Individual tiddlers are created for each heading, paragraph and list item. They are linked together into a hierarchical outline using TiddlyWiki's tagging mechanism.
For example, consider a tiddler titled ''Example'' containing this simple text:
! This is a heading
This is a paragraph.
* And the first list item
* Second list item
It will be sliced up into:
* a tiddler for the overall document
** a tiddler for the heading
*** a tiddler for the paragraph
*** a tiddler for the list
**** and a tiddler for each list item
These tiddlers are bound together using tagging: child tiddlers are tagged with the title of their parent, and the parent tiddler has a ''list'' field that lists each child in the correct order.
Slicing generates the following component tiddlers.
Tiddler titles are generated automatically in most cases (but can subsequently be changed manually). The automatically generated title is made up of concatenating the following elements:
* root text (e.g. ''para'')
* a dash ''-''
* the first few words of the text of the item (up to 40 characters), separated with dashes ''-''
* if necessary, a dash ''-'' and a numerical index to make the title unique
For example, ''para-how-to-use-pentagonal-tiles 23''.
* ''text'': Available for comments about the document
* ''list'': ordered list of tiddlers making up the root level of this document
Note that the relationship between the document and component tiddlers is that the components are listed in the ''list'' field. This differs from the relationship between headings and their components, which use the ''tags'' field of the components to tie them to the heading. The purpose of this difference is to make it possible to clone doument tiddlers without losing the connection to the constituent parts.