remove some redundant variable declarations

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pmario 2024-03-30 08:28:19 +01:00
parent d005efa34f
commit 586905121c
1 changed files with 33 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -15,43 +15,45 @@ Text editor operation to wrap the selection with the specified prefix and suffix
exports["wrap-selection"] = function(event,operation) {
var o = operation,
prefix = event.paramObject.prefix,
prefixLength = prefix.length,
suffix = event.paramObject.suffix,
suffixLength = suffix.length,
trimSelection = event.paramObject.trimSelection || "no",
selLength = o.selEnd - o.selStart;
// This function detects, if trailing spaces are part of the selection and if the user wants to handle them
// Returns "yes", "start", "end", "no" (default)
// yes .. there are trailing spaces at both ends
// start .. there are trailing spaces at start
// end .. there are trailing spaces at the end
// no .. no trailing spaces are taken into account
var trailingSpaceAt = function(sel) {
// returns "yes", "start", "end", "no"
var _start,
// this evaluation takes the user configuration into account!
// trimSelection is a user parameter, which this evaluations take into account
switch (trimSelection) {
case "end":
result = (sel.trimEnd().length !== selLength) ? "end" : "no";
case "yes":
_start = sel.trimStart().length !== selLength;
_end = sel.trimEnd().length !== selLength;
result = (_start && _end) ? "yes" : (_start) ? "start" : (_end) ? "end" : "no";
case "start":
result = (sel.trimStart().length !== selLength) ? "start" : "no";
result = "no";
return result;
function togglePrefixSuffix() {
// this was the only behavour till TW v5.3.3
if(o.text.substring(o.selStart - prefixLength, o.selStart + suffixLength) === prefix + suffix) {
if(o.text.substring(o.selStart - prefix.length, o.selStart + suffix.length) === prefix + suffix) {
// Remove the prefix and suffix
o.cutStart = o.selStart - prefixLength;
o.cutEnd = o.selEnd + suffixLength;
o.cutStart = o.selStart - prefix.length;
o.cutEnd = o.selEnd + suffix.length;
o.replacement = "";
o.newSelStart = o.cutStart;
o.newSelEnd = o.newSelStart;
@ -60,20 +62,20 @@ exports["wrap-selection"] = function(event,operation) {
o.cutStart = o.selStart;
o.cutEnd = o.selEnd;
o.replacement = prefix + suffix;
o.newSelStart = o.selStart + prefixLength;
o.newSelStart = o.selStart + prefix.length;
o.newSelEnd = o.newSelStart;
// options: prefixLen, suffixLen
// options: lenPrefix, lenSuffix
function removePrefixSuffix(options) {
options = options || {};
var prefixLen = options.prefixLen || 0;
var suffixLen = options.suffixLen || 0;
var lenPrefix = options.lenPrefix || 0;
var lenSuffix = options.lenSuffix || 0;
o.cutStart = o.selStart - prefixLen;
o.cutEnd = o.selEnd + suffixLen;
o.replacement = (prefixLen || suffixLen) ? o.selection : o.selection.substring(prefixLength, o.selection.length - suffixLength);
o.cutStart = o.selStart - lenPrefix;
o.cutEnd = o.selEnd + lenSuffix;
o.replacement = (lenPrefix || lenSuffix) ? o.selection : o.selection.substring(prefix.length, o.selection.length - suffix.length);
o.newSelStart = o.cutStart;
o.newSelEnd = o.cutStart + o.replacement.length;
@ -88,43 +90,45 @@ exports["wrap-selection"] = function(event,operation) {
o.replacement = prefix + o.selection + suffix;
o.newSelStart = o.selStart;
o.newSelEnd = o.selStart + o.replacement.length;
case "yes":
// handle both ends
o.cutStart = o.selEnd - (o.selection.trimStart().length);
o.cutEnd = o.selection.trimEnd().length + o.selStart;
o.replacement = prefix + o.selection.trim() + suffix;
o.newSelStart = o.cutStart;
o.newSelEnd = o.cutStart + o.replacement.length;
case "start":
// handle leading
o.cutStart = o.selEnd - (o.selection.trimStart().length);
o.cutEnd = o.selEnd;
o.replacement = prefix + o.selection.trimStart() + suffix;
o.newSelStart = o.cutStart;
o.newSelEnd = o.cutStart + o.replacement.length;
case "end":
// handle trailing
o.cutStart = o.selStart;
o.cutEnd = o.selection.trimEnd().length + o.selStart;
o.replacement = prefix + o.selection.trimEnd() + suffix;
o.newSelStart = o.selStart;
o.newSelEnd = o.selStart + o.replacement.length;
if(o.selStart === o.selEnd) {
// No selection; Create prefix and suffix. Set cursor between them: ""|""
} else if( o.text.substring(o.selStart, o.selStart + prefixLength) === prefix &&
o.text.substring(o.selEnd - suffixLength,o.selEnd) === suffix) {
} else if( o.text.substring(o.selStart, o.selStart + prefix.length) === prefix &&
o.text.substring(o.selEnd - suffix.length,o.selEnd) === suffix) {
// Prefix and suffix are already present, so remove them
} else if( o.text.substring(o.selStart - prefixLength, o.selStart) === prefix &&
o.text.substring(o.selEnd, o.selEnd + suffixLength) === suffix) {
} else if( o.text.substring(o.selStart - prefix.length, o.selStart) === prefix &&
o.text.substring(o.selEnd, o.selEnd + suffix.length) === suffix) {
// Prefix and suffix are present BUT not selected -> remove them
removePrefixSuffix({"prefixLen": prefixLength, "suffixLen": suffixLength});
removePrefixSuffix({"lenPrefix": prefix.length, "lenSuffix": suffix.length});
} else {
// Add the prefix and suffix