mirror of https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 synced 2025-03-22 19:36:56 +00:00

Added properly compiled tiddler filters

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Ruston 2012-05-08 15:11:53 +01:00
parent d92dfa3d81
commit 8b0703b694
4 changed files with 290 additions and 85 deletions

View File

@ -11,17 +11,19 @@ module-type: macro
"use strict";
exports.info = {
name: "^",
name: "include",
params: {
filter: {byPos: 0, type: "filter"},
as: {byPos: 1, as: "text"}
as: {byPos: 1, as: "text"},
shadow: {byPos: 2, as: "text"}
exports.executeMacro = function() {
var as = this.params.as || "text/plain";
var as = this.params.as || "text/plain",
wiki = this.hasParameter("shadow") ? this.wiki.shadows : this.wiki;
if(this.hasParameter("filter")) {
var titles = this.wiki.filterTiddlers(this.params.filter),
var titles = wiki.filterTiddlers(this.params.filter),
result = [];
for(var t=0; t<titles.length; t++) {

View File

@ -3,7 +3,58 @@ title: $:/core/modules/wiki.filters.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: wikimethod
Filter method for the $tw.Wiki object
Adds tiddler filtering to the $tw.Wiki object.
TiddlyWiki has a special syntax for expressing filters. They can be used to select tiddlers for an operation, or to filter a set of tiddlers to add or remove members.
The mechanism is easiest to understand by first presenting some example filter strings:
|!Filter |!Results |
|`HelloThere` |The single tiddler titled `HelloThere` (if it exists) |
|`[[A Title With Several Words]]` |The single tiddler titled `A Title With Several Words` (if it exists) |
|`[title[MyTiddler]]` |The single tiddler titled `MyTiddler` (if it exists) |
|`HelloThere Introduction` |The tiddlers titled `HelloThere` and `Introduction` (if they exist) |
|`[tag[important]]` |Any tiddlers with the tag `important` |
|`[!tag[important]]` |Any tiddlers not with the tag `important` |
|`[tag[important]sort[title]]` |Any tiddlers with the tag `important` sorted by title |
|`[tag[important]!sort[title]]` |Any tiddlers with the tag `important` reverse sorted by title |
|`[[one][two][three]tag[tom]]` |Any of the tiddlers called `one`, `two` or `three` that exist and are tagged with `tom` |
|`[[one][two][three]] [tag[tom]]` |Any of the tiddlers called `one`, `two` or `three` that exist, along with all of the source tiddlers that are tagged with `tom` |
|`[tag[tom]] [tag[harry]] -[[one][two][three]]` |All tiddlers tagged either `tom` or `harry`, but excluding `one`, `two` and `three` |
[[one]] [[two]] [tag[three]] -[[four]] +[sort[title]]
[tag[important]] -[[one][two]] -[[three]] +[sort[-modified]limit[20]]
A filter string consists of one or more filter operations, each comprising one or more filter operators with associated operands.
The operators look like `[operator[operand]]`, where `operator` is one of:
* ''title'': selects the tiddler with the title given in the operand
* ''is'': tests whether a tiddler is a member of the system defined set named in the operand (see below)
* ''has'': tests whether a tiddler has a specified field
* ''tag'': tests whether a given tag is (`[tag[mytag]]`) or is not (`[!tag[mytag]]`) present on the tiddler
* ''<field>'': tests whether a tiddler field has a specified value (`[modifier[Jeremy]]`) or not (`[!modifier[Jeremy]]`)
An operator can be negated with by preceding it with `!`, for example `[!tag[Tommy]]` selects the tiddlers that are not tagged with `Tommy`.
The operator defaults to `title` if omitted, so `[[HelloThere]]` is equivalent to `[title[HelloThere]]`. If there are no spaces in the title, then the double square brackets can also be omitted: `HelloThere`.
The operands available with the `is` operator are:
* ''tiddler'': selects all ordinary (non-shadow) tiddlers
Operators are combined into logically ANDed expressions by bashing them together and merging the square brackets:
[tag[one]] [tag[two]] ---> [tag[one]tag[two]]
Operations can be preceded with `-` to negate their action, removing the selected tiddlers from the results. For example, `[tag[Tommy]] -HelloThere -[[Another One]]` selects all tiddlers tagged with `Tommy` except those titled `HelloThere` or `Another One`.
Operations can be preceded with `+` in order to make them apply to all of the current results, rather than the original source. For example, `[tag[Jeremy]] [tag[Tommy]] +[sort[title]]` selects the tiddlers tagged `Tommy` or `Jeremy`, and sorts them by the `title` field.
