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title: js/Utils.js
2011-11-22 17:42:03 +00:00
Various static utility functions.
This file is a bit of a dumping ground; the expectation is that most of these functions will be refactored.
2011-11-22 17:42:03 +00:00
/*jslint node: true */
"use strict";
2011-11-22 17:42:03 +00:00
var utils = exports;
2011-12-09 08:59:49 +00:00
utils.deepCopy = function(v) {
var r,t;
if(v instanceof Array) {
r = [];
for(t=0; t<v.length; t++) {
} else if (typeof v === "object" && v) {
2011-12-09 08:59:49 +00:00
r = {};
for(t in v) {
r[t] = utils.deepCopy(v[t]);
} else {
r = v;
return r;
2011-11-22 17:42:03 +00:00
// Pad a string to a certain length with zeros
utils.zeroPad = function(n,d)
var s = n.toString();
if(s.length < d)
s = "000000000000000000000000000".substr(0,d-s.length) + s;
return s;
// Convert a date to UTC YYYYMMDDHHMM string format
utils.convertToYYYYMMDDHHMM = function(date)
return date.getUTCFullYear() + utils.zeroPad(date.getUTCMonth()+1,2) + utils.zeroPad(date.getUTCDate(),2) + utils.zeroPad(date.getUTCHours(),2) + utils.zeroPad(date.getUTCMinutes(),2);
2011-11-30 18:39:09 +00:00
// Convert a date to UTC YYYYMMDDHHMMSSMMM string format
2011-11-22 17:42:03 +00:00
utils.convertToYYYYMMDDHHMMSSMMM = function(date)
2011-11-30 18:05:20 +00:00
return date.getUTCFullYear() + utils.zeroPad(date.getUTCMonth()+1,2) + utils.zeroPad(date.getUTCDate(),2) + utils.zeroPad(date.getUTCHours(),2) + utils.zeroPad(date.getUTCMinutes(),2) + utils.zeroPad(date.getUTCSeconds(),2) + utils.zeroPad(date.getUTCMilliseconds(),3) +"0";
2011-11-22 17:42:03 +00:00
2011-11-30 18:05:20 +00:00
// Create a UTC date from a YYYYMMDDHHMM format string
2011-11-22 17:42:03 +00:00
utils.convertFromYYYYMMDDHHMM = function(d)
return utils.convertFromYYYYMMDDHHMMSSMMM(d.substr(0,12));
2011-11-30 18:05:20 +00:00
// Create a UTC date from a YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format string
2011-11-22 17:42:03 +00:00
utils.convertFromYYYYMMDDHHMMSS = function(d)
return utils.convertFromYYYYMMDDHHMMSSMMM(d.substr(0,14));
2011-11-30 18:05:20 +00:00
// Create a UTC date from a YYYYMMDDHHMMSSMMM format string
2011-11-22 17:42:03 +00:00
utils.convertFromYYYYMMDDHHMMSSMMM = function(d)
return new Date(Date.UTC(parseInt(d.substr(0,4),10),
utils.formatDateString = function (date,template) {
var t = template.replace(/0hh12/g,utils.zeroPad(utils.getHours12(date),2));
t = t.replace(/hh12/g,utils.getHours12(date));
t = t.replace(/0hh/g,utils.zeroPad(date.getHours(),2));
t = t.replace(/hh/g,date.getHours());
t = t.replace(/mmm/g,utils.dateFormats.shortMonths[date.getMonth()]);
t = t.replace(/0mm/g,utils.zeroPad(date.getMinutes(),2));
t = t.replace(/mm/g,date.getMinutes());
t = t.replace(/0ss/g,utils.zeroPad(date.getSeconds(),2));
t = t.replace(/ss/g,date.getSeconds());
t = t.replace(/[ap]m/g,utils.getAmPm(date).toLowerCase());
t = t.replace(/[AP]M/g,utils.getAmPm(date).toUpperCase());
t = t.replace(/wYYYY/g,utils.getYearForWeekNo(date));
t = t.replace(/wYY/g,utils.zeroPad(utils.getYearForWeekNo(date)-2000,2));
t = t.replace(/YYYY/g,date.getFullYear());
t = t.replace(/YY/g,utils.zeroPad(date.getFullYear()-2000,2));
t = t.replace(/MMM/g,utils.dateFormats.months[date.getMonth()]);
t = t.replace(/0MM/g,utils.zeroPad(date.getMonth()+1,2));
t = t.replace(/MM/g,date.getMonth()+1);
t = t.replace(/0WW/g,utils.zeroPad(utils.getWeek(date),2));
