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title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/markdown-it-tiddlywiki.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: library
Wraps up the markdown-it parser for use as a Parser in TiddlyWiki
/*jslint node: true, browser: true */
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";
var md;
var pluginOpts;
var TWMarkReplacements = {
"{" : "{",
"[" : "[",
"$" : "$"
var TWMarkRegEx = /[{[$]/g;
function encodeTWMark(match) {
return TWMarkReplacements[match];
// escpae {, [ and $ in string s
function escapeTWMarks(s) {
s = String(s);
TWMarkRegEx.lastIndex = 0;
return s.replace(TWMarkRegEx,encodeTWMark);
// escape anything that could be interpreted as transclusion or syslink
function render_code_inline(tokens,idx,options,env,slf) {
return '<code' + slf.renderAttrs(tokens[idx]) + '>'
+ escapeTWMarks(md.utils.escapeHtml(tokens[idx].content))
+ '</code>';
function render_code_block(tokens,idx) {
return '<$codeblock code=e"' + md.utils.escapeHtml(tokens[idx].content) + '" language=""/>\n';
function render_fence(tokens,idx) {
var info = tokens[idx].info ? md.utils.unescapeAll(tokens[idx].info).trim() : '';
return '<$codeblock code=e"' + md.utils.escapeHtml(tokens[idx].content) + '" language="' + info.split(/(\s+)/g)[0] + '"/>\n';
// add a blank line after opening tag to activate TW block parsing
function render_paragraph_open(tokens,idx) {
return tokens[idx].hidden ? '' : '<p>\n\n';
function render_paragraph_close(tokens,idx) {
return tokens[idx].hidden ? '' : '\n</p>\n';
// Replace footnote links with "qualified" internal links
function render_footnote_ref(tokens,idx,options,env,slf) {
var id = slf.rules.footnote_anchor_name(tokens,idx,options,env,slf);
var caption = slf.rules.footnote_caption(tokens,idx,options,env,slf);
var refid = id;
if(tokens[idx].meta.subId > 0) {
refid += ':' + tokens[idx].meta.subId;
return '<a class="footnote-ref" href=<<qualify "##fn' + id + '">> id=<<qualify "#fnref' + refid + '">>>' + caption + '</a>';
function render_footnote_open(tokens,idx,options,env,slf) {
var id = slf.rules.footnote_anchor_name(tokens,idx,options,env,slf);
if(tokens[idx].meta.subId > 0) {
id += ':' + tokens[idx].meta.subId;
return '<li id=<<qualify "#fn' + id + '">> class="footnote-item">';
function render_footnote_anchor(tokens,idx,options,env,slf) {
var id = slf.rules.footnote_anchor_name(tokens,idx,options,env,slf);
if(tokens[idx].meta.subId > 0) {
id += ':' + tokens[idx].meta.subId;
// append variation selector to prevent display as Apple Emoji on iOS
return '<a href=<<qualify "##fnref' + id + '">> class="footnote-backref">\u21A5\uFE0E</a>';
// do not un-escape html entities and escape characters
function render_text_special(tokens,idx) {
if(tokens[idx].info === 'entity') {
return tokens[idx].markup;
return escapeTWMarks(md.utils.escapeHtml(tokens[idx].content));
function render_tw_expr(tokens,idx) {
return tokens[idx].content;
// Overwrite default: attribute values can be either a string or {type;, value:}.
// 1) string attr val: render in e"..." format so HTML entities can be decoded.
// 2) object attr val: render value as is.
function render_token_attrs(token) {
var i, l, result;
if(!token.attrs) { return ''; }
result = '';
for(i=0, l=token.attrs.length; i<l; i++) {
if(typeof token.attrs[i][1] === "object" && token.attrs[i][1] !== null) {
result += ' ' + md.utils.escapeHtml(token.attrs[i][0]) + '=' + token.attrs[i][1].value;
} else {
result += ' ' + md.utils.escapeHtml(token.attrs[i][0]) + '=e"' + md.utils.escapeHtml(token.attrs[i][1]) + '"';
return result;
// given tw parsing rule and starting pos, returns match index or undefined
// assumes pos >= 0
function findNextMatch(ruleinfo,pos) {
// ruleinfo.matchIndex needs to be -1 at the start of inline state
if(ruleinfo.matchIndex < pos) {
ruleinfo.matchIndex = ruleinfo.rule.findNextMatch(pos);
return ruleinfo.matchIndex;
// Add inline rule "macrocall" to parse <<macroname ...>>
var MacroCallRegEx = /<<([^\s>"'=]+)[^>]*>>/g;
function tw_macrocallinline(state,silent) {
var match, max, pos = state.pos;
// Check start
max = state.posMax;
if(state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 0x3C || state.src.charCodeAt(pos+1) !== 0x3C /* << */|| pos + 3 >= max) {
return false;
MacroCallRegEx.lastIndex = pos;
match = MacroCallRegEx.exec(state.src);
if(!match || match.index !== pos) { return false; }