Filters are processed with the following elements:
* a string of filter operations, each made up of one or more filter operators
* the incoming source tiddlers
* the overall result stack
* the subresult stack of the tiddlers selected by the current operation
@ -12,77 +63,229 @@ Filter method for the $tw.Wiki object
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";
//# Extensible filter functions
exports.filters = {
tiddler: function(results,match) {
var title = match[1] || match[4];
if(results.indexOf(title) === -1) {
exports.filterTiddlers = function(filterString) {
var fn = this.compileFilter(filterString);
return fn.call(this,this.tiddlers);
Compiling a filter gives a JavaScript function that is invoked as `filter(source)`, where `source` is a hashmap of source tiddler titles (the values don't matter, so it is possible to use a store or a changes object). It returns an array of tiddler titles that satisfy the filter
exports.compileFilter = function(filterString) {
var filter = this.parseFilter(filterString),
output = [],
for(t=0; t<filter.length; t++) {
operation = filter[t];
operationInfo = this.filterFragments.operation.prefix[operation.prefix || ""];
type = "selector";
if(operation.prefix === "+") {
type = "filter";
tag: function(results,match) {
sort: function(results,match) {
limit: function(results,match) {
return results.slice(0,parseInt(match[3],10));
field: function(results,match) {
is: function(results,match) {
switch(match[3]) {
case "shadowStyle":
this.shadows.forEachTiddler(function(title,tiddler) {
if(tiddler.fields.type === "text/css") {
if(results.indexOf(title) === -1) {
case "shadowModule":
this.shadows.forEachTiddler(function(title,tiddler) {
if(tiddler.fields.type === "application/javascript" && tiddler.fields["module-type"]) {
if(results.indexOf(title) === -1) {
case "shadowPlain":
this.shadows.forEachTiddler(function(title,tiddler) {
if((tiddler.fields.type !== "application/javascript" || !tiddler.fields["module-type"]) &&
tiddler.fields.type !== "text/css") {
if(results.indexOf(title) === -1) {
case "tiddler":
this.forEachTiddler(function(title,tiddler) {
if(results.indexOf(title) === -1) {
for(p=0; p<operation.operators.length; p++) {
operator = operation.operators[p];
operatorInfo = this.operators[operator.operator];
if(!operatorInfo) { // Check for it being a field operator
operatorInfo = this.operators["field"];
type = "filter";
try {
/*jslint evil: true */
fn = eval(output.join(""));
} catch(ex) {
throw "Error in filter expression: " + ex;
return fn;
exports.filterFragments = {
prologue: "(function(source) {\nvar results = [], subResults;\n",
epilogue: "return results;\n})",
operation: {
prefix: {
"": {
prologue: "subResults = [];\n",
epilogue: "$tw.utils.pushTop(results,subResults);\n"
"+": {
prologue: "subResults = results.slice(0);\nresults.splice(0,results.length);\n",
epilogue: "$tw.utils.pushTop(results,subResults);\n"
"-": {
prologue: "subResults = [];\n",
epilogue: "$tw.utils.removeArrayEntries(results,subResults);\n"
// Return the tiddler titles from the store that match a filter expression
// filter - filter expression (eg "tiddlertitle [[multi word tiddler title]] [tag[systemConfig]]")
// Returns an array of tiddler titles that match the filter expression
exports.filterTiddlers = function(filter) {
// text or [foo[bar]] or [[tiddler title]]
var re = /([^\s\[\]]+)|(?:\[([ \w\.\-]+)\[([^\]]+)\]\])|(?:\[\[([^\]]+)\]\])/mg;
var results = [];
if(filter) {
var match = re.exec(filter);
while(match) {
var handler = (match[1]||match[4]) ? 'tiddler' : (this.filters[match[2]] ? match[2] : 'field');
match = re.exec(filter);
exports.operators = {
"title": {
selector: function(operator) {
return "if($tw.utils.hop(source,\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\")) {$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\");}\n";
filter: function(operator) {
return "if(subResults.indexOf(\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\") !== -1) {subResults = [\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\"];} else {subResults = [];}\n";
"is": {
selector: function(operator) {
switch(operator.operand) {
case "tiddler":
if(operator.prefix === "!") {
return "subResults = [];";
} else {
return "for(var title in source) {$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,title);}";
throw "Unknown operand for 'is' filter operator";
