Be wary of arbitrarily applying raw bold or italic markup in a sentence. If there's a suitable macro, use that instead. If there isn't a suitable macro, write one or request one.
Use simple backticks (<code>`...`</code>) for fragments of WikiText, but not for the names of things like fields and widgets. These have their own macros.
To keep things clean and simple, quotation marks and apostrophes should be straight `'`, not curly `’`, and the ellipsis should be three separate dots `...` rather than `…`.
Avoid using a single hyphen `-` as sentence punctuation. Instead, use a double hyphen -- which ~TiddlyWiki renders as an en-dash -- with a space on either side.
Items in lists and tables should only end with a full stop (period in US English) if they are complete sentences. They should have no trailing punctuation otherwise.
It is very rarely necessary to use an exclamation mark in professional documentation.