The ''action-setmultiplefields'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that assigns multiple fields to a tiddler where the names and values of the fields are specified as separate filters. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-setmultiplefields'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |Optional title of the tiddler to modify (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|$fields |Optional filter evaluating to the names of a list of fields to assign. Either `$fields` or `$indexes` must be specified |
|$indexes |Optional filter evaluating to the names of a list of indexes to assign. Either `$fields` or `$indexes` must be specified |
|$values |Filter evaluating to the values to be assigned to the fields or indexes |
|$timestamp |Specifies whether the timestamp(s) of the target tiddler will be updated (''modified'' and ''modifier'', plus ''created'' and ''creator'' for newly created tiddlers). Can be "yes" (the default) or "no" |
! Examples
Here is an example of button that uses the data in [[Days of the Week]] to assign fields `day-Monday`, `day-Tuesday` etc. to the tiddler "HelloThere":