diff --git a/.eslintignore b/.eslintignore deleted file mode 100644 index 9e586b92e..000000000 --- a/.eslintignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -# Ignore "third party" code whose style we will not change. -/boot/sjcl.js -/core/modules/utils/base64-utf8/base64-utf8.module.js -/core/modules/utils/base64-utf8/base64-utf8.module.min.js -/core/modules/utils/diff-match-patch/diff_match_patch.js -/core/modules/utils/diff-match-patch/diff_match_patch_uncompressed.js -/core/modules/utils/dom/csscolorparser.js -/plugins/tiddlywiki/*/files/ diff --git a/.eslintrc.yml b/.eslintrc.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 0316b8385..000000000 --- a/.eslintrc.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,286 +0,0 @@ -env: - browser: true - commonjs: true - es2021: true - node: true -extends: 'eslint:recommended' -globals: - "$tw": "writable" # temporary -parserOptions: - ecmaVersion: 5 -rules: - array-bracket-newline: 'off' - array-bracket-spacing: 'off' - array-callback-return: 'off' - array-element-newline: 'off' - arrow-body-style: error - arrow-parens: - - error - - as-needed - arrow-spacing: - - error - - after: true - before: true - block-scoped-var: 'off' - block-spacing: 'off' - brace-style: 'off' - callback-return: 'off' - camelcase: 'off' - capitalized-comments: 'off' - class-methods-use-this: error - comma-dangle: 'off' - comma-spacing: 'off' - comma-style: 'off' - complexity: 'off' - computed-property-spacing: 'off' - consistent-return: 'off' - consistent-this: 'off' - curly: 'off' - default-case: 'off' - default-case-last: error - default-param-last: error - dot-location: 'off' - dot-notation: 'off' - eol-last: 'off' - eqeqeq: 'off' - func-call-spacing: 'off' - func-name-matching: 'off' - func-names: 'off' - func-style: 'off' - function-call-argument-newline: 'off' - function-paren-newline: 'off' - generator-star-spacing: error - global-require: 'off' - grouped-accessor-pairs: error - guard-for-in: 'off' - handle-callback-err: 'off' - id-blacklist: error - id-denylist: error - id-length: 'off' - id-match: error - implicit-arrow-linebreak: error - indent: 'off' - indent-legacy: 'off' - init-declarations: 'off' - jsx-quotes: error - key-spacing: 'off' - keyword-spacing: - - error - - before: true - after: false - overrides: - 'case': - after: true - 'do': - 'after': true - 'else': - after: true - 'return': - after: true - 'throw': - after: true - 'try': - after: true - line-comment-position: 'off' - linebreak-style: 'off' - lines-around-comment: 'off' - lines-around-directive: 'off' - lines-between-class-members: error - max-classes-per-file: error - max-depth: 'off' - max-len: 'off' - max-lines: 'off' - max-lines-per-function: 'off' - max-nested-callbacks: error - max-params: 'off' - max-statements: 'off' - max-statements-per-line: 'off' - multiline-comment-style: 'off' - multiline-ternary: 'off' - new-parens: 'off' - newline-after-var: 'off' - newline-before-return: 'off' - newline-per-chained-call: 'off' - no-alert: 'off' - no-array-constructor: 'off' - no-await-in-loop: error - no-bitwise: 'off' - no-buffer-constructor: 'off' - no-caller: error - no-catch-shadow: 'off' - no-confusing-arrow: error - no-console: 'off' - no-constant-condition: - - error - - checkLoops: false - no-constructor-return: error - no-continue: 'off' - no-div-regex: 'off' - no-duplicate-imports: error - no-else-return: 'off' - no-empty-function: 'off' - no-eq-null: 'off' - no-eval: 'off' - no-extend-native: 'off' - no-extra-bind: 'off' - no-extra-label: 'off' - no-extra-parens: 'off' - no-floating-decimal: 'off' - no-implicit-coercion: - - error - - boolean: false - number: false - string: false - no-implicit-globals: 'off' - no-implied-eval: error - no-inline-comments: 'off' - no-invalid-this: 'off' - no-iterator: error - no-label-var: 'off' - no-labels: 'off' - no-lone-blocks: 'off' - no-lonely-if: 'off' - no-loop-func: 'off' - no-loss-of-precision: error - no-magic-numbers: 'off' - no-mixed-operators: 'off' - no-mixed-requires: 'off' - no-multi-assign: 'off' - no-multi-spaces: 'off' - no-multi-str: error - no-multiple-empty-lines: 'off' - no-native-reassign: 'off' - no-negated-condition: 'off' - no-negated-in-lhs: error - no-nested-ternary: 'off' - no-new: 'off' - no-new-func: 'off' - no-new-object: 'off' - no-new-require: error - no-new-wrappers: error - no-octal-escape: error - no-param-reassign: 'off' - no-path-concat: error - no-plusplus: 'off' - no-process-env: 'off' - no-process-exit: 'off' - no-promise-executor-return: error - no-proto: 'off' - no-restricted-exports: error - no-restricted-globals: error - no-restricted-imports: error - no-restricted-modules: error - no-restricted-properties: error - no-restricted-syntax: error - no-return-assign: 'off' - no-return-await: error - no-script-url: 'off' - no-self-compare: 'off' - no-sequences: 'off' - no-shadow: 'off' - no-spaced-func: 'off' - no-sync: 'off' - no-tabs: 'off' - no-template-curly-in-string: error - no-ternary: 'off' - no-throw-literal: 'off' - no-trailing-spaces: 'off' - no-undef-init: 'off' - no-undefined: 'off' - no-underscore-dangle: 'off' - no-unmodified-loop-condition: 'off' - no-unneeded-ternary: 'off' - no-unreachable-loop: error - no-unused-expressions: 'off' - no-use-before-define: 'off' - no-useless-backreference: error - no-useless-call: 'off' - no-useless-computed-key: error - no-useless-concat: 'off' - no-useless-constructor: error - no-useless-rename: error - no-useless-return: 'off' - no-var: 'off' - no-void: 'off' - no-warning-comments: 'off' - no-whitespace-before-property: error - nonblock-statement-body-position: - - error - - any - object-curly-newline: 'off' - object-curly-spacing: 'off' - object-property-newline: 'off' - object-shorthand: 'off' - one-var: 'off' - one-var-declaration-per-line: 'off' - operator-assignment: 'off' - operator-linebreak: 'off' - padded-blocks: 'off' - padding-line-between-statements: error - prefer-arrow-callback: 'off' - prefer-const: 'off' - prefer-destructuring: 'off' - prefer-exponentiation-operator: 'off' - prefer-named-capture-group: 'off' - prefer-numeric-literals: error - prefer-object-spread: 'off' - prefer-promise-reject-errors: error - prefer-reflect: 'off' - prefer-regex-literals: 'off' - prefer-rest-params: 'off' - prefer-spread: 'off' - prefer-template: 'off' - quote-props: 'off' - quotes: - - error - - double - - avoidEscape: true - radix: 'off' - require-atomic-updates: error - require-await: error - require-jsdoc: 'off' - require-unicode-regexp: 'off' - rest-spread-spacing: error - semi: 'off' - semi-spacing: 'off' - semi-style: 'off' - sort-imports: error - sort-keys: 'off' - sort-vars: 'off' - space-before-blocks: 'off' - space-before-function-paren: 'off' - space-in-parens: 'off' - space-infix-ops: 'off' - space-unary-ops: 'off' - spaced-comment: 'off' - strict: 'off' - switch-colon-spacing: 'off' - symbol-description: error - template-curly-spacing: error - template-tag-spacing: error - unicode-bom: - - error - - never - valid-jsdoc: 'off' - valid-typeof: - - error - - requireStringLiterals: false - vars-on-top: 'off' - wrap-iife: 'off' - wrap-regex: 'off' - yield-star-spacing: error - yoda: 'off' - - # temporary rules - no-useless-escape: 'off' - no-unused-vars: 'off' - no-empty: 'off' - no-extra-semi: 'off' - no-redeclare: 'off' - no-control-regex: "off" - no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: "off" - no-extra-boolean-cast: "off" - no-prototype-builtins: "off" - no-undef: "off" - no-unreachable: "off" - no-self-assign: "off" diff --git a/core/modules/startup/rootwidget.js b/core/modules/startup/rootwidget.js index 0f67634d1..d96d569c3 100644 --- a/core/modules/startup/rootwidget.js +++ b/core/modules/startup/rootwidget.js @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ exports.startup = function() { basicAuthUsernameFromStore: params["basic-auth-username-from-store"], basicAuthPassword: params["basic-auth-password"], basicAuthPasswordFromStore: params["basic-auth-password-from-store"], + bearerAuthToken: params["bearer-auth-token"], bearerAuthTokenFromStore: params["bearer-auth-token-from-store"] }); }); diff --git a/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/community/links/external-links-view-template.tid b/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/community/links/external-links-view-template.tid new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7eceb91a --- /dev/null +++ b/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/community/links/external-links-view-template.tid @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +title: $:/_tw5.com/external-links-view-template +tags: $:/tags/ViewTemplate + +<%if [tag[TiddlyWiki on the Web]] %> +
