# Edit your copy of ''store.php'' to add your username(s) and password(s). Find the line `$USERS = array( 'UserName1'=>'Password1', etc)` and replace Username1 and Password1 with your desired username and password
#* Make sure you leave all the punctuation and code, such as the single quotes, intact
# Save the file
# Using FTP or your web interface, upload ''store.php'' to your server. Make sure that the filename is correct
#* If you've uploaded the file correctly you should be able to view it in your browser (eg, http://example.com/store.php)
As your TW file increases in size, you may need to modify your `.htaccess` or `htaccess` file (depending on system) to increase the value of the maximum upload and/or post size. Check with your Web Host Provider for your particular settings. Be sure also to make backups before experiementing. On some systems, the settings might look like: