2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
/ * \
title : $ : / p l u g i n s / t i d d l y w i k i / m u l t i w i k i s e r v e r / m w s - s e r v e r . j s
type : application / javascript
module - type : library
Serve tiddlers over http
\ * /
( function ( ) {
/*jslint node: true, browser: true */
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict" ;
if ( $tw . node ) {
var util = require ( "util" ) ,
fs = require ( "fs" ) ,
url = require ( "url" ) ,
path = require ( "path" ) ,
querystring = require ( "querystring" ) ,
crypto = require ( "crypto" ) ,
2024-10-30 17:59:44 +00:00
zlib = require ( "zlib" ) ,
aclMiddleware = require ( '$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/multiwikiserver/modules/routes/helpers/acl-middleware.js' ) . middleware ;
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
/ *
A simple HTTP server with regexp - based routes
options : variables - optional hashmap of variables to set ( a misnomer - they are really constant parameters )
routes - optional array of routes to use
wiki - reference to wiki object
* /
function Server ( options ) {
var self = this ;
this . routes = options . routes || [ ] ;
this . authenticators = options . authenticators || [ ] ;
this . wiki = options . wiki ;
this . boot = options . boot || $tw . boot ;
2024-10-30 17:59:44 +00:00
this . sqlTiddlerDatabase = options . sqlTiddlerDatabase || $tw . mws . store . sqlTiddlerDatabase ;
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
// Initialise the variables
this . variables = $tw . utils . extend ( { } , this . defaultVariables ) ;
if ( options . variables ) {
for ( var variable in options . variables ) {
if ( options . variables [ variable ] ) {
this . variables [ variable ] = options . variables [ variable ] ;
// Setup the default required plugins
this . requiredPlugins = this . get ( "required-plugins" ) . split ( ',' ) ;
// Initialise CSRF
this . csrfDisable = this . get ( "csrf-disable" ) === "yes" ;
// Initialize Gzip compression
this . enableGzip = this . get ( "gzip" ) === "yes" ;
// Initialize browser-caching
this . enableBrowserCache = this . get ( "use-browser-cache" ) === "yes" ;
// Initialise authorization
var authorizedUserName ;
if ( this . get ( "username" ) && this . get ( "password" ) ) {
authorizedUserName = this . get ( "username" ) ;
} else if ( this . get ( "credentials" ) ) {
authorizedUserName = "(authenticated)" ;
} else {
authorizedUserName = "(anon)" ;
this . authorizationPrincipals = {
readers : ( this . get ( "readers" ) || authorizedUserName ) . split ( "," ) . map ( $tw . utils . trim ) ,
writers : ( this . get ( "writers" ) || authorizedUserName ) . split ( "," ) . map ( $tw . utils . trim )
if ( this . get ( "admin" ) || authorizedUserName !== "(anon)" ) {
this . authorizationPrincipals [ "admin" ] = ( this . get ( "admin" ) || authorizedUserName ) . split ( ',' ) . map ( $tw . utils . trim )
// Load and initialise authenticators
$tw . modules . forEachModuleOfType ( "authenticator" , function ( title , authenticatorDefinition ) {
// console.log("Loading authenticator " + title);
self . addAuthenticator ( authenticatorDefinition . AuthenticatorClass ) ;
} ) ;
// Load route handlers
$tw . modules . forEachModuleOfType ( "mws-route" , function ( title , routeDefinition ) {
self . addRoute ( routeDefinition ) ;
} ) ;
// Initialise the http vs https
this . listenOptions = null ;
this . protocol = "http" ;
var tlsKeyFilepath = this . get ( "tls-key" ) ,
tlsCertFilepath = this . get ( "tls-cert" ) ,
tlsPassphrase = this . get ( "tls-passphrase" ) ;
if ( tlsCertFilepath && tlsKeyFilepath ) {
this . listenOptions = {
key : fs . readFileSync ( path . resolve ( this . boot . wikiPath , tlsKeyFilepath ) , "utf8" ) ,
cert : fs . readFileSync ( path . resolve ( this . boot . wikiPath , tlsCertFilepath ) , "utf8" ) ,
passphrase : tlsPassphrase || ''
} ;
this . protocol = "https" ;
this . transport = require ( this . protocol ) ;
// Name the server and init the boot state
this . servername = $tw . utils . transliterateToSafeASCII ( this . get ( "server-name" ) || this . wiki . getTiddlerText ( "$:/SiteTitle" ) || "TiddlyWiki5" ) ;
this . boot . origin = this . get ( "origin" ) ? this . get ( "origin" ) : this . protocol + "://" + this . get ( "host" ) + ":" + this . get ( "port" ) ;
this . boot . pathPrefix = this . get ( "path-prefix" ) || "" ;
/ *
Send a response to the client . This method checks if the response must be sent
or if the client alrady has the data cached . If that ' s the case only a 304
response will be transmitted and the browser will use the cached data .
