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caption: variables
created: 20190330100101453
modified: 20240219185349859
op-input: ignored
op-output: the names of all the actively defined variables
op-parameter: <<.from-version "5.3.4">> whitespace separated list of variable-types
op-parameter-name: T
op-purpose: select the names of all the actively defined variables
op-suffix: <<.from-version "5.3.4">> deafults to: "sort", optional: "raw", see more details below
op-suffix-name: S
tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Special Operators]] [[Selection Constructors]]
title: variables Operator
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
<<.from-version "5.1.20">> The primary purpose of the `variables` operator is to implement the <<.mlink dumpvariables>> or the <<.mlink serach-variables>> macros.
''Possible Suffixes: <<.place S>>:'' <<.from-version "5.3.4">>
* ''sort'' (default): By default the returned list is alphabetically sorted
* ''raw'': The variable list will be returned as created. The variables "near" the filter run will show up first. So if variables are defined in the tiddler, where the <<.mlink dumpvariables>> or <<.mlink search-variables>> macros are executed, they will be listed first.
''Parameters <<.place T>>:'' <<.from-version "5.3.4">>
The parameters <<.place T>> allow a "whitespace separated" list of variable codes that should be listed
* Default is all: `fn, var, proc, macro, widget`
* ''fn'' ... will only show variables defined as functions eg: `\function test-01()`
* ''var'' ... will only show standard variables defined with eg: `<$let test="test">...</$let>`
* ''proc'' ... will only show variables defined as procedures eg: `\procedure test-02()`
* ''macro'' ... will only show variables defined as macros eg: `\define test-macro()`
* ''widgets'' ... will only show variables defined as widgets eg: `\widget my-widget()`
<<.operator-examples "variables">>