mirror of https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 synced 2024-12-28 02:50:27 +00:00

Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'

This commit is contained in:
Bram Chen 2015-03-22 10:49:32 +08:00
commit ababfa772e
10 changed files with 46 additions and 802 deletions

View File

@ -490,20 +490,28 @@ $tw.utils.PasswordPrompt.prototype.createPrompt = function(options) {
children = [dm("h1",{text: options.serviceName})];
if(!options.noUserName) {
attributes: {type: "text", name: "username", placeholder: "Username"}
attributes: {type: "text", name: "username", placeholder: $tw.language.getString("Encryption/Username")}
attributes: {type: "password", name: "password", placeholder: "Password"}
attributes: {
type: "password",
name: "password",
placeholder: ( $tw.language == undefined ? "Password" : $tw.language.getString("Encryption/Password") )
if(options.repeatPassword) {
attributes: {type: "password", name: "password2", placeholder: "Repeat password"}
attributes: {
type: "password",
name: "password2",
placeholder: $tw.language.getString("Encryption/RepeatPassword")
if(options.canCancel) {
text: "Cancel",
text: $tw.language.getString("Encryption/Cancel"),
eventListeners: [{
name: "click",
handlerFunction: function(event) {
@ -537,7 +545,7 @@ $tw.utils.PasswordPrompt.prototype.createPrompt = function(options) {
// Check that the passwords match
if(options.repeatPassword && data.password !== data.password2) {
alert("Passwords do not match");
} else {
// Call the callback
if(options.callback(data)) {
@ -551,7 +559,7 @@ $tw.utils.PasswordPrompt.prototype.createPrompt = function(options) {
return false;
@ -1925,9 +1933,9 @@ $tw.boot.isStartupTaskEligible = function(taskModule) {
Global Hooks mechanism which allows plugins to modify default functionality
$tw.hooks = $tw.hooks || { names: {}};
Add hooks to the hashmap
Add hooks to the hashmap
$tw.hooks.addHook = function(hookName,definition) {
if($tw.utils.hop($tw.hooks.names,hookName)) {
@ -1937,9 +1945,9 @@ $tw.hooks.addHook = function(hookName,definition) {
$tw.hooks.names[hookName] = [definition];
Invoke the hook by key
Invoke the hook by key
$tw.hooks.invokeHook = function(hookName, value) {
if($tw.utils.hop($tw.hooks.names,hookName)) {

View File

@ -10,8 +10,14 @@ ConfirmOverwriteTiddler: Do you wish to overwrite the tiddler "<$text text=<<tit
ConfirmEditShadowTiddler: You are about to edit a ShadowTiddler. Any changes will override the default system making future upgrades non-trivial. Are you sure you want to edit "<$text text=<<title>>/>"?
DefaultNewTiddlerTitle: New Tiddler
DropMessage: Drop here (or use the 'Escape' key to cancel)
Encryption/Cancel: Cancel
Encryption/ConfirmClearPassword: Do you wish to clear the password? This will remove the encryption applied when saving this wiki
Encryption/PromptSetPassword: Set a new password for this TiddlyWiki
Encryption/Username: Username
Encryption/Password: Password
Encryption/RepeatPassword: Repeat password
Encryption/PasswordNoMatch: Passwords do not match
Encryption/SetPassword: Set password
InvalidFieldName: Illegal characters in field name "<$text text=<<fieldName>>/>". Fields can only contain lowercase letters, digits and the characters underscore (`_`), hyphen (`-`) and period (`.`)
MissingTiddler/Hint: Missing tiddler "<$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/>" - click {{$:/core/images/edit-button}} to create
OfficialPluginLibrary: Official ~TiddlyWiki Plugin Library

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ exports.startup = function() {
serviceName: $tw.language.getString("Encryption/PromptSetPassword"),
noUserName: true,
submitText: "Set password",
submitText: $tw.language.getString("Encryption/SetPassword"),
canCancel: true,
repeatPassword: true,
callback: function(data) {

