To transclude the value of a variable, use the [[macro call syntax|Macro Calls in WikiText]] with no parameters. You can also use a <<.wlink MacroCallWidget>> widget.
A [[macro|Macros]] snippet can contain `$(name)$` as a [[placeholder|Macro Definitions in WikiText]] for which the value of the variable of that name will be substituted.
A variable's value can be used as a [[filter parameter|Filter Parameter]], or as a [[widget attribute|Widgets in WikiText]]. The latter supports macro parameters.
The `\define` pragma below [[defines a macro|Macros in WikiText]] called <<.var tags>>. The macro returns the value of the tiddler's <<.field tags>> field, and can be accessed from anywhere else in the same tiddler (or in any tiddler that [[imports|ImportVariablesWidget]] it).