credit:"""Congratulations to [[duarte.framos|]] for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the [[competition thread|]]).
* <<.link-badge-fixed "">> backwards compatibility issues with [[colour Macro]] as a procedure
* <<.link-badge-fixed "">> typo extra "tags: "
* <<.link-badge-fixed "">> adding fields without clicking the "add" button
* <<.link-badge-fixed "">> stability badges colors in the Gruvbox, Nord and Solarized palettes
* <<.link-badge-fixed "">> crash with DataWidget if `$filter` attribute specifies a missing tiddler
* <<.link-badge-fixed "">> reapplies [[#8246 Link to correct plugin instructions for Node.js|]] which had accidentally been reverted
[[@Jermolene|]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki: