* Drag and drop files from Windows Explorer or OS X Finder etc. into the TiddlyWiki browser window
* Paste content directly from the clipboard using the menu or keyboard shortcut (<kbd>ctrl-V</kbd> or <kbd>cmd-V</kbd>)
** Currently supported in Chrome, Firefox and Edge (but not Internet Explorer)
Most files are imported as individual tiddlers. The exceptions are:
* ''.html'' files that are recognised as a ~TiddlyWiki file are parsed to extract the tiddlers within them
* ''.json'' files are parsed to extract the tiddlers within them. They can be created by [[exporting them|How to export tiddlers]] from another ~TiddlyWiki. ~TiddlyWiki accepts JSON files that contain either a single tiddler fields object, or an array of tiddler fields objects
!! Importing content from other ~TiddlyWiki browser windows
Tiddlers can be imported from other ~TiddlyWiki browser windows via [[Drag and Drop]]. Drag a tiddler link or tag from one ~TiddlyWiki browser window to another. Dragging a link will import a single tiddler while dragging a tag pill will import all of the tiddlers that carry that tag.