddlers can be overridden with an ordinary tiddler of the same name. If that tiddler is subsequently deleted then the original shadow tiddler is automatically restored.
!! Overriding Shadow Tiddlers to modify plugins
A ShadowTiddler can be overridden with an ordinary tiddler of the same name. This leaves the shadow tiddler intact but the plugin will use the overriding tiddler in its place, effectively allowing users to modify the behaviour of plugins.
Users are cautioned against overriding shadow tiddlers because if the shadow tiddler is changed in a plugin update, the overriding tiddler may no longer perform as intended. To remedy this, the overriding tiddler may be modified or deleted. If the overriding tiddler is deleted, then the plugin falls back to using the original shadow tiddler.
!! Overridden Shadow Tiddlers

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
created: 20230627093650105
modified: 20230627094356394
tags: Features
title: Deserializers
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
Deserializer [[modules|Modules]] parse text in various formats into their JSON representation as tiddlers. The deserializer modules available in a wiki can be seen using the [[deserializers operator|deserializers Operator]] and can be used with the [[deserialize Operator]].
The TiddlyWiki core provides the following deserializers:
|!Deserializer |!Description |
|(DOM)|Extracts tiddlers from a DOM node, should not be used with the <<.op deserialize[]>> operator |
|application/javascript|Parses a JavaScript module as a tiddler extracting fields from the header comment|
|application/json|Parses [[JSON|JSON in TiddlyWiki]] into tiddlers|
|application/x-tiddler|Parses the [[.tid file format|TiddlerFiles]] as a tiddler|
|application/x-tiddler-html-div|Parses the [[<DIV>.tiddler file format|TiddlerFiles]] as a tiddler|
|application/x-tiddlers|Parses the [[MultiTiddlerFile format|MultiTiddlerFiles]] as tiddlers|
|text/css|Parses CSS as a tiddler extracting fields from the header comment|
|text/html|Parses an HTML file into tiddlers. Supports ~TiddlyWiki Classic HTML files, ~TiddlyWiki5 HTML files and ordinary HTML files|
|text/plain|Parses plain text as a tiddler|

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
created: 20190802113703788
modified: 20190802132727925
modified: 20230501175143648
tags: Filters
title: Conditional Operators
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
<<.from-version "5.1.20">>The conditional filter operators allow ''if-then-else'' logic to be expressed within filters.
<<.from-version "5.1.20">>The conditional filter operators allow for ''if-then-else'' logic to be expressed within filters.
The foundation is the convention that an empty list can be used to represent the boolean value ''false'' and a list with at one (or more) entries to represent ''true''.
The foundation is the convention that an empty list can be used to represent the Boolean value <<.value false>> and a list with at one (or more) entries to represent <<.value true>>.
The conditional operators are:
@ -19,10 +19,12 @@ The conditional operators are:
These operators can be combined. For example:
<<.inline-operator-example "[[New Tiddler]is[missing]then[I am missing]else[No I am not missing]]">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[New Tiddler]is[missing]then[I am missing]else[No I am not missing]]">>
The [[else Operator]] can be used to apply a defaults for missing values. In this example, we take advantage of the fact that the [[get Operator]] returns an empty list if the field or tiddler does not exist:
The <<.olink else>> operator can be used to apply a defaults for missing values. In this example, we take advantage of the fact that the <<.olink get>> operator returns an empty list if the field or tiddler does not exist:
<<.inline-operator-example "[[HelloThere]get[custom-field]else[default-value]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[HelloThere]get[custom-field]else[default-value]]">>
<<list-links "[tag[Conditional Operators]]">>
! Filter Run Prefixes
The [[:then|:then Filter Run Prefix]] and [[:else|:else Filter Run Prefix]] filter run prefixes serve a similar purpose as the conditional operators. Refer to their documentation for more information.

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
caption: deserialize
created: 20230601195749377
from-version: 5.3.0
modified: 20230627094109762
op-input: a selection of strings
op-output: JSON representations of tiddlers extracted from input titles.
op-parameter: the deserializer module to be used to extract tiddlers from the input
op-purpose: extract JSON representation of tiddlers from the input strings
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Special Operators]]
title: deserialize Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
<<.operator-examples "deserialize">>

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
caption: deserializers
created: 20210506115203172
from-version: 5.2.0
modified: 20210506130322593
modified: 20230627094238610
op-input: ignored
op-output: the title of each available deserializer
op-parameter: none
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Special Operators]] [[Selection Constructors]]
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Special Operators]] [[Selection Constructors]]
title: deserializers Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
<<.tip "You can specify a specific deserializer for a DropzoneWidget to use">>
<<.tip "You can specify a specific [[deserializer|Deserializers]] for a DropzoneWidget to use">>
<<.operator-examples "deserializers">>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
created: 20230601200356736
modified: 20230602105036887
tags: [[Operator Examples]] [[deserialize Operator]]
title: deserialize Operator (Examples)
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
\define html-data()
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Test Data</title>
<!--~~ Ordinary tiddlers ~~-->
<div id="storeArea" style="display:none;"><div title="Hello &quot;There&quot;" type="text/vnd.tiddlywiki">
<script class="tiddlywiki-tiddler-store" type="application/json">[{"title":"Hello \"There\"","text":"Calculator"},{"title":"Hello \"There\"","text":"Protractor"}]</script>
This example uses the predefined variable `html-data`:
<$codeblock code=<<html-data>> language="HTML"/>
<<.operator-example 1 "[<html-data>deserialize[text/html]]">>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
created: 20230614225302905
modified: 20230614233448662
tags: [[Operator Examples]] [[substitute Operator]]
title: substitute Operator (Examples)
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
\define time() morning
\define field() modified
\procedure sentence() This tiddler was last $(field)$ on ${[{!!modified}format:date[DDth MMM YYYY]]}$
\define name() Bugs Bunny
\define address() Rabbit Hole Hill
!Substitute <<.op substitute[]>> operator parameters
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Hi, I'm $1$ and I live in $2$]substitute[Bugs Bunny],[Rabbit Hole Hill]]">>
!Substitute variables
This example uses the following variables:
* name: <$codeblock code=<<name>>/>
* address: <$codeblock code=<<address>>/>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[Hi, I'm $(name)$ and I live in $(address)$]substitute[]]">>
!Substitute variables and operator parameters
This example uses the following variable:
* time: <$codeblock code=<<time>>/>
<<.operator-example 3 "[[Something in the $(time)$ at $2$ about $1$ ]substitute[Maths],[the Library]]">>
!Substitute a filter expression and a variable
This example uses the following variables:
* field: <$codeblock code=<<field>>/>
* sentence: <$codeblock code=<<sentence>>/>
<<.operator-example 4 "[<sentence>substitute[]]">>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
caption: substitute
created: 20230614223551834
modified: 20230615173049692
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-output: the input titles with placeholders for filter expressions, parameter and variables replaced with their corresponding values
op-parameter: the <<.op substitute>> operator optionally accepts a variable number of parameters, see below for details
op-purpose: returns each item in the list, replacing within each title placeholders for filters, parameters and variables with their corresponding values
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[String Operators]]
title: substitute Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
<<.from-version "5.3.0">>
The <<.op substitute>> operator replaces any placeholders in the input titles in the following order:
# filter expressions
# parameters to the <<.op substitute>> operator
# variables
|placeholder syntax|description|h
|`$n$`|Text substitution of a parameter provided to the operator, where n is the position of the parameter starting with 1 for the first parameter. Unmatched placeholders pass through unchanged.|
|`$(varname)$`|Text substitution of a variable. Undefined variables are replaced with an empty string.|
|`${ filter expression }$`|Text substitution with the first result of evaluating the filter expression. |
<<.tip """Placeholders that contain square bracket characters are not valid filter syntax when used directly in a filter expression. However they can be provided as input to the <$macrocall $name=".op" _="substitute"/> operator as text references or variables""">>
<<.operator-examples "substitute">>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
created: 20230617183745774
modified: 20230617183745774
tags: [[Then Filter Run Prefix]]
title: Then Filter Run Prefix (Examples)
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
!! Conditional Execution
The <<.op :then>> filter run prefix can be used to avoid the need for nested [[ListWidget]]s or [[Macro Definitions in WikiText]].
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$edit-text field="search" placeholder="Search title"/>
<$let searchTerm={{!!search}}>
<$list filter="[<searchTerm>minlength[3]] :then[!is[system]search:title<searchTerm>]" template="$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate"/>
!! Conditional (Sub)Filters
The <<.op :then>> filter run prefix can be combined with the <<.op :else>> prefix to create conditional filters. In this example, the fields used in <<.var searchSubfilter>> for searching depend on the value of [[$:/temp/searchFields]] and the sort order used by <<.var sortSubfilter>> depends on the value of [[$:/temp/searchSort]]. Checkboxes are used to set the values of these tiddlers.
<<.tip "Note that each filter run of the subfilter receives the input of the <<.olink subfilter>> operator as input">>
Since the <<.olink then>> and <<.olink else>> operators cannot call subfilters or perform additional filter steps, they cannot be used for such applications.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$checkbox tiddler="$:/temp/searchSort"
checked="chrono" unchecked="alpha" default="alpha">
Sort chronologically (newest first)
<$checkbox tiddler="$:/temp/searchFields"
checked="title" unchecked="default" default="title">
Search <<.field title>> only
<$let searchSubfilter="[{$:/temp/searchFields}match[default]] :then[search[prefix]] :else[search:title[prefix]]"
sortSubfilter="[{$:/temp/searchSort}match[chrono]] :then[!nsort[modified]] :else[sort[title]]"
limit=10 >
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers]!is[system]subfilter<searchSubfilter>subfilter<sortSubfilter>first<limit>]">
<$link/> (<$text text={{{ [{!!modified}format:date[YYYY-0MM-0DD]] }}} />)<br/>
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers]!is[system]subfilter<searchSubfilter>rest<limit>count[]]">
... and <<currentTiddler>> more.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
created: 20210618133745003
from-version: 5.3.0
modified: 20230506172920710
rp-input: <<.olink all>> tiddler titles
rp-output: the output of this filter run replaces the output of previous runs unless it is an empty list (see below)
rp-purpose: replace any input to this filter run with its output, only evaluating the run when there is any input
tags: [[Filter Run Prefix]] [[Filter Syntax]]
title: Then Filter Run Prefix
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
\define .op-row()
<$macrocall $name=".if"
then="""<tr><th align="left">$(op-head)$</th><td><<.op-place>>$(op-body)$</td></tr>"""
<$list filter="[all[current]has[from-version]]" variable="listItem">
<$macrocall $name=".from-version" version={{!!from-version}}/>
<$let op-head="" op-body="" op-name="">
<table class="doc-table">
<!-- purpose -->
<$let op-head="purpose" op-body={{!!rp-purpose}}>
<!-- input -->
<$let op-head="[[input|Filter Expression]]" op-body={{!!rp-input}}>
<!-- suffix -->
<$let op-head="suffix" op-body={{!!rp-suffix}} op-name={{!!rp-suffix-name}}>
<!-- output -->
<$let op-head="output" op-body={{!!rp-output}}>
<$railroad text="""
\start none
\end none
[[run|"Filter Run"]]
The <<.op :then>> filter run prefix is used to replace the result of all previous filter runs with its output.
If the result of all previous runs is an empty list, the <<.op :then>> prefixed filter run is not evaluated.
If the output of a <<.op :then>> prefixed filter run is itself an empty list, the result of all previous filter runs is passed through unaltered.
<<.tip "Note that a list with a single empty string item is not an empty list.">>
!! <<.op :then>> run prefix versus the <<.olink then>> operator
The major difference between the <<.op then>> operator and a <<.op :then>> prefixed filter run is that the operator will replace //each item// of the input [[Title List]] with its parameter while <<.op :then>> will replace the //whole input list// with the result of its run.
|doc-op-comparison tc-center|k
| !<<.op :then>> Filter Run Prefix | !<<.op then>> Operator |
|^<<.operator-example m1-1 "[tag[WikiText]] :then[[true]]">>|^<<.operator-example m1-2 "[tag[WikiText]then[true]]">><p>To make them equivalent, additional filter steps may be added:</p> <<.operator-example m1-3 "[tag[WikiText]count[]compare:number:gt[0]then[true]]">>|
! [[Examples|Then Filter Run Prefix (Examples)]]