View File

@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(TW_Element.prototype, "outerHTML", {
for(a=0; a<attr.length; a++) {
v = this.attributes[attr[a]];
if(v !== undefined) {
output.push(" ",attr[a],"='",$tw.utils.htmlEncode(v),"'");
output.push(" ",attr[a],"=\"",$tw.utils.htmlEncode(v),"\"");
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(TW_Element.prototype, "outerHTML", {
style.push(s + ":" + this.style[s] + ";");
if(style.length > 0) {
output.push(" style='",style.join(""),"'")
output.push(" style=\"",style.join(""),"\"")

View File

@ -363,10 +363,10 @@ exports.getRelativeDate = function(delta) {
// Convert & to "&amp;", < to "&lt;", > to "&gt;", " to "&quot;" ' to "&#39;"
// Convert & to "&amp;", < to "&lt;", > to "&gt;", " to "&quot;"
exports.htmlEncode = function(s) {
if(s) {
return s.toString().replace(/&/mg,"&amp;").replace(/</mg,"&lt;").replace(/>/mg,"&gt;").replace(/\"/mg,"&quot;").replace(/\'/mg,"&#39;");
return s.toString().replace(/&/mg,"&amp;").replace(/</mg,"&lt;").replace(/>/mg,"&gt;").replace(/\"/mg,"&quot;");
} else {
return "";