t = t.replace(/WW/g,utils.getWeek(date));
t = t.replace(/DDD/g,utils.dateFormats.days[date.getDay()]);
t = t.replace(/ddd/g,utils.dateFormats.shortDays[date.getDay()]);
t = t.replace(/0DD/g,utils.zeroPad(date.getDate(),2));
t = t.replace(/DDth/g,date.getDate()+utils.getDaySuffix(date));
t = t.replace(/DD/g,date.getDate());
var tz = date.getTimezoneOffset();
var atz = Math.abs(tz);
t = t.replace(/TZD/g,(tz < 0 ? '+' : '-') + utils.zeroPad(Math.floor(atz / 60),2) + ':' + utils.zeroPad(atz % 60,2));
t = t.replace(/\\/g,"");
return t;
utils.dateFormats = {
months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November","December"],
days: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
shortMonths: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
shortDays: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
// suffixes for dates, eg "1st","2nd","3rd"..."30th","31st"
daySuffixes: ["st","nd","rd","th","th","th","th","th","th","th",
am: "am",
pm: "pm"
utils.getAmPm = function(date) {
return date.getHours() >= 12 ? utils.dateFormats.pm : utils.dateFormats.am;
utils.getDaySuffix = function(date) {
return utils.dateFormats.daySuffixes[date.getDate()-1];
utils.getWeek = function(date) {
var dt = new Date(date.getTime());
var d = dt.getDay();
if(d === 0) d=7;// JavaScript Sun=0, ISO Sun=7
dt.setTime(dt.getTime()+(4-d)*86400000);// shift day to Thurs of same week to calculate weekNo
var n = Math.floor((dt.getTime()-new Date(dt.getFullYear(),0,1)+3600000)/86400000);
return Math.floor(n/7)+1;
utils.getYearForWeekNo = function(date) {
var dt = new Date(date.getTime());
var d = dt.getDay();
if(d === 0) d=7;// JavaScript Sun=0, ISO Sun=7
dt.setTime(dt.getTime()+(4-d)*86400000);// shift day to Thurs of same week
return dt.getFullYear();
utils.getHours12 = function(date) {
var h = date.getHours();
return h > 12 ? h-12 : ( h > 0 ? h : 12 );
2011-11-22 17:42:03 +00:00
// Convert & to "&amp;", < to "&lt;", > to "&gt;" and " to "&quot;"
utils.htmlEncode = function(s)
if(s) {
return s.toString().replace(/&/mg,"&amp;").replace(/</mg,"&lt;").replace(/>/mg,"&gt;").replace(/\"/mg,"&quot;");
} else {
return "";
2011-11-22 17:42:03 +00:00
// Convert "&amp;" to &, "&lt;" to <, "&gt;" to > and "&quot;" to "
utils.htmlDecode = function(s)
return s.toString().replace(/&lt;/mg,"<").replace(/&gt;/mg,">").replace(/&quot;/mg,"\"").replace(/&amp;/mg,"&");
2011-11-22 17:42:03 +00:00
// Converts all HTML entities to their character equivalents
utils.entityDecode = function(s) {
var e = s.substr(1,s.length-2); // Strip the & and the ;
if(e.charAt(0) === "#") {
if(e.charAt(1) === "x" || e.charAt(1) === "X") {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e.substr(2),16));
} else {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e.substr(1),10));
} else {
var c = utils.htmlEntities[e];
if(c) {
return String.fromCharCode(c);
} else {
return null;
