Improve documentation for get and getindex - Update descriptions and examples (#7349)

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4 changed files with 36 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,19 @@
created: 20150118134611000
modified: 20150124201839000
modified: 20230309180521925
tags: [[get Operator]] [[Operator Examples]]
title: get Operator (Examples)
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
<<.operator-example 1 "[all[current]get[draft.of]]" "the title of the tiddler of which the current tiddler is a draft">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[get[tags]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[each[tags]get[tags]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[get[tags]]" "returns the tags of all tiddlers without de-duplication">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[get[tags]unique[]]" "returns the tags of all tiddlers with de-duplication">>
<<.tip """If a data tiddler contains a field with an empty value, the empty string is not appended to the results.""">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[all[current]get[myfield]]" "the empty value of field <<.field myfield>> is not returned by the <<.olink get>> operator">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[all[current]] :filter[has:field[myfield]] :map[get[myfield]]" "also returns the empty string">>
The above example works by first using the [[Filter Filter Run Prefix]] to only select titles that have the field <<.field myfield>> and then using the [[Map Filter Run Prefix]] to replace those titles with their value of that field. The [[Map Filter Run Prefix]] outputs an empty string when its filter run returns an empty [[selection|Title Selection]].

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@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
created: 20150203140000000
modified: 20230306140231272
modified: 20230309180501044
tags: [[getindex Operator]] [[Operator Examples]]
title: getindex Operator (Examples)
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/palettes/Vanilla]getindex[background]]" "returns the value at index <<.value background>> of the [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] [[$:/palettes/Vanilla]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Palette]getindex[background]]" "returns all background colors defined in any of the ColourPalettes">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/palettes/Vanilla]getindex[background]]" "returns the value of property <<.value background>> of the [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] [[$:/palettes/Vanilla]]">>
[[ListopsData]] contains an empty index <<.value ~DataIndex>> which is not returned by the filter operator:
<<.operator-example 3 "[[ListopsData]getindex[DataIndex]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Palette]getindex[background]]" "returns all background colors defined in any of the ColourPalettes (notice the duplicates in the resulting list)">>
This filter expression can be used to return the value, even if it is an empty string:
<<.operator-example 4 "[[ListopsData]] :filter[has:index[DataIndex]] :and[getindex[DataIndex]else[]]">>
<<.tip """If a data tiddler contains a property with an empty value, the empty string is not appended to the results.""">>
There are 5 palettes which define the index <<.value diff-equal-background>>, but none defines a value:
<<.operator-example 5 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Palette]] :filter[has:index[diff-equal-background]] :map[getindex[diff-equal-background]else[]]">>
In the above example, the [[Map Filter Run Prefix]] is used instead of `:and` as it does not de-duplicate its results.
<<.operator-example 3 "[[ListopsData]getindex[DataIndex]]" "the empty value of the property <<.field ~DataIndex>> in [[ListopsData]] is not returned by the <<.olink getindex>> operator">>
Another way to check if an index has an empty value is to [[count|count Operator]] the results from the [[getindex Operator]]:
<<.operator-example 6 "[[$:/palettes/Vanilla]indexes[]] :filter[[$:/palettes/Vanilla]getindex<currentTiddler>count[]compare:number:eq[0]]">>
Here, the input to `:filter` is the [[list of indexes|indexes Operator]] which are contained in [[$:/palettes/Vanilla]].
<<.operator-example 4 "[[ListopsData]] :filter[has:index[DataIndex]] :map[getindex[DataIndex]]" "also returns the empty string">>
The above example works by first using the [[Filter Filter Run Prefix]] to only select titles that have the property <<.field ~DataIndex>> and then using the [[Map Filter Run Prefix]] to replace those titles with their value of that property. The [[Map Filter Run Prefix]] outputs an empty string when its filter run returns an empty [[selection|Title Selection]].
<<.operator-example 5 "[[$:/palettes/Vanilla]indexes[]] :filter[[$:/palettes/Vanilla]getindex<currentTiddler>count[]compare:number:eq[0]]" "returns those colors in [[$:/palettes/Vanilla]] which are defined, but have no value assigned">>
In the above example, <<.olink count>> is used to check if <<.olink getindex>> returns a result (i.e. the corresponding property has a value) or not.

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@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
caption: get
created: 20140426183123179
modified: 20150203185001000
modified: 20230309163844434
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-output: the values of field <<.place F>> in each of the input titles
op-parameter: the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]
op-parameter-name: F
op-purpose: select all values of a field in the input titles
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Field Operators]]
title: get Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
caption: get
op-purpose: select all values of a field in the input titles
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-parameter: the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]
op-parameter-name: F
op-output: the values of field <<.place F>> in each of the input titles
Each input title is processed in turn. If the corresponding tiddler contains field <<.place F>>, and the value of this field is not empty, then its value is appended to the output.
Unlike most other [[Filter Operators]], the [[selection|Title Selection]] output by <<.op get>> can contain duplicates. To avoid duplicates, use `each[F]get[F]`.
<<.tip "Unlike most other [[Filter Operators]], the [[selection|Title Selection]] output by <<.op get>> can contain duplicates. To avoid duplicates, use `get[F]unique[]`.">>
<<.operator-examples "get">>

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@ -1,20 +1,16 @@
caption: getindex
created: 20150203140000000
modified: 20230306131335009
op-purpose: select all values of a data property in the input titles
modified: 20230309163838670
op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]
op-output: the values of property <<.place P>> in each of the input titles
op-parameter: the name of a [[property|DataTiddlers]]
op-parameter-name: P
op-output: the values of property <<.place P>> in each of the input titles
op-purpose: select all values of a data property in the input titles
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Field Operators]]
title: getindex Operator
caption: getindex
Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. If the tiddler contains property <<.place P>>, the value of that property is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output.
Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. If the corresponding tiddler contains property <<.place P>>, and the value of this property is not empty, then its value is appended to the output.
<<.tip """If a data tiddler contains index <<.place P>> with an empty value, the empty string is not appended. The following [[Filter Expression]] can be used to also return an empty string
<pre>:filter[has:index[P]] :and[getindex[P]else[]]</pre>""">>
<<.tip "Unlike most other [[Filter Operators]], the [[selection|Title Selection]] output by <<.op getindex>> can contain duplicates. To avoid duplicates, use `getindex[P]unique[]`.">>
<<.operator-examples "getindex">>