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@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ Given an extension, get the correct encoding for that file.
defaults to utf8
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
title: $:/core/modules/filters/getindex.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: filteroperator
returns the value at a given index of datatiddlers
/*jslint node: true, browser: true */
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";
Export our filter function
exports.getIndex = function(source,operator,options) {
var data,title,results = [];
source(function(tiddler,title) {
title = tiddler ? tiddler.fields.title : title;
data = options.wiki.extractTiddlerDataItem(tiddler,operator.operand);
if(data) {
return results;
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ tags: $:/tags/PageTemplate
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<section class="story-frontdrop">
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150129133657000
modified: 20150203183422000
tags: Concepts Filters
title: Filter Operators
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
\define .operator-rows(filter)
<$list filter="$filter$"><tr>
<td><$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!caption}}</$link></td>
<td>{{!!purpose}} <$list filter="[all[current]tag[Common Operators]]">{{$:/core/images/done-button}}</$list></td>
<td>{{!!op-purpose}} <$list filter="[all[current]tag[Common Operators]]">{{$:/core/images/done-button}}</$list></td>
<td align="center"><$list filter="[all[current]tag[Negatable Operators]]">`!`</$list></td>
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124172110000
modified: 20150203181822000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[String Operators]]
title: addprefix Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: addprefix
purpose: extend each input title with a prefix
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="the input, but with <<.place s>> added to the start of each title"
op-purpose: extend each input title with a prefix
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: a string of characters
op-parameter-name: S
op-output: the input, but with <<.place S>> added to the start of each title
<<.operator-examples "addprefix">>
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
created: 20140828133830424
modified: 20150124172115000
modified: 20150203183207000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[String Operators]]
title: addsuffix Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: addsuffix
purpose: extend each input title with a suffix
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="the input, but with <<.place s>> added to the end of each title"
op-purpose: extend each input title with a suffix
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: a string of characters
op-parameter-name: S
op-output: the input, but with <<.place S>> added to the end of each title
<<.operator-examples "addsuffix">>
@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
created: 20140512103123179
modified: 20150124204353000
modified: 20150203183205000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Order Operators]]
title: after Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: after
purpose: find which input title follows a specified one
op-purpose: find which input title follows a specified one
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: one of those titles
op-parameter-name: T
op-output: the title that immediately follows <<.place T>> in the input
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="one of those titles"
output="the title that immediately follows <<.place t>> in the input"
If <<.place t>> is not present in the input, or is the last title there, then the output is empty.
If <<.place T>> is not present in the input, or is the last title there, then the output is empty.
<<.operator-examples "after">>
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150129133636000
modified: 20150203183224000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Common Operators]] [[Selection Constructors]]
title: all Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: all
purpose: find all titles of a fundamental category
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="ignored, unless the parameter is empty"
parameter="zero or more categories -- see below"
output="the titles that belong to all the specified categories"
op-purpose: find all titles of a fundamental category
op-input: ignored, unless the parameter is empty
op-parameter: zero or more categories
op-output: the titles that belong to all the specified categories
The parameter specifies zero or more fundamental categories using the following syntax:
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124200946000
modified: 20150203183356000
tags: [[Filter Operators]]
title: backlinks Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: backlinks
purpose: find the titles that link to each input title
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="any non-[[system|SystemTiddlers]] titles that contain [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]] to the input titles"
op-purpose: find the titles that link to each input title
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: none
op-output: any non-[[system|SystemTiddlers]] titles that contain [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]] to the input titles
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of backlinks is generated, sorted alphabetically by title, and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
created: 20140512103123179
modified: 20150124164952000
modified: 20150203191918000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Order Operators]]
caption: before
title: before Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
purpose: find which input title precedes a specified one
op-purpose: find which input title precedes a specified one
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: one of those titles
op-parameter-name: T
op-output: the title that immediately precedes <<.place T>> in the input
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="one of those titles"
output="the title that immediately precedes <<.place t>> in the input"
If <<.place t>> is not present in the input, or is the first title there, then the output is empty.
If <<.place T>> is not present in the input, or is the first title there, then the output is empty.
<<.operator-examples "before">>
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124200504000
modified: 20150203183738000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Order Operators]]
title: bf Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: bf
purpose: same as <<.op rest>>
<<.op bf>> is a synonym for <<.olink rest>>, also known as <<.olink butfirst>>.
op-purpose: same as <<.olink rest>>
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124200507000
modified: 20150203183733000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Order Operators]]
title: butfirst Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: butfirst
purpose: same as <<.op rest>>
<<.op butfirst>> is a synonym for <<.olink rest>>, also known as <<.olink bf>>.
op-purpose: same as <<.olink rest>>
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124172210000
modified: 20150203191930000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Order Operators]]
title: butlast Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: butlast
purpose: discard the last <<.place n>> input titles
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="all but the last <<.place n>> input titles"
op-purpose: discard the last <<.place N>> input titles
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: an integer, defaulting to 1
op-parameter-name: N
op-output: all but the last <<.place N>> input titles
<<.operator-examples "butlast">>
@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150129133643000
modified: 20150203184154000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Special Operators]] [[Selection Constructors]]
title: commands Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: commands
purpose: select the titles of all the Node.js commands
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
output="the [[command words|Commands]] that can be given to [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]"
op-purpose: select the titles of all the Node.js commands
op-input: ignored
op-parameter: none
op-output: the [[command words|Commands]] that can be given to [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
<<.operator-examples "commands">>
@ -1,26 +1,23 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150127202915000
modified: 20150203184257000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Group Operators]]
title: each Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: each
purpose: select one of each group of input titles by field
op-purpose: select one of each group of input titles by field
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-suffix: optionally, `list`
op-parameter: the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>
op-parameter-name: F
op-output: a selection containing the first input title encountered for each distinct value of field <<.place F>>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="optionally, `list`"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="a selection containing the first input title encountered for each distinct value of field <<.place f>>"
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place f>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined.
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place F>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined.
:As long as the field's value has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output.
:The value is treated as a [[title list|Title List]]. Each title in the list considered in turn. If it has not been encountered before, it is appended to the output.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place f>>, it is treated as if the field's value was empty.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place F>>, it is treated as if the field's value was empty.
<<.operator-examples "each">>
@ -1,20 +1,17 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150127202806000
modified: 20150203184456000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Group Operators]] [[Date Operators]]
title: eachday Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: eachday
purpose: select one of each group of input titles by date
op-purpose: select one of each group of input titles by date
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: the name of a [[date field|Date Fields]]
op-parameter-name: F
op-output: a selection containing the first input title encountered for each distinct value (ignoring times of day) of field <<.place F>>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[date field|Date Fields]]"
output="a selection containing the first input title encountered for each distinct value (ignoring times of day) of field <<.place f>>"
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place F>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined, and as long as this indicates a date that has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output.
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place f>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined, and as long as this indicates a date that has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place f>>, it contributes nothing to the output.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place F>>, it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "eachday">>
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
created: 20150111145738451
modified: 20150124165002000
modified: 20150203184528000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Special Operators]]
title: editiondescription Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: editiondescription
purpose: select the descriptions of the input editions
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of edition names"
output="the description string of each edition in the input"
op-purpose: select the descriptions of the input editions
op-input: a [[selection|Title Selection]] of edition names
op-parameter: none
op-output: the description string of each edition in the input
Each input title is processed in turn, ignoring any that is not the name of a ~TiddlyWiki edition.
@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
created: 20150111145738451
modified: 20150129133647000
modified: 20150203184604000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Special Operators]] [[Selection Constructors]]
title: editions Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: editions
purpose: select the names of all the ~TiddlyWiki editions
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
output="the name of each ~TiddlyWiki edition, in alphabetical order"
op-purpose: select the names of all the ~TiddlyWiki editions
op-input: ignored
op-parameter: none
op-output: the name of each ~TiddlyWiki edition, in alphabetical order
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
created: 20150203140000000
modified: 20150203140000000
tags: [[getindex Operator]] [[Operator Examples]]
title: getindex Operator (Examples)
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/palettes/Vanilla]getindex[background]]" "returns the value at index ''background'' of the [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] [[$:/palettes/Vanilla]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[$:/tags/Palette]getindex[background]]" "returns all background colors defined in any of the ColourPalettes">>
@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124201655000
modified: 20150203184718000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Common Operators]] [[Field Operators]] [[Negatable Operators]]
title: field Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: field
purpose: filter the input by field
op-purpose: filter the input by field
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-suffix: the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]
op-suffix-name: F
op-parameter: a possible value of field <<.place F>>
op-parameter-name: S
op-output: those input tiddlers in which field <<.place F>> has the value <<.place S>>
op-neg-output: those input tiddlers in which field <<.place F>> does <<.em not>> have the value <<.place S>>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
parameter="a possible value of field <<.place f>>"
output="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> has the value <<.place s>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> does <<.em not>> have the value <<.place s>>"
If <<.place S>> is empty, <<.op field>> will match both of the following:
If <<.place s>> is empty, <<.op field>> will match both of the following:
* tiddlers that don't contain field <<.place f>>
* tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> exists but has an empty value
* tiddlers that don't contain field <<.place F>>
* tiddlers in which field <<.place F>> exists but has an empty value
The syntax of a [[filter step|Filter Step]] treats any unrecognised [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] as if it was the suffix to the <<.op field>> operator. See the <<.operator-examples "field" "examples">>.
