|''text'' |Plain text (default) <<.tip "See also the TextWidget. `<$view format=text tiddler=MyTiddler/>` renders the same as `<$text text={{MyTiddler}}/>`">>|
|''htmlencoded'' |The field is displayed with HTML encoding. <<.tip "Rendered value is the same as the output from the [[encodehtml|encodehtml Operator]] filter operator">> |
|''htmltextencoded'' |<<.from-version "5.2.0">> The field is displayed with HTML encoding, only double quotes (") are not escaped. This creates a more compact htmlencoding appropriate for html text content, but //not// for attributes. |
|''urlencoded'' |The field is displayed with URL encoding <<.tip "Rendered value is the same as the output from the [[encodeuri|encodeuri Operator]] filter operator">> |
|''doubleurlencoded'' |The field is displayed with double URL encoding <<.tip "Rendered value is the same as the output from calling the [[encodeuri|encodeuri Operator]] filter operator twice">> |
|''htmlwikified'' |The field is wikified according to the mode attribute and the resulting HTML returned as plain text (ie HTML elements will appear in plain text) |
|''plainwikified'' |The field is wikified according to the mode attribute and the text content of the resulting HTML returned as plain text (ie HTML elements will be removed) |
|''htmlencodedplainwikified'' |The field is wikified according to the mode attribute and the text content of the resulting HTML returned as HTML encoded plain text (ie HTML elements will be removed) |
|''date'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed according to the DateFormat specified in the `template` attribute <<.tip "Rendered value is the same as the output from the [[format:date|format Operator]] filter operator">> |
|''relativedate'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed as the interval from the present instant <<.tip "Rendered value is the same as the output from the [[format:relativedate|format Operator]] filter operator">> |
|''jsencoded'' |The field is displayed as a JavaScript encoded string <<.tip "Rendered value is the same as the output from the [[stringify|stringify Operator]] filter operator">> |