utils.htmlEntities = {quot:34, amp:38, apos:39, lt:60, gt:62, nbsp:160, iexcl:161, cent:162, pound:163, curren:164, yen:165, brvbar:166, sect:167, uml:168, copy:169, ordf:170, laquo:171, not:172, shy:173, reg:174, macr:175, deg:176, plusmn:177, sup2:178, sup3:179, acute:180, micro:181, para:182, middot:183, cedil:184, sup1:185, ordm:186, raquo:187, frac14:188, frac12:189, frac34:190, iquest:191, Agrave:192, Aacute:193, Acirc:194, Atilde:195, Auml:196, Aring:197, AElig:198, Ccedil:199, Egrave:200, Eacute:201, Ecirc:202, Euml:203, Igrave:204, Iacute:205, Icirc:206, Iuml:207, ETH:208, Ntilde:209, Ograve:210, Oacute:211, Ocirc:212, Otilde:213, Ouml:214, times:215, Oslash:216, Ugrave:217, Uacute:218, Ucirc:219, Uuml:220, Yacute:221, THORN:222, szlig:223, agrave:224, aacute:225, acirc:226, atilde:227, auml:228, aring:229, aelig:230, ccedil:231, egrave:232, eacute:233, ecirc:234, euml:235, igrave:236, iacute:237, icirc:238, iuml:239, eth:240, ntilde:241, ograve:242, oacute:243, ocirc:244, otilde:245, ouml:246, divide:247, oslash:248, ugrave:249, uacute:250, ucirc:251, uuml:252, yacute:253, thorn:254, yuml:255, OElig:338, oelig:339, Scaron:352, scaron:353, Yuml:376, fnof:402, circ:710, tilde:732, Alpha:913, Beta:914, Gamma:915, Delta:916, Epsilon:917, Zeta:918, Eta:919, Theta:920, Iota:921, Kappa:922, Lambda:923, Mu:924, Nu:925, Xi:926, Omicron:927, Pi:928, Rho:929, Sigma:931, Tau:932, Upsilon:933, Phi:934, Chi:935, Psi:936, Omega:937, alpha:945, beta:946, gamma:947, delta:948, epsilon:949, zeta:950, eta:951, theta:952, iota:953, kappa:954, lambda:955, mu:956, nu:957, xi:958, omicron:959, pi:960, rho:961, sigmaf:962, sigma:963, tau:964, upsilon:965, phi:966, chi:967, psi:968, omega:969, thetasym:977, upsih:978, piv:982, ensp:8194, emsp:8195, thinsp:8201, zwnj:8204, zwj:8205, lrm:8206, rlm:8207, ndash:8211, mdash:8212, lsquo:8216, rsquo:8217, sbquo:8218, ldquo:8220, rdquo:8221, bdquo:8222, dagger:8224, Dagger:8225, bull:8226, hellip:8230, permil:8240, prime:8242, Prime:8243, lsaquo:8249, rsaquo:8250, oline:8254, frasl:8260, euro:8364, image:8465, weierp:8472, real:8476, trade:8482, alefsym:8501, larr:8592, uarr:8593, rarr:8594, darr:8595, harr:8596, crarr:8629, lArr:8656, uArr:8657, rArr:8658, dArr:8659, hArr:8660, forall:8704, part:8706, exist:8707, empty:8709, nabla:8711, isin:8712, notin:8713, ni:8715, prod:8719, sum:8721, minus:8722, lowast:8727, radic:8730, prop:8733, infin:8734, ang:8736, and:8743, or:8744, cap:8745, cup:8746, int:8747, there4:8756, sim:8764, cong:8773, asymp:8776, ne:8800, equiv:8801, le:8804, ge:8805, sub:8834, sup:8835, nsub:8836, sube:8838, supe:8839, oplus:8853, otimes:8855, perp:8869, sdot:8901, lceil:8968, rceil:8969, lfloor:8970, rfloor:8971, lang:9001, rang:9002, loz:9674, spades:9824, clubs:9827, hearts:9829, diams:9830 };
utils.unescapeLineBreaks = function(s) {
return s.replace(/\\n/mg,"\n").replace(/\\b/mg," ").replace(/\\s/mg,"\\").replace(/\r/mg,"");
* Returns an escape sequence for given character. Uses \x for characters <=
* 0xFF to save space, \u for the rest.
* The code needs to be in sync with th code template in the compilation
* function for "action" nodes.
// Copied from peg.js, thanks to David Majda
utils.escape = function(ch) {
var escapeChar,
charCode = ch.charCodeAt(0);
if (charCode <= 0xFF) {
escapeChar = 'x';
length = 2;
} else {
escapeChar = 'u';
length = 4;
return '\\' + escapeChar + utils.zeroPad(charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase(),length);
// Turns a string into a legal JavaScript string
// Copied from peg.js, thanks to David Majda
utils.stringify = function(s) {
* ECMA-262, 5th ed., 7.8.4: All characters may appear literally in a string
* literal except for the closing quote character, backslash, carriage return,
* line separator, paragraph separator, and line feed. Any character may
* appear in the form of an escape sequence.