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
created: 20140924115616653
modified: 20150124184835000
modified: 20150203184828000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Field Operators]]
title: fields Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: fields
purpose: select all field names of the input titles
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="all the field names contained in the input tiddlers"
op-purpose: select all field names of the input titles
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: none
op-output: all the field names contained in the input tiddlers
Each input title is processed in turn. Its list of field names is retrieved (in no particular order) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124161800000
modified: 20150203191946000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Order Operators]]
title: first Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: first
purpose: select the first <<.place n>> input titles
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="the first <<.place n>> input titles"
op-purpose: select the first <<.place N>> input titles
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: an integer, defaulting to 1
op-parameter-name: N
op-output: the first <<.place N>> input titles
<<.operator-examples "first">>
@ -1,20 +1,17 @@
created: 20140426183123179
modified: 20150124165013000
modified: 20150203185001000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Field Operators]]
title: get Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: get
purpose: select all values of a field in the input titles
op-purpose: select all values of a field in the input titles
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]
op-parameter-name: F
op-output: the values of field <<.place F>> in each of the input titles
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
output="the values of field <<.place f>> in each of the input titles"
Each input title is processed in turn. If the corresponding tiddler contains field <<.place F>>, and the value of this field is not empty, then its value is appended to the output.
Each input title is processed in turn. If the corresponding tiddler contains field <<.place f>>, and the value of this field is not empty, then its value is appended to the output.
Unlike most other [[Filter Operators]], the [[selection|Title Selection]] output by <<.op get>> can contain duplicates. To avoid duplicates, use `each[f]get[f]`.
Unlike most other [[Filter Operators]], the [[selection|Title Selection]] output by <<.op get>> can contain duplicates. To avoid duplicates, use `each[F]get[F]`.
<<.operator-examples "get">>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
created: 20150203140000000
modified: 20150203140000000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Field Operators]]
title: getindex Operator
caption: getindex
purpose: select all values of a data property in the input titles
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[property|DataTiddlers]]"
output="the values of property <<.place P>> in each of the input titles"
Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. If the tiddler contains property <<.place P>>, the value of that property is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output.
<<.operator-examples "getindex">>
@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124191952000
modified: 20150203191843000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Common Operators]] [[Field Operators]] [[Negatable Operators]]
title: has Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: has
purpose: filter the input by field existence
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
output="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> has a non-empty value"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> does <<.em not>> exist or has an empty value"
op-purpose: filter the input by field existence
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]
op-parameter-name: F
op-output: those input tiddlers in which field <<.place F>> has a non-empty value
op-neg-output: those input tiddlers in which field <<.place F>> does <<.em not>> exist or has an empty value
<<.operator-examples "has">>
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124184840000
modified: 20150203185150000
tags: [[Filter Operators]]
title: indexes Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: indexes
purpose: select all data properties of the input titles
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="all the property names or indices contained in the input data tiddlers"
op-purpose: select all data properties of the input titles
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: none
op-output: all the property names or indices contained in the input data tiddlers
Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. The list of property names is retrieved from the data tiddler (in no particular order) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
@ -1,20 +1,17 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124202225000
modified: 20150203185255000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Common Operators]] [[Negatable Operators]]
title: is Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: is
purpose: filter the input by fundamental category
op-purpose: filter the input by fundamental category
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: a category
op-parameter-name: C
op-output: those input tiddlers that belong to category <<.place C>>
op-neg-output: those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> belong to category <<.place C>>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a category -- see below"
output="those input tiddlers that belong to category <<.place c>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> belong to category <<.place c>>"
The parameter <<.place c>> is one of the following fundamental categories:
The parameter <<.place C>> is one of the following fundamental categories:
|!Category |!Matches any tiddler that... |
|^`current` |is the [[current tiddler|CurrentTiddler]] |
@ -26,7 +23,7 @@ The parameter <<.place c>> is one of the following fundamental categories:
|^`tag` |is in use as a tag |
|^`tiddler` |exists as a non-shadow tiddler |
If <<.place c>> is anything else, the output is an error message.
If <<.place C>> is anything else, the output is an error message.
`!is[tiddler]` is a synonym for `is[missing]`, and vice versa.
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124204508000
modified: 20150203192036000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Order Operators]]
title: last Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: last
purpose: select the last <<.place n>> input titles
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="the last <<.place n>> input titles"
op-purpose: select the last <<.place N>> input titles
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: an integer, defaulting to 1
op-parameter-name: N
op-output: the last <<.place N>> input titles
<<.operator-examples "last">>
@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124204544000
modified: 20150203185456000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Common Operators]] [[Order Operators]] [[Negatable Operators]]
title: limit Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: limit
purpose: select the first or last <<.place n>> input titles
op-purpose: select the first or last <<.place N>> input titles
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: an integer, defaulting to 0
op-parameter-name: N
op-output: the first <<.place N>> input titles
op-neg-output: the last <<.place N>> input titles
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 0"
output="the first <<.place n>> input titles"
negationOutput="the last <<.place n>> input titles"
`limit[n]` and `!limit[n]` are synonyms for `first[n]` and `last[n]` respectively.
`limit[N]` and `!limit[N]` are synonyms for `first[N]` and `last[N]` respectively.
<<.operator-examples "limit">>
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124184844000
modified: 20150203185545000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Common Operators]]
title: links Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: links
purpose: find the titles linked to by each input title
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="the titles to which the input tiddlers contain [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]]"
op-purpose: find the titles linked to by each input title
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: none
op-output: the titles to which the input tiddlers contain [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]]
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of links is generated, in the order in which they appear in the tiddler's text, and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
@ -1,23 +1,20 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150129133705000
modified: 20150203192721000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Field Operators]] [[Selection Constructors]] [[Negatable Operators]]
title: list Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: list
purpose: select titles via a list field
op-purpose: select titles via a list field
op-input: ignored
op-neg-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: a [[reference|TextReference]] to a [[field|TiddlerFields]] or [[property|DataTiddlers]] of a particular tiddler
op-parameter-name: R
op-output: the titles stored as a [[title list|Title List]] at <<.place R>>
op-neg-output: those input titles that are <<.em not>> mentioned at <<.place R>>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
negationInput="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a [[reference|TextReference]] to a [[field|TiddlerFields]] or [[property|DataTiddlers]] of a particular tiddler"
output="the titles stored as a [[title list|Title List]] at <<.place r>>"
negationOutput="those input titles that are <<.em not>> mentioned at <<.place r>>"
<<.place r>> can reference either a field or a property. See [[TextReference]] for the syntax.
<<.place R>> can reference either a field or a property. See [[TextReference]] for the syntax.
* If neither is specified, the <<.field list>> field is used by default. So `[list[T]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field list>> of tiddler T.
* If <<.place r>> consists of <<.em only>> a field or a property, the tiddler part of the reference defaults to the CurrentTiddler. So `[list[!!tags]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field tags>> field of the current tiddler.
* If <<.place R>> consists of <<.em only>> a field or a property, the tiddler part of the reference defaults to the CurrentTiddler. So `[list[!!tags]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field tags>> field of the current tiddler.
<<.operator-examples "list">>
@ -1,20 +1,17 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124203638000
modified: 20150203185745000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Field Operators]]
title: listed Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: listed
purpose: find the titles that list the input titles
op-purpose: find the titles that list the input titles
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field list>>
op-parameter-name: F
op-output: the titles in which field <<.place F>> mentions any of the input titles
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field list>>"
output="the titles in which field <<.place f>> mentions any of the input titles"
<<.field F>> is assumed to be a [[title list|Title List]].