if(!silent) {
var token = state.push('tw_expr','',0);
token.content = state.src.slice(pos,pos+match[0].length);
state.pos = MacroCallRegEx.lastIndex;
return true;
// parse transclusion elements
function tw_transcludeinline(state,silent) {
var ruleinfo = pluginOpts.inlineRules.transcludeinline;
var pos = state.pos;
var matchIndex = findNextMatch(ruleinfo,pos);
if(matchIndex === undefined || matchIndex !== pos) {
return false;
if(!silent) {
var token = state.push('tw_expr','',0);
token.content = state.src.slice(pos,pos+ruleinfo.rule.match[0].length);
state.pos += ruleinfo.rule.match[0].length;
return true;
// parse filtered transclusion elements
function tw_filteredtranscludeinline(state,silent) {
var ruleinfo = pluginOpts.inlineRules.filteredtranscludeinline;
var pos = state.pos;
var matchIndex = findNextMatch(ruleinfo,pos);
if(matchIndex === undefined || matchIndex !== pos) {
return false;
if(!silent) {
var token = state.push('tw_expr','',0);
if(state.linkLevel > 0) {
var filter = ruleinfo.rule.match[1];
token.content = '<$text text={{{' + filter + '}}}/>';
} else {
token.content = state.src.slice(pos,pos+ruleinfo.rule.match[0].length);
state.pos += ruleinfo.rule.match[0].length;
return true;
// based on markdown-it html_block()
var WidgetTagRegEx = [/^<\/?\$[a-zA-Z0-9\-\$]+(?=(\s|\/?>|$))/, /^$/];
function tw_block(state,startLine,endLine,silent) {
var i, nextLine, token, lineText,
pos = state.bMarks[startLine] + state.tShift[startLine],
max = state.eMarks[startLine];
// if it's indented more than 3 spaces, it should be a code block
if(state.sCount[startLine] - state.blkIndent >= 4) { return false; }
if(!state.md.options.html) { return false; }
if(state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 0x3C/* < */) { return false; }
lineText = state.src.slice(pos,max);
if(!WidgetTagRegEx[0].test(lineText)) { return false; }
if(silent) {
// don't let widgets interrupt a paragrpah
return false;
nextLine = startLine + 1;
// If we are here - we detected HTML block.
// Let's roll down till block end.
if(!WidgetTagRegEx[1].test(lineText)) {
for(; nextLine < endLine; nextLine++) {
if(state.sCount[nextLine] < state.blkIndent) { break; }
pos = state.bMarks[nextLine] + state.tShift[nextLine];
max = state.eMarks[nextLine];
lineText = state.src.slice(pos,max);
if(WidgetTagRegEx[1].test(lineText)) {
if(lineText.length !== 0) { nextLine++; }
state.line = nextLine;
token = state.push('html_block','',0);
token.map = [ startLine, nextLine ];
token.content = state.getLines(startLine,nextLine,state.blkIndent,true);
return true;
// parse [img[...]] elements
function tw_image(state,silent) {
var ruleinfo = pluginOpts.inlineRules.image;
// ignore at parseLinkLabel stage; will be recognized in tokenize()
if(state.parsingLinkLabel > 0) {
return false;
var pos = state.pos;
var matchIndex = findNextMatch(ruleinfo,pos);
if(matchIndex === undefined || matchIndex !== pos) {
return false;
if(!silent) {
var twNode = ruleinfo.rule.parse()[0];
var token = state.push('$image','$image',0);
$tw.utils.each(twNode.attributes,function(attr,id) {
switch(attr.type) {
case "filtered":
token.attrSet(id,{ type: "filtered", value: "{{{" + attr.filter + "}}}" });
case "indirect":
token.attrSet(id,{ type: "indirect", value: "{{" + attr.textReference + "}}" });
case "macro":
token.attrSet(id,{ type: "macro", value: ruleinfo.rule.parser.source.substring(attr.value.start,attr.value.end) });
token.markup = 'tw_image';
state.pos = ruleinfo.rule.parser.pos;
return true;
// parse [[link]] elements
function tw_prettylink(state,silent) {
var ruleinfo = pluginOpts.inlineRules.prettylink;
// skip if in link label
if(state.linkLevel > 0 || state.parsingLinkLabel > 0) {
return false;
var pos = state.pos;
var matchIndex = findNextMatch(ruleinfo,pos);
if(matchIndex === undefined || matchIndex !== pos) {
return false;
if(!silent) {
var twNode = ruleinfo.rule.parse()[0];
var tag = (twNode.type==='link' ? '$link' : 'a');
// push a link_open token so markdown's core.linkify will ignore
var token = state.push('link_open',tag,1);
$tw.utils.each(twNode.attributes,function(attr,id) {
token.markup = 'tw_prettylink';
token = state.push('text','',0);
token.content = twNode.children[0].text;
token = state.push('link_close',tag,-1);
token.markup = 'tw_prettylink';
state.pos = ruleinfo.rule.parser.pos;
return true;
function tw_prettyextlink(state,silent) {