filter: function(operator) {
switch(operator.operand) {
case "tiddler":
if(operator.prefix === "!") {
return "subResults = [];";
} else {
return "";
throw "Unknown operand for 'is' filter operator";
"tag": {
selector: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "!" : "";
return "for(var title in source) {if(" + op + "this.getTiddler(title).hasTag(\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\")) {$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,title);}}";
filter: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "" : "!";
return "for(var r=subResults.length-1; r>=0; r--) {if(" + op + "this.getTiddler(subResults[r]).hasTag(\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\")) {subResults.splice(r,1);}}";
"has": {
selector: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "=" : "!";
return "for(var title in source) {if(this.getTiddler(title).fields[\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\"] " + op + "== undefined) {$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,title);}}";
filter: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "!" : "=";
return "for(var r=subResults.length-1; r>=0; r--) {if(this.getTiddler(subResults[r]).fields[\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\"] " + op + "== undefined) {subResults.splice(r,1);}}";
"field": {
selector: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "!" : "=";
return "for(var title in source) {if(this.getTiddler(title).fields[\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operator) + "\"] " + op + "== \"" + operator.operand + "\") {$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,title);}}";
filter: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "=" : "!";
return "for(var r=subResults.length-1; r>=0; r--) {if(this.getTiddler(subResults[r]).fields[\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operator) + "\"] " + op + "== \"" + operator.operand + "\") {subResults.splice(r,1);}}";
Parses an operation within a filter string
results: Array of array of operator nodes into which results should be inserted
filterString: filter string
p: start position within the string
Returns the new start position, after the parsed operation
function parseFilterOperation(operators,filterString,p) {
var operator, operand, bracketPos;
// Skip the starting square bracket
if(filterString[p++] !== "[") {
throw "Missing [ in filter expression";
// Process each operator in turn
do {
operator = {};
// Check for an operator prefix
if(filterString[p] === "!") {
operator.prefix = filterString[p++];
// Get the operator name
bracketPos = filterString.indexOf("[",p);
if(bracketPos === -1) {
throw "Missing [ in filter expression";
operator.operator = filterString.substring(p,bracketPos);
if(operator.operator === "") {
operator.operator = "title";
p = bracketPos + 1;
// Get the operand
bracketPos = filterString.indexOf("]",p);
if(bracketPos === -1) {
throw "Missing ] in filter expression";
operator.operand = filterString.substring(p,bracketPos);
p = bracketPos + 1;
// Push this operator
} while(filterString[p] !== "]");
// Skip the ending square bracket
if(filterString[p++] !== "]") {
throw "Missing ] in filter expression";
// Return the parsing position
return p;
Parse a filter string
exports.parseFilter = function(filterString) {
filterString = filterString || "";
var results = [], // Array of arrays of operator nodes {operator:,operand:}
p = 0, // Current position in the filter string
var whitespaceRegExp = /(\s+)/mg,
operandRegExp = /((?:\+|\-)?)(?:(\[)|("(?:[^"])*")|('(?:[^'])*')|([^\s\[\]]+))/mg;
while(p < filterString.length) {
// Skip any whitespace
whitespaceRegExp.lastIndex = p;
match = whitespaceRegExp.exec(filterString);
if(match && match.index === p) {
p = p + match[0].length;
// Match the start of the operation
if(p < filterString.length) {
operandRegExp.lastIndex = p;
match = operandRegExp.exec(filterString);
if(!match || match.index !== p) {
throw "Syntax error in filter expression";
var operation = {
prefix: "",
operators: []
if(match[1]) {
operation.prefix = match[1];
if(match[2]) { // Opening square bracket
p = parseFilterOperation(operation.operators,filterString,p);
} else {
p = match.index + match[0].length;
if(match[3] || match[4] || match[5]) { // Double quoted string, single quoted string or unquoted title
{operator: "title", operand: match[3] || match[4] || match[5]}
return results;