<<.field f>> is assumed to be a [[title list|Title List]].
Each input title is processed in turn. A list of tiddlers whose <<.place f>> field mentions it is generated (in no particular order) and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
Each input title is processed in turn. A list of tiddlers whose <<.place F>> field mentions it is generated (in no particular order) and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "listed">>
@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124170624000
modified: 20150203185838000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Special Operators]]
title: modules Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: modules
purpose: select the names of all modules of the input module types
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of module types"
output="the title of each module with any of the input types"
op-purpose: select the names of all modules of the input module types
op-input: a [[selection|Title Selection]] of module types
op-parameter: none
op-output: the title of each module with any of the input types
<<.operator-examples "modules">>
@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150129133709000
modified: 20150203185903000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Special Operators]] [[Selection Constructors]]
title: moduletypes Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: moduletypes
purpose: select the names of all ~TiddlyWiki module types
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
output="the name of each known ~TiddlyWiki [[module type|ModuleType]], in alphabetical order"
op-purpose: select the names of all ~TiddlyWiki module types
op-input: ignored
op-parameter: none
op-output: the name of each known ~TiddlyWiki [[module type|ModuleType]], in alphabetical order
<<.operator-examples "moduletypes">>
@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124171754000
modified: 20150203185954000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Field Operators]] [[Order Operators]]
title: next Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: next
purpose: find which titles in a <<.field list>> field follow the input ones
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a tiddler title"
output="a selection containing each title that immediately follows each of the input titles in the <<.field list>> field of <<.place t>>"
op-purpose: find which titles in a <<.field list>> field follow the input ones
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: a tiddler title
op-parameter-name: T
op-output: a selection containing each title that immediately follows each of the input titles in the <<.field list>> field of <<.place T>>
Each input title is processed in turn, and its successor is located in the <<.field list>> field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the last title there, then it contributes nothing to the output.
@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124205344000
modified: 20150203190051000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Field Operators]] [[Order Operators]] [[Negatable Operators]]
title: nsort Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: nsort
purpose: sort the input by number field
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field f>>, treating field values as numbers"
negationOutput="the input, likewise sorted into descending order"
op-purpose: sort the input by number field
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>
op-parameter-name: F
op-output: the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field F>>, treating field values as numbers
op-neg-output: the input, likewise sorted into descending order
Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and the difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare <<.olink nsortcs>>.
@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124205339000
modified: 20150203190202000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Field Operators]] [[Order Operators]] [[Negatable Operators]]
title: nsortcs Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: nsortcs
purpose: sort the input titles by number field, ignoring case
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field f>>, treating field values as numbers"
negationOutput="the input, likewise sorted into descending order"
op-purpose: sort the input titles by number field, ignoring case
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>
op-parameter-name: F
op-output: the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.place F>>, treating field values as numbers
op-neg-output: the input, likewise sorted into descending order
Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare <<.olink nsort>>.
@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
created: 20150122204111000
modified: 20150124204959000
modified: 20150203192048000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Order Operators]]
title: nth Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: nth
purpose: select the <<.place n>>th input title
op-purpose: select the <<.place N>>th input title
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: an integer, defaulting to 1
op-parameter-name: N
op-output: the <<.place N>>th input title
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="the <<.place n>>th input title"
<<.place n>> is one-based. In other words, `nth[1]` has the same effect as the <<.olink first>> operator.
<<.place N>> is one-based. In other words, `nth[1]` has the same effect as the <<.olink first>> operator.
<<.operator-examples "nth">>
@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124200549000
modified: 20150203190350000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Special Operators]]
title: plugintiddlers Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: plugintiddlers
purpose: select all shadow titles in the input plugins
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of plugin tiddler titles"
output="all shadow titles contained in the input plugins"
op-purpose: select all shadow titles in the input plugins
op-input: a [[selection|Title Selection]] of plugin tiddler titles
op-parameter: none
op-output: all shadow titles contained in the input plugins
<<.operator-examples "plugintiddlers">>
@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124192023000
modified: 20150203192735000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[String Operators]] [[Negatable Operators]]
title: prefix Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: prefix
purpose: filter the input titles by how they start
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="those input titles that start with <<.place s>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> start with <<.place s>>"
op-purpose: filter the input titles by how they start
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: a string of characters
op-parameter-name: S
op-output: those input titles that start with <<.place S>>
op-neg-output: those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> start with <<.place S>>
@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124171748000
modified: 20150203190515000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Field Operators]] [[Order Operators]]
title: previous Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: previous
purpose: find which titles in a <<.field list>> field precede the input ones
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a tiddler title"
output="a selection containing each title that immediately precedes each of the input titles in the <<.field list>> field of <<.place t>>"
op-purpose: find which titles in a <<.field list>> field precede the input ones
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: a tiddler title
op-parameter-name: T
op-output: a selection containing each title that immediately precedes each of the input titles in the <<.field list>> field of <<.place T>>
Each input title is processed in turn, and its predecessor is located in the <<.field list>> field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the first item there, then it contributes nothing to the output.
@ -1,31 +1,28 @@
created: 20140909134102102
modified: 20150124203736000
modified: 20150203190626000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Field Operators]] [[Negatable Operators]]
title: regexp Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: regexp
purpose: filter the input by pattern-matched field
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
parameter="a regular expression"
output="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> matches <<.place x>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> does <<.em not>> match <<.place x>>"
op-purpose: filter the input by pattern-matched field
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-suffix: the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]
op-suffix-name: F
op-parameter: a regular expression
op-parameter-name: X
op-output: those input tiddlers in which field <<.place F>> matches <<.place X>>
op-neg-output: those input tiddlers in which field <<.place F>> does <<.em not>> match <<.place X>>
<<.def "Regular expressions">> are concise strings of characters that denote patterns of text to search for. The format used in ~TiddlyWiki is fully defined in [[this Mozilla reference|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions]].
The [[filter syntax|Filter Run]] makes it impossible to directly specify a regular expression that contains square brackets. The solution is to store the expression in a [[variable|Variables]]. See the <<.operator-examples "regexp" "examples">>.
The parameter <<.place x>> can optionally start or end with a string of flags:
The parameter <<.place X>> can optionally start or end with a string of flags:
<$railroad text=""" "(?" { ("i"|"m"|:"g") } ")" """/>
Only the `i` flag is generally useful: it forces the different between capital and lowercase letters to be ignored.
If <<.place x>> is empty, <<.op regexp>> will match all of the input tiddlers.
If <<.place X>> is empty, <<.op regexp>> will match all of the input tiddlers.
<<.operator-examples "regexp">>
@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124173431000
modified: 20150203190709000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[String Operators]]
title: removeprefix Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: removeprefix
purpose: filter the input titles by how they start, deleting that prefix
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="those input titles that start with <<.place s>>, but with those characters discarded"
op-purpose: filter the input titles by how they start, deleting that prefix
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: a string of characters
op-parameter-name: S
op-output: those input titles that start with <<.place S>>, but with those characters discarded
@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
created: 20140828133830424
modified: 20150124173434000
modified: 20150203190744000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[String Operators]]
title: removesuffix Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: removesuffix
purpose: filter the input titles by how they end, deleting that suffix
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="those input titles that end with <<.place s>>, but with those characters discarded"
op-purpose: filter the input titles by how they end, deleting that suffix
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: a string of characters
op-parameter-name: S
op-output: those input titles that end with <<.place S>>, but with those characters discarded
@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124191714000
modified: 20150203190822000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Order Operators]]
title: rest Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: rest
purpose: discard the first <<.place n>> input titles
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="all but the first <<.place n>> input titles"
op-purpose: discard the first <<.place N>> input titles
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: an integer, defaulting to 1
op-parameter-name: N
op-output: all but the first <<.place N>> input titles
<<.olink butfirst>> and <<.olink bf>> are synonyms for <<.op rest>>.
@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124205130000
modified: 20150203190852000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Order Operators]]
title: reverse Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: reverse
purpose: reverse the order of the input titles
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="the input, in reverse order"
op-purpose: reverse the order of the input titles
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: none
op-output: the input, in reverse order
<<.operator-examples "reverse">>
@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124214612000
modified: 20150203190959000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Date Operators]]
title: sameday Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: sameday
purpose: filter the input by date
op-purpose: filter the input by date
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-suffix: the name of a [[date field|Date Fields]], defaulting to <<.field modified>>
op-suffix-name: F
op-parameter: a date, in the [[format|DateFormat]] `YYYYMMDD`
op-parameter-name: D
op-output: those input tiddlers in which field <<.place F>> has the value <<.place D>>, ignoring time
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="the name of a [[date field|Date Fields]], defaulting to <<.field modified>>"
parameter="a date, in the [[format|DateFormat]] `YYYYMMDD`"
output="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> has the value <<.place d>>, ignoring time"
If <<.place D>> is not a valid date, the output is empty.