var ruleinfo = pluginOpts.inlineRules.prettyextlink;
// skip if in link label
if(state.linkLevel > 0 || state.parsingLinkLabel > 0) {
return false;
var pos = state.pos;
var matchIndex = findNextMatch(ruleinfo,pos);
if(matchIndex === undefined || matchIndex !== pos) {
return false;
if(!silent) {
var twNode = ruleinfo.rule.parse()[0];
var token = state.push('link_open','a',1);
$tw.utils.each(twNode.attributes,function(attr,id) {
token.markup = 'tw_prettyextlink';
token = state.push('text','',0);
token.content = twNode.children[0].text;
token = state.push('link_close','a',-1);
token.markup = 'tw_prettyextlink';
state.pos = ruleinfo.rule.parser.pos;
return true;
var TWCloseTagRegEx = /<\/\$[A-Za-z0-9\-\$]+\s*>/gm;
function extendHtmlInline(origRule) {
return function(state,silent) {
if(origRule(state,silent)) {
return true;
var token, pos = state.pos;
var parseTag = $tw.Wiki.parsers['text/vnd.tiddlywiki'].prototype.inlineRuleClasses.html.prototype.parseTag;
var tag = parseTag(state.src,pos,{});
if(tag) {
if(!silent) {
token = state.push('html_inline','',0);
token.content = state.src.slice(pos,tag.end);
state.pos = tag.end;
return true;
TWCloseTagRegEx.lastIndex = pos;
var match = TWCloseTagRegEx.exec(state.src);
if(!match || match.index !== pos) {
return false;
if(!silent) {
token = state.push('html_inline','',0);
token.content = state.src.slice(pos,pos + match[0].length);
state.pos = TWCloseTagRegEx.lastIndex;
return true;
function extendParseLinkLabel(origFunc) {
return function(state,start,disableNested) {
if(state.parsingLinkLabel === undefined) {
state.parsingLinkLabel = 0;
var labelEnd = origFunc(state,start,disableNested);
return labelEnd;
// reset each tw inline rule to initial inline state
function extendInlineParse(thisArg,origFunc,twInlineRules) {
return function(str,md,env,outTokens) {
var i, ruleinfo, key;
for(key in twInlineRules) {
ruleinfo = twInlineRules[key];
ruleinfo.rule.parser.source = str;
ruleinfo.rule.parser.sourceLength = str.length;
ruleinfo.rule.parser.pos = 0; // not used
ruleinfo.matchIndex = -1;
/// post processing ///
function wikify(state) {
var href, title, src, alt;
var tagStack = [];
state.tokens.forEach(function(blockToken) {
if(blockToken.type === 'inline' && blockToken.children) {
blockToken.children.forEach(function(token) {
switch(token.type) {
case 'link_open':
if(token.markup === 'tw_prettylink' || token.markup === 'tw_prettyextlink') {
href = token.attrGet('href');
if(href[0] === '#') {
token.tag = '$link';
href = $tw.utils.decodeURIComponentSafe(href.substring(1));
title = token.attrGet('title');
token.attrs = [['to', href], ['class', '_codified_']];
if(title) {
} else {
token.attrSet('rel','noopener noreferrer');
case 'link_close':
if(token.markup === 'tw_prettylink' || token.markup === 'tw_prettyextlink') {
token.tag = tagStack.pop();
case 'image':
token.tag = '$image';
src = token.attrGet('src');
alt = token.attrGet('alt');
title = token.attrGet('title');
token.attrs[token.attrIndex('src')][0] = 'source';
if(src[0] === '#') {
src = $tw.utils.decodeURIComponentSafe(src.substring(1));
if(title) {
token.attrs[token.attrIndex('title')][0] = 'tooltip';
module.exports = function tiddlyWikiPlugin(markdown,options) {
var defaults = {
renderWikiText: false,
blockRules: {},
inlineRules: {}
md = markdown;
pluginOpts = md.utils.assign({},defaults,options||{});
md.renderer.rules.code_inline = render_code_inline;
md.renderer.rules.code_block = render_code_block;
md.renderer.rules.fence = render_fence;
md.renderer.rules.paragraph_open = render_paragraph_open;
md.renderer.rules.paragraph_close = render_paragraph_close;
md.renderer.rules.footnote_ref = render_footnote_ref;
md.renderer.rules.footnote_open = render_footnote_open;
md.renderer.rules.footnote_anchor = render_footnote_anchor;
md.renderer.rules.text_special = render_text_special;
md.renderer.rules.tw_expr = render_tw_expr;
md.renderer.renderAttrs = render_token_attrs;
if(pluginOpts.renderWikiText) {
md.helpers.parseLinkLabel = extendParseLinkLabel(md.helpers.parseLinkLabel);
if(pluginOpts.inlineRules.image) {
if(pluginOpts.inlineRules.prettyextlink) {
if(pluginOpts.inlineRules.prettylink) {
if(pluginOpts.inlineRules.filteredtranscludeinline) {
if(pluginOpts.inlineRules.transcludeinline) {
alt: [ 'paragraph', 'reference', 'blockquote' ]
md.inline.parse = extendInlineParse(md.inline,md.inline.parse,options.inlineRules);