* Font size: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/fontsize" default="" tag="input"/>
* Line height: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/lineheight" default="" tag="input"/>
* Story left position //(the distance between the left of the screen and the left margin of the story river or tiddler area)//: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storyleft" default="" tag="input"/>
* Story top position //(the distance between the top of the screen ad the top margin of the story river or tiddler area)//: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storytop" default="" tag="input"/>
* Story right //(the distance between the left side of the screen and the left margin of the sidebar area)//: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storyright" default="" tag="input"/>
* Story width //(the width of the story river or tiddler area)//: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storywidth" default="" tag="input"/>
* Tiddler width //(the width of individual tiddlers -- used for zoomin storyview)//: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/tiddlerwidth" default="" tag="input"/>
* Sidebar breakpoint //(the minimum width for the sidebar to be displayed above the story river)//: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/sidebarbreakpoint" default="" tag="input"/>