If <<.place d>> is not a valid date, the output is empty.
<<.place d>> may include a time of day, but this is ignored.
<<.place D>> may include a time of day, but this is ignored.
<<.operator-examples "sameday">>
@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124204023000
modified: 20150203191048000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Common Operators]] [[Field Operators]] [[Negatable Operators]]
title: search Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: search
purpose: filter the input by searching tiddler content
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="optionally, the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
parameter="one or more search terms, separated by spaces"
output="those input tiddlers in which <<.em all>> of the search terms can be found in the value of field <<.place f>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers in which <<.em not>> all of the search terms can be so found"
op-purpose: filter the input by searching tiddler content
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-suffix: optionally, the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]
op-suffix-name: F
op-parameter: one or more search terms, separated by spaces
op-output: those input tiddlers in which <<.em all>> of the search terms can be found in the value of field <<.place F>>
op-neg-output: those input tiddlers in which <<.em not>> all of the search terms can be so found
When used with a suffix, the <<.op search>> operator is similar to <<.olink regexp>> but less powerful.
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124210534000
modified: 20150203191120000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Special Operators]]
title: shadowsource Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: shadowsource
purpose: select the plugin titles that contain the input shadows
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of [[shadow titles|ShadowTiddlers]]"
output="the [[plugins|Plugins]] that contain the input tiddlers"
op-purpose: select the plugin titles that contain the input shadows
op-input: a [[selection|Title Selection]] of [[shadow titles|ShadowTiddlers]]
op-parameter: none
op-output: the [[plugins|Plugins]] that contain the input tiddlers
Each input title is processed in turn. If it denotes a shadow tiddler, the title of its plugin tiddler is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output. Non-shadow tiddlers contribute nothing to the output.
@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124205350000
modified: 20150203191228000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Common Operators]] [[Field Operators]] [[Order Operators]] [[Negatable Operators]]
title: sort Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: sort
purpose: sort the input by text field
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field f>>, treating field values as text"
negationOutput="the input, likewise sorted into descending order"
op-purpose: sort the input by text field
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>
op-parameter-name: F
op-output: the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field F>>, treating field values as text
op-neg-output: the input, likewise sorted into descending order
The difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare <<.olink sortcs>>.
@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124205353000
modified: 20150203191308000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Field Operators]] [[Order Operators]] [[Negatable Operators]]
title: sortcs Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: sortcs
purpose: sort the input by text field, ignoring case
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field f>>, treating field values as text"
negationOutput="the input, likewise sorted into descending order"
op-purpose: sort the input by text field, ignoring case
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>
op-parameter-name: F
op-output: the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field F>>, treating field values as text
op-neg-output: the input, likewise sorted into descending order
Capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare <<.olink sort>>.
@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
created: 20150126142522000
modified: 20150126143945000
modified: 20150203192107000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[String Operators]]
title: splitbefore Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: splitbefore
purpose: select a delimited prefix from each input title
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters marking the end of the prefix"
output="the prefix, up to and including <<.place S>>, of each input title"
op-purpose: select a delimited prefix from each input title
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: a string of characters marking the end of the prefix
op-parameter-name: S
op-output: the prefix, up to and including <<.place S>>, of each input title
Each input title is processed in turn.
* A title that contains <<.place s>> contributes everything up to and including <<.place s>>.
* A title that doesn't contain <<.place s>> simply contributes itself to the output.
* A title that contains <<.place S>> contributes everything up to and including <<.place S>>.
* A title that doesn't contain <<.place S>> simply contributes itself to the output.
Contributions are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output.
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
created: 20150126141718000
modified: 20150126142035000
modified: 20150203191420000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Special Operators]]
title: storyviews Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: storyviews
purpose: select the names of all the story views
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
output="the name of each story view"
op-purpose: select the names of all the story views
op-input: ignored
op-parameter: none
op-output: the name of each story view
The names are those exported by [[modules|Modules]] whose <<.field module-type>> is <<.value storyview>>.
@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
created: 20140828133830424
modified: 20150124192043000
modified: 20150203192738000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[String Operators]] [[Negatable Operators]]
title: suffix Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: suffix
purpose: filter the input titles by how they end
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="those input titles that end with <<.place p>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> end with <<.place p>>"
op-purpose: filter the input titles by how they end
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: a string of characters
op-parameter-name: S
op-output: those input titles that end with <<.place S>>
op-neg-output: those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> end with <<.place S>>
@ -1,21 +1,18 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124205948000
modified: 20150203191853000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Common Operators]] [[Tag Operators]] [[Negatable Operators]]
title: tag Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: tag
purpose: filter the input by tag
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the title of a [[tag|Tagging]]"
output="those input tiddlers that have tag <<.place t>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> have tag <<.place t>>"
op-purpose: filter the input by tag
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: the title of a [[tag|Tagging]]
op-parameter-name: T
op-output: those input tiddlers that have tag <<.place T>>
op-neg-output: those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> have tag <<.place T>>
The output is [[sorted|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] using the tag's <<.field list>> field and the tiddlers' <<.field list-before>> and <<.field list-after>> fields.
If <<.place t>> is empty, the output of `tag` is empty, and the output of `!tag` is a copy of the input.
If <<.place T>> is empty, the output of `tag` is empty, and the output of `!tag` is a copy of the input.
<<.operator-examples "tag">>
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124205941000
modified: 20150203191620000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Tag Operators]]
title: tagging Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: tagging
purpose: find the tiddlers that have the input tags
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of [[tags|Tagging]]"
output="the titles of any tiddlers that carry the input tags"
op-purpose: find the tiddlers that have the input tags
op-input: a [[selection|Title Selection]] of [[tags|Tagging]]
op-parameter: none
op-output: the titles of any tiddlers that carry the input tags
Each input tag is processed in turn. The list of tiddlers carrying that tag is generated, [[sorted|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]], and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124210613000
modified: 20150203191657000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Tag Operators]]
title: tags Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: tags
purpose: select all tags of the input tiddlers
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="all the tags carried by the input tiddlers"
op-purpose: select all tags of the input tiddlers
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: none
op-output: all the tags carried by the input tiddlers
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's tags are retrieved (in order of appearance in the <<.field tags>> field) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150129133732000
modified: 20150203191749000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Common Operators]] [[Selection Constructors]] [[Negatable Operators]]
title: title Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: title
purpose: select a single title
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
negationInput="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a tiddler title"
output="a selection containing only <<.place t>>"
negationOutput="the input, but with tiddler <<.place t>> filtered out if it exists in the wiki"
op-purpose: select a single title
op-input: ignored
op-neg-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: a tiddler title
op-parameter-name: T
op-output: a selection containing only <<.place T>>
op-neg-output: the input, but with tiddler <<.place T>> filtered out if it exists in the wiki
`[title[An Example]]` can be shortened to `[[An Example]]`, because <<.op title>> is the default filter operator.