Only requests with status code 200 are considdered for caching .
request : request instance passed to the handler
response : response instance passed to the handler
statusCode : stauts code to send to the browser
headers : response headers ( they will be augmented with an ` Etag ` header )
data : the data to send ( passed to the end method of the response instance )
encoding : the encoding of the data to send ( passed to the end method of the response instance )
* /
function sendResponse ( request , response , statusCode , headers , data , encoding ) {
if ( this . enableBrowserCache && ( statusCode == 200 ) ) {
var hash = crypto . createHash ( 'md5' ) ;
// Put everything into the hash that could change and invalidate the data that
// the browser already stored. The headers the data and the encoding.
hash . update ( data ) ;
hash . update ( JSON . stringify ( headers ) ) ;
if ( encoding ) {
hash . update ( encoding ) ;
var contentDigest = hash . digest ( "hex" ) ;
// RFC 7232 section 2.3 mandates for the etag to be enclosed in quotes
headers [ "Etag" ] = '"' + contentDigest + '"' ;
headers [ "Cache-Control" ] = "max-age=0, must-revalidate" ;
// Check if any of the hashes contained within the if-none-match header
// matches the current hash.
// If one matches, do not send the data but tell the browser to use the
// cached data.
// We do not implement "*" as it makes no sense here.
var ifNoneMatch = request . headers [ "if-none-match" ] ;
if ( ifNoneMatch ) {
var matchParts = ifNoneMatch . split ( "," ) . map ( function ( etag ) {
return etag . replace ( /^[ "]+|[ "]+$/g , "" ) ;
} ) ;
if ( matchParts . indexOf ( contentDigest ) != - 1 ) {
response . writeHead ( 304 , headers ) ;
response . end ( ) ;
return ;
/ *
If the gzip = yes is set , check if the user agent permits compression . If so ,
compress our response if the raw data is bigger than 2 k . Compressing less
data is inefficient . Note that we use the synchronous functions from zlib
to stay in the imperative style . The current ` Server ` doesn ' t depend on
this , and we may just as well use the async versions .
* /
if ( this . enableGzip && ( data . length > 2048 ) ) {
var acceptEncoding = request . headers [ "accept-encoding" ] || "" ;
if ( /\bdeflate\b/ . test ( acceptEncoding ) ) {
headers [ "Content-Encoding" ] = "deflate" ;
data = zlib . deflateSync ( data ) ;
} else if ( /\bgzip\b/ . test ( acceptEncoding ) ) {
headers [ "Content-Encoding" ] = "gzip" ;
data = zlib . gzipSync ( data ) ;
2024-10-30 17:59:44 +00:00
if ( ! response . headersSent ) {
response . writeHead ( statusCode , headers ) ;
response . end ( data , encoding ) ;
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
function redirect ( request , response , statusCode , location ) {
response . setHeader ( "Location" , location ) ;
response . statusCode = statusCode ;
response . end ( )
/ *
Options include :
cbPartStart ( headers , name , filename ) - invoked when a file starts being received
cbPartChunk ( chunk ) - invoked when a chunk of a file is received
cbPartEnd ( ) - invoked when a file finishes being received
cbFinished ( err ) - invoked when the all the form data has been processed
* /
function streamMultipartData ( request , options ) {
// Check that the Content-Type is multipart/form-data
const contentType = request . headers [ 'content-type' ] ;
if ( ! contentType . startsWith ( "multipart/form-data" ) ) {
return options . cbFinished ( "Expected multipart/form-data content type" ) ;
// Extract the boundary string from the Content-Type header
const boundaryMatch = contentType . match ( /boundary=(.+)$/ ) ;
if ( ! boundaryMatch ) {
return options . cbFinished ( "Missing boundary in multipart/form-data" ) ;
const boundary = boundaryMatch [ 1 ] ;
const boundaryBuffer = Buffer . from ( "--" + boundary ) ;
// Initialise
let buffer = Buffer . alloc ( 0 ) ;
let processingPart = false ;
// Process incoming chunks
request . on ( "data" , ( chunk ) => {
// Accumulate the incoming data
buffer = Buffer . concat ( [ buffer , chunk ] ) ;
// Loop through any parts within the current buffer
while ( true ) {