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
caption: then
created: 20190802112756430
modified: 20190802113849579
modified: 20230501174334627
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-output: the input titles with each one replaced by the string <<.place T>>
op-parameter: a string
@ -12,4 +12,6 @@ type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
<<.from-version "5.1.20">> See [[Conditional Operators]] for an overview.
<<.tip "The [[Then Filter Run Prefix]] has a similar purpose to the <<.op then>> operator. See its documentation for a comparison of usage.">>
<<.operator-examples "then">>

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
created: 20130822170200000
list: [[A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki]] [[Discover TiddlyWiki]] [[Some of the things you can do with TiddlyWiki]] [[Ten reasons to switch to TiddlyWiki]] Examples [[What happened to the original TiddlyWiki?]]
modified: 20230326083239710
modified: 20230701123439630
tags: TableOfContents
title: HelloThere
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
created: 20160424150551727
modified: 20211230153027382
modified: 20230615114519672
tags: Learning
title: Concatenating text and variables using macro substitution
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
<<.from-version "5.3.0">> It is recommended to use [[substituted attributes|Substituted Attribute Values]] or the [[substitute filter operator|substitute Operator]] to concatenate text and variables.
It's a frequent use case in ~TiddlyWiki that you will want to put the results of variables together with various bits of strings of text. This process in some programming languages is often referred to as "concatenating" text.

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
created: 20230608121519758
modified: 20230608123444591
tags: [[How to apply custom styles]]
title: Custom tag pill styles
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
! Attribute: data-tag-title
<<.from-version "5.2.0">> The attribute <<.attr data-tag-title>> was added to tag pills visible in the tiddler view template.
<<.from-version "5.3.0">> The attribute was added to every tag pill visible in the standard ~TiddlyWiki UI. Especially the edit template tag list, the tag-picker dropdown, the Right sidebar -> More -> Tags tab and the $:/TagManager
The <<.attr data-tag-title>> HTML attribute only contains the tag-title visible in the tag pill. It can be used to style the tag-pill.
If you want to style the whole tiddler have a look at: [[Custom styles by data-tiddler-title]]
!! Examples
If you use the following CSS in a new tiddler tagged: `$:/tags/Stylesheet` every tag that starts with a `#` will have a new border radius. So those tags stand out in contrast to the default tags.
''You have to define both CSS rules'', due to the existing UI structure to catch all tag-pills in the existing TW UI.
[data-tag-title^="#"] .tc-tag-label,
[data-tag-title^="#"].tc-tag-label {
border-radius: 3px;
!! More Possibilities
{{Attribute Selectors}}

View File

@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ title: Using Excise
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
! Excise text
From the EditorToolbar you can export selected text to a new tiddler and insert a [[link|Linking in WikiText]] [[Transclusion]] or [[macro|Macros]] in its place. Click ''Excise text'' (<<.icon $:/core/images/excise>>), input name of the new tiddler, and choose excise method.
From the EditorToolbar you can export selected text to a new tiddler and insert a [[link|Linking in WikiText]], [[Transclusion]] or [[macro|Macros]] in its place. Click ''Excise text'' (<<.icon $:/core/images/excise>>), input name of the new tiddler, and choose excise method.
!! How to excise text
# Highlight the relevant piece of text
# Click ''Excise text'' (<<.icon $:/core/images/excise>>)
# Give the new tiddler a title.
# Chosse if the new tiddler will be tagged with the title of the current tiddler (see note below).
# Choose if the new tiddler will be tagged with the title of the current tiddler (see note below).
# Choose replacing method: [[link|Linking in WikiText]], [[transclusion|Transclusion]], or [[macro|Macros]].
# Click the ''{{$:/language/Buttons/Excise/Caption/Excise}}'' button

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 49 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 306 KiB

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
title: New Release Banner
type: image/jpeg
type: image/png
tags: picture

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
created: 20140919155729620
modified: 20220819093733569
modified: 20230427125500432
tags: Macros [[Core Macros]]
title: Table-of-Contents Macros
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
@ -53,15 +53,21 @@ These two parameters are combined into a single [[filter expression|Filter Expre
<<.var toc-tabbed-internal-nav>> and <<.var toc-tabbed-external-nav>> take additional parameters:
; selectedTiddler
: The title of the [[state tiddler|StateMechanism]] for noting the currently selected tiddler, defaulting to `$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler`. It is recommended that this be a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]]
; unselectedText
: The text to display when no tiddler is selected in the tree
; missingText
: The text to display if the selected tiddler doesn't exist
; template
: Optionally, the title of a tiddler to use as a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] for transcluding the selected tiddler into the right-hand panel
; exclude <<.from-version "5.3.0">>
: This optional parameter can be used to exclude tiddlers from the TOC list. It allows a [[Title List]] or a <<.olink subfilter>>. Eg: `exclude:"HelloThere [[Title with spaces]]"` or `exclude:"[has[excludeTOC]]"`. Where the former will exclude two tiddlers and the later would exclude every tiddler that has a field <<.field excludeTOC>> independent of its value.<br>''Be aware'' that eg: `[prefix[H]]` is a shortcut for `[all[tiddlers]prefix[H]]`, which can have a performance impact, if used carelessly. So use $:/AdvancedSearch -> ''Filters'' tab to test the <<.param exclude>> parameter
!! Custom Icons
<<.from-version "5.2.4">>

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ modified: 20220301180818011
tags: Messages
title: WidgetMessage: tm-close-all-windows
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: tm-close-all-windows
<<.from-version 5.2.2>>
The `tm-close-all-windows` [[message|Messages]] closes all additional //browser// window that were opened with [[tm-open-window|WidgetMessage: tm-open-window]].

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
caption: tm-http-cancel-all-requests
created: 20230429161453032
modified: 20230429161453032
tags: Messages
title: WidgetMessage: tm-http-cancel-all-requests
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
The ''tm-http-cancel-all-requests'' message is used to cancel all outstanding HTTP requests initiated with [[WidgetMessage: tm-http-request]].
Note that the state tiddler $:/state/http-requests contains a number representing the number of outstanding HTTP requests in progress.
It does not take any parameters.

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More