@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
created: 20140410103123179
modified: 20150124192055000
modified: 20150203191821000
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Tag Operators]] [[Negatable Operators]]
title: untagged Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: untagged
purpose: discard any input titles that have tags
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="those input tiddlers that have no tags"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that have at least one tag"
op-purpose: discard any input titles that have tags
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: none
op-output: those input tiddlers that have no tags
op-neg-output: those input tiddlers that have at least one tag
A tiddler is deemed to have no tags if it:
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ exports.params = [
exports.run = function(cond, then, elze) {
then = then || "";
elze = elze || "";
console.log('Condition:', cond);
return cond ? then : elze;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
created: 20140213171818824
modified: 20140516172236345
modified: 20150207131000000
tags: Mechanisms
title: HistoryMechanism
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
@ -25,3 +25,11 @@ Which renders the same as the "Open" sidebar tab, with the addition of a tick ag
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
!! Empty Story
To display content when the story is empty, create $:/config/EmptyStoryMessage and enter the desired contents. The following would show the GettingStarted tiddler when all others are closed.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
created: 20150117152612000
modified: 20150126091948000
modified: 20150203183335000
title: $:/editions/tw5.com/doc-styles
tags: $:/tags/Stylesheet
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ tags: $:/tags/Stylesheet
color: <<color very-muted-foreground>>;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: bold;
text-transform: uppercase;
@ -121,3 +120,7 @@ tr.doc-table-subheading {
height: 2em;
vertical-align: middle;
.doc-table.before-tiddler-body {
margin-top: 2em;
@ -1,30 +1,8 @@
created: 20150117152607000
modified: 20150127203427000
modified: 20150203190441000
title: $:/editions/tw5.com/operator-macros
tags: $:/tags/Macro
\define .operator-suffix-name(suffixName)
<$macrocall $name=".if" cond="""$suffixName$""" then="<<.place '$suffixName$'>> = " else=""/>
\define .operator-def(input,negationInput,suffix,suffixName,parameter,paramName,output,negationOutput)
<table class="doc-table">
<tr><th align="left">purpose</th><td>{{!!purpose}}</td></tr>
<tr><th align="left">[[input|Filter Syntax]]</th><td>$input$</td></tr>
<$macrocall $name=".if" cond="""$negationInput$"""
then="""<tr><th align="left">`!` input</th><td>$negationInput$</td></tr>"""
<$macrocall $name=".if" cond="""$suffix$"""
then="""<tr><th align="left">[[suffix|Filter Step]]</th><td><<.operator-suffix-name "$suffixName$">>$suffix$</td></tr>"""
<tr><th align="left">[[parameter|Filter Parameter]]</th><td><$macrocall $name=".if" cond="""$paramName$""" then="<<.place '$paramName$'>> = " else=""/>$parameter$</td></tr>
<tr><th align="left">output</th><td>$output$</td></tr>
<$macrocall $name=".if" cond="""$negationOutput$"""
then="""<tr><th align="left">`!` output</th><td>$negationOutput$</td></tr>"""
\define .operator-examples(op,text:"Examples") <$link to="$op$ Operator (Examples)">$text$</$link>
\define .operator-example(n,eg,ie)
@ -50,7 +28,7 @@ else=""/>
\define .this-is-operator-example() This example tiddler is used to illustrate some of the [[Filter Operators]].
\define .using-days-of-week() These examples make use of the [[Days of the Week]] tiddler.
\define .s-matching-is-case-sensitive() In looking for matches for <<.place s>>, capital and lowercase letters are treated as different.
\define .s-matching-is-case-sensitive() In looking for matches for <<.place S>>, capital and lowercase letters are treated as different.
\define .node-only-operator()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
created: 20150203173506000
modified: 20150203181725000
title: $:/editions/tw5.com/operator-template
tags: $:/tags/ViewTemplate
list-before: $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body
\define .op-place()
<$macrocall $name=".if"
then="<<.place '$(op-name)$'>> = "
\define .op-row()
<$macrocall $name=".if"
then="""<tr><th align="left">$(op-head)$</th><td><<.op-place>>$(op-body)$</td></tr>"""
<$set name="op-head" value="">
<$set name="op-body" value="">
<$set name="op-name" value="">
<$list filter="[all[current]tag[Filter Operators]]">
<table class="doc-table before-tiddler-body">
<$set name="op-head" value="purpose">
<$set name="op-body" value={{!!op-purpose}}>
<$set name="op-head" value="[[input|Filter Syntax]]">
<$set name="op-body" value={{!!op-input}}>
<$set name="op-head" value="`!` input">
<$set name="op-body" value={{!!op-neg-input}}>
<$set name="op-head" value="[[suffix|Filter Step]]">
<$set name="op-body" value={{!!op-suffix}}>
<$set name="op-name" value={{!!op-suffix-name}}>
<$set name="op-head" value="[[parameter|Filter Parameter]]">
<$set name="op-body" value={{!!op-parameter}}>
<$set name="op-name" value={{!!op-parameter-name}}>
<$set name="op-head" value="output">
<$set name="op-body" value={{!!op-output}}>
<$set name="op-head" value="`!` output">
<$set name="op-body" value={{!!op-neg-output}}>
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
title: $:/language/Buttons/
AdvancedSearch/Caption: pesquisa avançada
AdvancedSearch/Hint: Pesquisa avançada
Cancel/Caption: cancelar
Cancel/Hint: Cancelar a edição deste tiddler
Clone/Caption: clonar
Clone/Hint: Clonar este tiddler
Close/Caption: fechar
Close/Hint: Fechar este tiddler
CloseAll/Caption: fechar todos
CloseAll/Hint: Fechar todos os tiddlers
CloseOthers/Caption: Fechar outros
CloseOthers/Hint: Fechar os outros tiddlers
ControlPanel/Caption: painel de controlo
ControlPanel/Hint: Abrir o painel de controlo
Delete/Caption: eliminar
Delete/Hint: eliminar este tiddler
Edit/Caption: editar
Edit/Hint: Editar este tiddler
Encryption/Caption: encriptação
Encryption/ClearPassword/Caption: limpar palavra passe
Encryption/ClearPassword/Hint: Limpar a palavra passe e guardar esta wiki sem encriptação
Encryption/Hint: Definir ou limpar a palavra passe de gravação desta wiki
Encryption/SetPassword/Caption: definir palavra passe
Encryption/SetPassword/Hint: Definir a palavra passe para guardar esta wiki com encriptação
ExportPage/Caption: exportar tudo
ExportPage/Hint: Exportar todos os tiddlers
ExportTiddler/Caption: exportar tiddler
ExportTiddler/Hint: Exportar tiddler
ExportTiddlers/Caption: exportar tiddlers
ExportTiddlers/Hint: Exportar tiddlers
FullScreen/Caption: Ecrã completo
FullScreen/Hint: Entrar ou sair do modo de ecrã completo
HideSideBar/Caption: esconder barra lateral
HideSideBar/Hint: Esconder a barra lateral
Home/Caption: Início
Home/Hint: Abrir os tiddlers pré definidos
Import/Caption: importar
Import/Hint: Importar ficheiros
Info/Caption: informação
Info/Hint: Mostrar informação sobre este tiddler
Language/Caption: linguagem
Language/Hint: Escolher a linguagem do interface do utilizador
More/Caption: mais
More/Hint: Mais acções
NewHere/Caption: derivar
NewHere/Hint: Criar um novo tiddler etiquetado com o actual
NewJournal/Caption: novo diário
NewJournal/Hint: Criar um novo tiddler-diário
NewJournalHere/Caption: novo diário derivado
NewJournalHere/Hint: Criar um novo tiddler-diário etiquetado com o actual
NewTiddler/Caption: novo tiddler
NewTiddler/Hint: Criar um novo tiddler
Permalink/Caption: ligação directa
Permalink/Hint: Define o endereço do navegador para apontar directamente para este tiddler
Permaview/Caption: vista actual
Permaview/Hint: Define o endereço do navegador para apontar directamente para todos os tiddlers actualmente exibidos
Refresh/Caption: actualizar
Refresh/Hint: Recarregar totalmente a wiki actual
Save/Caption: guardar
Save/Hint: Guardar este tiddler
SaveWiki/Caption: guardar alterações
SaveWiki/Hint: Guardar as alterações
ShowSideBar/Caption: Mostrar barra lateral
ShowSideBar/Hint: Mostrar a barra lateral
StoryView/Caption: Vista principal
StoryView/Hint: Escolher a visualização principal
TagManager/Caption: gestor de etiquetas
TagManager/Hint: Abrir o gestor de etiquetas
Theme/Caption: tema
Theme/Hint: Escolher o tema de exibição
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
title: $:/language/ControlPanel/
Advanced/Caption: Avançado
Advanced/Hint: Informação Interna sobre esta TiddlyWiki
Appearance/Caption: Aparência
Appearance/Hint: Formas de personalizar a aparência da sua TiddlyWiki.