+<$macrocall $name="flex-card-external" backgroundcolor={{!!background-color}} textcolor={{!!text-color}} captionField="caption"/> +
+<%endif%> diff --git a/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/messages/WidgetMessage_ tm-http-request.tid b/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/messages/WidgetMessage_ tm-http-request.tid index d6efcb27c..76797b054 100644 --- a/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/messages/WidgetMessage_ tm-http-request.tid +++ b/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/messages/WidgetMessage_ tm-http-request.tid @@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ The following parameters are used: |basic-auth-username-from-store |<<.from-version "5.3.4">> Optional username for HTTP basic authentication, specified as the name of the entry in the password store containing the username | |basic-auth-password |<<.from-version "5.3.4">> Optional password for HTTP basic authentication | |basic-auth-password-from-store |<<.from-version "5.3.4">> Optional password for HTTP basic authentication, specified as the name of the entry in the password store containing the password | +|bearerAuthToken |<<.from-version "5.3.6">> Optional plain text token for HTTP bearer authentication | +|basic-auth-password-from-store |<<.from-version "5.3.6">> Optional token for HTTP bearer authentication, specified as the name of the entry in the password store containing the token | |var-* |Variables to be passed to the completion and progress handlers (without the "var-" prefix) | |bind-status |Title of tiddler to which the status of the request ("pending", "complete", "error") should be bound | |bind-progress |Title of tiddler to which the progress of the request (0 to 100) should be bound | diff --git a/eslint.config.js b/eslint.config.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2b05f7b0f --- /dev/null +++ b/eslint.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,333 @@ +const globals = require("globals"); +const js = require("@eslint/js"); + +const { + FlatCompat, +} = require("@eslint/eslintrc"); + +const compat = new FlatCompat({ + baseDirectory: __dirname, + recommendedConfig: js.configs.recommended, + allConfig: js.configs.all +}); + +module.exports = [{ + ignores: [ + // Ignore "third party" code whose style we will not change. + "boot/sjcl.js", + "core/modules/utils/base64-utf8/base64-utf8.module.js", + "core/modules/utils/base64-utf8/base64-utf8.module.min.js", + "core/modules/utils/diff-match-patch/diff_match_patch.js", + "core/modules/utils/diff-match-patch/diff_match_patch_uncompressed.js", + "core/modules/utils/dom/csscolorparser.js", + "plugins/tiddlywiki/*/files/", + ], +}, ...compat.extends("eslint:recommended"), { + languageOptions: { + globals: { + ...globals.browser, + ...globals.commonjs, + ...globals.node, + $tw: "writable", // temporary + }, + + ecmaVersion: 5, + sourceType: "commonjs", + }, + + rules: { + "array-bracket-newline": "off", + "array-bracket-spacing": "off", + "array-callback-return": "off", + "array-element-newline": "off", + "arrow-body-style": "error", + "arrow-parens": ["error", "as-needed"], + + "arrow-spacing": ["error", { + after: true, + before: true, + }], + + "block-scoped-var": "off", + "block-spacing": "off", + "brace-style": "off", + 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"indent-legacy": "off", + "init-declarations": "off", + "jsx-quotes": "error", + "key-spacing": "off", + + "keyword-spacing": ["error", { + before: true, + after: false, + + overrides: { + case: { + after: true, + }, + + do: { + after: true, + }, + + else: { + after: true, + }, + + return: { + after: true, + }, + + throw: { + after: true, + }, + + try: { + after: true, + }, + }, + }], + + "line-comment-position": "off", + "linebreak-style": "off", + "lines-around-comment": "off", + "lines-around-directive": "off", + "lines-between-class-members": "error", + "max-classes-per-file": "error", + "max-depth": "off", + "max-len": "off", + "max-lines": "off", + "max-lines-per-function": "off", + "max-nested-callbacks": "error", + "max-params": "off", + "max-statements": "off", + "max-statements-per-line": "off", + "multiline-comment-style": "off", + "multiline-ternary": "off", + "new-parens": "off", + "newline-after-var": "off", + "newline-before-return": "off", + "newline-per-chained-call": 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