The edit text widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing text tiddler fields. The editing element is dynamically bound to the underlying tiddler value: changes to the tiddler are instantly reflected, and any edits are instantly propogated.
By default, applying the EditTextWidget to the `text` field of a tiddler will generates an HTML `<textarea>` element, i.e. a multi-line editor. Applying the EdiTextWidget to any other field generates an HTML `<input type="text">` element, a single-line editor. This behaviour can be overridden with the `tag` and `type` attributes.
One trap to be aware of is that the edit text widget //cannot be used// to edit a field of the tiddler that contains it. Each keypress results in the tiddler being re-rendered, which loses the cursor position within the text field.
For example, if you wanted the tiddler GettingStarted to edit the value of the "myconfig" field of the tiddler "AppSettings", you might do so by creating a separate tiddler "ChangeAppSettings" that contains the following:
And reference the template in any other tiddler (e.g. GettingStarted) with `{{ChangeAppSettings}}`.
This works when your use of the tiddler //is not// the AppSettings itself which would cause a recursion problem. In this latter case you have to save the fields to a temporary (or alternative) tiddler (sort of the reverse of above) like so:
In short the EditTextWidget //can not// change properties of the tiddler it is embedded in or part of. It can only change fields of //other// tiddlers. One could use ShadowTiddlers to accomplish the field storage if needed.