if ( ! processingPart ) {
// If we're not processing a part then we try to find a boundary marker
const boundaryIndex = buffer . indexOf ( boundaryBuffer ) ;
if ( boundaryIndex === - 1 ) {
// Haven't reached the boundary marker yet, so we should wait for more data
break ;
// Look for the end of the headers
const endOfHeaders = buffer . indexOf ( "\r\n\r\n" , boundaryIndex + boundaryBuffer . length ) ;
if ( endOfHeaders === - 1 ) {
// Haven't reached the end of the headers, so we should wait for more data
break ;
// Extract and parse headers
const headersPart = Uint8Array . prototype . slice . call ( buffer , boundaryIndex + boundaryBuffer . length , endOfHeaders ) . toString ( ) ;
const currentHeaders = { } ;
headersPart . split ( "\r\n" ) . forEach ( headerLine => {
const [ key , value ] = headerLine . split ( ": " ) ;
currentHeaders [ key . toLowerCase ( ) ] = value ;
} ) ;
// Parse the content disposition header
const contentDisposition = {
name : null ,
filename : null
} ;
if ( currentHeaders [ "content-disposition" ] ) {
// Split the content-disposition header into semicolon-delimited parts
const parts = currentHeaders [ "content-disposition" ] . split ( ";" ) . map ( part => part . trim ( ) ) ;
// Iterate over each part to extract name and filename if they exist
parts . forEach ( part => {
if ( part . startsWith ( "name=" ) ) {
// Remove "name=" and trim quotes
contentDisposition . name = part . substring ( 6 , part . length - 1 ) ;
} else if ( part . startsWith ( "filename=" ) ) {
// Remove "filename=" and trim quotes
contentDisposition . filename = part . substring ( 10 , part . length - 1 ) ;
} ) ;
processingPart = true ;
options . cbPartStart ( currentHeaders , contentDisposition . name , contentDisposition . filename ) ;
// Slice the buffer to the next part
buffer = Uint8Array . prototype . slice . call ( buffer , endOfHeaders + 4 ) ;
} else {
const boundaryIndex = buffer . indexOf ( boundaryBuffer ) ;
if ( boundaryIndex >= 0 ) {
// Return the part up to the boundary minus the terminating LF CR
options . cbPartChunk ( Uint8Array . prototype . slice . call ( buffer , 0 , boundaryIndex - 2 ) ) ;
options . cbPartEnd ( ) ;
processingPart = false ;
buffer = Uint8Array . prototype . slice . call ( buffer , boundaryIndex ) ;
} else {
// Return the rest of the buffer
options . cbPartChunk ( buffer ) ;
// Reset the buffer and wait for more data
buffer = Buffer . alloc ( 0 ) ;
break ;
} ) ;
// All done
request . on ( "end" , ( ) => {
options . cbFinished ( null ) ;
} ) ;
2024-03-20 18:52:54 +00:00
/ *
Make an etag . Options include :
bag _name :
tiddler _id :
* /
function makeTiddlerEtag ( options ) {
if ( options . bag _name || options . tiddler _id ) {
return "\"tiddler:" + options . bag _name + "/" + options . tiddler _id + "\"" ;
} else {
throw "Missing bag_name or tiddler_id" ;
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
Server . prototype . defaultVariables = {
port : "8080" ,
host : "" ,
"required-plugins" : "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/filesystem,$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb" ,
"root-tiddler" : "$:/core/save/all" ,
"root-render-type" : "text/plain" ,
"root-serve-type" : "text/html" ,
"tiddler-render-type" : "text/html" ,
"tiddler-render-template" : "$:/core/templates/server/static.tiddler.html" ,
"system-tiddler-render-type" : "text/plain" ,
"system-tiddler-render-template" : "$:/core/templates/wikified-tiddler" ,
"debug-level" : "none" ,
"gzip" : "no" ,
"use-browser-cache" : "no"
} ;
Server . prototype . get = function ( name ) {
return this . variables [ name ] ;
} ;
Server . prototype . addRoute = function ( route ) {
this . routes . push ( route ) ;
} ;
Server . prototype . addAuthenticator = function ( AuthenticatorClass ) {
// Instantiate and initialise the authenticator
var authenticator = new AuthenticatorClass ( this ) ,
result = authenticator . init ( ) ;
if ( typeof result === "string" ) {
$tw . utils . error ( "Error: " + result ) ;
} else if ( result ) {
// Only use the authenticator if it initialised successfully
this . authenticators . push ( authenticator ) ;
} ;
Server . prototype . findMatchingRoute = function ( request , state ) {
for ( var t = 0 ; t < this . routes . length ; t ++ ) {
var potentialRoute = this . routes [ t ] ,
pathRegExp = potentialRoute . path ,
pathname = state . urlInfo . pathname ,
match ;
if ( state . pathPrefix ) {
if ( pathname . substr ( 0 , state . pathPrefix . length ) === state . pathPrefix ) {
pathname = pathname . substr ( state . pathPrefix . length ) || "/" ;
match = potentialRoute . path . exec ( pathname ) ;
} else {
match = false ;
} else {
match = potentialRoute . path . exec ( pathname ) ;
2024-03-20 09:44:52 +00:00
// Allow POST as a synonym for PUT because HTML doesn't allow PUT forms
if ( match && ( request . method === potentialRoute . method || ( request . method === "POST" && potentialRoute . method === "PUT" ) ) ) {
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
state . params = [ ] ;
for ( var p = 1 ; p < match . length ; p ++ ) {
state . params . push ( match [ p ] ) ;
return potentialRoute ;
return null ;
} ;
Server . prototype . methodMappings = {
"GET" : "readers" ,
"OPTIONS" : "readers" ,
"HEAD" : "readers" ,
"PUT" : "writers" ,
"POST" : "writers" ,
"DELETE" : "writers"
} ;
2024-10-30 17:59:44 +00:00
Server . prototype . methodACLPermMappings = {
"GET" : "READ" ,
"PUT" : "WRITE" ,
"POST" : "WRITE" ,
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
/ *
Check whether a given user is authorized for the specified authorizationType ( "readers" or "writers" ) . Pass null or undefined as the username to check for anonymous access
* /
Server . prototype . isAuthorized = function ( authorizationType , username ) {
var principals = this . authorizationPrincipals [ authorizationType ] || [ ] ;
return principals . indexOf ( "(anon)" ) !== - 1 || ( username && ( principals . indexOf ( "(authenticated)" ) !== - 1 || principals . indexOf ( username ) !== - 1 ) ) ;
2024-10-30 17:59:44 +00:00
Server . prototype . parseCookieString = function ( cookieString ) {
const cookies = { } ;
if ( typeof cookieString !== 'string' ) return cookies ;
cookieString . split ( ';' ) . forEach ( cookie => {
const parts = cookie . split ( '=' ) ;
if ( parts . length >= 2 ) {
const key = parts [ 0 ] . trim ( ) ;
const value = parts . slice ( 1 ) . join ( '=' ) . trim ( ) ;
cookies [ key ] = decodeURIComponent ( value ) ;
} ) ;
return cookies ;
Server . prototype . authenticateUser = function ( request , response ) {
const { session : session _id } = this . parseCookieString ( request . headers . cookie )
if ( ! session _id ) {
return false ;
// get user info
const user = this . sqlTiddlerDatabase . findUserBySessionId ( session _id ) ;
if ( ! user ) {
return false
delete user . password ;
const userRole = this . sqlTiddlerDatabase . getUserRoles ( user . user _id ) ;
user [ 'isAdmin' ] = userRole ? . role _name ? . toLowerCase ( ) === 'admin'
return user
} ;
Server . prototype . requestAuthentication = function ( response ) {
if ( ! response . headersSent ) {
response . writeHead ( 401 , {
'WWW-Authenticate' : 'Basic realm="Secure Area"'
} ) ;
response . end ( 'Authentication required.' ) ;
} ;
2024-11-14 17:47:25 +00:00
// Check if the anonymous IO configuration is set to allow both reads and writes
Server . prototype . getAnonymousAccessConfig = function ( ) {
const allowReadsTiddler = this . wiki . getTiddlerText ( "$:/config/MultiWikiServer/AllowAnonymousReads" , "undefined" ) ;
const allowWritesTiddler = this . wiki . getTiddlerText ( "$:/config/MultiWikiServer/AllowAnonymousWrites" , "undefined" ) ;
return {
allowReads : allowReadsTiddler === "yes" ,
allowWrites : allowWritesTiddler === "yes" ,
isEnabled : allowReadsTiddler !== "undefined" && allowWritesTiddler !== "undefined"
} ;
2024-10-30 17:59:44 +00:00
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
Server . prototype . requestHandler = function ( request , response , options ) {
options = options || { } ;
2024-03-20 09:44:52 +00:00
const queryString = require ( "querystring" ) ;
2024-10-30 17:59:44 +00:00
// Authenticate the user
const authenticatedUser = this . authenticateUser ( request , response ) ;
const authenticatedUsername = authenticatedUser ? . username ;
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
// Compose the state object
var self = this ;
var state = { } ;
state . wiki = options . wiki || self . wiki ;
state . boot = options . boot || self . boot ;
state . server = self ;
state . urlInfo = url . parse ( request . url ) ;
state . queryParameters = querystring . parse ( state . urlInfo . query ) ;
state . pathPrefix = options . pathPrefix || this . get ( "path-prefix" ) || "" ;
state . sendResponse = sendResponse . bind ( self , request , response ) ;
state . redirect = redirect . bind ( self , request , response ) ;
state . streamMultipartData = streamMultipartData . bind ( self , request ) ;
2024-03-20 18:52:54 +00:00
state . makeTiddlerEtag = makeTiddlerEtag . bind ( self ) ;
2024-10-30 17:59:44 +00:00
state . authenticatedUser = authenticatedUser ;
state . authenticatedUsername = authenticatedUsername ;
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
// Get the principals authorized to access this resource
state . authorizationType = options . authorizationType || this . methodMappings [ request . method ] || "readers" ;
2024-10-30 17:59:44 +00:00
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
// Check whether anonymous access is granted
2024-10-30 17:59:44 +00:00
state . allowAnon = false ; //this.isAuthorized(state.authorizationType,null);
2024-11-14 17:47:25 +00:00
var { allowReads , allowWrites , isEnabled } = this . getAnonymousAccessConfig ( ) ;
state . allowAnon = isEnabled ;
state . allowAnonReads = allowReads ;
state . allowAnonWrites = allowWrites ;
state . showAnonConfig = ! ! state . authenticatedUser ? . isAdmin && ! state . allowAnon ;
2024-11-08 10:09:42 +00:00
state . firstGuestUser = this . sqlTiddlerDatabase . listUsers ( ) . length === 0 && ! state . authenticatedUser ;
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// Authorize with the authenticated username
2024-10-30 17:59:44 +00:00
if ( ! this . isAuthorized ( state . authorizationType , state . authenticatedUsername ) && ! response . headersSent ) {
response . writeHead ( 403 , "'" + state . authenticatedUsername + "' is not authorized to access '" + this . servername + "'" ) ;
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response . end ( ) ;
return ;
2024-10-30 17:59:44 +00:00
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
// Find the route that matches this path
var route = self . findMatchingRoute ( request , state ) ;
2024-10-30 17:59:44 +00:00
// If the route is configured to use ACL middleware, check that the user has permission
if ( route ? . useACL ) {
const permissionName = this . methodACLPermMappings [ route . method ] ;
aclMiddleware ( request , response , state , route . entityName , permissionName )
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
// Optionally output debug info
if ( self . get ( "debug-level" ) !== "none" ) {
console . log ( "Request path:" , JSON . stringify ( state . urlInfo ) ) ;
console . log ( "Request headers:" , JSON . stringify ( request . headers ) ) ;
console . log ( "authenticatedUsername:" , state . authenticatedUsername ) ;
2024-10-30 17:59:44 +00:00
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
// Return a 404 if we didn't find a route
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if ( ! route && ! response . headersSent ) {
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
response . writeHead ( 404 ) ;
response . end ( ) ;
return ;
2024-10-30 17:59:44 +00:00
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
// If this is a write, check for the CSRF header unless globally disabled, or disabled for this route
2024-10-30 17:59:44 +00:00
if ( ! this . csrfDisable && ! route . csrfDisable && state . authorizationType === "writers" && request . headers [ "x-requested-with" ] !== "TiddlyWiki" && ! response . headersSent ) {
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
response . writeHead ( 403 , "'X-Requested-With' header required to login to '" + this . servername + "'" ) ;
