The reveal widget hides or shows its content depending upon the value of a [[state tiddler|StateTiddler]]. The type of the widget determines the condition for the content being displayed:
|class |An optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element<br/>» Set to `tc-popup-keep` to make a popup "sticky", so it won't close when you click inside of it|
|position |The position used for the popup when the type is ''popup''. Can be ''left'', ''above'', ''aboveleft'', ''aboveright'', ''right'', ''belowleft'', ''belowright'' or ''below'' |
<<.tip """<$macrocall $name=".from-version" version="5.1.18"/> <$macrocall $name=".attr" _="stateTitle"/>, <$macrocall $name=".attr" _="stateField"/> and <$macrocall $name=".attr" _="stateIndex"/> attributes allow specifying Tiddler states ''directly'', without interpreting them as [[TextReferences|TextReference]].
This is useful for edge-cases where titles may contain characters that are used to denote Tiddler fields or indices (`!!`, `##`)""">>
<<.tip """Retaining the content when hidden can give poor performance since the hidden content requires refresh processing even though it is not displayed. On the other hand, the content can be revealed much more quickly. Note that setting ''animate="yes"'' will also require ''retain="yes"''""">>