To link to an external [[resource|]] such as a website or a file, type its //full// [[URL|]], including the [[URI scheme|]] such as a protocol (e.g. `http://`, `file://`) or `mailto`:
For this syntax to work, the URL has to be recognisable as a URL. Otherwise, it is treated as a tiddler title. As a result, in case you want to link to a resource locatable using a relative path, use the extended syntax:
[[Linking in WikiText]] does not lend itself well to creating dynamic links. The reason is because this WikiText link:
[[link to myself|Linking in WikiText]]
is shorthand for using the LinkWidget and TextWidget like this:
<$link to="Linking in WikiText">
<$text text="link to myself"/>
Since both the link title ("link to myself") and the link target ("Linking in ~WikiText") are used as widget attributes, no WikiText expansion takes place.
For example, an attempt to use a [[reference|TextReference]] and a [[variable|Variables]] to dynamically generate a link like this:
is the same as trying to use the LinkWidget and TextWidget like this:
<<.bad-example """```
<$link to="<<currentTiddler>>">
<$text text="{{!!caption}}"/>
This will not work as desired. Content inside of quoted widget attributes is [[treated as a literal value|HTML in WikiText]] and protected from WikiText expansion, so it will render like this:
See also another example of [[constructing dynamic links|Concatenating text and variables using macro substitution]].
! Linking within tiddlers - "anchor links"
In TiddlyWiki anchor links can help us link to target points and distinct sections within rendered tiddlers. They can help the reader navigate longer tiddler content.
See [[Anchor Links using HTML]] for more information.
You can link to a specific block within a tiddler using `^blockId` syntax. You will also get block level backlinks with this technique. Some examples are in [[BlockIdWidget^exampleid1]].