* For portability, we also escape escape all non-ASCII characters.
return s
.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\') // backslash
.replace(/"/g, '\\"') // double quote character
.replace(/'/g, "\\'") // single quote character
.replace(/\r/g, '\\r') // carriage return
.replace(/\n/g, '\\n') // line feed
.replace(/[\x80-\uFFFF]/g, utils.escape); // non-ASCII characters
// Creates an HTML element string from these arguments:
// element: element name
// attributes: hashmap of element attributes to add
// options: hashmap of options
// The attributes hashmap can contain strings or arrays of strings, which
// are processed to attr="name1:value1;name2:value2;"
// The options include:
2012-01-15 13:27:30 +00:00
// content: a string to include as content in the element (also generates closing tag)
// classNames: an array of classnames to apply to the element
// selfClosing: causes the element to be rendered with a trailing /, as in <br />
// insertAfterAttributes: a string to insert after the attribute section of the element
utils.stitchElement = function(element,attributes,options) {
var output = [];
options = options || {};
if(attributes) {
for(var a in attributes) {
var v = attributes[a];
2012-01-15 14:37:49 +00:00
if(v !== undefined) {
if(typeof v === "object") {
var s = [];
for(var t in v) {
s.push(t + ":" + v[t] + ";");
v = s.join("");
2012-01-15 14:37:49 +00:00
output.push(" ");
if(options.insertAfterAttributes) {
2012-01-15 13:27:30 +00:00
if(options.classNames) {
output.push(" class='",options.classNames.join(" "),"'");
if("content" in options) {
2012-01-15 13:27:30 +00:00
return output.join("");
utils.stitchSlider = function(type,label,tooltip,body) {
if(type === "text/html") {
var labelAttrs = {};
if(tooltip) {
labelAttrs.alt = tooltip;
labelAttrs.title = tooltip;
var labelNode = utils.stitchElement("a",labelAttrs,{
content: label,
classNames: ["tw-slider-label"]
bodyNode = utils.stitchElement("div",{
style: {
display: "none"
content: body,
classNames: ["tw-slider-body"]
return utils.stitchElement("div",null,{
content: labelNode + bodyNode,
classNames: ["tw-slider"]
} else if(type === "text/plain") {
return label + "\n" + body;
} else {
return null;
Render an object and its children to a specified MIME type
type: target MIME type
node: object to render
customTemplates: optionally, an array of custom template functions
Arguments for the custom template functions:
output: an array to which output strings should be pushed
type: target MIME type
node: the node to be examined/rendered
The custom template function should push the string rendering of the node to the output array, and return true, or just return false if it cannot render the node.
utils.renderObject = function(output,type,node,customTemplates) {
2012-01-21 14:03:03 +00:00
var renderNodeHtml,
renderArrayHtml = function(output,tree) {
output.push(utils.stitchElement("ul",null,{classNames: ["treeArray"]}));
for(var t=0; t<tree.length; t++) {
output.push(utils.stitchElement("li",null,{classNames: ["treeArrayMember"]}));
renderFieldHtml = function(output,name,value) {
output.push(utils.stitchElement("li",null,{classNames: ["treeNodeField"]}));
if(typeof value === "object") {
classNames: ["label"],
content: utils.htmlEncode(name)
} else {
classNames: ["splitLabel"],
content: utils.stitchElement("span",null,{
classNames: ["splitLabelLeft"],
content: utils.htmlEncode(name)
}) + utils.stitchElement("span",null,{
classNames: ["splitLabelRight"],
content: utils.htmlEncode(value)
2012-01-21 14:03:03 +00:00
renderNodeHtml = function(output,node) {
if(node instanceof Array) {
} else {
var custom = false;
for(var t=0; t<customTemplates.length; t++) {
if(!custom && customTemplates[t](output,type,node)) {
custom = true;
if(!custom) {
2012-01-21 14:00:09 +00:00
output.push(utils.stitchElement("ul",null,{classNames: ["treeNode"]}));
for(var f in node) {
2012-01-21 14:00:09 +00:00
if(type === "text/html") {
utils.nextTick = function(fn) {
2012-01-14 17:23:43 +00:00
/*global window: false */
if(typeof window !== "undefined") {
2012-01-17 14:36:37 +00:00
// Apparently it would be faster to use postMessage - http://dbaron.org/log/20100309-faster-timeouts
} else {