To be usable in the browser, plugins just need to be included in the wiki. For wikis that are generated on the server, TiddlyWikiFolders can contain a [[ file| Files]] that identifies the plugins to be included in this wiki:
Plugins names refer to plugin folders listed in TiddlyWiki5's root `plugins` folder. Plugins can also be included manually by copying them into the `plugins` subfolder of the wiki.
All the TiddlerFiles in the `tiddlers` folder are read into the wiki at startup. Sub-folders are scanned recursively for TiddlerFiles. Newly created tiddlers are stored in TiddlerFiles directly beneath the `tiddlers` folder, unless [[configured otherwise|Customising Tiddler File Naming]].
The default processing for sub-folders within the `tiddlers` folder can be overridden by providing a JSON file called `tiddlywiki.files` -- see [[tiddlywiki.files Files]].