AboveStory/ClassicPlugin/Warning: It looks like you are trying to load a plugin designed for ~TiddlyWiki Classic. Please note that [[these plugins do not work with TiddlyWiki version 5.x.x|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlyWikiClassic]]. ~TiddlyWiki Classic plugins detected:
ClassicWarning/Hint: This tiddler is written in TiddlyWiki Classic wiki text format, which is not fully compatible with TiddlyWiki version 5. See http://tiddlywiki.com/static/Upgrading.html for more details.
ConfirmCancelTiddler: Do you wish to discard changes to the tiddler "<$text text=<<title>>/>"?
ConfirmDeleteTiddler: Do you wish to delete the tiddler "<$text text=<<title>>/>"?
ConfirmOverwriteTiddler: Do you wish to overwrite the tiddler "<$text text=<<title>>/>"?
ConfirmEditShadowTiddler: You are about to edit a ShadowTiddler. Any changes will override the default system making future upgrades non-trivial. Are you sure you want to edit "<$text text=<<title>>/>"?
InvalidFieldName: Illegal characters in field name "<$text text=<<fieldName>>/>". Fields can only contain lowercase letters, digits and the characters underscore (`_`), hyphen (`-`) and period (`.`)
LazyLoadingWarning: <p>Trying to load external content from ''<$text text={{!!_canonical_uri}}/>''</p><p>If this message doesn't disappear, either the tiddler content type doesn't match the type of the external content, or you may be using a browser that doesn't support external content for wikis loaded as standalone files. See http://tiddlywiki.com/#ExternalText</p>
OfficialPluginLibrary/Hint: The official ~TiddlyWiki plugin library at tiddlywiki.com. Plugins, themes and language packs are maintained by the core team.