response . end ( ) ;
return ;
2024-10-30 17:59:44 +00:00
if ( response . headersSent ) return ;
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
// Receive the request body if necessary and hand off to the route handler
if ( route . bodyFormat === "stream" || request . method === "GET" || request . method === "HEAD" ) {
// Let the route handle the request stream itself
route . handler ( request , response , state ) ;
2024-03-20 09:44:52 +00:00
} else if ( route . bodyFormat === "string" || route . bodyFormat === "www-form-urlencoded" || ! route . bodyFormat ) {
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
// Set the encoding for the incoming request
request . setEncoding ( "utf8" ) ;
var data = "" ;
request . on ( "data" , function ( chunk ) {
data += chunk . toString ( ) ;
} ) ;
request . on ( "end" , function ( ) {
2024-03-20 09:44:52 +00:00
if ( route . bodyFormat === "www-form-urlencoded" ) {
data = queryString . parse ( data ) ;
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
state . data = data ;
route . handler ( request , response , state ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( route . bodyFormat === "buffer" ) {
var data = [ ] ;
request . on ( "data" , function ( chunk ) {
data . push ( chunk ) ;
} ) ;
request . on ( "end" , function ( ) {
state . data = Buffer . concat ( data ) ;
route . handler ( request , response , state ) ;
} )
} else {
response . writeHead ( 400 , "Invalid bodyFormat " + route . bodyFormat + " in route " + route . method + " " + route . path . source ) ;
response . end ( ) ;
} ;
/ *
Listen for requests
port : optional port number ( falls back to value of "port" variable )
host : optional host address ( falls back to value of "host" variable )
prefix : optional prefix ( falls back to value of "path-prefix" variable )
callback : optional callback ( err ) to be invoked when the listener is up and running
* /
Server . prototype . listen = function ( port , host , prefix , options ) {
var self = this ;
// Handle defaults for port and host
port = port || this . get ( "port" ) ;
host = host || this . get ( "host" ) ;
prefix = prefix || this . get ( "path-prefix" ) || "" ;
// Check for the port being a string and look it up as an environment variable
if ( parseInt ( port , 10 ) . toString ( ) !== port ) {
port = process . env [ port ] || 8080 ;
// Warn if required plugins are missing
var missing = [ ] ;
for ( var index = 0 ; index < this . requiredPlugins . length ; index ++ ) {
if ( ! this . wiki . getTiddler ( this . requiredPlugins [ index ] ) ) {
missing . push ( this . requiredPlugins [ index ] ) ;
if ( missing . length > 0 ) {
var error = "Warning: Plugin(s) required for client-server operation are missing.\n" +
"\"" + missing . join ( "\", \"" ) + "\"" ;
$tw . utils . warning ( error ) ;
// Create the server
var server = this . transport . createServer ( this . listenOptions || { } , function ( request , response , options ) {
if ( self . get ( "debug-level" ) !== "none" ) {
var start = $tw . utils . timer ( ) ;
response . on ( "finish" , function ( ) {
console . log ( "Response time:" , request . method , request . url , $tw . utils . timer ( ) - start ) ;
} ) ;
self . requestHandler ( request , response , options ) ;
} ) ;
// Display the port number after we've started listening (the port number might have been specified as zero, in which case we will get an assigned port)
server . on ( "listening" , function ( ) {
2024-03-19 10:04:32 +00:00
// Stop listening when we get the "th-quit" hook
$tw . hooks . addHook ( "th-quit" , function ( ) {
server . close ( ) ;
} ) ;
// Log listening details
2024-03-18 08:44:45 +00:00
var address = server . address ( ) ,
url = self . protocol + "://" + ( address . family === "IPv6" ? "[" + address . address + "]" : address . address ) + ":" + address . port + prefix ;
$tw . utils . log ( "Serving on " + url , "brown/orange" ) ;
$tw . utils . log ( "(press ctrl-C to exit)" , "red" ) ;
if ( options . callback ) {
options . callback ( null ) ;
} ) ;
// Listen
return server . listen ( port , host ) ;
} ;
exports . Server = Server ;
} ) ( ) ;