*`section_name` - the name of the section that the template is for, this must be the same as the value in the `section` field of the section display template you made.
*`input_tiddler` - the name of the tiddler that has the form to take input for this section.
*`template_name` - an optional field containing a more convenient name for the template than the tiddler title. If it exists this will be displayed for the template selection.
*`options_tiddler` - The name of the options tiddler for this template, if any.
''Examples'': [[$:/template/ResumeTitleTemplate]] or [[$:/template/EducationTemplate]], or any of the other tiddlers that start with `$:/template/` for examples.
The data displayed by the templates will be from tiddlers named in the form `$:/data/(section name)/(section item)`.
The data taken from the input tiddler should be stored in the fields of a tiddler named in the form `$:/data/(SectionName)/(ItemName)`.
I don't have any real help for this one, what you do will be dependent on what you want in the section. Look at the examples. If you have any questions please feel free to ask on the group (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki).
*`caption` - a caption field, it should have something like `(section name) Options`. This is what appears on the tabs in the [[Resume Options]] tiddler.
You would use this tiddler to change the fonts used and list types and similar things here.
All settings and state information about each section should be stored in a tiddler named in the form `$:/settings/(ResumeName)/(SectionName)`.
For each item within a section all state and configuration information should be kept in a tiddler with a name in the form `$:/settings/(ResumeName)/(SectionName)/(ItemName)`.
The options tiddler must only change fields in these tiddlers.
These tiddlers hold the information about which items/sections are visible in each resume. See the list of system tiddlers for many examples. You don't need to make those tiddlers, you just need to make your input and settings tiddlers create or modify the correct tiddler name and they will be created. See the examples.
''Important note:''
If you are going to make your own section, in order to allow the items to be in different orders in different resumes you will need to use this wonderful filter
(Thanks to Eric for pointing out that my original version could be shortened):
you need to manually replace `(SectionName)` with the name of the section you are adding, and you need to put `<$vars ThisResumeName={{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}}>` and `</$vars>` around the macro that contains the list widget with the above filter. Look at the examples and it will hopefully make more sense.