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ describe("Widget module", function() {
var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode);
describe("should render", function() {
// Test the rendering
expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("A text node<div class='myClass' title='myTitle'> and the content of a DIV<div> and an inner DIV</div> and back in the outer DIV</div>");
expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("A text node<div class=\"myClass\" title=\"myTitle\"> and the content of a DIV<div> and an inner DIV</div> and back in the outer DIV</div>");
// Test the sequence numbers in the DOM
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ describe("Widget module", function() {
var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode);
describe("should render", function() {
// Test the rendering
expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("A text node<div class='myClass' title='the quick brown fox'> and the content of a DIV<div> and an inner DIV</div> and back in the outer DIVthe quick brown fox</div>the quick brown fox");
expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("A text node<div class=\"myClass\" title=\"the quick brown fox\"> and the content of a DIV<div> and an inner DIV</div> and back in the outer DIVthe quick brown fox</div>the quick brown fox");
// Test the sequence numbers in the DOM
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ describe("Widget module", function() {
describe("should refresh", function() {
// Test the refreshing
expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("A text node<div class='myClass' title='jumps over the lazy dog'> and the content of a DIV<div> and an inner DIV</div> and back in the outer DIVjumps over the lazy dog</div>jumps over the lazy dog");
expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("A text node<div class=\"myClass\" title=\"jumps over the lazy dog\"> and the content of a DIV<div> and an inner DIV</div> and back in the outer DIVjumps over the lazy dog</div>jumps over the lazy dog");
// Test the sequence numbers in the DOM
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ describe("Widget module", function() {
var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode);
describe("should detect the recursion", function() {
// Test the rendering
expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<span class='tc-error'>Recursive transclusion error in transclude widget</span>\n");
expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<span class=\"tc-error\">Recursive transclusion error in transclude widget</span>\n");
@ -171,12 +171,12 @@ describe("Widget module", function() {
it("should deal with SVG elements", function() {
var wiki = new $tw.Wiki();
// Construct the widget node
var text = "<svg class='tv-image-new-button' viewBox='83 81 50 50' width='22pt' height='22pt'><path d='M 101.25 112.5 L 101.25 127.5 C 101.25 127.5 101.25 127.5 101.25 127.5 L 101.25 127.5 C 101.25 129.156855 102.593146 130.5 104.25 130.5 L 111.75 130.5 C 113.406854 130.5 114.75 129.156854 114.75 127.5 L 114.75 112.5 L 129.75 112.5 C 131.406854 112.5 132.75 111.156854 132.75 109.5 L 132.75 102 C 132.75 100.343146 131.406854 99 129.75 99 L 114.75 99 L 114.75 84 C 114.75 82.343146 113.406854 81 111.75 81 L 104.25 81 C 104.25 81 104.25 81 104.25 81 C 102.593146 81 101.25 82.343146 101.25 84 L 101.25 99 L 86.25 99 C 86.25 99 86.25 99 86.25 99 C 84.593146 99 83.25 100.343146 83.25 102 L 83.25 109.5 C 83.25 109.5 83.25 109.5 83.25 109.5 L 83.25 109.5 C 83.25 111.156855 84.593146 112.5 86.25 112.5 Z'/></svg>\n";
var text = "<svg class=\"tv-image-new-button\" viewBox=\"83 81 50 50\" width=\"22pt\" height=\"22pt\"><path d=\"M 101.25 112.5 L 101.25 127.5 C 101.25 127.5 101.25 127.5 101.25 127.5 L 101.25 127.5 C 101.25 129.156855 102.593146 130.5 104.25 130.5 L 111.75 130.5 C 113.406854 130.5 114.75 129.156854 114.75 127.5 L 114.75 112.5 L 129.75 112.5 C 131.406854 112.5 132.75 111.156854 132.75 109.5 L 132.75 102 C 132.75 100.343146 131.406854 99 129.75 99 L 114.75 99 L 114.75 84 C 114.75 82.343146 113.406854 81 111.75 81 L 104.25 81 C 104.25 81 104.25 81 104.25 81 C 102.593146 81 101.25 82.343146 101.25 84 L 101.25 99 L 86.25 99 C 86.25 99 86.25 99 86.25 99 C 84.593146 99 83.25 100.343146 83.25 102 L 83.25 109.5 C 83.25 109.5 83.25 109.5 83.25 109.5 L 83.25 109.5 C 83.25 111.156855 84.593146 112.5 86.25 112.5 Z\"/></svg>\n";
var widgetNode = createWidgetNode(parseText(text,wiki,{parseAsInline:true}),wiki);
// Render the widget node to the DOM
var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode);
// Test the rendering
expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<svg class='tv-image-new-button' height='22pt' viewBox='83 81 50 50' width='22pt'><path d='M 101.25 112.5 L 101.25 127.5 C 101.25 127.5 101.25 127.5 101.25 127.5 L 101.25 127.5 C 101.25 129.156855 102.593146 130.5 104.25 130.5 L 111.75 130.5 C 113.406854 130.5 114.75 129.156854 114.75 127.5 L 114.75 112.5 L 129.75 112.5 C 131.406854 112.5 132.75 111.156854 132.75 109.5 L 132.75 102 C 132.75 100.343146 131.406854 99 129.75 99 L 114.75 99 L 114.75 84 C 114.75 82.343146 113.406854 81 111.75 81 L 104.25 81 C 104.25 81 104.25 81 104.25 81 C 102.593146 81 101.25 82.343146 101.25 84 L 101.25 99 L 86.25 99 C 86.25 99 86.25 99 86.25 99 C 84.593146 99 83.25 100.343146 83.25 102 L 83.25 109.5 C 83.25 109.5 83.25 109.5 83.25 109.5 L 83.25 109.5 C 83.25 111.156855 84.593146 112.5 86.25 112.5 Z'></path></svg>\n");
expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<svg class=\"tv-image-new-button\" height=\"22pt\" viewBox=\"83 81 50 50\" width=\"22pt\"><path d=\"M 101.25 112.5 L 101.25 127.5 C 101.25 127.5 101.25 127.5 101.25 127.5 L 101.25 127.5 C 101.25 129.156855 102.593146 130.5 104.25 130.5 L 111.75 130.5 C 113.406854 130.5 114.75 129.156854 114.75 127.5 L 114.75 112.5 L 129.75 112.5 C 131.406854 112.5 132.75 111.156854 132.75 109.5 L 132.75 102 C 132.75 100.343146 131.406854 99 129.75 99 L 114.75 99 L 114.75 84 C 114.75 82.343146 113.406854 81 111.75 81 L 104.25 81 C 104.25 81 104.25 81 104.25 81 C 102.593146 81 101.25 82.343146 101.25 84 L 101.25 99 L 86.25 99 C 86.25 99 86.25 99 86.25 99 C 84.593146 99 83.25 100.343146 83.25 102 L 83.25 109.5 C 83.25 109.5 83.25 109.5 83.25 109.5 L 83.25 109.5 C 83.25 111.156855 84.593146 112.5 86.25 112.5 Z\"></path></svg>\n");
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ describe("Widget module", function() {
// Render the widget node to the DOM
var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode);
// Test the rendering
expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p><div class='My something something, or other thing'>Content</div></p>");
expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p><div class=\"My something something, or other thing\">Content</div></p>");
it("should deal with built-in macros", function() {
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ describe("Widget module", function() {
// Render the widget node to the DOM
var wrapper = renderWidgetNode(widgetNode);
// Test the rendering
expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p><a href='data:text/vnd.tiddlywiki,Jolly%20Old%20World'>My linky link</a></p>");
expect(wrapper.innerHTML).toBe("<p><a href=\"data:text/vnd.tiddlywiki,Jolly%20Old%20World\">My linky link</a></p>");
it("should deal with the list widget", function() {

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ describe("WikiText tests", function() {
expect(wiki.renderTiddler("text/html","TiddlerThree")).toBe("<p>The speed of sound</p><p>The light of speed</p>");
it("should support attributes specified as macro invocations", function() {
expect(wiki.renderTiddler("text/html","TiddlerFour")).toBe("<p><a class='tc-tiddlylink tc-tiddlylink-missing' href='#This%20is%20my%20&#39;&#39;amazingly&#39;&#39;%20groovy%20macro!'>This is a link</a></p>");
expect(wiki.renderTiddler("text/html","TiddlerFour")).toBe("<p><a class=\"tc-tiddlylink tc-tiddlylink-missing\" href=\"#This%20is%20my%20''amazingly''%20groovy%20macro!\">This is a link</a></p>");
it("should identify wikiwords to automatically link", function() {
expect(wiki.renderText("text/html","text/vnd-tiddlywiki","No wikilinks here").indexOf("<a") !== -1).toBe(false);

View File

@ -10,8 +10,14 @@ ConfirmOverwriteTiddler: Tiddler: "<$text text=<<title>>/>" existiert! OK übers
ConfirmEditShadowTiddler: Sie sind dabei, einen Schatten-Tiddler zu verändern. Zukünftige, automatische Anpassungen werden dadurch unterdrückt. Sie können Ihre Änderungen rückgängig machen, indem Sie diesen Tiddler wieder löschen. Wollen Sie den Tiddler: "<$text text=<<title>>/>" ändern?
DefaultNewTiddlerTitle: Neuer Tiddler
DropMessage: Hierher ziehen (oder Escape um abzubrechen)
Encryption/Cancel: Abbrechen
Encryption/ConfirmClearPassword: Wollen Sie das Passwort löschen? Damit wird die Verschlüsselung beim nächsten Speichervorgang abgeschalten!
Encryption/PromptSetPassword: Der TiddlyWiki Inhalt wird mit dem nächsten Speichern verschlüsselt!
Encryption/Username: Benutzername
Encryption/Password: Passwort
Encryption/RepeatPassword: Passwort wiederholen
Encryption/PasswordNoMatch: Passwörter stimmen nicht überein
Encryption/SetPassword: Passwort setzen
InvalidFieldName: Das Feld: "<$text text=<<fieldName>>/>" enthält illegale Zeichen. Felder müssen klein geschrieben werden. Erlaubte Sonderzeichen sind: Zahlen, Unterstrich (`_`), Minus (`-`) und Punkt (`.`).
MissingTiddler/Hint: Fehlender Tiddler "<$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/>" - klicken Sie {{$:/core/images/edit-button}} um ihn zu erzeugen.
OfficialPluginLibrary: Offizielles ~TiddlyWiki Plugin Verzeichnis

