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synced 2025-03-12 06:28:10 +00:00
Fix to match standards
This commit is contained in:
@ -287,135 +287,115 @@ $tw.utils.decodeURIComponentSafe = function(s) {
return v;
Code to make the permalink/permaview URLs more readable.
(These comments are just to help reviewers; they will eventually be removed.)
$tw.utils.map = function(fn) {
return function (xs) {
var results = [];
for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {
results.push (fn(xs[i]));
return results;
$tw.utils.filter = function(fn) {
return function (xs) {
const results = []
for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {
if (fn(xs[i])) {
return results;
Helpers for encoding/decoding URIs. **Note** that these are throw-away, only
used to temporarily build `charMatch`, `spaceMatch`, `sentenceEnding`, and
`sentenceTrailing`, all of which will eventually be hard-coded.
// The character that will substitute for a space in the URL
The character that will substitute for a space in the URL
var SPACE = "_";
// The character added to the end to avoid ending with `.`, `?`, `!` or the like
var TRAILER = "_";
The character added to the end to avoid ending with `.`, `?`, `!` or the like
var TRAILER = '_';
The character that will separate out the list elements in the URL
// The character that will separate out the list elements in the URL
var CONJUNCTION = ";";
Those of the allowed url characters claimed by TW
// Those of the allowed url characters claimed by TW
Non-alphanumeric characters allowed in a URL fragment
More information at https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986#appendix-A
// Non-alphanumeric characters allowed in a URL fragment
// More information at https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986#appendix-A
var VALID_IN_URL_FRAGMENT = "-._~!$&'()*+,;=:@/?";
The subset of the pchars we will not percent-encode in permalinks/permaviews
var substitutes = VALID_IN_URL_FRAGMENT.split('').filter(function(c){return CLAIMED.indexOf(c) === -1});
// The subset of the pchars we will not percent-encode in permalinks/permaviews
var SUBSTITUTES = VALID_IN_URL_FRAGMENT.split("").filter(function(c){return CLAIMED.indexOf(c) === -1});
The more permanent implementation. These helpers (`charMatch`, `spaceMatch`,
`sentenceEnding`, `sentenceTrailing`) will be hard-coded, not derived.
A regex to match the percent-encoded characters we will want to replace.
Something similar to the following, depending on SPACE and CONJUNCTION
var charMatch = new RegExp(
"(" + substitutes.map(function(c) {
// A regex to match the percent-encoded characters we will want to replace.
// Something similar to the following, depending on SPACE and CONJUNCTION
// /(%2D|%2E|%7E|%21|%24|%26|%27|%28|%29|%2A|%2B|%3B|%3D|%40|%2F|%3F)/g
var CHAR_MATCH = new RegExp(
"(" + SUBSTITUTES.map(function(c) {
return "%" + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()
}).join('|') + ')',
}).join("|") + ")",
A regex to match the SPACE character
var spaceMatch = new RegExp("(\\" + SPACE + ")", "g");
// A regex to match the SPACE_SUBSTITUTE character
var SPACE_MATCH = new RegExp("(\\" + SPACE_SUBSTITUTE + ")", "g");
A regex to match URLs ending with sentence-ending punctuation
var sentenceEnding = new RegExp("(\\.|\\!|\\?|\\" + TRAILER + ")$", "g");
// A regex to match URLs ending with sentence-ending punctuation
var SENTENCE_ENDING = new RegExp("(\\.|\\!|\\?|\\" + TRAILER + ")$", "g");
A regex to match URLs ending with sentence-ending punctuation plus the TRAILER
var sentenceTrailing = new RegExp("(\\.|\\!|\\?|\\" + TRAILER + ")\\" + TRAILER + "$", "g");
// A regex to match URLs ending with sentence-ending punctuation plus the TRAILER
var SENTENCE_TRAILING = new RegExp("(\\.|\\!|\\?|\\" + TRAILER + ")\\" + TRAILER + "$", "g");
An object mapping the percent encodings back to their source characters
var pctCharMap = substitutes.reduce(function (a, c) {
a['%' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()] = c
// An object mapping the percent encodings back to their source characters
var PCT_CHAR_MAP = SUBSTITUTES.reduce(function (a, c) {
a["%" + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()] = c
return a
}, {});
Convert a URI List Component encoded string (with the `SPACE` value
as an allowed replacement for the space character) to a string
// Convert a URI List Component encoded string (with the `SPACE_SUBSTITUTE`
// value as an allowed replacement for the space character) to a string
$tw.utils.decodeTWURIList = function(s) {
return $tw.utils.decodeURIComponentSafe(
s.replace(sentenceTrailing, "$1")
.map(function(s) {return s.replace(spaceMatch, " ")})
.map(function(s) {return s.indexOf(" ") >= 0 ? "[[" + s + "]]" : s})
.join(" ")
var parts = s.replace(SENTENCE_TRAILING, "$1").split(CONJUNCTION);
var withSpaces = $tw.utils.map(function(s) {return s.replace(SPACE_MATCH, " ")})(parts);
var withBrackets = $tw.utils.map(function(s) {return s.indexOf(" ") >= 0 ? "[[" + s + "]]" : s})(withSpaces);