Basics/AnimDuration/Prompt: Duração da animação:
Basics/Caption: Básicos
Basics/DefaultTiddlers/BottomHint: Utilize [[parêntesis rectos duplos ]] para títulos com espaços. Ou pode escolher <$button set="$:/DefaultTiddlers" setTo="[list[$:/StoryList]]">guardar a ordem da lista</$button>
Basics/DefaultTiddlers/Prompt: Tiddlers pré definidos:
Basics/DefaultTiddlers/TopHint: Escolha que tiddlers são exibidos ao iniciar:
Basics/Language/Prompt: Olá! Linguagem actual:
Basics/NewJournal/Tags/Prompt: Etiquetas para novos tiddlers-diário
Basics/NewJournal/Title/Prompt: Título de novos tiddlers-diário
Basics/OverriddenShadowTiddlers/Prompt: Número de tiddlers-sombra sobrescritos:
Basics/ShadowTiddlers/Prompt: Número de tiddlers-sombra:
Basics/Subtitle/Prompt: Subtítulo:
Basics/SystemTiddlers/Prompt: Número de tiddlers de sistema:
Basics/Tags/Prompt: Número de etiquetas:
Basics/Tiddlers/Prompt: Número de tiddlers:
Basics/Title/Prompt: Título desta ~TiddlyWiki:
Basics/Username/Prompt: Nome de utilizador para assinar edições:
Basics/Version/Prompt: Versão da ~TiddlyWiki:
EditorTypes/Caption: Tipos de Editor
EditorTypes/Editor/Caption: Editor
EditorTypes/Hint: Estes tiddlers determinam que editor é utilizado para editar tipos específicos de tiddler.
EditorTypes/Type/Caption: Tipo
Info/Caption: Informação
Info/Hint: Informação acerca desta TiddlyWiki
LoadedModules/Caption: Módulos Carregados
LoadedModules/Hint: Estes são os módulos tiddler actualmente carregados conectados com os seus tiddlers fonte. Módulos em itálico não têm tiddler fonte, geralmente por serem carregados durante o período de arranque.
Palette/Caption: Palete
Palette/Editor/Clone/Caption: clone
Palette/Editor/Clone/Prompt: Recomenda-se que clone esta palete-sombra antes de a editar
Palette/Editor/Prompt: Edição
Palette/Editor/Prompt/Modified: Esta palete-sombra foi modificada
Palette/Editor/Reset/Caption: repor
Palette/HideEditor/Caption: esconder editor
Palette/Prompt: Palete actual:
Palette/ShowEditor/Caption: mostrar editor
Plugins/Caption: Extensões
Plugins/Disable/Caption: desactivar
Plugins/Disable/Hint: Desactivar esta extensão quando recarregar a página
Plugins/Disabled/Status: (inactivo)
Plugins/Empty/Hint: Nenhum
Plugins/Enable/Caption: activar
Plugins/Enable/Hint: Activar esta extensão quando recarregar a página
Plugins/Language/Prompt: Linguagens
Plugins/Plugin/Prompt: Extensões
Plugins/Theme/Prompt: Temas
Saving/Caption: A gravar
Saving/Heading: A gravar
Saving/TiddlySpot/Advanced/Heading: Definições Avançadas
Saving/TiddlySpot/BackupDir: Directoria de cópias de segurança
Saving/TiddlySpot/Backups: Cópias de Segurança
Saving/TiddlySpot/Description: Estas definições só serão utilizadas quando gravar para http://tiddlyspot.com ou um servidor remoto compatível
Saving/TiddlySpot/Filename: Nome do ficheiro para envio
Saving/TiddlySpot/Heading: ~TiddlySpot
Saving/TiddlySpot/Hint: //O URL por defeito será `http://<wikiname>.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi` e pode ser alterado para utilizar um endereço de servidor personalizado//
Saving/TiddlySpot/Password: Palavra passe
Saving/TiddlySpot/ServerURL: URL do Servidor
Saving/TiddlySpot/UploadDir: Directoria de Envio
Saving/TiddlySpot/UserName: Nome da Wiki
Settings/AutoSave/Caption: Gravação Automática
Settings/AutoSave/Disabled/Description: Não fazer gravação automática
Settings/AutoSave/Enabled/Description: Fazer gravação automática
Settings/AutoSave/Hint: Guardar alterações automaticamente durante a edição
Settings/Caption: Definições
Settings/Hint: Estas definições permitem personalizar o comportamento da TiddlyWiki.
Settings/NavigationAddressBar/Caption: Barra de Endereços de Navegação
Settings/NavigationAddressBar/Hint: Comportamento da barra de endereços do navegador quando abrir um tiddler:
Settings/NavigationAddressBar/No/Description: Não actualizar a barra de endereços
Settings/NavigationAddressBar/Permalink/Description: Incluir o tiddler de destino
Settings/NavigationAddressBar/Permaview/Description: Incluir o tiddler de destino e toda a sequência em exibição
Settings/NavigationHistory/Caption: Histórico de Navegação
Settings/NavigationHistory/Hint: Actualizar o histórico do navegador quando navegar para um tiddler
Settings/NavigationHistory/No/Description: Não actualizar o histórico
Settings/NavigationHistory/Yes/Description: Actualizar o histórico
Settings/ToolbarButtons/Caption: Botões da Barra de Ferramentas
Settings/ToolbarButtons/Hint: Aparência pré definida dos botões da barra de ferramentas:
Settings/ToolbarButtons/Icons/Description: Incluir ícone
Settings/ToolbarButtons/Text/Description: Incluir texto
StoryView/Caption: Vista principal
StoryView/Prompt: Vista actual:
Theme/Caption: Tema
Theme/Prompt: Tema Actual
TiddlerFields/Caption: Campos dos Tiddlers
TiddlerFields/Hint: Esta é uma lista completa dos campos dos tiddlers em utilização nesta wiki (incluindo tiddlers de sistema mas excluindo tiddlers-sombra).
Toolbars/Caption: Barras de Ferramentas
Toolbars/EditToolbar/Caption: Barra de Ferramentas de Edição
Toolbars/EditToolbar/Hint: Escolher que botões são exibidos para tiddlers em modo de edição
Toolbars/Hint: Seleccionar que botões da barra de ferramentas são exibidos
Toolbars/PageControls/Caption: Barra de Ferramentas da Página
Toolbars/PageControls/Hint: Escolher que botões são exibidos na barra de ferramentas principal da página
Toolbars/ViewToolbar/Caption: Barra de Ferramentas de Exibição
Toolbars/ViewToolbar/Hint: Escolher que botões são exibidos para tiddlers em modo de visualização
Tools/Download/Full/Caption: Transferir wiki completa
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title: $:/core/readme
Esta extensão contém os componentes principais da TiddlyWiki compostos por:
* Módulos de código JavaScript
* Ícones
* Modelos necessários para criar o interface do utilizador da TiddlyWiki
* Traduções em Inglês Britânico (en-GB) dos textos traduzíveis utilizados pelo núcleo
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
title: $:/language/
Date/DaySuffix/1: º
Date/DaySuffix/10: º
Date/DaySuffix/11: º
Date/DaySuffix/12: º
Date/DaySuffix/13: º
Date/DaySuffix/14: º
Date/DaySuffix/15: º
Date/DaySuffix/16: º
Date/DaySuffix/17: º
Date/DaySuffix/18: º
Date/DaySuffix/19: º
Date/DaySuffix/2: º
Date/DaySuffix/20: º
Date/DaySuffix/21: º
Date/DaySuffix/22: º
Date/DaySuffix/23: º
Date/DaySuffix/24: º
Date/DaySuffix/25: º
Date/DaySuffix/26: º
Date/DaySuffix/27: º
Date/DaySuffix/28: º
Date/DaySuffix/29: º
Date/DaySuffix/3: º
Date/DaySuffix/30: º
Date/DaySuffix/31: º
Date/DaySuffix/4: º
Date/DaySuffix/5: º
Date/DaySuffix/6: º
Date/DaySuffix/7: º
Date/DaySuffix/8: º
Date/DaySuffix/9: º
Date/Long/Day/0: Domingo
Date/Long/Day/1: Segunda
Date/Long/Day/2: Terça
Date/Long/Day/3: Quarta
Date/Long/Day/4: Quinta
Date/Long/Day/5: Sexta
Date/Long/Day/6: Sábado
Date/Long/Month/1: Janeiro
Date/Long/Month/10: Outubro
Date/Long/Month/11: Novembro
Date/Long/Month/12: Dezembro
Date/Long/Month/2: Fevereiro
Date/Long/Month/3: Março
Date/Long/Month/4: Abril
Date/Long/Month/5: Maio
Date/Long/Month/6: Junho
Date/Long/Month/7: Julho
Date/Long/Month/8: Agosto
Date/Long/Month/9: Setembro
Date/Short/Day/0: Dom
Date/Short/Day/1: Seg
Date/Short/Day/2: Ter
Date/Short/Day/3: Qua
Date/Short/Day/4: Qui
Date/Short/Day/5: Sex
Date/Short/Day/6: Sab
Date/Short/Month/1: Jan
Date/Short/Month/10: Out
Date/Short/Month/11: Nov
Date/Short/Month/12: Dez
Date/Short/Month/2: Fev
Date/Short/Month/3: Mar
Date/Short/Month/4: Abr
Date/Short/Month/5: Mai
Date/Short/Month/6: Jun
Date/Short/Month/7: Jul
Date/Short/Month/8: Ago
Date/Short/Month/9: Set
RelativeDate/Future/Days: Dentro de <<period>> dias
RelativeDate/Future/Hours: Dentro de <<period>> horas
RelativeDate/Future/Minutes: Dentro de <<period>> minutos
RelativeDate/Future/Months: Dentro de <<period>> meses
RelativeDate/Future/Second: Daqui a 1 segundo
RelativeDate/Future/Seconds: Dentro de <<period>> segundos
RelativeDate/Future/Years: Dentro de <<period>> anos
RelativeDate/Past/Days: Há <<period>> dias
RelativeDate/Past/Hours: Há <<period>> horas
RelativeDate/Past/Minutes: Há <<period>> minutos
RelativeDate/Past/Months: Há <<period>> meses
RelativeDate/Past/Second: Há 1 segundo
RelativeDate/Past/Seconds: Há <<period>> segundos
RelativeDate/Past/Years: Há <<period>> anos
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
title: $:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/
animation: Animações que podem ser utilizadas com a RevealWidget.
