To get the content of an HTML element to be [[parsed|WikiText Parser Modes]] in [[block mode|Block Mode WikiText]], the opening tag must be followed by two linebreaks.
Without the two linebreaks, the tag content will be [[parsed|WikiText Parser Modes]] in [[inline mode|Inline Mode WikiText]] which means that block mode formatting such as wikitext tables, lists and headings is not recognised.
See also [[WikiText parser mode: HTML examples]] and [[WikiText parser mode transitions]].
The following tags are treated as 'void'. This means that `<tag>` is treated as if it were `<tag/>`, and that no terminating `</tag>` is needed (if one is provided it will be ignored and treated as plain text).
<<.warning "The text from the macro's definition will be retrieved and text substitution will be performed (i.e. <<.param $param$>> and <<.param $(...)$>> syntax). The attribute's value will be the resulting text. Any wiki syntax in that text (including further macro calls and variable references) will be left as-is.">>
Filtered attribute values are indicated with triple curly braces around a [[Filter Expression]]. The value will be the first item in the resulting list, or the empty string if the list is empty.
This example shows how to add a prefix to a value:
<<.warning "The attribute's value will be the exact text from the first item in the resulting list. Any wiki syntax in that text will be left as-is.">>