Some recent browsers have a feature called "scroll anchoring" whereby they suppress the apparent scrolling that occurs when elements are inserted or removed above the current viewport. (See for more details).
~DynaView can optionally polyfill this behaviour for older browsers by setting the configuration tiddler $:/config/DynaView/PreserveScrollPosition to `yes`.
Optionally, ~DynaView can store the current scroll position in local storage and restore it upon startup. Set the configuration tiddler $:/config/DynaView/RestoreScrollPositionAtStartup to `yes`.
Note that it is not recommended to use this setting at the same time as the "UpdateAddressBar" option.
The background task detects when elements with the class `tc-dynaview-set-tiddler-when-visible` scroll into view. The first time that they do, the background task assigns the value in the attribute `data-dynaview-set-value` to the tiddler whose title is in the attribute `data-dynaview-set-tiddler`. This assignment can be tied to a reveal widget to cause content to be displayed when it becomes visible. If the class `tc-dynaview-expand-viewport` is set then the viewport is expanded so that the processing occurs when elements move near the viewport.
!! Unset tiddler field when set visible before but then scrolled out of view
The background task detects when elements with the class `tc-dynaview-set-tiddler-when-visible` scroll out view after they have scrolled into view. When scrolling out of view after they have scrolled in, the background task assigns the value in the attribute `data-dynaview-unset-value` to the tiddler whose title is in the attribute `data-dynaview-unset-tiddler`. This assignment can be tied to a reveal widget to cause content to be hidden when it becomes invisible. If the class `tc-dynaview-expand-viewport` is set then the viewport is expanded so that the processing occurs when elements move near the viewport.
If the configuration tiddler $:/config/DynaView/UpdateAddressBar is set to `yes` the background task detects the tiddler at the top of the viewport and sets the address bar location hash to the title of that tiddler.
Note that it is not recommended to use this setting at the same time as the "RestoreScrollPositionAtStartup" option.