command: Comandos que podem ser executados no Node.js.
config: Informação a ser inserida em `$tw.config`.
filteroperator: Métodos de filtragem individuais.
global: Informação global a ser inserida em `$tw`.
isfilteroperator: Operandos para o operador de filtragem ''is''.
macro: Definições de macros JavaScript.
parser: Interpretadores para diferentes tipos de conteúdo.
saver: Os savers controlam diferentes métodos para guardar ficheiros a partir do navegador.
startup: Funções de arranque.
storyview: As story views personalizam as animações e comportamento das ferramentas de listagem.
tiddlerdeserializer: Converte diferentes tipos de conteúdo em tiddlers.
tiddlerfield: Define o comportamento individual de um campo de tiddler.
tiddlermethod: Adiciona um método ao protótipo `$tw.Tiddler`.
upgrader: Aplica processamento de actualização durante o processo de importação/actualização de versão.
utils: Adiciona métodos a `$tw.utils`.
utils-node: Adiciona métodos específicos para o Node.js a `$tw.utils`.
widget: As ferramentas widgets contém representação e actualização de DOM.
wikimethod: Adiciona métodos a `$tw.Wiki`.
wikirule: Regras individuais de interpretação para o interpretador principal de WikiText.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
title: $:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/
alert-background: Fundo de alertas
alert-border: Margem de alertas
alert-highlight: Realce de alertas
alert-muted-foreground: Fundo de alertas silenciados
background: Fundo geral
blockquote-bar: Barra de citação
code-background: Fundo de código
code-border: Margem de código
code-foreground: Primeiro plano de código
dirty-indicator: Indicador de alterações por guardar
download-background: Fundo do botão de transferências
download-foreground: Primeiro plano do botão de transferências
dragger-background: Fundo da zona de arrasto
dragger-foreground: Primeiro plano da zona de arrasto
dropdown-background: Fundo de menu suspenso
dropdown-border: Margem de menu suspenso
dropdown-tab-background: Fundo de separador suspenso
dropdown-tab-background-selected: Fundo para separador suspenso seleccionado
dropzone-background: Fundo de zona de largada
external-link-background: Fundo de ligação externa
external-link-background-hover: Fundo de ligação externa sob o cursor
external-link-background-visited: Fundo de ligação externa visitada
external-link-foreground: Primeiro plano de ligação externa
external-link-foreground-hover: Primeiro plano de ligação externa sob o cursor
external-link-foreground-visited: Primeiro plano de ligação externa visitada
foreground: Primeiro plano geral
message-background: Fundo de caixa de mensagem
message-border: Margem de caixa de mensagem
message-foreground: Primeiro plano de caixa de mensagem
modal-backdrop: Cenário de modal
modal-background: Fundo de modal
modal-border: Margem de modal
modal-footer-background: Fundo do rodapé modal
modal-footer-border: Margem do rodapé modal
modal-header-border: Margem do cabeçalho modal
muted-foreground: Primeiro plano silenciado geral
notification-background: Fundo de notificação
notification-border: Margem de notificação
page-background: Fundo de página
pre-background: Fundo de código pré formatado
pre-border: Margem de código pré formatado
primary: Primário geral
sidebar-button-foreground: Fundo de botões da barra lateral
sidebar-controls-foreground: Primeiro plano de controles da barra lateral
sidebar-controls-foreground-hover: Primeiro plano de controles da barra lateral sob cursor
sidebar-foreground: Primeiro plano da barra lateral
sidebar-foreground-shadow: Sombra de primeiro plano da barra lateral
sidebar-muted-foreground: Primeiro plano silenciado da barra lateral
sidebar-muted-foreground-hover: Primeiro plano silenciado da barra lateral sob cursor
sidebar-tab-background: Fundo de separador da barra lateral
sidebar-tab-background-selected: Fundo de separador seleccionado da barra lateral
sidebar-tab-border: Margem de separador da barra lateral
sidebar-tab-border-selected: Margem de separador seleccionado da barra lateral
sidebar-tab-divider: Divisão de separador da barra lateral
sidebar-tab-foreground: Primeiro plano de separador da barra lateral
sidebar-tab-foreground-selected: Primeiro plano de separador seleccionado da barra lateral
sidebar-tiddler-link-foreground: Primeiro plano de ligação para tiddler na barra lateral
sidebar-tiddler-link-foreground-hover: Primeiro plano de ligação para tiddler na barra lateral sob o cursor
static-alert-foreground: Primeiro plano de alerta estático
tab-background: Fundo de separador
tab-background-selected: Fundo de separador seleccionado
tab-border: Margem de separador
tab-border-selected: Margem de separador seleccionado
tab-divider: Divisão de separador
tab-foreground: Primeiro plano de separador
tab-foreground-selected: Primeiro plano de separadores seleccionados
table-border: Margem de tabela
table-footer-background: Fundo de rodapé de tabela
table-header-background: Fundo de cabeçalho de tabela
tag-background: Fundo de etiqueta
tag-foreground: Primeiro plano de etiqueta
tiddler-background: Fundo de Tiddler
tiddler-border: Margem de Tiddler
tiddler-controls-foreground: Primeiro plano de controlos dos Tiddlers
tiddler-controls-foreground-hover: Primeiro plano de controlos dos Tiddlers sob o cursor
tiddler-controls-foreground-selected: Primeiro plano de controlos dos Tiddlers seleccionados
tiddler-editor-background: Fundo do editor de Tiddlers
tiddler-editor-border: Margem do editor de Tiddlers
tiddler-editor-border-image: Imagem de margem do editor de Tiddlers
tiddler-editor-fields-even: Fundo de campos pares do editor de Tiddlers
tiddler-editor-fields-odd: Fundo de campos ímpares do editor de Tiddlers
tiddler-info-background: Fundo do painel de informação de Tiddlers
tiddler-info-border: Margem do painel de informação de Tiddlers
tiddler-info-tab-background: Fundo de separadores do painel de informação de Tiddlers
tiddler-link-background: Fundo de ligação para Tiddlers
tiddler-link-foreground: Primeiro plano de ligação para Tiddlers
tiddler-subtitle-foreground: Primeiro plano de subtítulo de Tiddlers
tiddler-title-foreground: Primeiro plano de título de Tiddlers
toolbar-cancel-button: Botão 'cancelar' da barra de ferramentas
toolbar-close-button: Botão 'fechar' da barra de ferramentas
toolbar-delete-button: Botão 'eliminar' da barra de ferramentas
toolbar-done-button: Botão 'concluir' da barra de ferramentas
toolbar-edit-button: Botão 'editar' da barra de ferramentas
toolbar-info-button: Botão 'informação' da barra de ferramentas
toolbar-new-button: Botão 'novo tiddler' da barra de ferramentas
toolbar-options-button: Botão 'opções' da barra de ferramentas
toolbar-save-button: Botão 'guardar' da barra de ferramentas
untagged-background: Fundo de cápsula sem etiqueta
very-muted-foreground: Fundo muito silenciado
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
title: $:/language/EditTemplate/
Body/External/Hint: Este é um tiddler armazenado fora do ficheiro principal da Tiddlywiki. Pode mudar as etiquetas mas não pode editar o seu conteúdo
Body/Hint: Utilize [[texto wiki|http://tiddlywiki.com/static/WikiText.html]] para adicionar formatação, imagens e funcionalidades dinâmicas
Body/Placeholder: Escreva o texto para este tiddler
Body/Preview/Button/Hide: esconder a pré visualização
Body/Preview/Button/Show: mostrar a pré visualização
Field/Remove/Caption: remover campo
Field/Remove/Hint: Remover campo
Fields/Add/Button: adicionar
Fields/Add/Name/Placeholder: nome do campo
Fields/Add/Prompt: Adicionar novo campo
Fields/Add/Value/Placeholder: valor do campo
Shadow/OverriddenWarning: Isto é um tiddler-sombra modificado. Pode voltar à configuração pré-definida apagando este tiddler