View File

@ -6,21 +6,21 @@ type: text/x-tiddlywiki-html
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="application-name" content="TiddlyWiki" />
<meta name="generator" content="TiddlyWiki" />
<meta name="tiddlywiki-version" content="<<^"$:/core/version.txt" text/plain>>" />
<meta name="tiddlywiki-version" content="<<include "$:/core/version.txt" text/plain shadow:yes>>" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent" />
<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">
<meta name="copyright" content="
<<^"$:/core/copyright.txt" text/plain>>
<<include "$:/core/copyright.txt" text/plain shadow:yes>>
" />
<title><<tiddler target:$:/shadows/title>></title>
<!----------- This is a Tiddlywiki file. The points of interest in the file are marked with this pattern ----------->
<div id="styleArea">
<<^"[is[shadowStyle]]" application/x-tiddler-css>>
<<include "[type[text/css]]" application/x-tiddler-css shadow:yes>>
<<^"PageTemplate" text/html>>
<<include "PageTemplate" text/html shadow:yes>>

View File

@ -6,42 +6,42 @@ type: text/x-tiddlywiki-html
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="application-name" content="TiddlyWiki" />
<meta name="generator" content="TiddlyWiki" />
<meta name="tiddlywiki-version" content="<<^"$:/core/version.txt" text/plain>>" />
<meta name="tiddlywiki-version" content="<<include "$:/core/version.txt" text/plain shadow:yes>>" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent" />
<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">
<meta name="copyright" content="
<<^"$:/core/copyright.txt" text/plain>>
<<include "$:/core/copyright.txt" text/plain shadow:yes>>
" />
<title><<tiddler target:$:/shadows/title>></title>
<title><<include "$:/wiki/title" text/plain>></title>
<!----------- This is a Tiddlywiki file. The points of interest in the file are marked with this pattern ----------->
<div id="styleArea">
<<^"[is[shadowStyle]]" application/x-tiddler-css>>
<<include "[type[text/css]]" application/x-tiddler-css shadow:yes>>
<!----------- Static content for Google and browsers without JavaScript ----------->
<div id="splashArea" style="display:none;">
<<^"$:/wiki/splash" text/html>>
<<include "$:/wiki/splash" text/html shadow:yes>>
<!----------- Shadow tiddlers ----------->
<div id="shadowArea" style="display:none;">
<<^"[is[shadowPlain]]" application/x-tiddler-html-div>>
<<include "[!type[text/css]] -[type[application/javascript]has[module-type]] -[[$:/core/boot.js]] -[[$:/core/bootprefix.js]]" application/x-tiddler-html-div shadow:yes>>
<!----------- Ordinary tiddlers ----------->
<div id="storeArea" style="display:none;">
<<^"[is[tiddler]]" application/x-tiddler-html-div>>
<<include "[is[tiddler]]" application/x-tiddler-html-div>>
<!----------- Boot kernel prologue ----------->
<<^"$:/core/bootprefix.js" application/javascript>>
<<include "$:/core/bootprefix.js" application/javascript shadow:yes>>
<!----------- Plugin modules ----------->
<div id="pluginModules" style="display:none;">
<<^"[is[shadowModule]]" application/x-tiddler-module>>
<<include "[type[application/javascript]has[module-type]]" application/x-tiddler-module shadow:yes>>
<!----------- Boot kernel ----------->
<<^"$:/core/boot.js" application/javascript>>
<<include "$:/core/boot.js" application/javascript shadow:yes>>