View File

@ -1,776 +0,0 @@
title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/help/HelpPanel/Cheatsheet
tags: $:/tags/HelpPanel
caption: Cheatsheet
<dl class="tc-help-cheatsheet">
''//bold italics//''
<dd>''//bold italics//''</dd>
foo -- bar
foo --- bar
<dd>foo -- bar (En dash)<br>foo --- bar (Em dash)<br></dd>
!Heading 1
!!Heading 2
!!!Heading 3
!Heading 1
!!Heading 2
!!!Heading 3
horizontal rules
horizontal rules
<dd>`code` ...via backticks</dd>
<dt><pre>&#96;&#96;with &#96;backticks&#96; &#96;&#96;</pre></dt>
<dd>``with `backticks` ``</dd>
new paragraphs
need two linebreaks
in tw5
new paragraphs
need two linebreaks
in tw5
> block
>> quotes
>>> are easy
> block
>> quotes
>>> are <br>easy
* unordered
** list
* unordered
** list
# ordered
## list
# ordered
## list
# mixed
#* lists
#>like so
# mixed
#* lists
#>like so
!.h1-class.red CSS
#.li-class.red classes
*.li-class.red can be
;.dt-class.red assigned
:.dd-class.red like
>.blockquote-class.red this
!.h1-class.red CSS
#.li-class.red classes
*.li-class.red can be
;.dt-class.red assigned
:.dd-class.red like
>.blockquote-class.red this
[[The Tiddler]]
[[pretty title|The Tiddler]]
[[The Tiddler]]<br>
[[pretty title|The Tiddler]]
`file:///` only via local tw!
[img width=16 [example.jpg]]
[img class="tc-image" [example.jpg]]
[img width=16 [http://www.tiddlywiki.com/favicon.ico]]<br>
[img class="tc-image" [http://www.tiddlywiki.com/favicon.ico]]
[img width={{!!mywidth}} class=<<image-classes>> [example.jpg]]
params via
[[transclusion|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Transclusion%20in%20WikiText]] or
embed via transclusion
;css styles
:apply directly like this
@@color:red; or this @@
;css styles
:apply directly like this
@@color:red; or this @@
or combine both
or combine both
@@.purple Am I purple?@@
@@.purple Am I purple?@@
<dt style="font-size:80%;">
| !Header | !Header | Mhhh ?!? |
|^NE |^ N |^ NW|
|W | ✦ | E|
|,SW |, S |, SE|
|and|now| vertical |
|>| right|~|
<dd style="font-size:80%;">
| !Header | !Header | Mhhh ?!? |
|^NW |^ @@padding:0 7px 14px 7px;display:block; N@@ |^ NE|
|W | ✦ | @@padding:7px 0;display:block; E@@|
|,SW |, @@padding:14px 7px 0 7px;display:block; S@@ |, SE|
|and|now| vertical |
|>| right|~|
<article class="hello">
HTML tags work like that.
<!-- even comments -->
<article class="hello">
HTML tags work like that.
<!-- even comments -->
<a href={{TiddlerWithURL}}>link</a>
<b class=<<getClass>>>bold</b>
<a href={{TiddlerWithURL}}>link</a>
<b class=<<version>>>bold</b>
set attributes via transclusion or macro
<div address="""attribute,
linebreaks.""">inspect me!</div>
<div address="""attribute,
linebreaks.""">inspect me!</div>
*nest <div>
{{{ [tag[Foo]] }}}
{{{ [tag[Foo]] ||Bar}}}
» [[transcludes|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Transclusion%20in%20WikiText]] tiddler `Foo`<br>
» `Foo` with template `Bar`<br>
» template `Foo` for `CurrentTiddler`<br>
» field `bar` of `Foo`<br>
» field `bar` of `CurrentTiddler`<br>
» `index` of datatiddler `Foo`<br>
» `index` of `CurrentTiddler` (=data)<br>
» list of tiddlers tagged `Foo`<br>
» same using template `Bar`
\define run(foo:'bar') [[$foo$]]
<<run "foo bar">>
» defines macro `run`<br>
» with parameter `foo`<br>
» whose value defaults to `bar`<br>
» outputs a link to value of param:<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;[[foo bar]]
\define test()
I am $(x)$.
<$set name="x" value="y
of z">
» defines macro test which<br>
» outputs value of variable x<br><br>
» sets variable x to: "y<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;of z" //(multiline allowed)//<br>
» runs macro test which outputs:<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;"I am y of z."
\define test(x, y, z:'0')
$x$ $y$ $z$
» defines macro test<br>
» outputs 3 params<br><br>
» calls test via macrocall widget<br>
» using macro version as param x<br>
» and transclusion as param y<br><br>
» outputs:<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<<version>> Markup 0
plain text, not //formatted//
plain text, not //formatted//
These are [[Typed Blocks|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Typed%20Blocks%20in%20WikiText]]
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext

View File

@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ tags: [[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]
<<transition "fill 150ms ease-in-out">>
.tc-tiddler-controls button.tc-selected svg,
.tc-page-controls button.tc-selected svg {
.tc-tiddler-controls button.tc-selected,
.tc-page-controls button.tc-selected {
<<filter "drop-shadow(0px -1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.25))">>