Shadow/Warning: Isto é um tiddler-sombra. Quaisquer alterações irão sobrepor-se à versão pré-definida
Tags/Add/Button: adicionar
Tags/Add/Placeholder: nome da etiqueta
Tags/Dropdown/Caption: lista de etiquetas
Tags/Dropdown/Hint: Mostrar a lista de etiquetas
Type/Delete/Caption: apagar tipo de conteúdo
Type/Delete/Hint: Apagar tipo de conteúdo
Type/Dropdown/Caption: Lista de tipo de conteúdo
Type/Dropdown/Hint: Mostrar a lista de tipo de conteúdo
Type/Placeholder: tipo de conteúdo
Type/Prompt: Tipo:
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
title: $:/language/Docs/Fields/
_canonical_uri: O URI completo dum tiddler de imagem externa
bag: O nome do saco de onde veio o tiddler
caption: O texto a exibir num separador ou botão
color: O valor CSS da cor associada ao tiddler
component: O nome do componente responsável por um [[tiddler alerta|AlertMechanism]]
created: A data de criação do tiddler
creator: O nome da pessoa que criou o tiddler
current-tiddler: Utilizado para armazenar o primeiro tiddler numa [[lista de histórico|HistoryMechanism]]
dependents: Para uma extensão, lista os títulos de extensões dependentes
description: O texto descritivo de uma extensão, ou diálogo modal
draft.of: Para tiddlers rascunho, contém o título do tiddler do qual este é rascunho
draft.title: Para tiddlers rascunho, contém o título proposto para o novo tiddler
footer: O texto de rodapé para um assistente
hack-to-give-us-something-to-compare-against: Um campo temporário utilizado em [[$:/core/templates/static.content]]
icon: O título do tiddler que contém o ícone associado com determinado tiddler
library: Se definido como "yes" indica que o tiddler deve ser gravado como uma biblioteca JavaScript
list: Uma lista ordenada de títulos de tiddlers associados com um determinado tiddler
list-after: Se definido, o título do tiddler a seguir ao qual este tiddler deve ser adicionado numa lista ordenada de títulos de tiddlers
list-before: Se definido, o título do tiddler a antes do qual este tiddler deve ser adicionado numa lista ordenada de títulos de tiddlers, ou no início da lista se este campo estiver presente mas vazio
modified: A data e hora da última modificação de um tiddler
modifier: Título do tiddler associado à última pessoa que modificou o tiddler
name: O nome humanamente legível associado a um tiddler extensão
plugin-priority: Valor numérico indicador da prioridade de um tiddler extensão
plugin-type: O tipo de extensão de um tiddler extensão
released: Data de lançamento de uma versão da TiddlyWiki
revision: A revisão do tiddler guardada no servidor
source: O URL fonte associado a um tiddler
subtitle: O texto do subtítulo de um assistente
tags: Lista de etiquetas associadas a um tiddler
text: O texto do corpo de um tiddler
title: O nome único de um tiddler
type: O tipo de conteúdo de um tiddler
version: Informação de versão de uma extensão
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title: $:/language/Filters/
AllTags: Todas as etiquetas excepto etiquetas de sistema
AllTiddlers: Todos os tiddlers excepto os tiddlers de sistema
Drafts: Tiddlers rascunho
Missing: Tiddlers em falta
Orphans: Tiddlers órfãos
OverriddenShadowTiddlers: Tiddlers-sombra substituídos
RecentSystemTiddlers: Tiddlers recentemente modificados, incluindo tiddlers de sistema
RecentTiddlers: Tiddlers modificados recentemente
ShadowTiddlers: Tiddlers-sombra
SystemTags: Etiquetas de sistema
SystemTiddlers: Tiddlers de sistema
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title: GettingStarted
Bem vindo à TiddlyWiki e à comunidade TiddlyWiki
Antes de começar a armazenar informação importante na TiddlyWiki é importante certificar-se que consegue gravar alterações de forma fiável. Para mais detalhes veja http://tiddlywiki.com/#GettingStarted
!! Configurar esta TiddlyWiki
| | |
| | |
| | [list[$:/StoryList]] |
Veja o painel de controlo para mais opções.
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title: $:/language/Help/build
description: Correr comandos configurados automaticamente
Construir os alvos de construção especificados para a wiki actual. Se nenhum alvo for especificado todos os alvos disponíveis serão construídos.
--build <alvo> [<alvo> ...]
Os alvos de contrução são definidos no ficheiro `tiddlywiki.info` na pasta da wiki.
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title: $:/language/Help/clearpassword
description: Remover palavra passe para as operações criptográficas subsequentes
Remover a palavra passe para as operações criptográficas subsequentes
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
title: $:/language/Help/default
\define commandTitle()
usage: tiddlywiki [<wikifolder>] [--<command> [<args>...]...]
Comandos disponíveis:
<$list filter="[commands[]sort[title]]" variable="command">
<li><$link to=<<commandTitle>>><$macrocall $name="command" $type="text/plain" $output="text/plain"/></$link>: <$transclude tiddler=<<commandTitle>> field="description"/></li>
Para obter ajuda detalhada sobre um comando:
tiddlywiki --help <command>
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title: $:/language/Help/editions
description: Lista as edições da TiddlyWiki disponíveis
Lista os nomes e descrições das edições disponíveis. Pode criar uma nova wiki da edição especificada com o comando `--init` .
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title: $:/language/Help/help
description: Mostra a ajuda para comandos da TiddlyWiki
Mostra a ajuda para um comando:
--help [<command>]
Se o comando for omitido será exibida uma lista de comandos disponíveis.
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
title: $:/language/Help/init
description: Inicializar uma nova pasta wiki
Inicializa uma [[PastaWiki|WikiFolders]] vazia com uma cópia da edição especificada.
--init <edition> [<edition> ...]
Por exemplo:
tiddlywiki ./MyWikiFolder --init empty
* A pasta para a wiki será criada se não existir
* Por omissão a "edition" será ''empty''
* O comando init irá falhar se a pasta especificada não estiver vazia
* O comando init remove quaisquer definições de `includeWikis` no ficheiro `tiddlywiki.info` da edição
* Quando múltiplas edições são especificadas, as edições inicializadas posteriormente substituem quaisquer ficheiros partilhados com edições anteriores (de modo que o ficheiro `tiddlywiki.info` final será copiado da última edição)
* `--editions` mostra uma lista de edições disponíveis
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
title: $:/language/Help/load
description: Carregar tiddlers de um ficheiro
Carregar tiddlers de ficheiros da TiddlyWiki 2.x.x (`.html`), `.tiddler`, `.tid`, `.json` ou outros ficheiros
--load <filepath>
Para carregar tiddlers de um ficheiro TiddlyWiki encriptado deve primeiro especificar uma palavra passe com o comando Password. Por exemplo:
tiddlywiki ./MyWiki --password pa55w0rd --load my_encrypted_wiki.html
A TiddlyWiki não carregará uma versão anterior de um plugin já carregado.
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: $:/language/Help/makelibrary
description: Constrói a extensão de biblioteca necessária para o processo de actualização
Constrói o tiddler `$:/UpgradeLibrary` para o processo de actualização.
A biblioteca de actualização é formatada como uma extensão normal com o tipo de extensão definido como `library`. Contém uma cópia de cada uma das extensões, temas e pacotes de línguas disponíveis dentro do repositório da TiddlyWiki5.
Este comando é para uso interno; apenas relevante para utilizadores que criem um processo de actualização personalizado.
--makelibrary <title>
Por omissão o argumento será `$:/UpgradeLibrary`.
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