return $tw.utils.decodeURIComponentSafe(withBrackets.join(" "));
Convert a URI Target Component encoded string (with the `SPACE` value
as an allowed replacement for the space character) to a string
// Convert a URI Target Component encoded string (with the `SPACE_SUBSTITUTE`
// value as an allowed replacement for the space character) to a string
$tw.utils.decodeTWURITarget = function(s) {
return $tw.utils.decodeURIComponentSafe(
s.replace(sentenceTrailing, "$1").replace(spaceMatch, " ")
s.replace(SENTENCE_TRAILING, "$1").replace(SPACE_MATCH, " ")
Convert a URIComponent encoded string (with the `SPACE` value
as an allowed replacement for the space character) to a string
$tw.utils.encodeTWURIComponent = function(s) {
return s.replace(sentenceEnding, "$1" + TRAILER)
.map(function(s) {return s.trim()})
.map(function(s) {return encodeURIComponent(s)})
.map(function(s) {return s.replace(/\%20/g, SPACE)})
.map(function(s) {return s.replace(charMatch, function(_, c) {
return pctCharMap[c]})
// Convert a URIComponent encoded title string (with the `SPACE_SUBSTITUTE`
// value as an allowed replacement for the space character) to a string
$tw.utils.encodeTiddlerTitle = function(s) {
var extended = s.replace(SENTENCE_ENDING, "$1" + TRAILER)
var encoded = encodeURIComponent(extended);
var substituted = encoded.replace(/\%20/g, SPACE_SUBSTITUTE);
return substituted.replace(CHAR_MATCH, function(_, c) {
return PCT_CHAR_MAP[c];
End of changes
// Convert a URIComponent encoded filter string (with the `SPACE_SUBSTITUTE`
// value as an allowed replacement for the space character) to a string
$tw.utils.encodeFilterPath = function(s) {
var parts = s.replace(SENTENCE_ENDING, "$1" + TRAILER)
.replace(/\[\[(.+?)\]\]/g, function (_, t) {return t.replace(/ /g, SPACE_SUBSTITUTE )})
.split(" ");
var nonEmptyParts = $tw.utils.filter(Boolean)(parts);
var trimmed = $tw.utils.map(function(s) {return s.trim()})(nonEmptyParts);
var encoded = $tw.utils.map(function(s) {return encodeURIComponent(s)})(trimmed);
var substituted = $tw.utils.map(function(s) {return s.replace(/\%20/g, SPACE_SUBSTITUTE)})(encoded);
var replaced = $tw.utils.map(function(s) {return s.replace(CHAR_MATCH, function(_, c) {
return PCT_CHAR_MAP[c]});
return replaced.join(CONJUNCTION);
Convert a URI encoded string to a string safely
@ -198,19 +198,19 @@ function updateLocationHash(options) {
// Assemble the location hash
switch(options.updateAddressBar) {
case "permalink":
$tw.locationHash = "#" + $tw.utils.encodeTWURIComponent(targetTiddler);
$tw.locationHash = "#" + $tw.utils.encodeTiddlerTitle(targetTiddler);
case "permaview":
$tw.locationHash = "#" + $tw.utils.encodeTWURIComponent(targetTiddler) + ":" + $tw.utils.encodeTWURIComponent($tw.utils.stringifyList(storyList));
$tw.locationHash = "#" + $tw.utils.encodeTiddlerTitle(targetTiddler) + ":" + $tw.utils.encodeFilterPath($tw.utils.stringifyList(storyList));
// Copy URL to the clipboard
switch(options.copyToClipboard) {
case "permalink":
$tw.utils.copyToClipboard($tw.utils.getLocationPath() + "#" + $tw.utils.encodeTWURIComponent(targetTiddler));
$tw.utils.copyToClipboard($tw.utils.getLocationPath() + "#" + $tw.utils.encodeTiddlerTitle(targetTiddler));
case "permaview":
$tw.utils.copyToClipboard($tw.utils.getLocationPath() + "#" + $tw.utils.encodeTWURIComponent(targetTiddler) + ":" + $tw.utils.encodeTWURIComponent($tw.utils.stringifyList(storyList)));
$tw.utils.copyToClipboard($tw.utils.getLocationPath() + "#" + $tw.utils.encodeTiddlerTitle(targetTiddler) + ":" + $tw.utils.encodeFilterPath($tw.utils.stringifyList(storyList)));
// Only change the location hash if we must, thus avoiding unnecessary onhashchange events
@ -40,6 +40,22 @@ There are technical restrictions on the legal characters in an URL fragment. To
Both the target tiddler title and the story filter should be URL encoded (but not the separating colon). TiddlyWiki generates properly encoded URLs which can look quite ugly. However, in practice browsers will usually perfectly happily process arbitrary characters in URL fragments. Thus when creating permalinks manually you can choose to ignore URL encoding.
!! Simpler URLS
<<.from-version "5.2.3">> The URLs generated are simplified from the hard-to-read percent encoding when feasible. Spaces are replaced with underscores (`_`), many punctuation characters are allowed to remain unencoded, and permaview filters receive a simpler encoding. For example the tiddler "Hard Linebreaks with CSS - Example", which percent-encoded would look like
> @@font-family:monospace;#Hard%20Linebreaks%20with%20CSS%20-%20Example@@
instead looks like
> @@font-family:monospace;#Hard_Linebreaks_with_CSS_-_Example@@
Existing story filter URLs like
> @@font-family:monospace;#:[tag[Features]]%20+[limit[5]]@@
will continue to work.
! Permalink Behaviour
Two important aspects of TiddlyWiki's behaviour with permalinks can be controlled via options in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] <<.icon $:/core/images/options-button>> ''Settings'' tab:
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